
The Holy Spirit is not Kundalini - Daskalos

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Sounds interesting. Let's just not call it mystical Christianity or the Holy Sipirt as Daskalos worships the the God Aton.

Finally you meet an authentic Christian mystic, complete with healing powers and more knowledge than most, whose love of Jesus Christ is great, and you promote divisiveness based on his knowledge of previous incarnations.

"His God isn't the same as my God"





From Words of Truth By Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis [Daskalos]

Now we come to the religions, all the religions of the world, throughout the centuries. There was in the beginning a gentle, a good, a big effort. Later many who had a certain power and who were prepared to exercise their power with force entered the Church hierarchy. They tried to impose themselves in order to limit the gentle and the good effort, and above all to restrict any research. And we see the result in all the religions, East and West.


Christianity. Yes, the substance of Christianity as religion and our own Orthodox dogma has much depth, much truth, but who penetrates the depths? Almost none.


Ancient Greek philosophy, Egyptian philosophy, Indian philosophy and others, they have all very great depth. They all are ways to the truth. In the Christian religion and in other systems and religions we find the use of myth-making. The people tried to conceal the truth in order to avoid its exploitation by the profane. Today all is changed. The truth is, and it must be, the property of all. Today human beings can face their responsibilities. Moreover science advances. We have atomic scientists who can destroy cities in one moment. The danger exists.


So, the researcher of the truth of today, unlike the Mystic of the past, does no longer have to conceal great truths by myths, out of fear that someone who would penetrate into the substance of reality could acquire powers that he might exploit and make bad use of against his fellowmen. And I wonder, are there not a thousand other ways or means to defraud your fellowmen? Weapons?


The Truth. What is the Truth? Did somebody until now tell us something about the Truth? The much beloved Joshua [Jesus Christ] said: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” These are three synonyms, and he said “I”. And the Apostle and Evangelist John (Yiohannan) said about the Christ Logos that he is “the light that gives light to all men coming into the world.” Consequently, this light, which is the self-awareness in each human being, is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

However, how shall we find it? How shall we get started? And which truth shall we find? What is truth?


Can human beings materialize things from the Mind? Jesus Christ came and said: “See what I do. The one who has faith as little as a mustard seed can move mountains. He can do what I do and greater things”. You can read it in the New Testament in the sayings of Christ. He came just to say who we really are. This is what Christianity means in reality. Not what we call Christianity today as dogmas. It is better not to use any other characteristics, to avoid mentioning criminality and killing.


From the Stoa Lessons by Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis

14 Jun 77

I want to address another point. Even though the Christ Logos is the light which enlightens every human being coming into the world as Total Wisdom, Total Power and Total Love and Goodness, even though Christ is the leading figure that gives the soul-self-awareness its dress, yet we are not the Beloved Christ nor will we be lost in Him sometime nor will we be annihilated in His own consciousness and self-awareness. (Of course, don’t forget that the Christ Logos is doing His work in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, who mainly dynamically gives the noetical, psychical and material bodies and the etheric doubles).

Many eastern religions believe that the consciousness of man expands and enters in the cosmic consciousness, and some Christians believe that it enters in the Christ consciousness and is lost there. Both are wrong. Let us hear Christ’s words to his apostles: “I go to my father and your father, my god and your god”.

Christ never saw us as his slaves, but as his brothers. The words of Christ have deep meaning.


13 Nov 89

Our religion is the religion of love and mercy. We are Christians and we can be proud of it. Do we criticize the dogmas? No. They are according to the mentality of various people in various times. We must respect these dogmas. But we cannot accept bad actions of those administering a dogma. The Greek Orthodox, the Roman Catholics and even the Protestants have committed many crimes.

But these actions do not at all affect the teaching of Christianity. Unfortunately, many atheists who see the behavior of these people came to the conclusion of denying the existence of God. Sooner or later, however, they will come back to reason.


30 Mar 90

Which is the true religion? Love! Christ came in the world to teach love. Nothing more than that! “I came to complete the Law”, He said. And so he did. The Christian religion as well as other religions are based only on this sentence: “Love God with all your heart and with all your mind, and love your neighbour as yourself.” This is the meaning of Christianity (not the teaching of certain priests).

