
Secrets of Female Formless Awareness

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Well it's the fibonacci series if that's what you're getting at? Trick question of course! The best way to understand this fibonacci series is that expressed as the Golden Ratio it's actually just a continued fraction of 1 plus 1 divided as 1 which only makes sense in terms of the TIME groupings of iteration. So we are taught that the natural number harmonics are actually the "harmonic series" as reciprocal fractions, 1/n as a divergent series, which is closely related to the Fibonacci series expressed as the golden ratio continued fraction of one plus one divided by one.


This actually doesn't make any sense -- unless again you realize that the Fibonacci series is based on the assumption of logarithmic defined time -- not time as a divergent series of complimentary opposite harmonics.


The New Age scene teaches that Nature uses the Fibonacci Series but Nature needs to be "evolved" through science use of the Golden Ratio -- why is this?


The answer, again, is in my blogbook -- chapter 4: the ORDER OF INFINITY MUST BE REVERSED so that Plato established "negative infinity" as zero (from the Brahmins), added it to the logarithmic harmonics of the Babylonians and then created the Golden Ratio and the square root of two.


Again Kepler figured this out as well -- 5:8 must be reversed to 8:5 AS A LOGARITHMIC SERIES -- not as the complimentary opposites of yin and yang as 3:4 and 2:3. He was against this "bait and switch" secret of Freemasonry.


Further details in my blogbook: http://mothershiplanding.blogspot.com


OK I googled "13:21" and overtone harmonic series and got this summary of the issue from the Western perspective:


"The pitch realm is also one of many gradations. All plucked notes with the exception of one stopped or fretted note per section, are either open strings or natural harmonics(with the 17th partial as the limit on the wound strings and the 13th as the limit on the unwound strings). Higher harmonic may also be related to the concept of the vanishing point, as the sound has a tendency to disintegrate, becoming more unstable and harder to distinguish as the higher partials are reached. These partials and their relationship to the open strings (microtonally altered) create myriad tiny distinctions of intervals, beat patterns and noise/tone combinations. Once again the realm of pitch points to the region of the unheard or might be heard, as small distinctions move beyond our grasp."


This is, of course, sad, as the concept of transduction of energy is totally lacking yet transduction of energy was completely the basis of forming the scale from the complimentary opposites of 5ths and 4ths as yang and yin.


On a more practical note let's quote from tonight's read:


"Over dinner, determined to lift our spirits, we sang to the camels and the wilderness with as much gusto as our dry throats allowed.... Judging from all outward signs the camels were not impressed by 'You Are My Sunshine.'... The next day we were almost too sick to walk at all....Yes! It was water." (pp. 144-5, "Walking the Gobi" by Helen Thayer (2007)




Good stuff. Can you share what you know about the 8/13 (21/13) harmonic?








































Edited by drew hempel

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I was thinking like... a big ol 8/13 harmonic heart with a D + A originating from the center.

Edited by Spectrum

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Since this is out of context from my blogbook it might be difficult to understand its true import -- but here goes -- the "secret" revealed, based on the minor sixth (the 8:5 or 13:8 or 21:13 harmonic):


Now finally we can proceed to the actual continued proportion proof using music harmonics. If the cube root of two is the value for X and if the cube root of two was approximated as the music ratio 5/4 then A:X::X:Y::Y:2A with A as 1 and 2A as 2 and X as the cube root of two gives the following result. By doubling the octave to 4, so that

Archytas could apply his geometric mean, the continued proportion of Hippocrates can also be cubed so that A is 1 and 2A is 8 and the proportion is 1:2::2:4::4:8. Since the cube root of this equation means that X equals 5/4 then the cube root of four, as Y, gives the harmonic ratio of 8:5, the complimentary opposite of 5/4 (the major Third, 5/4, is inverted as the minor Sixth, 8:5).




That's the secret of the Greek Miracle -- converting Pythagorean harmonics into the continuum.


It should be noted that the Golden Ratio A:B::B:A + B must have the order reversed to A - B for a quadratic solution using zero and similarly the Harmonic Mean also does not work if zero is used. For the 8:5 Pentgram as the original origin for the discovery of incommensurability, via "mutual subtraction" of side lengths using the 60-based number

system (and not the continued proportion Pythagorean Theorem proof in Euclid) see, "The Discovery of Incommensurability by Hippasus of Metapontum," by Kurt Von Fritz, The Annals of Mathematics, 1945. The Fibonacci Number series, 1,1,2,3,5,8 must have its order reversed to 8:5 (see H.E. Huntley's Divine Proportion) to achieve the quadratic-based irrational Golden Ratio -- for the same reason that enabled Archytas to approximate the square root of two as 9/8 cubed, and to double the cube, using 5/4. Robert Lawlor's book Sacred Geometry gives further connections between music, Archytas, and the Golden Ratio.


