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23 hours ago, Shanmugam said:


In the state where I live in India, general public is always suspicious of anyone claiming to be a Guru, because many people who claimed to be a guru have sexually abused people in the past two decades. But this was not the case about 50-60 years ago. The problem with relying on our own judgments is that sometimes it could be extremely biased.


Also, when I think about what might happen in the future, I can see that when science discovers some interesting things about spirituality, a lot of things will change. If spiritual enlightenment is recognized as a possibility by the whole scientific community, it will increase the awareness about  spiritual paths and practices all over the world. We may find lessons about spiritual enlightenment in the biology text books of tenth grade students..(so far, they are only in history texbooks). Then governments in many countries may make it a requirement to obtain a license for making a claim of enlightenment and starting to teach other people. It may sound funny but future has all possibilities. 


But anyway, certifying enlightened people using brain scans is just one example of several outcomes of a scientific knowledge about enlightenment. 




Now then - we have seen the Westernization of India - with increase in Peace Corps, US influence by Monsanto, the IT business, etc. etc. along with Bollywood mimicking Hollywood, etc.


There is a good book "Karma Cola" - about Osho problems.


I have a good friend who went to India and we have a mutual friend whose sister studied with Poonjaji in India and the qigong master who befriended me - he also went to India.


I also almost went to India to seek spiritual training - for example there is even a spiritual visa for India.


But what is difficult to consider now is how Western science has affected India vis a vis enlightenment training.


So this increase in sex abuse by gurus or fake gurus, etc. - in my research I discovered how Brahmin priests were not even supposed to make eye contact with females - otherwise a 3 day purification ritual was required.


That seems too extreme to believe for most but for me it completely makes sense - as the qi energy goes out the eyes very easily.


So science is left-brain and right hand dominant. We are taught there is "pure" math and that technology is neutral - but this is not true at all. Math is from ritual geometry - as math professor Abraham Seidenberg documented in his research on Indian ritual geometry.


Now obviously we rely on science and technology - with every one having cell phones etc. but the yoga enlightenment training is also based on logical inference as philosophy leading to right brain dominance.


This is a different right brain dominance than watching a film movie or television or cell phone frying the brain with microwaves, etc.


So I call this the "separation of heaven and earth" - as the "trajectory of tantric technology."


So with left brain dominance there is also a commodity fetish - not just "sex sells" but ejaculation sells.


It is crude but actually is the basis for the huge public relations propaganda industry. This goes back to World War One and Freud - who connected the libido to the subconscious and dreams, etc.


So his nephew became a huge public relations "guru" in the U.S. - Edward Bernays - and promoted U.S. imperialism through subconscious propaganda. The Nazis then also relied on the same Freudian messaging.


This is what is used to sell products - as is obvious.


So this means we no longer have the repression of ejaculation - we no longer have the celibacy training of the Brahmin culture. It was taught that this celibacy training is anti female whereas promoting ejaculation is pro-female since the technology liberates females from mundane labor. So you "work" at home by having a dishwasher, a laundry machine, a vacuum cleaner, a microwave. Pretty soon the female house wife job is just to complain and boss people around. haha.


It is thought that males can be controlled just by getting them to ejaculate more - so the female just chases after the rich males by controlling their lust through ejaculation, etc.


So females do not like it if a male stores up his energy.


But in fact the Brahmin culture is now proven by DNA science to have entered into India via chariots - not that long ago - maybe around 3,000 BCE. This is even proven now to align with caste system in India - so that the whiter skin Indians are more Brahmin - and this is because DNA science now proves that white skin is from lack of vitamin D in the diet of wheat monocultural farming - white skin is a malnutrition in the diet.


So obviously the science is something people don't want to accept. Science is a self-defeating investigation. Technological efficiency is less and less effective due to exponential increase in energy use from exponential increase in population - and this exponential increase is from the exponential-based logarithmic symmetric math.


