
Can qi be felt by anyone?

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I'm sorry you're leaving the thread and the board, but I get that you've got as much as  you think you can from the thread, and then it becomes a waste of precious time.


But I still had one more thing I wanted you to read!

Goosebumps! (Like I'm having right now   :D )

That was the first way I recognized chi! 

For years I've called myself a "chills junkie."

Full body chills is the best, right off the top of my head.


You ever get them? listening to soaring music, absorbing the power of the crashing ocean, remembering some event in your life?... maybe having narrowly escaped something awful? That's chi too.



So here's where we talk about that.


Channeling Chi and Goosebumps 




(I pm'd this to LDMB)

Edited by cheya
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Qi is a term best approached from a Chinese perspective, I recommend the book "The Web that has no weaver" to get an understanding of that perspective. In western terms Qi is so generalised to be practically meaningless, you might as well just say energy.


Then tuning into the energetic realms can mean all sorts of things too, but it is always going to be a case of refining perception and sensitivity of the nervous system to subtler and subtler levels. If you can't feel any sort of energy it is because you are too dense and have too many defences up, the main defence being living in the intellect. Not that I mean that as a criticism as we may have needed defences to protect us in the past as life can be rough, often we feel the need to block our sensitivity from the world.

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The Web that has no weaver



oh, beautiful way to put it.


I remember our ( chinese) teacher once said: chi is everything that can be sensed that is not visible ( well, thats the best translation I come up with now), so there are many sorts of chi, and it's westerners that want to make unusefull definitions 


he meant, anger and love are chi, these are invisible emanations. The lifeforce is chi too, without it we would not be alive.

and friendship, aloofness, sadness, all  chi


and the way he can let us fall down without touching us or even be aware that he's doing it is chi too  :D


makes no sense to talk/think about it,

never ask him questions, mostly he'll tell you:


just practice

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Sounds like you're feeling DONE with surveying  suggested methods, but I'm going to point at another: Robert Bruce's Energy Work.  (Sorry to be so obsessive)


His method involves focusing sensating mental focus on a point, and then rotating your sensating attention around that point. You can scratch the point a little (say on your hand or foot) to give your mind a better target for this sensating attention. He says pay attention as if you were trying to feel the air on your skin there. Then feel/sensate in a circle around that point.


I was playing with his method on my foot, having covered the top of my foot in little attention circles (say quarter or 50 cent sized circles). I got around to focusing on the outside middle of the top of my right foot (pinkie side), I started to feel filling or growing or accumulating sensation there, so I kept doing the attention feeling circles. The filling sensation grew, and suddenly a zap ran up the side of my calf to the outside of my knee! I was stunned. I hadn't touched my foot, this was all with my mind! 


I looked up the point on the side of my foot to see what it meant on different maps. In reflexology, I had been on the knee reflex zone. In meridian theory, I had been close to the gall bladder meridian, which runs up to the outside of the knee, exactly the path of the zap! My right knee had been bothering me at the time. I was floored! At the time, I gave no credence to foot reflexology, and knew about meridian theory, but didn't know any paths yet. This experience was a revelation for me, both in chi and in bodywork.


That was years ago. More recently, working with Meredith's energy work model, he said we needed to find the niwan, the point in the center of the brain that he sees as grand central station for the energy body. I could not find it, couldn't get any sensation or action there at all, although he seemed to think it was easy, not for me. And for me, if I can't feel it, it's not happening... so...


even though I believed you can't "feel" inside the brain, I started making Bruce's feeling circles with my mind in the center of my brain. I kept it up a little while, trying different angles of rotation of the circles, and, finally...  something started... stirring.  I kept focusing, circling there, and then... Then niwan activated, and streams of energy were going all over my body! It was so cool! 


The niwan connection is still not real easy for me, but way fun when I get it going.


Okay, maybe I can back off for awhile and let you get on with your chosen methods!


Did you ever read Mysteries of the Life Force. It's short, quick, fascinating from the chi perspective. I hope you will check it out.


And if you DO get chi going, I do hope you will let me/us know how you did it!


(Also pm'd to LDMB)

Edited by cheya

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You don't bother me. But then I'm not a more serious bum...


I know.  Some can deal with me and some can't.  It's the way life is really.

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When I first started contributing to the Dao Bums, my intent was to be contraversial. To get noticed. And it worked. I challenged the thought and what appeared to be a lack of scientific evidenced. It just appeared as though that some people wanted to feel special, and just wanted to talk...chat if you will. I even saw a little bit of "one upmanship"...like guys do...mostly young men coming up.


MH and Karl are the only praticipants that don't believe in magic. I truly appreciate their contribution and  objectivity.


I have remained open minded, and have listened and even tried some of what has been suggested. I am glad that we are turning away from "I need to prove that something exists"  when it is nothing more than a "biochemical" phenomenon.


The other conclusion I have made is that those that purport to be Daoist are in name only. There has to be a thought process that is practiced on a daily basis and manifested in behavior. I have yet to see an amends made to MH for their behaviors towards him. This shows a lack of humility and integrity on the part of the offendent(s). And therefore what they have to contribute to any thread is not believeable.

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I have yet to see an amends made to MH for their behaviors towards him. This shows a lack of humility and integrity on the part of the offendent(s). And therefore what they have to contribute to any thread is not believeable.

Please don't be too harsh.  I'm not that sensitive any more.  The only thing that still irritates me is when someone tries to scam me out of my money or things I have worked hard in order to buy.


I realize that my coarseness will likely offend someone now and again.  But I have to be who I am else I would be either lying or being a hypocrite. 


I get over small things very easily.  But I cannot apologize for being myself.  Tao has molded me to be what I am.  Volcanoes and hurricanes are nastier than I am.

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It was just an observation my friend. I took the liberty to try and raise their awareness and what it means to be a true Daoist. I am just asking them to walk the talk, not talk the walk. If they are open to themselves, it will be a teachable moment and they may experience some growth out of all this.


I agree with you MH. You need never apologize for your existence.

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Please don't be too harsh. I'm not that sensitive any more. The only thing that still irritates me is when someone tries to scam me out of my money or things I have worked hard in order to buy.


I realize that my coarseness will likely offend someone now and again. But I have to be who I am else I would be either lying or being a hypocrite.


I get over small things very easily. But I cannot apologize for being myself. Tao has molded me to be what I am. Volcanoes and hurricanes are nastier than I am.

Aw c'mon MH. You are not nasty at all. I've always found you expressing your thoughts and ideas without any vitriol or negative intent. We don't agree with each other in some instances, but your materialism is a pragmatic one, not an inflexible one :)

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I like building bridges. Sometimes you just have to blow 'em up before you can do that.

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