
what is reality and what is illusion ?

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dont let Brain or anyone else be discouraging . :) He doenst understand much of whats going on around him . if he did he'd know he and I are the same guy, in spiritually terms, but his reality is that hes a name and im a different name. Our names are different . But not the life that controls us both . He doesnt see that . Not many do . :)

I think you just took that further than I ever would have. But that's okay.

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I earned my moniker the old-fashioned way -- the Carvelle ice-cream cake decorator dubbed me thusly on my fourth birthday, with the phrase, "Happy Birthday, Brain!!!"

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I think your duality perspective is pretty good for electrostatics, and for electrodynamics if you ignore magnetism, but it fails to account for time, and hence for magnetism. It falls flat on gravity, too, I think, unless you think you can express it. Don't see it being predictive for inertia, either. I'm not saying you are wrong, just that your model only accounts for part of "reality."


Explore the electromagnetic potential (the Lorentz covariant four-potential collapses to it under nonrelativistic conditions) and learn the significance of retarded potentials


Picture this -- you and a partner conduct an experiment. You synchronize your watches and then you walk some distance away while your partner picks up a charged particle between thumb and forefinger. You observer and take notes while your partner begins to move the particle up and down. Up and down, up and down...


Your partner is generating an electromagnetic wave -- the movement in the plane of motion of the particle is the "electrodynamic" component while the "magnetodynamic" component is orthogonal to that vector field, at a right-angle to it in a direction I cannot point. The magnetic field is the delayed effect (the retardation) of the signal carried by the electric field, delayed by the propagation delay needed for the electromagnetic wave, travelling at the speed of light, to travel the distance you walked -- it is a shifted phase-angle.



The amplitude of both the electric fields and the magnetic fields (which are collectively the electromagnetic field) can be calculated and, if you've got sufficiently sensitive instrumentation, measured. The color of the light your friend generates, by the way, is precisely related to how quickly that particle gets wiggled.



The principle you should explore next is inductance.


One of the key concepts is that of magnetic permeability. Vacuum, by definition, has a permeability of unity and is, by consequence, nonmagnetic. A relative permeability slightly greater than one indicates a paramagnetic substance, which is weakly attracted to a magnet. A relative permeability of less than one means a substance is diamagnetic, and is repelled by a magnet. Water is 0.999992 and air is 1.00000037.


This means we, being mostly water, are right near that inflection point. A small change in magnetic susceptibility makes a difference.


Three examples? :) I take your challenge in jest because you claim complete understanding of the universe but display fundamental gaps but...

Brian... *deep bow* thanks mate...

what a whopper of a post for me!



time varying, charge disbursements... wow

inductance... double wow


I've experienced sensations and awareness relating to these concepts when playing Qi Gong in groups of people or with trees versus my solitary cultivation.


Now my left brain can play with it too... pure awesome :)

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hey no problem :lol:


as expected, your examples didnt prove anything usfull. Its easy to cut and paste allot of non sense and say its this and that . Niether did the link refering to the derivations. Get back to me when you can provide an example in your own words. Something that we can understand would be good too . :)


what cup ? its an illusion , ( yin )


the pleasure has been all mine , :) literally



Out of curiosity, what part (other than the URLs underlying the hyperlinks I added for the reader's convenience) of that post do you imagine I copied and pasted?


In your belief system, how do you account for gravity?

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Brian... *deep bow* thanks mate...

what a whopper of a post for me!



time varying, charge disbursements... wow

inductance... double wow


I've experienced sensations and awareness relating to these concepts when playing Qi Gong in groups of people or with trees versus my solitary cultivation.


Now my left brain can play with it too... pure awesome :)



Wasn't sure who that post was for but I knew it wasn't TaoMaster.

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Brian... *deep bow* thanks mate...

what a whopper of a post for me!



time varying, charge disbursements... wow

inductance... double wow


I've experienced sensations and awareness relating to these concepts when playing Qi Gong in groups of people or with trees versus my solitary cultivation.


Now my left brain can play with it too... pure awesome :)

the left and right brain are hubs for the bodies nervous system and have nothing to do with reason and cognitive realizations .


if a person has a derogatory attitude towards another person , and others like this persons derogatory statement , its as if he too is being just as derogatory . Two yin's don't make a yang :)


if he or she gives praise or emphasis, or omg no way wow !!! same thing. :)


yin attracts more yin and yang more yang . like the poles of a magnet either attract or repel each other .


time and magnetics have no relation to one another in a way that will change poles of a magnet , yang and yin , my original question . If it does please give me a simple example . just one.


please show me an example that can be understood in laymens terms?.


rather than cut and pasting a web page link using scientific formulas of e=mc2 or x devised by 2.73 x the square root of py......

its just a no answer .


now its just a silly game rather than a productive conversation that is truly beneficial :)

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Out of curiosity, what part (other than the URLs underlying the hyperlinks I added for the reader's convenience) of that post do you imagine I copied and pasted?


