
All right, you don't believe in astrology...

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Hi guys. This thread has piqued my interest in astrology. I utilized the links in above posts to get an analyis and would like some help interpreting the results. If it helps, I am a 20 year old male.


Western reading:


Sun in Leo, Moon in Cancer, Ascendant in Scorpio, Mars in the Tenth House, Venus in the Tenth House, Sun in the Ninth House, Moon in the Ninth House, Venus in Virgo, Mars in Leo, Saturn in the Second House, Pluto Conjunct Ascendant, Mars Conjunct Midheaven.


The last three are maybes because I don't know the exact time of my birth.


Does anything jump out at you from this reading beyond the meanings of the individual parts? Any advice you can give to someone with such a reading?



Chinese reading:


Birth Year Animal: Snake, Day Stem: Yang Water, Year Stem: Yin Earth, Month Stem: Yin Metal, Hour Stem: Yin Fire


They also gave a diagram of the five elements in the creation cycle, and the names of the elements were in circles of different sizes. I got:

Large: Earth

Medium: Fire

Small: Wood, Water, Metal


Once again, does anything jump out here and do you have any advice? Also, I'm not sure what the elemental analysis is supposed to mean. If my day stem is water, why was it small in the elemental chart? Are these different uses of the elements?



Understanding me is a tricky task. Any help any of you could give would be welcome. :) I am asking this in the first place because many of the things associated to the results are dead on, many more than are inaccurate. For example, I fit the description of Snake to the last letter. But of course, I read these things through my own filters, so some outside input would help.

Edited by Creation

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Hi guys. This thread has piqued my interest in astrology. I utilized the links in above posts to get an analyis and would like some help interpreting the results. If it helps, I am a 20 year old male.


Western reading:


Sun in Leo, Moon in Cancer, Ascendant in Scorpio, Mars in the Tenth House, Venus in the Tenth House, Sun in the Ninth House, Moon in the Ninth House, Venus in Virgo, Mars in Leo, Saturn in the Second House, Pluto Conjunct Ascendant, Mars Conjunct Midheaven.


The last three are maybes because I don't know the exact time of my birth.




Your ascendant and the house positions and midheaven are maybes, and therefore cannot really be applied unless by luck that fits your birth time. So they cannot and should not be interpreted.


The Leo part and especially mars in Leo would mean you have a hot temper, and should by rights be very self expressive, possibly being very interested in creativity in one form or another, however, you could find that interpretation in any dime store astrology book on Leo. Actually having mars and the sun in Leo would often mean you actually having difficulty not expressing yourself(this is a polite way of saying you have difficulty shutting up, trust me, I've know a few with this position). However you do have Venus in Virgo which may offset it to some degree as Virgo is a somewhat shy sign. Venus in Virgo should supposedly mean you're picky where choosing a partner is concerned, at least a long term serious one, and it's unlikely you would be satisfied with any for long and they would more than likely get p*ssed off with you as your highly likely to criticize them, seeking perfection in a mate(virgo/criticism/perfection)..... this may be offset with the mercury position, but you have not stated what that is so I cannot say. Venus is in an earth sign and also related to the arts so the Leo creativity should have found some kind of 'physical' outlet by now, especially as mars(the planet of action)is also positioned in Leo(creativity).


Your moon position is not necessarily certain either as the moon changes position every 2 and a half days, and you didn't put the degrees the moon was positioned in Cancer. So it may be Gemini or Leo also.

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Your ascendant and the house positions and midheaven are maybes, and therefore cannot really be applied unless by luck that fits your birth time. So they cannot and should not be interpreted.

Thanks for the help. For the record, my ascendant and house positions are mostly for sure because I know my birth time to within an hour. The only ones that aren't for sure are Saturn in the Second House, Pluto Conjunct Ascendant, Mars Conjunct Midheaven. I might be Saturn in the Third House, lack Pluto Conjunct, and have Sun Conjunct Midheaven. But I definitely have Ascendant in Scorpio, Mars in the Tenth House, Venus in the Tenth House, Sun in the Ninth House, Moon in the Ninth House. How does this update what you said? Also. the reading didn't say anything about Mercury. Was the reading incomplete or was Mercury somehow insignificant at the time of my birth?