Many atheists are fighting religion. But what did they succeed to do until now? Nothing. If a religion represents the truth, then that truth is light and it cannot be extinguished or annihilated. The only religion that will prevail is the religion of love. Love as a necessity. But whether out of necessity or because we acknowledge and realize it, love will prevail. Love and truth are synonyms.


25 Sep 89

Before starting to give the lesson, I want to say what we believe. First of all, we are Christians! This does not mean that we don't respect all other religions; all flowers are very precious. Some of them are in our garden, and some in the gardens of others. We respect all other religions, but I insist and say that we are Christians! When we say we are Christians, what do we really mean, and what should we mean by the word Christians? First of all, we should be very proud to be Christians, because we believe in the truth. How is Christianity in the world today and how was it some centuries ago? Now we find many dogmas – the Roman Catholic dogma, the Greek Orthodox dogma, the Maronites, the Armenians, the Protestants, and amongst them many heresies. Yet they all call themselves Christians. The Almighty God is merciful for the stupidity of men. Do all these dogmas really believe in the Lord of love and life, who is the beloved Christ, or do they think they believe? This is the point! Happily, all this short-sightedness is slowly vanishing through the coming ages. Before some years, the schism between the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church was erased – a step forward towards the truth.

What is it to be a Christian? For me, it is to follow the beloved Christ. What do we as Researchers of the Truth believe and why do we believe in that? Christ said: “Know the truth and the truth will liberate you”. From what? From ignorance and all the other vices in the world. When I was in London to give some lectures, they put me the question: "You are a doctor of philosophy and a doctor of divinity, apart from the other university degrees. How do you reconcile that? What can it be – religion and science?” I replied: “In reality, they are two different paths leading to the same goal. If one is on the tip of the one finger and the other is on the other tip of the other finger, they are two separate things. But when they proceed towards the palm, they are one.” First of all, what are religions all over the world aiming at? Due to necessity and fear of the unknown, Man through the past centuries has formed the super-substance of the mind in creating gods – many gods in all places of the world. What were all those gods? Did they really exist? Do they exist now? Yes, because they were elementals of human beings created through necessity and fear. And all the gods in the past were just to the measures of those who created and projected them. We know that people strengthen an elemental when they are faithful to it. We teach what elementals are, what they do and how we can use them for the good. What are elementals? Every emotion and every thought creates a form from the formless super-substance of the mind. Christ is speaking about these forms, calling them spirits without logic and without substance [mute & meaningless]. And He speaks about the nature of the elementals Man is casting and what they do when they come back to those who either project them or vibrate in the same rate of vibrations with them. Through the centuries, they called them ‘spirits of bison’ or many other names. They are energies in certain forms, they existed and they do exist now. Nothing is lost.


Now we come back to Christianity. In the past, many gods have been created as elementals in the same way in all parts of the world. They were as powerful as were the thoughts of those who projected them.

Do such elementals exist after Christ? Is Christ today an elemental? Are there elementals bearing the name of Christ, of Virgin Mary or of the various saints? Do they exist now? I tell you, they do. But do we, as true Christians, believe in those elementals? Can we worship those elementals, because they exist and have an energy, either to guide or to misguide those who created or projected them? Of course, not. We had the great world war. German and English Christians, either Roman Catholics or Protestants, were praying to God to help them win the battle. To which God were they praying? Christian soldiers were marching to war. Did Christ teach the war? When Christ was in a human body, He has honoured the human body, calling Himself the Son of Man. It is a great honour to be a human being and a still greater honour to be a Christian. Palestine at that time was under Roman command. Did He declare war against the Romans? Did He try to drive the Romans away from Palestine? No! Why should He? He wanted to liberate Man from ignorance. Things will come and pass, He said. But unless Man sees the truth, wars and the vices around the world will never stop. The worst enemy of humanity is what we call nationalism, but there are many other vices with different names on the altar of these devils. We call them devils, because elementals are not only gods and angels. The quality of an elemental is according to the rate of vibrations of those who cast it.