The Golden Ratio, which "governs black holes" (Dr. Mario Livio), and is found in special relativity, can now be seen to arise from the inversion of the minor Sixth music interval, from 5:8 to 8:5. This simple harmonics analysis of the doubling of the cube reveals a paradox in symmetry that appears to be on the order of Heisenberg's discovery of uncertainty. As Guy Murchie describes in his book Music of the Spheres, Heisenberg considered extremely long radio waves but they would be blind to the position of the electron since energy is proportional to frequency. From uncertainty came Max Born's discovery of the violation of the commutative principle, just as in the Pythagorean Tetrad whereby C to G is 2/3 and G to C is 3/4. More recent applications of nonlinear resonance enables the creation of acoustoelectric energy from the pressure of bones. Maybe the orthodox Pythagorean shamans were correct after all.

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Well Jeff you hit home with the "iron" psychology! haha. I had something of a superhero day yesterday. Started the morning with a full session with a repeat customer then at House of Charity I could see yellow light around everyone -- more full-lotus esctasy ensued. Then another repeat customer session -- but enhanced by no visual contact. Then McDonald's sported a slew of East Indian males totally intrigued by my full-lotus antics (and my curry-garlic odor). haha. The workers at McD's yesterday were barely hiding their enthusiasm.


At work I accosted three different males and urged them to read: "Activism, Inc.: How Outsourcing Canvassing has Strangled Progressive Politics in America" by Professor Dana Fisher (Stanford U Press, 2006).


Then my female coworker and I continued our conspiratorial energy conversation with my comment that even George Bush, Sr. has "good intentions."


So when I finally goto sleep at 1 a.m. after wondering if the full-moon was three days away (since that's when meditation is 10 times stronger and last night was very strong), I wake up to having had


not just a flying dream -- but having sex while flying -- and then astral walking on the moon, in a totally absurd, clown-esque style, then some sort of encounter with G.W. Bush, and more flying, flying, flying.


The lungs are the corporeal soul in alchemy and the element of metal. The goal of Freemason alchemy is to create another physical body that is supposedly immortal.


The lungs are also the emotion of sadness -- so tantric technology, based on mass ritual sacrifice through separation of heaven (mind) and earth (body), just destroys everyone's corporeal soul while creating sadness -- the word "goat" (the original mass ritual sacrifice) comes from the Greek word for "tragedy."


And so the Freemasonic alchemist must repress emotions of love -- normally expressed through the sublimation of sex energy -- in order to maximize the lower emotions of lead (jing or electrochemical energy), mercury (chi or electromagnetic energy), and iron (yang spirit or intense golden light creating a new physical body).


Notice how the latest superhero movies are based on the concept of environmental mutations -- radiation, pollution, etc. -- making humans STRONGER, when in fact the opposite is true.


Neuromelanin is an "iron-sink" which is why nonwhites are genetically more suspectible to heavy metal poisoning, diabetes, etc.


In contrast whites lack melanin in their inner ear and it's been proven that for this reason whites have less capability for sound amplitude processing (sound ionizes to ultrasound for harmony of heaven -- mind and earth -- body, to create love paranormal healing).


As an African-American activist friend states -- it was the ice-age, causing fear (the kidney energy, not sublimating through the inner ear vagus nerve because of lack of melanin), thereby creating a dependency on iron weapons for imperialism.


Professor William H. Calvin's book "The Ascent of Mind" corroborates this Afro-Centric conspiracy.


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Yeah I've just been reading U of Chicago professor Bruce Lincoln's latest essay:


How to read a religious text: Reflections on some passages of the 'Chandogya Upanisad'

History of religions [0018-2710] Lincoln yr:2006 vol:46 iss:2 pg:127 -139


Lincoln's latest book is on 9-11 and religion but I think that the "religion" of the Bush Dynasty is the cowboy-superhero cynicism. "Let's Roll!" means as long as we can make adolescent jokes patronizing true fanaticism then we can psychologically distance ourselves from the physical repercussion of our conspiratorial hypocrisy.


Lincoln captures the exact same "cynical" distancing in one of the most important Brahmin texts. The text starts out, as I did in my post, prioritizing light (heaven) created through breath (prana or electromagnetic power) with its foundation as food (electrochemical or jing).