I consider the fundamental thing about my personality to be how I am a union of opposites in just about every way. One of those unions of opposites is the very expressive and very shy that you mentioned.


Really, I appreciate this.

Edited by Creation

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oh guys, ur proving most distracting to me, I'm supposed to be working to hit a deadline but frankly this is much more interesting and keeps dragging me back.


Astro.com is nice cos it does an interpretation of some of the aspects and houses and in relation to each other which some of the other ones don't, but it's not complete. Yes, mercury should be there(is there I should say).


Go to this one instead creation and generate a chart for me, thats all I need to see:




Give me a day or so cos really I'm busy, I'll come back and find the thread.


And creation..... everyone thinks they are complicated and made up of opposites. It's called thinking too much :)


Anyway, I'll check it out in a day or so.

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I read an article once where the journalist had gone to several astrologists and several psychics and then compared the answers. The answers were completely contradictory.

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And you're sure there was no bias on the part of the journalist? Often, verifying whatever you wish to prove correct in journalism is simply a matter of only providing certain sources and comparing them in a particular way. You would probably be able to find just as well-made articles that say exactly the opposite.


I'm not saying that most astrologists aren't probably BSing, but don't you think that in a universe where energy permeates and cycles constantly the positioning of giant spheres of matter (matter being energy) might perhaps affect us little humans? Other animals are powerfully affected by the shifts of the moon and sun, and most likely other 'stars' as well, so what makes us humans so imperiously unaffected?

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They also gave a diagram of the five elements in the creation cycle, and the names of the elements were in circles of different sizes. I got:

Large: Earth -----> too much energy in spleen/stomach

Medium: Fire -----> normal energy of heart

Small: Wood, Water, Metal ----> too little energy of liver, kidney, lung

Once again, does anything jump out here and do you have any advice? Also, I'm not sure what the elemental analysis is supposed to mean. If my day stem is water, why was it small in the elemental chart? Are these different uses of the elements?


My analysis of the five elements would be like this: you have a natural tendency to heat up the heart and spleen (too Yang) and to cool down the liver, kidneys and lungs (too Yin). Maybe you have a tendency to accumulate fat (I'm pretty sure a higher energy of the spleen create a fat body constitution) maybe I am wrong, you can confirm or not...


Now you are young and I suppose you are healthy but in time the energetic imbalance of organs would become greater and greater until at some point you will have a cronic illness.


This imbalance can be corrected by diet (taoist), by fengshui (the setting of your home and workplace) and by qigong practice. Also the energy of the years can bring you luck (the years of Wood, Water or Metal), or the weather elements (Wind, Cold, Dryness) and seasons (Spring, Winter and Autumn) can bring you balance.


The small elements are the ones you are missing to achieve balance and what you need wich are the "lucky elements" for you. The balance is not static and is ever changing so you need to keep allways an eye on changing, the favorable and not favorable situations/elements.


Maybe Taomeow can say more about this.

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My analysis of the five elements would be like this: you have a natural tendency to heat up the heart and spleen (too Yang) and to cool down the liver, kidneys and lungs (too Yin). Maybe you have a tendency to accumulate fat (I'm pretty sure a higher energy of the spleen create a fat body constitution) maybe I am wrong, you can confirm or not...


Now you are young and I suppose you are healthy but in time the energetic imbalance of organs would become greater and greater until at some point you will have a cronic illness.


This imbalance can be corrected by diet (taoist), by fengshui (the setting of your home and workplace) and by qigong practice. Also the energy of the years can bring you luck (the years of Wood, Water or Metal), or the weather elements (Wind, Cold, Dryness) and seasons (Spring, Winter and Autumn) can bring you balance.


The small elements are the ones you are missing to achieve balance and what you need wich are the "lucky elements" for you. The balance is not static and is ever changing so you need to keep allways an eye on changing, the favorable and not favorable situations/elements.


Maybe Taomeow can say more about this.

Thanks for the analysis.