So science is not an "objective" rational analysis at all - the math inherently is asymmetric and biased toward right-handed technology with a logarithmic distribution of wealth. This is the philosophy of the Greek Miracle set up by Plato - with patents as intellectual wealth tied to logarithmic distribution of wealth tied to equal-tempered music tuning as inherent justice based on logarithms.


It is a big scam as Western imperialism but its roots go back to "divide and average" math. For example the etymology of the word God is rarely given - but its from the Indo-European root word Go for Bull, just as Brahman also means Bull.


The oldest philosophy of India is based on the "three gunas" which are not divide and average math but rather as complementary opposite harmonics - from noncommutative phase, something rediscovered in quantum nonlocality.


We want science to save us - but in fact the traditional cultures were sustainable based on the real secrets of spiritual training from the original human culture in Africa - the San Bushmen.


Only 7000 generations back all humans were direct cousins. Humans as a species are a DNA bottleneck. A pack of primates - other than humans - is more diverse than all 7 billion plus humans on the planet. There were just a few thousand humans alive as a DNA bottleneck due to the supervolcano Mt. Toba exploding around 70,000 years ago.


So this DNA bottleneck of modern humanity - is destroying ecological biodiversity at a faster extinction rate than any time in Earth's billions of years history of life.


Modern humanity is kicking out carbon dioxide at such a high rate that in a year or two - probably this fall - the Arctic will be ice-free for the first time in close to 3 million years. This will cause a huge 50 gigaton burst of methane to be released from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf - causing the Earth's temperature to go up another 1.5 degree Celsius in a few months.


This will make it too hot to farm grains at scale as the interior of the continents will be much hotter than the global average. Humans developed monocultural farming based on an increase since the last 12,000 years - that is a very fragile ecological window.


With the collapse of civilization then all the nuclear power plants will not be cooled and explode like Fukushima bombs - over 400 of them - and we already have depleted uranium spreading.


I personally got arrested at the biggest depleted uranium manufacturing corporation that was based on Minnesota, U.S. Minnesota is considered "liberal" yet every state in the U.S has big weapons manufacturers as the U.S. military spending is bigger than the next 7 countries combined. The U.s. spends over half of global military spending - exporting weapons to fund both sides of wars, etc.


So we like to think that science will save us but in fact the banking elite that fund science - this was exposed by a great history professor who got fired from M.I.T. - David F. Noble - his book "America By Design" and his book "Religion of Technology" - go into the apocalyptic drive of science controlled by elite secret society "foundations" in the U.S.


These elite also have underground cities - and something called Continuity of Government that is fascism - it was implemented after 9-11. So it is essentially martial law and the elite go underground.


The U.S. has "national sacrifice zones" from the uranium mining, the coal mining, the nuclear waste from weapon testing, etc. - these national sacrifice zones just expand so the future of the U.S. is the same genocide that was committed against Iraq.


Of course we find the same "sacrifice zones" in China using slave labor from Tibet to mine uranium, etc. and "sacrifice zones" in the former Soviet Union, etc.


The U.S. has the largest prison population in the world and the worst distribution of unequal wealth - some 5 people now have the wealth of half the humans on the planet.


People desperately turn to science but in fact - for example the University I did my master's degree at - Minnesota - I exposed 300 businesses controlling the "science" research on campus along with the "national" public funding for science. The elite foundations work to control the public monies - to promote apocalyptic research.


That is why student tuition debt is worse than any other form of debt - because in fact students are subsidizing the corporate elite control of science for elite profits. The whole science thing is a scam.


But science is our defining mythology of reality. To properly do the enlightenment training requires the males to have seclusion from the females. In the traditional original human culture - this mean one month of enlightenment training away from the females - per year.


But people know next to nothing about the original human culture - so for example there was no homosexuality. Yet science promotes the "scientific" view that homosexuality is something innate to genetics. If so there has been no DNA proof yet for homosexuality and also it must be a recent development since the original human culture did not even know what homosexuality was. Also no masturbation.