In Freemasonic alchemy this is inverted through the introduction of money as IRON power -- currency more valuable that silver-lunar-water power.


So now heaven as light is turned into heaven as METAL (the corporeal soul) and the social order is inverted with the Brahmins turned into dogs living for food and cheap thrills via fake priestly chanting: Roll on!


Lincoln points out that this Upanishad was even the basis for a Kafka short story.


11/20/2007 03:34:00 PM


Great Galactic Ghoul said...


Abe -- After the Hittites invaded Egypt, around 1800 BC -- then patriarchial plow-based chariot Freemasonry spread throughout Africa.


"Iron, Gender and Power" is a recent academic analysis on Africa that I cite in my blogbook.


Another recent one on Africa is "Women of the Hoe" -- Africa up until this new Hittite introduction -- had been matrifocal with iron used in a music-based, lunar context relying on the complimentary opposites of circular , female housing.


11/20/2007 03:37:00 PM


Great Galactic Ghoul said...


I just googled: reptilian, alchemy, iron, hempel:


Ah yes but the word "goat" comes from the word for tragedy! The Sahara used to be a fertile, green wetland area and ecologists have determined that goat forgaging was the major cause for creating today's Sahara desert around 3,500 BCE.


Ancient Egypt originated much farther south and there used to be a large Lake Chad that connected West Africa with Egypt. Many West African cultures consider themselves descendents of the Egyptians!


Then the Bantu picked up the "rectilinear" symbolic revolution which occurred in the Levant around 10,000 BCE (according to "Origins of Agriculture and the Birth of the Gods," Cambridge U Press, 2000)


The Bantu then dominated the Koi-San once iron-based plow farming was spread through Africa even though matrifocal hoe-based horticulture is still common throughout Africa.


Despite the fact that the whole continent is decimated by war, genocide and ecological collapse.

11:06 AM

Anonymous said...


This starts out a bit raunchy but I think gets to what I call "the rotten root" behind the ecological crisis:


OK the secret of the "kiss of the yogini" is that the clitoris is to be sucked until it's hard and sex fluids flow freely which the man drinks (to restore his ejaculation).


Also "reverse breathing" is essential to tantra. Diaphragm breathing is what enabled mammals to survive in a low-oxygen environment (after Earth catastrophes).


Normally people breathe with the emphasize on the lungs but the diaphragm should be used as a pivot point with the muscles below the diaphragm drawing the sex energy up the back.


This is also called "the upward draw" or "reverse breathing."


Gay sex for men is the highest secret of western magic in O.T.O. because there is a secret gland at the base of the sacrum which is activated through anal pentration and this fires up the kundalini.


I'm not in O.T.O. but the "g-spot" orgasm is based on the same secret for females which is why "size matters" is the secret motto of second wave feminism.


The "small universe" or "microcosmic orbit" can be practiced by anyone. It just entails sitting straight in a chair and resonating the secret 12 points along the outside of the body:


1) womb-belly 2) reproductive organs 3) base of torso 4) base of sacrum 5) base of spine (small of back) 6) kidneys 7) top of back (center of shoulders) 8) base of skull 9) top of skull 10) middle of forehead 11) throat 12) Heart-mind


Just keep cycling the energy around those points, slowly focusing on each center, starting with one, and moving your mind around each point.


It's good to resonate "Om" on the first point and then "Mua" (backwards om) on the second point and then back to "Om"


Also you should sit on the edge of the chair so that there's acupressure on the base of the torso to activate that secret gland that is at the base of the sacrum.


Finally as you keep practicing the other glands get really hot. You feel the kidneys get really hot and then the thyroid gets really hot and eventually you feel the pituitary gland get really hot.


In the end you can "flex you cerebral cortex" so that you feel magnetic bliss in the pineal gland and the whole body will be suffuse with electromagnetic fields and totally limber like a baby.


In fact the top of the head will become soft (just like a baby) so that the spirit easily leaves the skull and you will not be hungry nor thirsty. This is called "ba gua" state in Taoist yoga.


The same "small universe" practice is secret to India as detailed in Mircea Eliade's book on yoga.


You will be able to "breathe" through the palms of the hands and the center points on the base of the feet -- there will be electromagnetic resonance through those points. This is called whole-body breathing.


So once the 12 points around the outside of the body are open (based on the 12 points of the chromatic music scale) then the 7 to 9 points in the center of the body open up (again the 7 to 9 notes of the diatonic music scale).