How much blood was shed on the surface of the planet in this name? People believed that they were right, doing what they did.


The doctors of divinity in London asked me: “Do you believe in God? What is a God? And do we have a soul?” I said: “Definitely, you don't have a soul.” They said: “Oh, we Christians believe in the existence of a soul.” I said: ”I also believe in the existence of a soul, but your question in misleading. You asked me if we have a soul, as if the soul was something to get possession of. Nothing more false! Who is asking me if we have a soul? You as a shadow in time and space, in the world of illusions? You definitely don't have a soul, but you are the soul and you have bodies – the material body, the psychical body and the mind body, according to the sayings of St. Paul. Not because St. Paul said that, but because we know it. And we can know and use these bodies.”

Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis [Daskalos]



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Anyway I digress, I don't know which is real and which is illusion.


I think this video tries to address illusion


Edited by MooNiNite

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Dragon serpent has a different positive nature not the evil nature that is found in the western approach to life. This holy spirit has an agenda the crimes committed by this church against humanity during its history is unforgivable.

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Sounds interesting. Let's just not call it mystical Christianity or the Holy Sipirt as Daskalos worships the the God Aton.

You are kind slandering Daskalos here.

Daskalos on God:



Now what is God and what is not God? God is Absolute Beingness. Don’t even think that you are able to comprehend God, it is not possible. When you try to perceive the light by looking at the sun with your material eyes, you will be blinded. This is the same as trying to perceive God using your material brain. Yet we can observe God’s expressions and through the expressions we can know what God is, up to a certain point. So, what is God for us? In reality God is Spirit and only in Spirit and Truth we can approach him. Now we see God from a different point of view. We see God in a more practical way. Because, we say that God is the Absolute Selfhood. In Its Omnipresence there is not a sense of place where you don't see the Total Wisdom. The Total Wisdom is the expression of the Divine Selfhood or God. For us, God was, is and will always be.


And Daskalos recounting the Egyptian myths.. From Swimming With the Whale


Soon early man began to consider their relationship with the animals all around them. They admired them for their abilities and powers and began to worship them as gods. The bear was one of the first gods formally worshiped by the primitive people, because it was the most powerful thing in their world. This kind of animal worship continued over many thousands of years. The ancient Greeks, Hindus and Egyptians also developed a vast collection of gods. We see that from the very beginning mankind developed multi god systems of worship. These polytheistic systems continued unchallenged until around 1350 BC. Then an Egyptian pharaoh named Amemophis IV had an ecstatic, direct experience of God. The pharaoh immediately disassociated himself and his rule from the multi-god system and established the first monotheistic system worshiping one God. He called the one supreme God: Aton, which means the incomprehensible. Amemophis IV and his followers believed in one God –the God of Infinite Life. They used the sun to represent this. They did not worship the material sun that made life on Earth possible, but the giver of life itself for which the sun was a symbol.


After his experience the pharaoh changed his name to Ankh-en-Aton, which means the servant of the God Aton. He changed the name of his wife, Nefertiti to Merit Aton and the names of his nephew Khor Amon to Khor Aton. Later pharaoh Akhenaton adopted the infant son of his cousin and named him Tut-Ankh-Aton. Akhenaton and his hierophants started a new system for the worship of the one omnipresent God -The giver of all life. Unfortunately, Pharaoh Akhenaton was ahead of his time. The existing thousand year old, multi-god religion of Egypt was not ready for such a profound change. The leaders of the 42-god system were not ready to give up their lucrative jobs as priests in the old system. So these priests conspired to put an end to Akhenaton and his one God system. They killed his nephew Khor Aton by stabbing him and they killed Akhenaton by poisoning. His wife, who was also a high Hierophant in the system, had to escape to the south of Egypt to save her life.


