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Talking To God

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One thing I wanted to ramble on about some more that WillingToListen may not understand exactly what I am saying.


I do not know ultimately if the world we are in is a simulation or not, I lean towards it may be, but I don't know for certain.


What I do know is that all we experience via our senses occurs inside our brains as energy and information inside our neural networks, sort of like an organic network our cells use to communicate and coordinate.


This chatter on their internet is our experience of self and reality.


When you observe an object what you see directly occurs inside your mind, not outside of it.


Say you are watching a TV that has a camera connected outside your house, you aren't actually looking outside your house you are staring at a TV. If the wire to the camera is cut the TV will go blank.


If you cut the optic nerves to your eyes the mental TV you are watching will also go blank.


What you observe is the inside of your own mind, as it creates a simulation, a recreation of reality external to you.


I hope this makes sense.


I am not claiming we do or do not live in a real or simulated universe, only that all perception is an internal phenomenon.

Edited by More_Pie_Guy
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Edited by sinansencer

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more_pie_guy, thanks for the links. Those people basically has the similar idea like me.


We're the producer, consumer and food. Trinity.

We're the coder, code and decoder. Trinity.

We're the heaven, earth and human. Trinity.

Wer'e the doer, doing and watcher. Trinity.

We're the dreamer, dream and observer. Trinity.


We're living in a world that was directed by ourselves. It's a feedback system. Our desire provide direction for the next chapter. Our karma decides the actual outcome.


If we stop desire for a long time for the past outcome to catch up, we can see and feel the direct feedback loop. If we desire water, if we have good karma, water will appear somehow. If you have bad karma, the water is nowhere to be found.


Back to topic.


WillingToListen is part of us. Each of us who's reading this thread and noticed WillingToListen suicidal thought must have suicidal though occassionally ourselve. I know I do. Though I don't want to kill myself for sure. But I'm not value my own life too much either. Deep in my heart, I just want to quit.


The good thing is his name "willingToListen". That implies that we don't want to die. We're looking for reason to live. We can all help WillingToListen in two ways. Of course, talking to him and encourage him to live is good. Another way is to get rid of our own thought of suicide. If you don't have any suicidal thought, you either don't find WillingToListen post anymore or WillingToListen doesn't want to suicide anymore.


Love Conquers All.

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Well I'm glad that this god wasn't egotistical and made him bow down to him...but if I were to right now meet god, I'd expect him to tell me that we need to unlock and balance our chakras, practice everything related to chi and fully manipulate/control the planet, our surroundings and the universe for us to become gods...I guess I just never fiqured god to be a tech-nerd...maybe if I met him he might help me astral project

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Well I'm glad that this god wasn't egotistical and made him bow down to him...but if I were to right now meet god, I'd expect him to tell me that we need to unlock and balance our chakras, practice everything related to chi and fully manipulate/control the planet, our surroundings and the universe for us to become gods...I guess I just never fiqured god to be a tech-nerd...maybe if I met him he might help me astral project


Great power comes with great responsibilities.


Would you like to have fun and care free or work day and night and knowing your decision effect lives of millions? Or your thoughts effect lives of millions?


You're still young. Go out to make some friends of your age. Don't let old folks like me to pollute your mind.

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Don't let old folks like me to pollute your mind.

I like the sentiment :-) but was not taoism once referred to as "a religion for old men"

i.e. a good pastime for those who had already forfilled their obligations to society and family


Edit to add the person in the mirror can help with astral projection ;)

Edited by Mal Stainkey

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i only have to say that i do not see how the "trinity" is either accurate or nothing more than a mind control meme.



Every cycle comes in 4s; trinities are a path toward death, not continuity.


Phoenix rises from ashes. The symbol of Tao is a circle.


Death makrs end of the old chapter. It also indicate the beginning of a new chapter: rebirth. They're not exactly the same thing. But they are in the same spot. When you get there, you have a choice. I know what I'll pick.

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I like the sentiment :-) but was not taoism once referred to as "a religion for old men"

i.e. a good pastime for those who had already forfilled their obligations to society and family


Edit to add the person in the mirror can help with astral projection ;)


Thank you. I did some mirror gazing for a few weeks. I felt something usual. But I didn't know what to watch and what to do. I'll definitely try it again. Thanks for the tip.

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