So the sex rules were very strict for the enlightenment training - but in contrast modern science culture is based on promoting ejaculation. So for example Richard Feynman liked to go to strip clubs and Einstein had affairs and so he was jaundice. Oppenheimer was homosexual I think. Those are the "top" physicists of the nuclear weapons era.


My training pdf gives the secrets of celibacy training in view of tantric culture - because males need to know the secret of "staying power" in light of females now being so aggressive by dressing practically nude with their private parts all propped up (if not plasticized to fake perfection).


When pornography became mainstreamed - as feminists have pointed out - now the "real" porn is actually extremely sadistic and violent. This is inherent to primate psycho-physiology - ejaculation addiction is a positive feedback of dopamine-cortisol that causes increased stress and violence to and by the male primate.


So unless males train to activate their vagus nerve internal orgasm - just as females have naturally - which then turns the dopamine into serotonin, instead of cortisol - then science will just spread more violence around the world along with all the technological sophistication. Dr. Helen Caldicott calls this Missile Envy and Camille Paglia in her book Sexual Personae points out that since Plato Western civilization is based on homosexuality. In other words the fascist leaders - like the head of the FBI - and Hitler - and the anti-Communist witch hunt leader in the U.S. Roy Cohn - they are all "closeted" ejaculation addiction homosexuals that get off on sadistic violence - and this is a trend in connection to Western science arising out of the Benedictine Monasteries based on Freemasonry and NeoPlatonic philosophy. David F. Noble has a book, "World Without Women" that gets into the inherent misogyny of science.



Edited by voidisyinyang

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20 hours ago, voidisyinyang said:


Now then - we have seen the Westernization of India - with increase in Peace Corps, US influence by Monsanto, the IT business, etc. etc. along with Bollywood mimicking Hollywood, etc.


There is a good book "Karma Cola" - about Osho problems.


I have a good friend who went to India and we have a mutual friend whose sister studied with Poonjaji in India and the qigong master who befriended me - he also went to India.


I also almost went to India to seek spiritual training - for example there is even a spiritual visa for India.


But what is difficult to consider now is how Western science has affected India vis a vis enlightenment training.


So this increase in sex abuse by gurus or fake gurus, etc. - in my research I discovered how Brahmin priests were not even supposed to make eye contact with females - otherwise a 3 day purification ritual was required.


That seems too extreme to believe for most but for me it completely makes sense - as the qi energy goes out the eyes very easily.


So science is left-brain and right hand dominant. We are taught there is "pure" math and that technology is neutral - but this is not true at all. Math is from ritual geometry - as math professor Abraham Seidenberg documented in his research on Indian ritual geometry.


Now obviously we rely on science and technology - with every one having cell phones etc. but the yoga enlightenment training is also based on logical inference as philosophy leading to right brain dominance.


This is a different right brain dominance than watching a film movie or television or cell phone frying the brain with microwaves, etc.


So I call this the "separation of heaven and earth" - as the "trajectory of tantric technology."


So with left brain dominance there is also a commodity fetish - not just "sex sells" but ejaculation sells.


It is crude but actually is the basis for the huge public relations propaganda industry. This goes back to World War One and Freud - who connected the libido to the subconscious and dreams, etc.


So his nephew became a huge public relations "guru" in the U.S. - Edward Bernays - and promoted U.S. imperialism through subconscious propaganda. The Nazis then also relied on the same Freudian messaging.


This is what is used to sell products - as is obvious.


So this means we no longer have the repression of ejaculation - we no longer have the celibacy training of the Brahmin culture. It was taught that this celibacy training is anti female whereas promoting ejaculation is pro-female since the technology liberates females from mundane labor. So you "work" at home by having a dishwasher, a laundry machine, a vacuum cleaner, a microwave. Pretty soon the female house wife job is just to complain and boss people around. haha.