I don't know about having an overabundance of fire since it was medium size, and I am actually extremely skinny. But spleen too yang and kidneys, liver, and lungs too yin seems like a reasonable explanation of the elements chart. I suppose that the day stem being water was more a personality thing than something necessarily related to my kidneys or zhi spirit.


oh guys, ur proving most distracting to me, I'm supposed to be working to hit a deadline but frankly this is much more interesting and keeps dragging me back.


Astro.com is nice cos it does an interpretation of some of the aspects and houses and in relation to each other which some of the other ones don't, but it's not complete. Yes, mercury should be there(is there I should say).


Go to this one instead creation and generate a chart for me, thats all I need to see:




Give me a day or so cos really I'm busy, I'll come back and find the thread.


And creation..... everyone thinks they are complicated and made up of opposites. It's called thinking too much :)


Anyway, I'll check it out in a day or so.

Thanks for the offer. Good luck meeting your deadline.




Notice the house for Pluto and Mercury are right on the edge of changing, but everything else was stable under perturbations of birth time of plus or minus 20 minutes or so.

Edited by Creation

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I was born March 28, 1990 at 11:20 AM in Falls Church, Virginia (Fairfax Hospital). That's longitude 77 W I think.







Let me start of with the ascendant, the ascendant is kind of the mask you show people, generally it would be a persons first impression of you. Some astrologers relate this to an actual effect on the personality, I only think it acts as kind of a filter for all the other energies/characteristics within the chart. After knowing someone for sometime the ascendant kind of disappears and its filtering effect is greatly reduced as one grows older. In any case yours is in Cancer, traditionally astrologers would have told you that you have a kind of round face, like the moon!(a full one mind you), and possibly your cheeks(the ones on ya face)may be a bit chubby. If your female, a Cancerian ascendant would mean you have a nice rack(traditionally speaking of course).... that's the general interpretation anyway. I wont go into how it's supposed to effect the personality, because honestly I don't think it does too much, save for when you meet new people. In cancers case when you meet knew people from outside of the usual group you are perhaps more wary than friendly, waiting for a bit of time until you work out what they are really like.


The moon and the sun are just about sextile(depending on which form of astrology you follow), within 4 degrees of the 30 degrees sextile influence, which is good enough for me. They are in Taurus and Aries respectively, both what would be considered very 'honest' signs, therefore I would say you should be, for the most part, very honest, not out of a sense of morality necessarily, but more out of a 'can't be bothered to lie about it' sense, also Mercury is in Aries which futher leads to that conclusion. Taurus is your moon sign, which represents your inner personality, steady. stable, sensual and so on, so emotionally you seek stability within an emotional relationship; the moon used to the actual personality read out astrologers used to give before the advent of 'horoscopes' in newspapers, but due to the fact that the moon changes every 2 and a half days they realized it was impractical to print the moon position charts everyday and so the sun sign kind of became the be all and end all, but it wasn't traditionally so. The sun sign actually represents what you are becoming in this life, aiming for I suppose would be more correct. In any case, I digress, The sextile influence of your moon and sun sign is supposed to give you a nice balance between your emotional nature and your personality(sun). I would say though that Taurus being a fixed sign and Aries being a rather headstrong sign may well lead you to being rather stubborn and self opinionated at times, but not unpleasant, unless your p*ssed off, then verbally you may well be(argument for arguments sake may also be part of you).


The sun is in the 10th house, which is the house of social status/career, therefore this would mean you are very ambitious, not a bit, but very, this is also added to by the strength of the Arien nature on the 10th house. You expect seriously great achievements from this life. The 10th house also relates to restriction though(Saturn ruler), the ruler of the tenth house(Saturn)is in its home sign of Capricorn in the 7th house, meaning what ever you achieve will involve a lot of hard work and most success will come later in life rather than earlier, you may even find a partner will be very important to you in realizing your ambitions. Partner could be business and/or romantic.


