
Chunyi Lin will personally collect $1.5 million from Stiggy in Australia

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I know our new Ultimate You Mindfest begins next week, and I don't want to divert your attention from that, but we have breaking news: We're bringing Chunyi Lin from the Spring Forest Healingfest to Australia to do a major seminar in June. Since we don't have your street address connected to your email address on this list, I wanted to let you know about the seminar, just in case you are in that part of the world and would like to get the seminar into your calendar. So if Australia is a possibility for you, please read this email. Thank you for your attention! Pete
Dear Drew,
Great news! For the very first time, we are bringing Chunyi Lin to Australia to teach the special Spring Forest Qigong Higher Energy seminar. Would you like to join us?
Seating is indeed limited. If you want to be there, please enroll today.
Chunyi Lin's Higher Energy seminar
You will spend two full days with Qigong master, teacher, and healer Chunyi Lin, in person, learning about the pure energy of Spring Forest Qigong, practicing the "active exercises" of Level 1, and sitting in healing meditation.
You will raise your energetic level – that is, you will raise your personal energy so that you can be more effective in the world.
This means:
You can be healthier. Both now and in the future.
Spring Forest Qigong teaches you how to take away stress, pain, and sickness from your body at amazing speeds. It is absolutely true what Chunyi says:
You are born a healer! You can heal yourself!
Higher Energy kick-starts your ability to use Spring Forest Qigong and heal yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
You'll open your heart and bust through energy blockages. You'll balance and enhance your body's energy so that it can get about making sure your body is healthy and performing for you the way you need it to.
You will direct higher healing energy to the Law of Attraction.
When you use Spring Forest Qigong, you melt energetic resistance that has kept you from achieving optimal health and wellness, your highest goals, your dreams, and your ideal life.
It doesn't matter whether you want to be the best parent possible for your child – whether you want to be a multimillionaire – whether you want to be highly respected in your career – whether you want to attract the perfect partner – because:
...the higher your energy, the more resistance melts, and the more life unfolds the way you want it.
You will rise to challenges as they appear in your life.
When your energy channels are open and your energy is balanced and flows purely, challenges cannot stop you. They can try, but your energy will be stronger than the energy of the challenges.
It will be as if you have a force field around you, protecting you and deflecting issues.
You will be happier than you can ever imagine.
There's probably nothing finer than simply being happy.
Chunyi knows that when you go into the emptiness – the special state of body, mind, and energy of Spring Forest Qigong practice – you experience pure joy and happiness. The more you experience, the more it expands. Joy and happiness become a way of life.
Healing Yourself with Higher Energy
As you may have heard:
A respected medical doctor at the University of Minnesota Medical School wrote the following about Spring Forest Qigong:
"I would place this equal in importance to the incredible and simple discoveries in the 1940s called antibiotics and in the 1950s called immunizations."
That's a massive statement. That Spring Forest Qigong is as important as "antibiotics" and "immunizations." Those advancements are most responsible for the jump in our life-span in the past 60 years. And Spring Forest Qigong is just as important! Wow.
People who practice Spring Forest Qigong have seen significant relief from:
  • General pain: neck, shoulder, knee, postoperative pains, arthritis, joint pain
  • Migraine headaches, sinus problems, allergies
  • Spinal problems
  • Weight Control
  • Hearing or sight problems
  • Female or male organ problems
  • Kidney or liver dysfunction
  • Strokes
  • Glandular dysfunction such as thyroid problems
  • Anxiety
  • Diabetes problems
  • Gall or kidney stones
  • Heart disease: heart attacks, congestive heart failure, recovery from heart

    surgery, and general heart dysfunction

  • Circulation problems
  • Depression
  • Cancers
  • Lung problems
  • Digestion problems
  • Immune dysfunction such as AIDS and lupus
  • Bone marrow problems
  • Mental disorders: post traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks, addictions

    obsessive/compulsive disorder, hyperactivity, dyslexia

  • Comas
  • Stress
Furthermore: Chunyi Lin is so well respected in medical circles that he was asked by the Director of the Department of Integrative Medicine at the world-famous Mayo Clinic to co-author a chapter on Qigong in the Textbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Chunyi Lin is the Real McCoy. He is a true master. Someone you must meet. Someone you should study with. Get yourself to the first-ever Australian Higher Energy seminar to spend time with him personally, to learn everything you can from him, to experience healing energy in your own body and life.
Dates & Times
Sydney, Australia