It is thought that males can be controlled just by getting them to ejaculate more - so the female just chases after the rich males by controlling their lust through ejaculation, etc.


So females do not like it if a male stores up his energy.


But in fact the Brahmin culture is now proven by DNA science to have entered into India via chariots - not that long ago - maybe around 3,000 BCE. This is even proven now to align with caste system in India - so that the whiter skin Indians are more Brahmin - and this is because DNA science now proves that white skin is from lack of vitamin D in the diet of wheat monocultural farming - white skin is a malnutrition in the diet.


So obviously the science is something people don't want to accept. Science is a self-defeating investigation. Technological efficiency is less and less effective due to exponential increase in energy use from exponential increase in population - and this exponential increase is from the exponential-based logarithmic symmetric math.


So science is not an "objective" rational analysis at all - the math inherently is asymmetric and biased toward right-handed technology with a logarithmic distribution of wealth. This is the philosophy of the Greek Miracle set up by Plato - with patents as intellectual wealth tied to logarithmic distribution of wealth tied to equal-tempered music tuning as inherent justice based on logarithms.


It is a big scam as Western imperialism but its roots go back to "divide and average" math. For example the etymology of the word God is rarely given - but its from the Indo-European root word Go for Bull, just as Brahman also means Bull.


The oldest philosophy of India is based on the "three gunas" which are not divide and average math but rather as complementary opposite harmonics - from noncommutative phase, something rediscovered in quantum nonlocality.


We want science to save us - but in fact the traditional cultures were sustainable based on the real secrets of spiritual training from the original human culture in Africa - the San Bushmen.


Only 7000 generations back all humans were direct cousins. Humans as a species are a DNA bottleneck. A pack of primates - other than humans - is more diverse than all 7 billion plus humans on the planet. There were just a few thousand humans alive as a DNA bottleneck due to the supervolcano Mt. Toba exploding around 70,000 years ago.


So this DNA bottleneck of modern humanity - is destroying ecological biodiversity at a faster extinction rate than any time in Earth's billions of years history of life.


Modern humanity is kicking out carbon dioxide at such a high rate that in a year or two - probably this fall - the Arctic will be ice-free for the first time in close to 3 million years. This will cause a huge 50 gigaton burst of methane to be released from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf - causing the Earth's temperature to go up another 1.5 degree Celsius in a few months.


This will make it too hot to farm grains at scale as the interior of the continents will be much hotter than the global average. Humans developed monocultural farming based on an increase since the last 12,000 years - that is a very fragile ecological window.


With the collapse of civilization then all the nuclear power plants will not be cooled and explode like Fukushima bombs - over 400 of them - and we already have depleted uranium spreading.


I personally got arrested at the biggest depleted uranium manufacturing corporation that was based on Minnesota, U.S. Minnesota is considered "liberal" yet every state in the U.S has big weapons manufacturers as the U.S. military spending is bigger than the next 7 countries combined. The U.s. spends over half of global military spending - exporting weapons to fund both sides of wars, etc.


So we like to think that science will save us but in fact the banking elite that fund science - this was exposed by a great history professor who got fired from M.I.T. - David F. Noble - his book "America By Design" and his book "Religion of Technology" - go into the apocalyptic drive of science controlled by elite secret society "foundations" in the U.S.


These elite also have underground cities - and something called Continuity of Government that is fascism - it was implemented after 9-11. So it is essentially martial law and the elite go underground.


The U.S. has "national sacrifice zones" from the uranium mining, the coal mining, the nuclear waste from weapon testing, etc. - these national sacrifice zones just expand so the future of the U.S. is the same genocide that was committed against Iraq.


Of course we find the same "sacrifice zones" in China using slave labor from Tibet to mine uranium, etc. and "sacrifice zones" in the former Soviet Union, etc.