The cunning leaders of this plot temporarily enthroned Tut Ankh Aton, the remaining rightful heir to the kingdom, and changed his name to Tut-ankh-amen. Today he is most commonly known as King Tut. Then possibly as new evidence suggest, they soon disposed of the 19-year-old boy king and the conspirators put themselves in power. Then they got to work, and went all through Egypt eradicating the names of Akhenaton and King Tut from public record. They were so effective that the long line of succeeding Egyptian pharaohs, as well as history in general, had no idea Akhenaton and his adopted son King Tut even existed. It was not until 1922 with the discovery of King Tut’s tomb that knowledge of his existence came to light. Akhenaton’s murder, like Socrates and Christ’s is often the reward to those who bring the light of truth into a dark world of ignorance. This is also a reason why enlightened people in the past hid the truth in stories, parables and myths.


The truth about the myths used in the ancient mystery schools is that they used myth as a metaphor. A metaphor is a kind of figurative language. It is not meant as an exact literal account. A metaphor is a symbolic representation of some higher truth or some deeper meaning. Today myth is generally considered to be a fictional story. Mythology is one thing and fiction is another. In the myths used in the mystery schools we see both. In the fictional aspect of these stories you can see things that really did not take place but do convey a symbolic meaning. In other parts of the myths we find descriptions of real events. Together they are allegories intended to convey spiritual truth and guidance.


So as researchers we can study the ancient myths for guidance and instruction on our spiritual journey. As students of any spiritual system, we initially seek to comprehend the theoretical framework of the spiritual teaching itself with some degree of understanding of that teaching we seek to put it into practice. In doing so, we soon discover that our spiritual unfoldment comes from the practice and integration of the teachings in our life, rather than just knowing the teachings intellectually. When attempting to integrate spiritual teachings in our life we inevitably encounter difficulties. Myths that are understood as spiritual metaphors provide vivid archetypal imagery depicting the predictable obstacles on the path of Self-Realization. Their dramatic and colorful narratives imprint their meaning and guidance deep into the mind of the student, which can be recalled to guide them during their own difficulties and tribulations.



Edited by Tibetan_Ice
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I'm starting to think that both streams might be as important as each other, two different energies, one downwards, the other upwards, in an orbit that complement each other. A balance.

You know, it is funny. Right about now I'm viewing kundalini as the death mechanism that humans have built into them which completes the death experience by burning up the etheric double.


According to Daskalos, burning up the entire physical etheric double causes death of the physical body.


In one book, the Magus of Strovolos he recounts how, when projecting himself to help guide a rogue space station into the Southern Hemisphere, he talked about how he had to detach his etheric double from the physical body because the heat and light that he needed to tap into was so great that it would have fried his physical body. So, a break in the etheric is a break from the physical.


One time during my kundalini meditation phase, within two minutes of sitting down, I felt like I burst into flames. I could feel intense heat and vapors coming from my body. I was sweating profusely from the head. I had to stop. I was going to spontaneously combust! What if kundalini is the body's natural process to facilitate the complete separation of the higher bodies from the physical by burning up the physical's etheric double?


And, it also follows that putting holes in your etheric double lets in the psychical or astral world. That is what alcohol does. So maybe it is no wonder that if kundalini rises and burns some parts of the etheric double but not all, it accounts for the many cases of schizophrenia that you hear about related to kundalini. Pieces of the astral worlds bleeding into consciousness, no longer being blocked...


And on a higher level, enlightenment might be like dying, revealing what is beyond... Maybe a full blown kundalini attack burns everything, karma included, so you see what is beyond before your actual time to die. .? So you get to come back to your body but without the attachment... And maybe that is why kundalini is so dangerous...


But no, I don't think The Holy Spirit is meant to balance kundalini. If anything, according to Daskalos, since the Holy Spirit controls the creative ether/vitality, it could heal you from a severe kundalini attack by reconstructing the physical etheric double.

Edited by Tibetan_Ice
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So are you thinking that kundalini should not be woken or raised? That it happens naturally and appropriately around the time of death?


But no, I don't think The Holy Spirit is meant to balance kundalini. If anything, according to Daskalos, since the Holy Spirit controls the creative ether/vitality, it could heal you from a severe kundalini attack by reconstructing the physical etheric double.

In these terms could this be the point of the whole exercise, working towards being connected with THS so that when kundalini does rise fully and burn the physical etheric double, THS fills that space and creates a new 'spiritual' etheric double?