In your belief system, how do you account for gravity?

gravity is the vacuum of 0 pressing on the surface of the planet 1. its pushing on the planets surface from all sides and making a ball. This is what account for the theory of massive solidity in the center and its opposite at the outer atmosphere which is low pressure , extreme cold and thin air . its almost the exact opposite of the planets core. extreme solidity , heat and extreme pressure. the planet and its contents want to go outward and the negative vacuum presure is says no . Its yin . Yin always says no in some form or some way .


when you jump up ( yang ) yin says no or down ( yin ) relativistic, perspective , attitude anything else will not change this .


up is yang and down is yin . no exceptions


even busting it up into a trillion parts , it will no more chnage than slitting a magnet into more and more half pieces of its self.


you commented and provided a link about the derivations of the words factual and actual . in a prior post you said they are derived from completely different roots. Yet the link you provided confirmed what i said all along and totalty disputed what you wer trying to convince me of .


see my reply to silent thunders post i made two up from this one. :)


at this point its better to go back to the original post of what is illusion and what is reality .


unless that is you'd like to tell me in your own words how yang and yin or a magnetic fields or poles of a magnet can be changed with perspective or a human body part .


can they be altered ? yes , with the body , yes . Body's are electromagnetic too . But you wont change yang to yin and yin to yang this way , youll just be pushing fields around a little .


the web pages are also no proof


if tall is yang and short is yin , there can always be a taller tall and a shorter short but its doesnt mean tall is not yang and short is not yin and you cant change that .


you can say yes it does but if you cant show me proof in terms that can be understood , its the same as no proof . It just makes my truth that much more true and thats exactly what you did . .......thx


ST stepped up and said wow bow and such but even if 10 thousand others did the same it just make my truth even more true.


the reason why for the same action can be infinite .


you can say you did something for one reason while holding an unspoken consideration for the true reason . :)


Sorry mate for tripping you as you walked by , I didn't mean to stick my foot out when you actually did .


or you can say i stuck my foot out because a had a muscle cramp or i was seeing how far i could life my foot and such and you just happened to walk by .


these are the real life easy to understand examples im asking anyone for and so far no one can do it .


all im getting is incorrect or non applicable reply's .


at this point id rather let it go at that .


Ive proved my points and you have strengthened them. So has ST.


lets go back to reality and illusions


anyone . some examples?


4th of july ? ; )


marriage agreements ?




Halloween ?


new years day ?


afternoon and evening ?


st patty's day ?


there's some illusions for ya :)


mlk ?


valentines day ?


winter and spring ?


12 am ? 6 pm?


all illusions


anyone else want to share some ? :)

Edited by TaoMaster

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That would have been a nice post had it not started out with so much BS.



PS The 4th of July is just another day but some have placed significance on the date. Likely every day of the calendar year has significance to someone. But they all are just another day - another day that the Earth has gone around our star.

Edited by Marblehead

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That would have been a nice post had it not started out with so much BS.



PS The 4th of July is just another day but some have placed significance on the date. Likely every day of the calendar year has significance to someone. But they all are just another day - another day that the Earth has gone around our star.

but its long past , an illusion . so are birthdays, holidays, and days of the week .


look at the clock . is 12 am really AM ? It night time not morning.


is 12 pm night time ? its day time yet its called PM as if its night.


if not then what is the truth?


when the sun+ comes- up+ its day+ time . AM


when the sun+ goes+ down+ its PM night- time


illusions. lies.


can you give me some that you see ?


how is it an illusion ?

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can you give me some that you see ?


how is it an illusion ?

Sure, day/night, days, weeks, months years, etc, are all man made terms created for the purpose of tracking change. The illusion would be that nothing changes or that some things don't change. Change is the dynamics of Tao. (I stole that from Wayne L Wang, one of many translators of the TTC.)


The physical universe is reality, our subjective valuations of it are the illusions, although very useful to us most of the time.


But still, most of humanity operates according to some form of time table. We set the time we work and the time we play. We meet others based on place and time.


When I wake up in the morning I often say to myself, "Ah! I woke up. Another day to do things. Or not."

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Sure, day/night, days, weeks, months years, etc, are all man made terms created for the purpose of tracking change. The illusion would be that nothing changes or that some things don't change. Change is the dynamics of Tao. (I stole that from Wayne L Wang, one of many translators of the TTC.)


The physical universe is reality, our subjective valuations of it are the illusions, although very useful to us most of the time.


But still, most of humanity operates according to some form of time table. We set the time we work and the time we play. We meet others based on place and time.