The U.S. has the largest prison population in the world and the worst distribution of unequal wealth - some 5 people now have the wealth of half the humans on the planet.


People desperately turn to science but in fact - for example the University I did my master's degree at - Minnesota - I exposed 300 businesses controlling the "science" research on campus along with the "national" public funding for science. The elite foundations work to control the public monies - to promote apocalyptic research.


That is why student tuition debt is worse than any other form of debt - because in fact students are subsidizing the corporate elite control of science for elite profits. The whole science thing is a scam.


But science is our defining mythology of reality. To properly do the enlightenment training requires the males to have seclusion from the females. In the traditional original human culture - this mean one month of enlightenment training away from the females - per year.


But people know next to nothing about the original human culture - so for example there was no homosexuality. Yet science promotes the "scientific" view that homosexuality is something innate to genetics. If so there has been no DNA proof yet for homosexuality and also it must be a recent development since the original human culture did not even know what homosexuality was. Also no masturbation.


So the sex rules were very strict for the enlightenment training - but in contrast modern science culture is based on promoting ejaculation. So for example Richard Feynman liked to go to strip clubs and Einstein had affairs and so he was jaundice. Oppenheimer was homosexual I think. Those are the "top" physicists of the nuclear weapons era.


My training pdf gives the secrets of celibacy training in view of tantric culture - because males need to know the secret of "staying power" in light of females now being so aggressive by dressing practically nude with their private parts all propped up (if not plasticized to fake perfection).


When pornography became mainstreamed - as feminists have pointed out - now the "real" porn is actually extremely sadistic and violent. This is inherent to primate psycho-physiology - ejaculation addiction is a positive feedback of dopamine-cortisol that causes increased stress and violence to and by the male primate.


So unless males train to activate their vagus nerve internal orgasm - just as females have naturally - which then turns the dopamine into serotonin, instead of cortisol - then science will just spread more violence around the world along with all the technological sophistication. Dr. Helen Caldicott calls this Missile Envy and Camille Paglia in her book Sexual Personae points out that since Plato Western civilization is based on homosexuality. In other words the fascist leaders - like the head of the FBI - and Hitler - and the anti-Communist witch hunt leader in the U.S. Roy Cohn - they are all "closeted" ejaculation addiction homosexuals that get off on sadistic violence - and this is a trend in connection to Western science arising out of the Benedictine Monasteries based on Freemasonry and NeoPlatonic philosophy. David F. Noble has a book, "World Without Women" that gets into the inherent misogyny of science.




I like most the things you say here - but do you have proof that "dopamine turns into sereatonin"? Ive never heard that even being possible before. And seretonin is totally overrated btw. It makes one unmotivated, and zombie like. If you had said "turn dopamine into oxytocin" then Id have more understood what youre trying to get at.

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The studies mentioned in the original post are good suggested reading - it is great to see formal validation taking place regarding  some of what takes place in daily unconscious life and also in relation to meditation and practice.

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I don't have time to do the research but it's well documented serotonin and dopamine are inverse related and the vagus nerve activation increases serotonin and than the main source of serotonin in the body is the gut and that the blood to the pineal gland bypasses the blood brain barrier.


This was a huge debate I had with this "orgasm lady" who posted her as "witch" lady something - she writes out of Boston and published a dopamine diet book to make females more orgasmic.


But the female orgasm does not switch to the sympathetic nervous system - I cite the details in my pdf - the male ejaculation switches to the sympathetic nervous system that then spikes the cortisol.


So the other research I cite is qigong training increases the serotonin in the neurohormones as cerebrospinal fluid but lowers the serotonin in the blood.


So what you are taking about is serotonin in the blood not serotonin in the cerebrospinal fluid which switches over via the pineal gland serotonin.


I also cite qigong research in my free pdf that it increases brain serotonin levels greatly for a longer period of time.


