
bruce lee for strength

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I just got a book all about Bruce Lee's workouts...

Would his type of strength be what I'm looking for in t'ai chi and i-chuan, or is it too bulky? right now i'm just doing pushups, pullups, types of crunches, and standing as my teacher has instructed.

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You will only bulk up if you eat heaps and lifting heavy but it will take ages so any strength workout is fine. Dont believe you need to be thin to do taiji or less muscle is better that is a load of B.S!


Body weight is good with medicine ball and kettle bells can give you core strength better then benching 200-300 kilos.


All depends on if u want exposive combat movements or just want to tone and look good aka body building, but i prefer a natural type physique with explosiveness with alittle muscle.



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i want explosive speed and power. i also don't want bulk muscle to get in my way after years of doing whatever training I decided to switch to from this point.

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i want explosive speed and power.


Then let Bruce Lee guide you my friend. He was fast - very fast.

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Then let Bruce Lee guide you my friend. He was fast - very fast.



Yeah, he was so fast that he died when he was 32...

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do you think his work is unhealthy physically or subtlely?



Dude, go to and you can find your answer there.

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Yeah, he was so fast that he died when he was 32...


did his cause of death have anything to do with his physical fitness? no.

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no he was hit by a Tai chi and or qigong master--the master told him if he didnt come back in 24 hours he would die--Master Lee had a big ego but he didnt go back--that is a short version I know anyway

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Bruce Lee was an awesome specimen. His martial arts abiltiy and understanding have been rivalled by very few.


He trained in accordance with his own structure, style and intended outcome.


You will gain explosive power and growth by moving very heavy weights a small number of times. Bruce Lee looked how he did because he did alot of light weight training with high reps accompanied by high intensity cardio workouts. He also never neglected to work his tendons which is where all his power came from. He would do thousand of reps/exercises a day. Fanatical. That is beyond most people. You should train in accordance with your own desired result.


Tai Chi isn't about strengh or stamina, it is about stillnes within movement, balance, harmony between opposites combining to become the one. It is a very beneficial form of martial art and meditation, but requires alot of patience and focus when being practiced, as does any true martial art.


Tai Chi is a soft form, and a most effective one when studied/applied properly.



Edited by Jing Attiig

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no he was hit by a Tai chi and or qigong master--the master told him if he didnt come back in 24 hours he would die--Master Lee had a big ego but he didnt go back--that is a short version I know anyway


LOL wow i really hope you don't believe that, he died from an allergic reaction to a medication he was given

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Bruce Lee was an awesome specimen. His martial arts abiltiy and understanding have been rivalled by very few.

How do we know that? How many matches did he fight in? I only know of one real one, and he didn't win it....

Edited by styrofoamdog

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Being a martial artist is not about knowing how to fight, or being a good fighter.


Kung Fu is about life. It is about knowing who you are and what you are capable of, "truly expressing ones-self".


True martial arts leads to a greater understanding of yourself, a greater understanding of Tao.


Kung Fu is not about fighting someone else. It is about developing and evolving yourself to be the best that you can be in all situations, very similar to taoist self-cultivation.



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How do we know that? How many matches did he fight in? I only know of one real one, and he didn't win it....

Which one was that?

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Which one was that?

His fight with Wong Jack Man, who Lee admitted he didn't beat. The fight sent him looking for a new martial art and developing Jeet Kune Do.


There are several other stories about him being embarrassed by other martial artists for running off his mouth about being the best in the world. But in the end, he was just talk because he never proved any of it. In contrast, Yang Luchan, Guo Yunshen, and Wang Xiangzhai actively traveled throughout China fighting the best masters they could. They earned the awesome reputations they had, but never claimed to be the best because they understood the huge scope of martial arts and stayed humble.

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Since you are studying Chen taijiquan, I am sure your teacher could recommend some conditioning exercises.





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His fight with Wong Jack Man, who Lee admitted he didn't beat. The fight sent him looking for a new martial art and developing Jeet Kune Do.


There are several other stories about him being embarrassed by other martial artists for running off his mouth about being the best in the world. But in the end, he was just talk because he never proved any of it. In contrast, Yang Luchan, Guo Yunshen, and Wang Xiangzhai actively traveled throughout China fighting the best masters they could. They earned the awesome reputations they had, but never claimed to be the best because they understood the huge scope of martial arts and stayed humble.