Then you can sit in full-lotus pyramid power based on the Tetrad as 1:2:3:4 (a pyramid equilateral triangle which as eternal growth the number 9 -- or 2:3:4 as Aum-Amen-Om -- this is why the capstone of the pyramid on the dollar bill is not down on the pyramid). The tetrad is based on the 1-4-5 music intervals found in all human cultures.


Nine is the sacred number of eternal growth in China.


So the 1:2:3:4 then turns into 4:5 as 5:4 -- the cube root of two -- creating a three dimensional pyramid power vortex.


The empty awareness is the space between our I-thoughts.


Logically all our thoughts are based on the I-thought -- no belief is necessary.


From where does the I-thought arise? Just repeat I-I-I-I over again, not as a mantra, but as a logical experiment in philosophy.


By seeking the source of the I-thought an asymmetrical resonance of the Golden Ratio (one as a continuous fraction for the slowest converging nonlinear fractal) is created (which governs black holes and all growth of Nature).


The golden ratio was the key to the Gothic Freemason cathedrals of Europe.


The I-thought is attracted through suction back into the center of the brain so that finally the cerebellum is activated as the foundation for all thought in the brain (so the pineal gland resonates with the moon-sun-earth vortex).


Suction is just pressure which is quantum chaos sound (phonons). Pressure as quantum chaos sound drives the evolution of galaxies and quasars and supernovas. Pressure as quantum chaos sound IS anti-gravity.


The space between the I-thoughts is the empty-awareness beyond spacetime.


This I-thought (mind yoga) increases the frequency but the small universe increases the amplitude so that alchemical transformation occurs through the asymmetrical sine-wave.


When language was closed off into left-brain axioms based on "I Am" (1:2:3:4 to square the circle) then left-brain asymmetry was created that went against the Harmony arising from the empty-awareness.


Right-brain resonance connects the Tree of Knowledge (the mind) with the Tree of Life (the womb-belly) through the Serpent (the kundalini) and God is the Heart-Mind as the foundation for each life.


God (through the patriarchal priest-hood) separated the tree of life from the tree of knowledge so that humans would be unaware of the secret power of sex.


The priest-hood by focusing on the source of the I-thought eventually resonate their consciousness all the way back to it's source in the Heart-Mind and the heart literally stops for over 15 minutes.


This is called "cutting the knot" for "eternal liberation" detailed in the book "Talks with Ramana Maharshi" -- a teacher of the ancient Brahmin priest-hood.


In Egypt the promoter of monotheism -- Ankenhaton and his queen Nerfititi -- the king stated outright (in a recent academic book it's documented):


"I have never known my non-existence."


This is the same as the "all seeing eye" of the UnDead Brahmin teaches.


So after the heart-mind was transcended to create the UnDead Priesthood there was a reversal of the Harmony of Heaven and Earth and left-brain logic separated the Tree of Knowledge from the Tree of Life using right-hand iron-based technology.


Eve -- instead of being the secret source of eternal sex power became Eve (as the corner of a square) to be controlled for materialistic power. Once the UnDead Awareness is achieved by "cutting the knot" then the priest is beyond all good and evil.


In Africa this became the Freemasonic BLACKSMITH caste which can shapeshift into crocodiles (Set -- the "evil" god of Egypt) which became the "power Set Axiom" (the official name for the square root of two, the first math equation to square the circle used to find the center of the chariot wheels).


The book "Iron, Gender and Power" is a recent academic text on Africa also see "In the Eyes of the Night: Witchcraft among the senegalese" -- another academic ivy-league anthropologist documenting shape-shifting reptilian blacksmiths as the most important magic.


The iron-based technology of patriarchal pastoralism and iron-based rectilinear plowing is the most ancient form of oppression -- when the Bantu-Koi cultures then took over the Mbuti-Baka-!Kung-San cultures of matrifocal hunter-gatherers.


In Sumeria the original Garden of Eden myth has the Snake as goodness with Eve in charge.


The letter "A" is actually the upside bulls-head from Sumerian ideograms with Omega as also a bulls-head. The bull being used for the first rectilinear iron-plow farming. See the recent academic book "Women of the Hoe" for documentation of the ancient matrifocal horticulture (without the rectilinear iron-based plowing).


God comes from the Indo-European word "Gott" meaning Bull for farming fertility rites of the ancient Solar Dynasty kings. Even scholar Karen Armstrong's book "The History of God" does not give the etymology of the word -- that's how brainwashed everyone is!!