This is what the Taoists called "feeding the brain" - along with the lecithin and then when the cerebrospinal fluid overflows the brain, it is ionized by the pineal gland piezoelectric charge and then flows out of the sinus cavity, with the tongue against the roof of the mouth, and is swallowed, causing great heat in the belly, and then is absorbed back into the neurons of the small intestine to be stored as the lower tan tien energy.


So the free pdf I have posted - this gives all the citations on that research - that is an overview for you.


It is well documented to store up qi means to store up vagus nerve charge which also stores up serotonin as a neurotransmitter in the cerebrospinal fluid.


We need to realize that mainstream science does not do training based on celibacy and with the secrets of piezoelectric charge to create qi.


Western science assumes a materialistic definition of infinity so even the math is wrong for measuring qi or prana since the training is based on noncommutative phase as macroquantum nonlocal consciousness training.


So for example after the third eye is open then you or I - speaking from experience - have holographic readings - so another person will have their qi stuck in their lower tail bone, as a number 1 person, for example - what does that mean? Their subconscious shen is still a low frequency.


So the lower tan tien is shen-qi or the "cavity of spirit-vitality" that consciously is based on the shen going into the Emptiness as impersonal infinity through right-brain dominance, while science is left brain dominant, dependent on right-handed technological external measurement.



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The problem with Science leading to enlightenment is that, "science" as we know it, predicates Matter upon Consciousness/Awareness. So long as consciousness is treated as being a property of matter, it cannot lead one to "enlightenment". Enlightenment essentially the cessation of identification with the body, mind or other objects and resting in Pure Awareness. 


The scientific method IS objectivity. You observe, study, measure, hypothesize theories based on observation and understand phenomena that rise and fall in your awareness. How can this method work with that which allows the method to exist in the first place?


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On 6/19/2017 at 10:56 AM, bax44 said:


I like most the things you say here - but do you have proof that "dopamine turns into sereatonin"? Ive never heard that even being possible before. And seretonin is totally overrated btw. It makes one unmotivated, and zombie like. If you had said "turn dopamine into oxytocin" then Id have more understood what youre trying to get at.


So I just searched

dopamine serotonin inverse vagus nerve cerebrospinal fluid orgasm


I found this scribd that someone made of a post I did -


Oops - that was just a "preview" so I didn't even get to read my whole post! haha.


But that's o.k. - we are looking for new science on this. So then the next hit on google.


A pdf link.


The Sweetest Taboo: Functional Neurobiology of Human ... - Description
by JR GEORGIADIS - ‎Cited by 20 - ‎Related articles

Mar 17, 2009 - cose consumption is bestowed on the nervous system, ... involved in these processes, most notably dopamine and opioids (Berridge ..... intense pleasure, including multiple sexual orgasms ..... cant inverse relationship between sexual pleasure and ... of norepinephrine in the cerebrospinal fluid (Krüger.


So this should have some good info.


So what that pdf states is that male orgasm is equated with ejaculation which is also equated with high sympathetic tone.


And "impaired ejaculation" is from decreased sympathetic tone and also increased serotonin.


So this is what I mean by the conversion of dopamine to serotonin - but the problem with Western science is it assumes that the male has to ejaculate in order to have orgasm.


I even asked the scientist who studied female orgasm from the vagus nerve connection to the cervix - females with spinal damage. I said isn't it possible that males also can have vagus nerve orgasms? He said yes but he had not studied that.


So the premise of that PDF is sex is pleasurable since it's good to spread the genes.


But that ignores the spiritual training of the original human culture were population was kept low by blatant control measures.


For example pubescent females were not allowed to eat fatty nuts - until after marriage. This delayed menstruation.


Also the males doing the training during the height of puberty then fasted and the diet was mainly vegetarian - in fact meat was considered able to make young people go crazy from too much N/om energy.


So the natural hormones were leveraged against to keep population down. If a female had a baby while she was still breast-feeding her first baby - then the 2nd baby could be killed right after birth. Obviously that was not wanted - so such practice was done in private but still acceptable by the community.