The Sydney Boulevard Hotel

Saturday, June 8, 2013

9:00 am to 9:00 pm with lunch and dinner breaks

Sunday, June 9, 2013

9:00 am to 4:30 pm with a lunch break

Lunch will be included with your tuition.
We'll have sessions during the morning and afternoon on both Saturday and Sunday with a special group healing meditation for everyone Saturday evening.
And, yes, we will finish Sunday's session with Chunyi's famous Lotus Meditation.
Tuition & Discounts – Save $60 today
The regular tuition is $880 USD, and you will save $60 when you enroll today.
MARCH BONUS: Everyone who enrolls in March will receive a special interest-free payment plan of four payments of $205.
Invite two friends to join you
You may invite up to two guests for $600 each. That's a tremendous savings and a wonderful gift (there are no further discounts available on the guest tuition). When you enroll today, we will send you an email with instructions to enroll your guests.
All guests enrolled in March will receive a special interest-free payment plan of four payments of $150.
Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. As soon as we fill up, enrollment will close even if you have not yet enrolled a guest, so please act quickly. (You may cancel your enrollment any time before May 8 to receive a full refund.)
To enroll, visit:
Or, call our event department in the U.S. at 1-952-767-9800. You can call us Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. U.S. Central Time. Click here to see the time in Minneapolis right now. You can also email any questions to [email protected].
The scientific magic of being with Chunyi
There is a powerful phenomenon in physics called "sympathetic resonance."
Here's how it works Let's say you have two violins sitting next to each other. When you pluck the string on one violin, the same string on the other violin will begin to vibrate. You will actually hear it.
Chunyi and I saw the concept demonstrated at a Transformational Leadership Council meeting. Musician Fred Johnson sang a note while looking at a guitar. The guitar strings automatically began to vibrate at the same frequency – the guitar played the same note Fred sang!
"Sympathetic resonance" happens when you are in a room with someone whose energy is as strong as Chunyi's. Your body begins to resonate at the higher frequencies of their energy.
The energetic patterns of your body and mind will automatically respond to Chunyi's.
On top of that, when you have a room full of Chunyi's students doing the same thing, each begins to play off each other making the resonance stronger and stronger. That is one of the reasons group sessions such as this can result in such wonderful and miraculous healings.
But it doesn't matter whether your goal is healing – to open your third eye – to simply being a stronger energetic person – you can experience fascinating results at the Higher Energy seminar.
Higher Energy goes beyond Level 1
If you've already studied Level 1, which is the "Spring Forest Qigong for Health" personal learning course and which was streamed during the "Spring Forest Healingfest," you will love Higher Energy. You will be clearer about your practice ... you will better understand how this universal energy works through you ... you'll feel the energy working in your body ... you'll be doing the "active exercises" the way Chunyi intended so that you get the best results ... you'll be inspired and motivated to carry on your practice when you return home ...
What an experience Higher Energy will be for you!
And if you are new to Spring Forest Qigong… Well, suffice it to say, your life will never be the same. You do not need to have practiced Spring Forest Qigong before. You just need to be open to the possibilities of what it could mean to you.
Your tuition includes FREE access to the Level 1 self-study course
We'd like you to listen to the audios and watch Chunyi's video of Spring Forest Qigong before you come to the seminar. Until the seminar begins, you will enjoy free online access to stream the six CDs, the video, and course manual.
The more you know before the seminar and the more you practice Spring Forest Qigong, the more benefit you will receive from the seminar. You will be able to listen to the audios and watch the videos as often as you like before the seminar whenever you are connected to the internet.
This bonus is only available when you enroll in March.
Satisfaction Guarantee
Of course...if you are dissatisfied for any reason, you will have 30 days after the seminar to request a refund of your tuition. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain!
To enroll in Higher Energy with Chunyi Lin, visit:
I will be at the seminar with you. Please come up to me to say "Hi." This will be my first visit to Australia too, and I am really looking forward to it.
Please get back to us with any questions. We hope to see you at Higher Energy in Sydney.
Best Regards,