Venus, Mars in Aquarius, you're attracted to nutters..... sorry, weird and/or unusual people, but your romantic relationships may be marked with a certain amount of coolness, this however is kind of balanced with the Arien and Taureun aspects. Having said that Saturn in the 7th in Capricorn would imply that in a serious relationship you would choose someone down to earth, and as ambitious as you are. These two planets in aquarius would also lead to a somewhat humanitarian aspect to your character. Ah, I just noticed also they are both in the wonderful 8th house..... you be sex mad...and potentially real good at it too. However Aquarius, is also the sign of the 'perverse' so...be careful :o no mice! I would also suggest that it is highly likely you wish to use your interest/understanding of the esoteric for humanitarian purposes(esoteric/occult 8th house -Aquarius/Humanitarian).


I'm looking at some of the angles Capital but frankly if I get started explaining them I'm gonna be here all night. But I do wanna ask you a question, more for my own understanding than anything else, and I may be way off here, but I'm just kind of practicing a bit.... Do you or have you ever had the ambition or inclination to be a doctor, more particularly a surgeon or psychiatrist? I'm NOT saying you should by the way, I'm just reading a few different things and putting them together and I'm wondering if I'm right or wrong.


Creation.... the chart is gone, and I only briefly looked at it. You can pm the link to me if you like.

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Thanks, N-m-t-n-m-t!


Everything you interpreted is perfectly correct, to the utmost. It's rather freeing and amusing- if somewhat creepy- to note that my personality (what I always called I) is so very predictable. Also, oddly enough my grandmother always said that I was 'jowly' (though my big head sort of makes it unnoticeable, besides when I'm over weight).


And, yes, my dream job is being a Psychiatrist- though I wouldn't give pills ever, as I don't believe in their use.


Also, the esoteric and the humanitarian are of my most valued pursuits.


p.s. I've noticed before that I become oddly quiet and shy around new people when they have the potential to become anything more than strangers. If they are only strangers, I am as open as I am with my own friends (as their opinion doesn't affect me). But if I like someone (as a friend or romantically), I close off a little- I guess it's a defensive mechanism or something. When I get to know them and trust them a bit, I open up, and people are shocked by the change.

Edited by Capital

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Thanks, N-m-t-n-m-t!


Everything you interpreted is perfectly correct, to the utmost. It's rather freeing and amusing- if somewhat creepy- to note that my personality (what I always called I) is so very predictable. Also, oddly enough my grandmother always said that I was 'jowly' (though my big head sort of makes it unnoticeable, besides when I'm over weight).


And, yes, my dream job is being a Psychiatrist- though I wouldn't give pills ever, as I don't believe in their use.


Also, the esoteric and the humanitarian are of my most valued pursuits.


p.s. I've noticed before that I become oddly quiet and shy around new people when they have the potential to become anything more than strangers. If they are only strangers, I am as open as I am with my own friends (as their opinion doesn't affect me). But if I like someone (as a friend or romantically), I close off a little- I guess it's a defensive mechanism or something. When I get to know them and trust them a bit, I open up, and people are shocked by the change.


Ya, the cancerian thing, clannish. Outer hard shell protecting the inner part.


I will say Capital that if you do choose to work in the psychiatric field you would be most successful, Jupiter is in the 12th house, the house that rules nut houses :) ..haha, I'm being silly with my words, psychiatric hospitals. Jupiter rules luck and wealth(amongst other things), also it is the traditional ruler of pisces(before the discovery of neptune)and pisces is 12th house similar, and also, as it happens your midheaven, the midheaven in my opinion relates to career path, and it is also in pisces. Many things kind of link up to that. Also Pluto has an angle to jupiter in the 12th, pluto is the 'ruler' of mental breakdown and aspects Jupiter in the 12th(mental institutions), whereas the actual ongoing state of being er.... 'crazy' is more closely related to neptune/pisces. The angle was a positive one which led me to believe it's not you who will experience a breakdown. There are quite a few other things related to it, but to be frank there comes a point where I find it rather difficult to articulate it as one cohesive explanation due to this effecting that and another angle effecting another...... and so on.


I should say Capital if you're studying engineering or whatever else and not psychiatry don't just suddenly chuck it in cos I've said this, I'm no career advisor nor am I a professional astrologer, and neither do I know you better than you know yourself and your own needs. A chart is just an indication of strengths and possibilities. In my experience anyway.