The male had to live with the female's family, proving meat - for 3 years - before "consummating" the marriage - this proved he was a loving provider - and again he was sublimating his desire into the N/om healing energy.


That was the traditional practice.



In conclusion, the human sexual response cycle is characterized by an increase in sympathetic activity in plasma and CSF, and by pronounced secretion of plasma prolactin after orgasm. However, alterations in dopaminergic or peptidergic activity are not found in lumbar CSF, possibly due to local and restricted release in diencephalic and mesencephalic brain regions.


So with the typical ejaculation of the male - the dopamine level is not reduced due to the increased sympathetic spike that also increases cortisol and adrenaline.


But if there is no ejaculation then the increased vagus nerve stimulation stays in the parasympathetic nervous system which then increases serotonin more.



a negative linear relationship was observed between mean concentrations of 5-HIAA and NE in the CSF of the normal volunteers (r = 0.916 [r2 = 0.839], df = 9, P < 0.001) while, in contrast, depressed patients showed no such relationship (r = +0.094 [r2 = 0.00877], df = 9, n.s.).


So this again shows the conversion of adrenaline/dopamine to serontonin in the cerebrospinal fluid - in "normal" happy people.



These data support the hypothesis that a disturbance in the interaction between the serotonergic and noradrenergic systems can exist in depressive illness in the absence of any simple 5HT or NE deficit or surplus.


So the science is stating - that a tryptophan depleted diet then causes lack of serotonin and depression. But what is neglected is that ejaculation causes loss of serotonin and increased dopamine/cortisol stress also causing depression.


Wow - I had no idea that science even recognizes "post-ejaculatory depression" as a condition! That's amazing!

So this VICE news article refers to some males feeling as if they have "spent" their "life force" - oh yeah? What they hell do they mean. Just mention it and pass on! haha. Hilarious. There's TONS of research on this in Eastern tantra and Taoist practice - males can have vagus nerve orgasms without depression.


OT provokes the release of 5-HT in key limbic regions involved in socio-emotional processing.



So now onto the Oxytocin  Serotonin connection.


So we know commonly that serotonin turns into melatonin in the brain.


But increased brain serotonin leads also to increased oxytocin.


Now the witch lady - she admitted that she has these "heart orgasms" - and I said yes I had experienced females having these also - "heart orgasms." What does that mean? The witch lady - said she had so many orgasm that she then had heart orgasms. So that is the oxytocin love energy.


So the female naturally sublimates the jing, being "yang" internally while males are "yin" internally. So then only when Earth is turned Female - in alchemy for males - does the jing energy get built up.


So for females then they are the original shamanic healers from the pineal gland resonance during ovulation and menstruation - as a lunar gravity sensor.


So then Camille Paglia in her "Sexual Personae" said how witches through orgasms opened the "4th eye" as Medussa - that males were afraid of.


In fact originally males honored this female power by say subincision of the penis to mimick menstruation - or other bizarre blood rituals. For example the homosexual sadistic blood lettting in Chang cheh Venom martial arts films - this is actually the ultimate ejaculation addiction result in returning to pure blood as the final admission of oxytocin love. So in other words - since the male can never be satiated by ejaculation addiction - and since females never get the qi energy to activate their vagus nerves - then society as a whole remains homosexual, as Camille Paglia argues - and so you get this sadistic "missile envy" dynamic that turns to blood letting ritual mass sacrifice. As Camille Paglia states, the males will try to impress the females (but can never do so since they are still homosexual) - and so Mother Nature will never be satisfied.


But in fact through increased qi activation of the vagus nerve then real love develops as the Yuan Qi activation of the heart through the strong right side vagus nerve activation to the heart - from the reproductive organs - and increased oxytocin.


So science now admits that vagus nerve activation increases oxytocin of the heart.