Those kings, as detailed in professor David Gordon White's new sacred sex book "Kiss of the Yogini" ruled Western Asia through


tantric sex with a shamanic goddess (using the techniques I detailed above).


Have a nice day people.


drew hempel, M.A.

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I just biked 4 hours straight averaging 10 mph on an old 3 speed. haha.


OK so the book Taoist Yoga really emphasizes that mind yoga by itself doesn't consciously sublimate the sex energy and the lower emotions of the organs. So the whole "white male guru" scene of Ken Wilber, Andrew Cohen, etc. (zen), is part of the Western globalcide technology agenda (as are these machines).


I rely on the full-lotus to recharge -- because the harmonics of the body are automatically sublimated and harmonized.


The Brahmin priests traditionally had to do a 3 day cleansing ritual after any contact with females. So mind yoga works -- IF there is a repressive environment for females.


Greek society, the foundation of Western science, was the same.


In contrast, the Bushmen of Africa, focused on healing women, using the yang bliss-light, to see blockages in the bodies of women, to suck in the lower emotions of electrochemical light, to harmonize them and then to shoot them into the spirits of the dead for them to feed off of.


Sometimes the Bushmen would go into astral travel trance for long distance healing. The full-lotus also enables this but the focus then became on using the harmonics for priestly control.


The female formless awareness is pure consciousness and therefore beyond right and wrong, sick and health.


Once a person has transcended their own body by eternal liberation -- killing and then restarting the heart -- then any harm to the body-mind is immediately emptied out back to the female formless awareness.


Since this was done with left-brain logic, through inference, then the same left-brain logic continued to be used, only now through "proof by contradiction" called "neti, neti" or neither this, nor that -- it's what the buddhists use as well.


This enabled stricter control of geometry -- starting with the harmonic ratios for complimentary opposites -- but now "contained" through "I Am that I Am" logic.


"I Am" refers to the ratios 1:2:3:4 of yin and yang as 3:4 and 2:3.


By around 1200 BCE iron had become more valuable than silver which had been used for lunar-female ritual sacrifice.


So iron was more valuable as currency (for the ritual priests) because they were protected by the iron weapons.

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i dislike math, and i dislike all this talk. logic, facts, numbers, equations. not my style. what do you get out of studying this? seems to me like mental masturbation.

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Drew, I have a question or two, or three.


1. Are you happy?


2. Does your body feel nice (to you, from the inside)?


3. How easily can you do nothing at all, not even sit in lotus? What happens if all these words are kept inside rather than poured out?


Just wondered. Please don't take it as subversion.

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Ian -- euphoria is now a constant for me - if I have problems I sit in full-lotus and shoot the yang bliss-light back into my lower body -- the yin energy -- through my forehead hitting my palms, while facing my stomach.


Certainly the microcosmic orbit is BLOCKED by the "iron" psychology. Like I say, I sit in full-lotus pretty much all day long and as much of the night as possible. Because I have to use iron -- biking -- or because I can't go into full meditation-trance in public (iron people might attack me) this limits the harmonization process.


The microcosmic orbit meanings "union of heaven (mind) and earth (body)." It's THE secret to reconnecting the lower emotions with the cerebral cortex -- via the pineal gland.


Full-lotus is more effective at this but the microcosmic orbit enables a person to get into full-lotus.


The West is obsessed with "freedom" and not having fanatical absolutes -- because the West is based on DUALISM -- so always these intentional goals run into time-based paradoxes that create irony and double-binds, tragedy, etc.


Female formless awareness is beyond spacetime and then harmonizes the subconscious perceptions of the day -- literally changing your past, like erasing the bad memories and stress -- exorcism -- through synchronized light resonating into the female formless awareness. The same female formless awareness gives precognition -- a sensing of the immediate future and also, while in deep mediation, the far future. Telepathy, based on chi or electromagnetic fields, is a version of this precognition and then as the channels really open up the electromagnetic chi creates telekinesis.


I'll share a twisted kid story -- I was sitting in full-lotus in BK -- reading. A latino family -- the mom and two girls -- take the booth in front of me. The dad later joins them sitting facing me on the other side of their booth. The little girl -- just a toddler, maybe two, is entranced by the full-lotus energy (she can't see the lower half of my body, underneath my table). She's turned toward me, sucking up the energy -- light-bliss. All of a sudden she lifts only her index finger up at me and I think it's one of the baby mimicking games -- so I too lift my index finger up. The dad sees this and goes beet-red. He gets all flustered and soon after says: "vamanos!" As they're leaving -- he first -- the girl literally runs back into the booth on my other side to get closer to me and the mom has to drag her away. The females were in high spirits.


