
My bum is on fire!

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Apparently I did some kundalini-yoga and meditations and now my ass and spine is on fire daily and someone took my minds quantum-remote and put it on shuffle.  


My house is also haunted with tiny lights that emit smoke and I can't even have a wank by myself anymore as I feel judged and get shocks up my spine messing with my john. 

I also keep on getting these annoying revelations about my life and how to improve myself. No one told me this would be like this, I just tried to hit on this yoga chick and did her practices apparently for too long. 

I then met some flaky people who tried to heal me with cacao-ceremony and how it's pronounced (khakhaaauw) but this basically tasted like crap, did nothing and felt like boofing a jug  of water would have worked better. 

Also shitty foods make me sick so I'm forced to eat organic plantbased and focus on not aggrevating my daily ass-fires. 

I used to like smoke weed and sleep chill, but now I keep getting these cryptic lucid dreams where I try to sneak in some action with some dream-tail as I can't have a wank irl, but then an old guy materializes and hit me on the balls with his cane and I wake up with more scotumpains and blueballs. 

Even going out and having drinks makes my ass flare up, and trying to hit on girls I instantly get visions of the old man and feeling like he is about to flick my balls with his cane if I pursue.

I met with this psychic master I was told, and she was all like "that is so great for you omg! you're awakening and healing" like jada jada I just wan't my old life back with a reasonably temperate prostate and no one haunting me giving me visions and guidance.

I tried to get her number as I thought maybe it would cancel out my sex-jinx if she was psychic too, but she got super weird about it. Saying I should respect my journey and stop focusing on desires and all that horsecrap. Easy to say, like her ass isn't even being burned like that. 0/5 stars would not reccommend this at all.


I'm just messing with you guys, I'm perfectly fine (mostly) but thought I wanted to make a welcome-post worthy of this forum. 


Humbled to be here though and look forward to continuing this inspiring journey with you guys. 


Edited by Nahfets
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I am crying right now… oh my stars man, that was good!

Welcome to the bums, Nahfets.



Edited by ilumairen
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