So again we have increased serotonin from vagus nerve activation - and subsequent decrease in dopamine - as the sympathetic goes down.


But keep in mind that at first you want strong dopamine as it is the extreme sympathetic climax that then causes an opposite extreme parasympathetic climax - as a dialectical reversal. This is called "parasympathetic rebound" and was first hypothesized and documented by MKULTRA mind control psychiatrist William Sargent - as far as I know. But even though he traveled the world studying shamanism - he was only immersed in the later traditions that had been watered down. Not the real intense yoga training or intense trance fasting training with celibacy, etc.


So then when I google electric eel serotonin lecithin - My article is the fifth hit.


That means there's been some new research on this.


Right so they've proven now that electric eels actually track their prey with their energy. This is very easy to believe for anyone with pineal gland experience.


The electric eel - John Chang said he is just like an electric eel. So I took him at his word. The electric eel increases the serotonin which then increases the potassium to sodium ratio and this charge is stored in the lecithin. This energy is then "discharged" by flexing the muscles - as a sympathetic nervous system response.


This is exactly what qigong masters do - as I detail in my free pdf on the training.


In fact for the advanced level of training the person is to not eat salt and for the Bushmen - salt was very low in their diets - next to no salt.


The shamanic training in the Amazon is also no salt and high serotonin - fish and bananas and then celibacy training along with ayahuasca that greatly increases serotonin.


So Dennis McKenna lives in my town of about 700 people - his brother is the famed Terrance McKenna - they tested ayahausca in the Amazon. I have also tested ayahuasca. Twice. It is very powerful - especially in full lotus. haha.


So Dennis McKenna has a lot of serotonin analysis.



McKenna emphatically stated, “Neurotransmitters are the messenger molecules of the brain.” Plants contain psychedelic substances which interact with a subtype of the serotonin receptor. Messenger molecules target neurotransmitter which mediates and acts by increasing excitation in not only the cortex but the whole of the brain. McKenna continued, “Neurotransmitters and plant messengers are evolved from the same evolutionary process…. It is then not surprising that plants contain a panoply of neurotransmitter like compounds that act on the brain.”


So McKenna is very keen on serotonin.


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So in continuation of the serotonin question - in my free pdf - I link to a fascinating quantum biology pdf study.


The study is analyzing the connection between serotonin, fatty acids and the quantum consciousness activated in the microtubules of the neurons.


So essentially the key to serotonin is that it is a very strong antioxidant.


This is something I didn't realize before. I knew the melatonin was the body's strongest antioxidant and melatonin is made from serotonin - so it makes sense that the same would hold for serotonin.


So here's the thing - I will email this quantum biologist because he has not made the connection to electric eels!!


So as I cite in my pdf - electric eels increase the ACTH from increased serotonin and the increased ACTH enables increased potassium to sodium ratio as the stored charge.


So I had to look into ACTH - what is it? It's a stress hormone like cortisol. Oops - that is intriguing - so what does it do? It creates free radicals by breaking down the fatty acids. But by doing so apparently it then enables an increase in brain potassium stored up charge.


So then it all begins to fit together. With increased serotonin you get increased ACTH and then increased potassium - and the increased serotonin, as that quantum biology study indicates - then offsets the increased free radicals - since serotonin is a strong antioxidant.


So then with increased fatty acids - meaning lecithin from celibacy (as most of ejaculation is lecithin) - then you have increased myelination of the neurons so that the neurons can hold a greater charge.


So then with increased serotonin then you can offset the free radicals created from the break down of the lecithin - which then in turn increases the potassium charge.


Now during this process the mitochondria metabolism is increased causing increase discharge of biophotons - the shen light.


Water is also key to this process as is the piezoelectric charge of the collagen that is what the microtubules are made out of.


So there are several layers to this - the potassium and light given off - is the yin qi and shen - but the splitting of the water then creates the superconducting proton-proton charge that is the yuan qi.

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