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So are you thinking that kundalini should not be woken or raised? That it happens naturally and appropriately around the time of death?



I think kundalini, although a natural process, happens when provoked or not provoked. I've read too many stories about nonpractitioners experiencing kundalini whom didn't have a clue what was actually happening to them. And then there are stories about instant combustion...

To the Buddhists, kundalini is just an other energetic event and it is not mentioned much at all. There may be indirect references to it in tummo practice, as in the six yogas of Naropa, Tsonkapa and some shamanistic practices, but it is not the highest Dzogchen teaching, as kundalini is more in tune with tantra than Dzogchen.. Although, there is allot of heat in the natural state too. That's another topic..


In these terms could this be the point of the whole exercise, working towards being connected with THS so that when kundalini does rise fully and burn the physical etheric double, THS fills that space and creates a new 'spiritual' etheric double?

According to Daskalos, we have three etheric doubles, one for the physical body, one for the psychical (astral) body and one for the noetic body. Upon dying, the physical etheric double disintegrates, leaving the physical body dead, without etheric vitality. It is like dropping an old suit or piece of clothing. The psychical and noetic etheric bodies continue on as well as their manifested counterparts. So, after dying, you end up in the astral planes and if you've developed your visualization abilities, you can then create the existence that you'd like. But, gradually, the psychical etheric body dissolves and then you have only the noetic and its etheric double left. However, since the astral is much more stable than the physical, it could take many earth years for that to occur.


So, I don't think it is that the kundalini rises in an explosive occurrence and then the Holy Spirit comes along and regenerates your physical etheric double. I suppose it could, if it wanted to, and this is also a concept that Daskalos talks about....how you can fill a dead body with etheric vitality and "bring it back to life". But you have to be very accomplished in order to be able to request that the Holy Spirit do that. Daskalos says that it is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit alone that decides to heal or use the creative ether to create. He also says that the Holy Spirit is in us all from the beginning as the creative life force.

Edited by Tibetan_Ice

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From wiki on St. Theresa of Avila



The fourth, Devotion of Ecstasy, is where the consciousness of being in the body disappears. Sense activity ceases; memory and imagination are also absorbed in God or intoxicated. Body and spirit are in the throes of a sweet, happy pain, alternating between a fearful fiery glow, a complete impotence and unconsciousness, and a spell of strangulation, sometimes by such an ecstatic flight that the body is literally lifted into space


Her practice was an intense devotional absorption into God (i.e. Holy Spirit (presumably)) which produced these conditions - including levitation (this was observed by others apparently).


It seems to me that while you cannot write the equation Holy Spirit = Kundalini ... you also cannot divorce them so much as to say they are entirely separate.  On an experiential or pragmatic level you could probably chose to work with one or the other as a 'way' but ultimately they would draw together in ecstatic states.

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In support of Deskalos, i'm posting a link to a book that seems to say the same thing regarding the spirit God.  I'm of the thought that Deskalos simply just made a spelling error as his native language was Greek, and thus the confusion we had earlier in the thread.




Apologies if this post isn't wanted on this thread... i just felt as i triggered some negative posts in the good man Deskalos, that i should post this new finding.  


Regarding my having edited out most of my other posts, it was because i received some very dodgy emails afterwards, which prompted me to edit out most of them.  I now regret my decision to do so.  Apologies to all for ruining the flow of the thread! 



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In support of Deskalos, i'm posting a link to a book that seems to say the same thing regarding the spirit God.  I'm of the thought that Deskalos simply just made a spelling error as his native language was Greek, and thus the confusion we had earlier in the thread.




Apologies if this post isn't wanted on this thread... i just felt as i triggered some negative posts in the good man Deskalos, that i should post this new finding.  


Regarding my having edited out most of my other posts, it was because i received some very dodgy emails afterwards, which prompted me to edit out most of them.  I now regret my decision to do so.  Apologies to all for ruining the flow of the thread! 







It's a commonly held theory that there was some link between Akhenaten and Moses.  It is however unproven but who knows.  What was put forward before, I thought was that Jesus worshiped the Aton ... which is a bit of a stretch given Akhenaton lived in the 14 century BC and Jesus in the 1st AD - and the distinct lack of any reference to solar worship and so on (until you come to Constantine of course).