Now that was Reichian.

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you talk about the microcosmic orbit being a secret of india, i've studied yoga and pranayama (spinal breathing) is pretty similiar to microcosmic orbit but not exactly. energy is brought from the sacrum up the spine straight to the third eye, then back down. it is not brought down the front. there is more emphasis on the spine in indian yoga than in taoist yoga.. and the front is worked on by doing different bandhas or body locks


also you never answered my question. what do you get out of mentally masturbating all of these numbers facts and equations

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Here's my latest post -- at http://webofmimicry.com where they take number crunching a bit too seriously:


First of all consider Professor Hugly and Professor Sayward's article in the spring issue of the journal Philosophy, 1999: "Did the Greeks Discover the Irrational?" I've posted extended excerpts of this article online -- back on my old blog website http://gnn.tv.


Essentially the "proof by contradiction" demonstrates that the ratios are not rational but it does not demonstrate that the hypotenuse equals the new symbol for infinity -- the square root of two.


Mathematicians just ignore this -- because hey! math WORKS. My point is -- "for whom does math work?"


The original use of the Pythagorean Theorem, as I show in my blogbook, was for catapult technology -- as part of the Athenian empire expansion. There is no "pure" science.


The source of the square root of two "ratios" is MUSIC THEORY -- yet it's not allowed to consider music as an alternative solution for the logic involved in irrational ratios.


So "proof by contradiction" is a false framework when in fact the ratios "resonate" asymmetrically -- through the Law of Pythagoras, as complimentary opposite harmonics.


This is why the source of One, as the left-brain source of the I-thought, is FEMALE formless awareness.


So the continuous fraction of the "most irrational of all irrational numbers" -- the Golden Ratio -- is nonlinear but in fact does not converge.


Yet when the Golden Ratio is converted to algebra it must converge because the Order of Infinity is REVERSED -- so that A:B::B:A + B must be changed to B - A for a quadratic solution using zero.


This reversal comes from music theory (as proven in chapter 4 of my blogbook http://mothershiplanding.blogspot.com) -- so that the Fibonacci number series ratio of 5:8 (minor sixth harmonic), as frequency, the complimentary opposite of 4:5 (major third harmonic) -- is now converted to 5:4 as the cube root of two (through SYMMETRICAL "divide and average" convergence) and 8:5 as the Golden Ratio.


What's lost is the process of natural resonance of complimentary opposite harmonics.


The Dedekind Cut does not solve the logical paradox of the irrationals not proven to be a closed set. A geometrical "point", as Russell and Boyle detail, is not a logical argument. The rationals are inherently tied to geometry through "proof by contradiction" using an irrational symbol (the square root of two) that itself is NOT a geometrical set but just an infinite series, logically justified


AFTER THE FACT (of technological imperialism creating greater disharmony of Nature).


If we say there is a greater infinity of points between irrational numbers than there are points between rationals, because of Cantor Set Theory, this still does not demonstrate a positive proof for introducing the square root of two as an infinite symbol for the hypotenuse.




Now -- let's convert this back to the small universe:


The original "automated" clocks were WATER clocks -- using 12 buckets, based on a lock-weight lever system. This was in China, during the Tang Dynasty. Based on this calibration then time was announced using drums and trumpets -- every two hours.


The character used to describe this two hour system was "Ko" -- it's also used in Taoist Yoga for the small universe practice.


The harmonics of yang, as 2:3, the Perfect 5th, creates a 12 note scale -- or cycle, with 2:3 alternating in reverse as 3:4 -- yin, the complimentary opposite.


This was before the difference between the moon calendar and the sun calendar was solved through "divide and average" mathematics.


So the moon calendar after the "divide and average" system was calibrated as 29.5 days a month but in the old, complimentary opposite system it was 7 x 4 days x 13 months for 364.


In the full-lotus practice the Moon energy is the right eye while the Sun energy is the left eye -- for the CENTRAL channel.


But the "water" clocks -- using the 12 points -- refers to the Moon-water energy (the yin electrochemical energy).


The small universe practice for INDIA is found in Professor Mircea Eliade's book on Yoga: Freedom and Immortality (those three words, maybe not in that order).


I've never seen the small universe for India in ANY other source.


The Brahmin emphasis in yoga is the Solar energy -- which is more mind yoga based -- and it's no accident that the Brahmin astrology now uses the solar calendar.