The article from your link is not only poorly written, but very biased as well.


A good friend of mine knows Linda Lee, and his friend's uncle used to train with Bruce. So, Ive heard lots of stories, most of which I'm sure are exaggerated at least a little.


From what I've heard, Bruce was definately a cocky S.O.B., and could have used a good ass kicking. But, I'm not so sure Sifu Wang did Bruce the favor. He can say anything he wants to now.


I'm not trying to defend Bruce because I don't really care either way. I'm not a huge fan, but some of his movies are pretty good.


To say he didn't prove his abilities might be a stretch too. From what I heard, he was often challenged by the extras on the movie sets. And there's the rooftop fighting in Hong Kong.

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Sijo Bruce was the reason I went to research silat so to him I owe a great deal to.


There have been a few that actually touched hands with Bruce in his prime after JKD was created. It was known that as good as he was he was also VERY Cocky.


Needless to say as good as he was he also had some difficulties against some folks known in smaller circles.


William Reeders (Taught Bruce Pencak Silat Serak & is said to have given him a few reasons to be more humble.)

Paul de Thouars (Taught Bruce Privately Serak in his later years after JKD was created. Pendekar Paul gave him a few reasons to re research JKD & also to be more humble. Guru Dan Inosanto actually showed me Bruce's Serak & Pencak Silat notes.)

William de Thouars (was Bruces training partner as his old brother Paul and him would school him in Serak.)

Dato Meor Abdul Rahman (Silat master that schooled bruce in malaysia as bruce was looking for places to film.)

Floro Villabraile & Ben Largusa are rumored to have schooled himprivately at one of ed parkers shindigs.

Sifu Ku (top Hop Gar student of THE top Canton Tiger out of the 10) kicked his ass once and is the reason his father shipped him off to the US back in the day.


I know from Joe Lewis's sparring partner that Joe Taught Bruce a few lessons as well. They claim Bruce taught Joe but its more the other way around.


Bruce did a lot of good to the MA world but he was no where near the maturity of a complete Martial artist. I think if he was still around he would've eventually moved more towards the internal.


God Bless him he is still extremely inspirational to millions. I got into MA cause of him. & its cause of him that I began my path with Guru Dan Inosanto and then went towards the Silat world.





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Hi varja


Since your talking about bruce and his time in indonesia i want to ask your opinion on how Bruce Lee may have died.Maybe you know of this rumour, maybe not


Anyway my teacher told me that during bruces time in indonesia or where ever it was, he had fought in many tornaments.When fighting he normally had a pretty brutal and ruthless spirit.This didnt go down well with some of the sifu's of the people bruce lee fought.So out of spite a master cast a curse on bruce lee which lead to his death and most likely is the reason brandon lee also died at a young age


so what do you think? horseshit?

Edited by truth

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LOL wow i really hope you don't believe that, he died from an allergic reaction to a medication he was given

I didnt say either way--that is one story I heard---Master Lee is an inspiration to me as well---I never buy into the mainstream media stories on any topic LOL but that just me.

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Personally I much prefer Sosai Masutatsu Oyama.


The guy was undefeated proven in hundreds of fights. He could kill you with one punch and his training is simple clear and practical. I don't agree with him killing the bulls with his bare hands, but you can't deny that it is very impressive plus, they made a great barbeque later I'm sure.





you got everything there - power, skill, honor, discipline. Hundreds of people are still studying his system and kicking ass in MMA.


Oyama training

Edited by orb

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From what I've heard, Bruce was definately a cocky S.O.B., and could have used a good ass kicking. But, I'm not so sure Sifu Wang did Bruce the favor. He can say anything he wants to now.

I agree that we don't know if Wong beat Lee or not. I would guess that there wasn't a decisive win on either side. And we do know that Lee basically gave up on his Wing Chun following the fight, so I have a hard time believing that he would have done that if it had been a win for him.


About the strength conditioning, I agree with an earlier poster who said the guy should ask his teacher. Going around his training by thinking that Bruce Lee's will be most beneficial doesn't seem like a sound choice. Taijiquan is very different from what Bruce Lee practiced, and has its own training for these things.

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