I'm sorry to hear you received negative emails - you shouldn't let that put you off posting.  the whole point of DaoBums is we don't agree - so we discuss, sometimes heated but if within the rules not insulting or personal attacks.


The only problem I have with the Aton theory is people stating it as fact when it is clearly not proven - also I am fond of Egypt and dislike monotheism intensely.



Edited by Apech
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Hi Apech, 


Thanks for your reply.  I appreciate it is only a theory, but the point i was trying to make withe link, was of the type of God, and not so much to do with Moses and Ankheaton.  It said in the intro on amazon that Aten had no image or form, which strongly points to it not being a solar God.   

Also the Anke cross was from this God, which is i heard related to the Christian cross.  

The tradition of worship was apparently carried on by the Essenes, who as you know had Jesus among their members.


No worries with the emails, they weren't from members of this forum.  


Glad you are fond of Egypt, have been the same since i was a child.  


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Just to be clear, what i'm saying is not Aton is not a sun god, i'm saying that it's likely Daskalos made a spelling mistake or somehow got the wrong name of his God, and that the book above seemed to support that in the desription of Aten, not aton, as being without form or image.  


I don't for a second believe Jesus worshipped the sun, and i strongly doubt daskalos did either. 


Also, Daskalos got most of his information from the akashic records, and from his invisible brothers, who were his friends at the time of his past incarnation as a contemporary of Jesus.   


I haven't researched deeply or really sat down and thought it through deeply.  So, i'm completely open to being compltetley wrong :)  just wanted to be clear about what i was saying though, i'm the first to admit i don't always write clearly for others to get what i'm trying to put across.


All the best,


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Just to be clear, what i'm saying is not Aton is not a sun god, i'm saying that it's likely Daskalos made a spelling mistake or somehow got the wrong name of his God, and that the book above seemed to support that in the desription of Aten, not aton, as being without form or image.  


I don't for a second believe Jesus worshipped the sun, and i strongly doubt daskalos did either. 


Also, Daskalos got most of his information from the akashic records, and from his invisible brothers, who were his friends at the time of his past incarnation as a contemporary of Jesus.   


I haven't researched deeply or really sat down and thought it through deeply.  So, i'm completely open to being compltetley wrong :)  just wanted to be clear about what i was saying though, i'm the first to admit i don't always write clearly for others to get what i'm trying to put across.


All the best,



Aton and Aten are the same.  The Egyptians wrote with no vowels so it was really 'itn' where the 'i' is a vowel indicator and is usually translated as 'A' - as in Amun, Atum and so on.  To say he has no form as well is incorrect because from early time (and I mean very early) the 'itn' meant the actual visible disk of the sun Ra, which was understood to be his form or body - the shape he took up on rising in the East.


The oldest surviving religious text in the world, not just in Egypt, are the Pyramid Text 2350 BC and there was already the idea of the sun disk there.  Obviously the tradition was already centuries old before it was written down.  Dynastic Egyptian culture lasted from maybe 3000 BC to 400 AD and was killed off by the monotheistic Christians.  The Aton worship of Akhenaton (d. 1336 BC) lasted maybe 17 years - the length of his reign.  I think this puts it's actual significance into perspective.


This is all based on boring old Egyptology and the archeological record.

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Thanks Apech, I accept the conclusions of probability i came to after reading the article etc are wrong.  I can't explain it then, Daskalos certainly had healing power.  


Thanks for sharing your research on all this, it's made me think twice about approaching the researchers of truth. 



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Thanks Apech, I accept the conclusions of probability i came to after reading the article etc are wrong.  I can't explain it then, Daskalos certainly had healing power.  


Thanks for sharing your research on all this, it's made me think twice about approaching the researchers of truth. 





Well - he could be speaking to some kind of truth i guess - not having read him.  Baby and bathwater and all that.  

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I don't for a second believe Jesus worshipped the sun, and i strongly doubt daskalos did either.

I don't either, but ideas often don't die but lay dormant, revive and evolve leaving traces of there origin in linguistics. 

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