A similar example is how in the Jewish and Islam Lunar calendar Passover happens during the New Moon which can cause a Solar Eclipse.


In the Christian calendar Jesus stands for the Sun and therefore Passover (the Last Supper) can not be allowed during the New Moon since then Jesus, the Sun, might be conquered by the Moon-water energy.


So the Christian church only celebrates Passover during the Full Moon.

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Rather you can read my biography as the preface to my 2001 U of MN masters thesis linked at http://nonduality.com/hempel.htm


Or you can read the three articles I wrote for http://mind-energy.net on qigong -- "Secrets of Psychic Music Healing," "Testimony of a qigong praticitioner in the context of parapsychology" and the most recent one, "the Yan Xin secret" which links to the two previous ones:




Or you can read my article called "The Biomusic Conspiracy" published at http://viewzone.com in the conspiracy section.




Or, again, there's my blogbook, where I reply to all comments -- http://mothershiplanding.blogspot.com


Also I receive continual replies and inquiries at http://taobums.com and http://rigint.blogspot.com and http://breakingopenthehead.com and http://conspiracycentral.info.


My old blog is http://drewhempel.gnn.tv where I posted and discussed everything under the sun with all sorts of people for several years on their forums and other blogs, etc.


I've also posted at http://ufomystic.com quite a bit. Also at http://truthbeknown.com


So you can come at my ideas from the easy way or the really complex way.


I usually recommend people to practice what I studied -- from qigong master Chunyi Lin who teaches the Mayo Clinic doctors and heals people of late-term cancer, paralysis, deafness, HIV positive, M.S., etc. --




So if you want to save a lot of time just check out his stuff.


If not then just read these two books:


Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality and


"In Search of the Miraculous" on Gurdjieff.


My take is using nonwestern music to connect those two books.


For example -- Gurdjieff talks about the "shocks" of the Pythagorean diatonic scale -- the retardation of the increase in acceleration.


In fact those same "shocks" are the mechanical, air and consciousness when he applies the Law of Three to alchemy.


So, in Taoist Yoga, the mechanical is "generative force" from food -- as Gurdjieff states this happens even without alchemy. The "air" is creating the bellows -- the lower tan tien connection to the middle tan tien or heart as bellows. -- this is sublimation of the sex energy to create the higher emotions.


Then, as Gurdjieff states, when we return our impressions back to their source of conscious we "double their intensity."


But most importantly Gurdjieff states that the Law of Octaves does not work by doubling -- it relies on the Law of Three -- through these "shocks" -- which is really the same as Taoist Yoga. The 1-4-5 music intervals are really 2:3 as yang, the perfect 5th turning into 3:4 as yin creating the 12 nodal points along the outside of the body for transduction or ionization of the lower emotion electrochemicals for the creation of electromagnetic fields.


Taoist Yoga just applies this as the "small universe" practice. Spring forest qigong supplies a very good guidance tape or c.d. to do the small universe practice, along with some simplified Tai Chi movements, so that finally full-lotus can be achieved.


It's really just nonwestern harmonics applied to the body so that ionization of electrochemicals creates electromagnetic fields which in turn creates light that bends spacetime.


The brain is finally transformed so that the pineal gland can be flexed at will and the lower emotions can be harmonized into bliss-light that is shot out of the forehead, through the right side vagus nerve transduction of serotonin in the stomach.

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thank you for explaining your view. i appreciate it and i respect what you're doing, but its not my style. i love music and have played guitar since i was very young, but have always had trouble with systems, math, numbers etc. so i barely learned any music theory and much more preferred just improvising and being in the moment. i felt theory to be too limiting for me, it takes away something.. the spontaneity. i'm sure that after you learn a lot of theory and do jazz improvisation that you forget the theory since its so built in, but i just could not force myself to turn the guitar into a mathematical machine. i feel the same about spirituality, its just not my road. i prefer to feel it, not analyze it. i wish you luck though on your discoveries, i'm sure it will serve you and other people well


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Drew, I would love to know what your explanation is, if you have one, as to how it is we can receive a transmission via our computer screens, of one anothers energy.


there are one or two posters here from whom I definitley pick up energy, reading their posts.


I have received it via DVD and CD also from highly charged teachers. And of course from a photo.



but how can this be?