When I wake up in the morning I often say to myself, "Ah! I woke up. Another day to do things. Or not."


When the suns up, its day , how is this an illusion ?


Here's and illusion that's not easy to see.


In the beginning there was darkness, then there was light.


Or first the was the vacuum of outer space , then there was the sun .


How do I know ?


I was there, we all were. ( smile)


Light always precedes dark. You can trace this all the way back into the future. ( smile )


Another illusion , the future comes after the past. No it always comes first .


You can change your perspective all you want but that will not change this actual fact. ( smile ) Hi Brian ( laughing )


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When the suns up, its day , how is this an illusion ? Here's and illusion that's not easy to see. In the beginning there was darkness, then there was light.Or first the was the vacuum of outer space , then there was the sun . How do I know ?I was there, we all were. ( smile) Light always precedes dark. You can trace this all the way back into the future. ( smile ) Another illusion , the future comes after the past. No it always comes first . You can change your perspective all you want but that will not change this actual fact. ( smile ) Hi Brian ( laughing )

And this I don't mean as a jab: That was almost cute.

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When the suns up, its day , how is this an illusion ? Here's and illusion that's not easy to see. In the beginning there was darkness, then there was light. Or first the was the vacuum of outer space , then there was the sun . How do I know ? I was there, we all were. ( smile) Light always precedes dark. You can trace this all the way back into the future. ( smile ) Another illusion , the future comes after the past. No it always comes first . You can change your perspective all you want but that will not change this actual fact. ( smile ) Hi Brian ( laughing )

Well, we sure do have a lot of disagreements with this response of yours.


The sun is always up. It is the earth that rotates around its own axis.


In the beginning: WoW! I can't go back that far. But back before the beginning all was one. That is, one mass of pure energy with no place to go except outward because it could not go any further into itself.


The time line is: Past, Present, Future. We are always in the present except when we talk with Vmarco and then it is we are always living in the past.


Me? I live in the present, the now moment. More often than not I live spontaneously. Other times I plan my future actions. And then there are times when I don't give a shit.

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Illusions , where are you now and always ? On the surface of earth or in outer space. You can only consider the POV from outer space subjectivly.

( smile )


Im gonna get a spankin by evrryone for that statement but it os what it is. Just like the tree in the forest. Yall may as well form a line , itll be a long one too. Brian might even get in line a few times.


But this statement is why this thread os better suited for advanced taoists ( laughing )


This is how the ancients use to consider the universe. They came first, yang , we came after, yin


Truth ALWAYS precedes the lie. ( smile )

Well, we sure do have a lot of disagreements with this response of yours.


The sun is always up. It is the earth that rotates around its own axis.


In the beginning: WoW! I can't go back that far. But back before the beginning all was one. That is, one mass of pure energy with no place to go except outward because it could not go any further into itself.


The time line is: Past, Present, Future. We are always in the present except when we talk with Vmarco and then it is we are always living in the past.


Me? I live in the present, the now moment. More often than not I live spontaneously. Other times I plan my future actions. And then there are times when I don't give a shit.

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Maybe I need to put it into your own terms (not that I agree with them)


Bird gets energy from food+

Bird flies up+

Bird gets low on energy after flapping it's wings-

Bird stops to take a rest and maybe have a bite to eat...well that's - and then + (according to TM logic)


Am I correct so far?


I'll continue with your blessing.

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"Bird flies up+"

Bird drops poop on peoples head

Bird laughs

Bird finds more food, then more heads, then more laughs

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Truth ALWAYS precedes the lie. ( smile )

This caught my eye while refreshing my mind of the flow of this thread to find out where the birds came from.


Truth always precedes the lie. Ergo,


The objective always precedes the subjective.

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:) reality and illusion are the same thing on two sides of a spectrum

When stomach is full, pooping has a very high possibiity of being a reality. ThinkingI of doing so or not is an illusion

Edited by TaoMaster

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3 real life examples!


Love to , but heres just 2 , I need to go run an errand now . :)


you have a dream of having a ton of cash in the bank. The dream is real but when you wake, you REALize its not true.


Both the dream and the fact youre as broke as a circus clown are both true. The dream is an illusion and yet it exists because you perceived it . Anything that exists is real . a no thing is not real because it does not exist .


Dude, I can give you an endess list , not just three. :)


can you give me 1 example of how what I say is not true now ?


a car is driving towards you from a distance. You see its a ford falcon. But when the car gets close to you you see it from all its sides its like hey WTH ? its only a photograph of the front of a ford falcon . Its really a chevy nova with a photograph of a ford on it . :angry:


Both the photo of the car and the car are real things. :) the photo is an illusion and the car is real . When you see the photo , the illusion vanishes and now its all real .

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