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To be perfectly honest, Psychiatry, or at least for now just Psychology, is my choice of Major. The stars seem to wish to help me; perhaps it will give me some confidence. Maybe I might make a breakthrough that can help people. :D


Sorry to ask so much, but is there anything in Astrology that deals with traveling? I know it's an odd question, but I've always had the urge to take 4k dollars, a back pack stuffed with a few pairs of clothes, and a passport and just go and live life (lol, or die, but that's possible always).


I just don't know when I should do it. Should I forgo college until I'm a few years older (like 24-28) to go travel, or should I go to school now and go exploring after I get my degree? Do the stars have any help for me here, because it's the big fork in the road of my life right now.


To give you a full picture, I did really well in high school. I took all highest level classes (besides in math...), and I got a pretty darn good score on the big test they make us take to 'prove our intellect' before colleges will accept us. I also participated in some of the big events in my school (including a charity), so I believe the school I sent my application to will accept it. Therefore, it's not a question of 'Should I go to college?' but 'Should I go to college now?'

Edited by Capital

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To be perfectly honest, Psychiatry, or at least for now just Psychology, is my choice of Major. The stars seem to wish to help me; perhaps it will give me some confidence. Maybe I might make a breakthrough that can help people. :D


Sorry to ask so much, but is there anything in Astrology that deals with traveling? I know it's an odd question, but I've always had the urge to take 4k dollars, a back pack stuffed with a few pairs of clothes, and a passport and just go and live life (lol, or die, but that's possible always).


I just don't know when I should do it. Should I forgo college until I'm a few years older (like 24-28) to go travel, or should I go to school now and go exploring after I get my degree? Do the stars have any help for me here, because it's the big fork in the road of my life right now.


To give you a full picture, I did really well in high school. I took all highest level classes (besides in math...), and I got a pretty darn good score on the big test they make us take to 'prove our intellect' before colleges will accept us. I also participated in some of the big events in my school (including a charity), so I believe the school I sent my application to will accept it. Therefore, it's not a question of 'Should I go to college?' but 'Should I go to college now?'




I think your question is one that can/should be answered on a more mundane level. Yes, there are branches of astrology that will tell you 'this is a good time to do this or that', but in my opinion it's very simple: do what you want, when you want! I don't deal with progressive astrology, that's not to say there aren't influences, it's just to say why oh why would you give your own decision making over to it. I don't.


Capital, just ask yourself a simple question: what do you WANT to do? One does not preclude the other man. If you fancy a year of travel before college, then go for it, you can still attend college without much detriment after in my view, or if you wanna attend college straight away, do so, you can take a gap year later. Only YOU know what's best for you. No one else. Don't give your power away to anything/anyone.


This link will be much more useful to you than any astrology!!!!



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Thanks for the link! I will make use of that one day. For now, and until I'm living alone, it's bookmarked.


Thanks for the advice! It was indeed better than any astrology.


Astrology is just lots of fun! :lol:

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wonderful post, thank you for writing it! there is so much more that influences us than most people realize. astrology has a really bad name, sure... but it doesn't discredit the very real effect our universe has on us.



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I don't know what I believe. I think that I'd like to believe things that seem consistent with some ideas I have about myself.


I think I'd rather not believe things that aren't. Of course it's very nice to get compliments - most charts are full of them. And I think that maybe the compliments help one swallow the less desirable suggestions about oneself.


Irony is that I enjoy astrology a great deal and it has proved to be comforting to me. An escape from frontal cortex (?) It explains things and/or removes my responsibility from things entirely. Hell I was just PMing back and forth with Immortal Sister and came across some potential explanation that my marriage fears (see crazy posting in my private forum) could be related to my fertility, are related to my birth time. Tao/Shakti/Shiva has it down for me, no diggity.


Edited to add that I did go to the astrolabe 't link and I'm positively flattered (doesn't take much :wub: ) If you want the downlow -go see my private forum (where I also talk about random horror...)

Edited by Kate

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