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Yeah the full-lotus is always better at my folks as they're out in the country -- clean signals, clean water. Last night at maybe 1 am I finally lie down -- the bed is awesome too, so it soaks up the full-lotus pressure, no worries about the bones getting sore. Anyway I had this strange sensation in my upper body. There were TWO OF ME -- my physical and my spirit was floating -- or extended I should say -- out of my body. This is what enables telepathy and long distance healing. I forgot about it when awaking a few hours later -- 4 a.m. but after the full-lotus 3rd Eye bliss-light kicks in, sure enough, the spirit goes a roving. It's just extended a bit but feels great -- a flying sensation.

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Drew, I would love to know what your explanation is, if you have one, as to how it is we can receive a transmission via our computer screens, of one anothers energy.


there are one or two posters here from whom I definitley pick up energy, reading their posts.


I have received it via DVD and CD also from highly charged teachers. And of course from a photo.

but how can this be?

Hi Cat.


I know you asked Drew, but I think I want to answer it too because I pay a lot of attention to these things in my own life.


From what I know consciousness is unlimitet, really. Our daily, waking consciousness is limited to what we are able observe, but out complete consciousness, including every layer of unconsciousness, subconsciousness and supraconsciousness and all of these things, is unlimited. Whatever we put our attention on, our consciousness is in dialogue with that thing on many levels. The more aware we are, the more we realize this dialogue.


If we put our attention on a teacher who is very clear in his own consciousness, and who is aware of all the layers of consciousness he is communicating and what he is commincating through them, this communication gets more visible and available to us. So yeah, we can get transmissions from good teachers by whatching dvd's, reading books or seeing pictures, but I believe meeting the teacher in person is much more valuble. Its too easy for the waking mind to distort the inner communication.


Ive heard of a few teachers who mostly only teach via this inner dialogue. This is one of the reasons we feel a recognition when we "find" a teacher.


But this dialogue also works with friends, plants, memories, celebrities, etc. Whatever we put our attention on, we have a dialogue with it on some levels. We are all connected, we are all really one...


We are the world, we are the children...:)

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When one persistently inquires into the nature of the mind, the mind will end leaving the Self (as the residue). What is referred to as the Self is the Atman.


That's the core message.


Again this is logic -- not something for sale or a belief.


So there's the mind (perceptions, thoughts, images, sensations, etc.) and then there's female formless awareness.


The female formless awareness CREATES LIGHT (the spirit or soul) and also creates physical matter (telekinesis) and also thoughts (telepathy) and also bliss-energy (electrochemical-electromagnetic synchronization).


Sri Ramana Maharshi was considered the avatar of Shiva who sacrifices himself (mind and body) to Kali, whom even Brahman worshipped.


So Kali is time as CONSCIOUSNESS -- the reversal of time from consciousness.


The female formless awareness can literally reverse time and also causes precognition.


Sri Ramana Maharshi spoke TAMIL -- A TONAL, mantra language.


The older language gets, the more musical it is -- for example the Bushmen language and paranormal healing totally relies on gender dynamics and precise harmonics.


The process is the same:


The mind is WEAK on it's own.


The kidney energy -- sublimated sexual energy -- is the WILL POWER.


So the "small universe" practice cleanes and purifies the sex energy to create great heat as ionized electrochemicals -- called N/UM by the Bushmen.


This heat or "generative force" in Taoist Yoga, then ionizes into electromagnetic fields -- the prana or chi or shakti.




The electromagnetic fields then create light -- the heat and electromagnetic bliss will eventually open up the pineal gland so that light can be seen outside of the body -- around other people's bodies.


Then when the body channels are open -- through full-lotus -- the electrochemical yin energy is harmonized or synchronized, through ionization, and then shoots out of the third eye as




for healing others -- creating mutual climaxes with yin energy sources.


have fun.

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It's territorial -- once the porpoises are gone the dolphins get their territory -- exactly the same "echolocation attacks" are happening in Sufi-Persian secret music societies -- leading to murder. Can't go into details but let's just say I got the inside story.


Now then -- the Tanbour uses only the 1-4-5 intervals, thereby confirming my analysis on how the 12 note, "circle of fifths" scale is created -- by LISTENING to overtones (not dividing ever longer string lengths using logarithmics).


Again the fifths/fourths as infinite yang/yin transduction creates paranormal healing.

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Drew your posts are pretty interesting but don't you think you might be a tad too dogmatic about all of this?


One thing I enjoy from Kunlun is the laid back, almost effortless aspect of cultivation. It just makes everything go easy.


Also..if you have the opportunity see about getting transmission from Sifu Max. In his approach you don't need all this super controling stuff. You do 3 practices and have fun and your on your way.

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