Pete Bissonette

President of Learning Strategies

Spring Forest Qigong enthusiast

P.S. - How have folks been doing with Spring Forest Qigong? A few stories for you:
"Arthritis is gone. Eyesight restored to 20/20!"
"My health and energy is at an all-time high!"
"I feel more balanced in my movement."
"Less pain in my joints."
"More serene."
"I'm beginning to feel better. I'm happier than I've been in a long time."
"I am more committed to my practice. My tooth pain has decreased."
"Nagging pain from a torn hamstring, which has been bothersome for 10 years, is gone."
"Greater sense of mental, emotional, and physical well-being."
"I am more relaxed."
"My complexion is better and my back pain is gone."
"My hip pain diminished!"
"Better sleep."
"I have a better attitude toward life!"
"I had an immediate improvement in my eczema."
"I have more energy and flexibility in my body."
"My torn rotator cuff is substantially better. Far less pain, more range of motion."
"I am finally regular with my bowel movements."
"I am more calm during the day."
"My left shoulder has much less pain. I almost forgot it was the bad one yesterday when I found myself lifting things without regard to favoring it as I usually do."
"When my three incredible children fight and bicker, I remain calm and then they are calm."
"My meditation practice has deepened. I am better able to feel energy in and around me."
"Kidney pain reduced. Signs of infection gone. And, I'm using my inhaler less. A lot less."
Those are amazing stories. While we can't promise results, we can promise that you will be more than satisfied with your experience being with Chunyi Lin at Higher Energy in Sydney.
Learning Strategies Corporation
2000 Plymouth Road
Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-2335 USA

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I'd love to fly over from Perth (west oz) for this.. Unsure as if I'll have the money at this point. If not I do hope to visit the US next year for a workshop or something. Unsure what you meant by the thread title though?

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880 bucks? No thanks.


Charging fees like that, and taking into account all the years CYL's been in business, surely the 1.5mil would seem like loose change. Why would he want to subject his reputation to such scrutiny? Come on, Drew.

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880 bucks? No thanks.


Charging fees like that, and taking into account all the years CYL's been in business, surely the 1.5mil would seem like loose change. Why would he want to subject his reputation to such scrutiny? Come on, Drew.


That's hilarious.


Umm -- he already submitted himself to


gold standard


science research.








yep - there's the research.


External Qigong for Chronic Pain,

Results from a peer-reviewed, randomized, controlled, clinical study

Ann Vincent, Brent A. Bauer, et al Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

Jamia Hill, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota


So external qi has already been proven.


Gold standard science!



"Subjects with chronic pain who received external qigong experienced reduction in pain intensity following each qigong treatment. This is especially impressive given the long duration of pain (>5 years) in the most of the participants,"


writes lead author Ann Vincent, MD, MBBS, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.

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Yes, I agree that QIgong, via relaxation, slow rhythmical movements, and deep breathing can lead to better health. But of course, as with anything, excess of anything can lead to poorer health.


My own preference are simple movements all of which are capable of providing equivalent results (Qigong was actually designed to be quite simple). These movements are amply conveyed in Youtube videos or various Qigong tapes (I think the tapes of Yang Jwing-Ming which can be purchased at a discount are more than adequate).


I am a bit confused by the title of the thread however.

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I am a bit confused by the title of the thread however.

It either an attempt at a joke or just a misleading jab at Stig about some other recent threads. I wouldn't worry about it as Sydney is a LONG way from Queensland ;)

Edited by Mal Stainkey
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It either an attempt at a joke or just a misleading jab at Stig about some other recent threads. I wouldn't worry about it as Sydney is a LONG way from Queensland ;)

Thanks. It is a bit confusing. Feels almost like bait-and-switch. Anyway, I doubt any 1.5 million will be transferred because I don't know for what. If it is for giving a seminar in Sydney, I will be happy to make the trip first and collect.

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So now its Gold Standard?




Like Rolex watches are premium quality, that kind of way?


I understand.


Come to think of it, it is rather hilarious.

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So now its Gold Standard?




Like Rolex watches are premium quality, that kind of way?


I understand.


Come to think of it, it is rather hilarious.


Perspect Biol Med. 2005 Autumn;48(4):516-34.
The randomized controlled trial: gold standard, or merely standard?

Unit for History and Philosophy of Science, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia. [email protected]




It's definitely the "standard" for science -- not everyone thinks it should be called "gold" -- but then science is also up for further discussion. haha.



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It either an attempt at a joke or just a misleading jab at Stig about some other recent threads. I wouldn't worry about it as Sydney is a LONG way from Queensland ;)


Yeah I realize a qigong master would have to seek out Stiggy to help him out. haha.


Hey anywhere on Australia is a lot closer than the U.S.


I realize that until Stig is personally convinced then it is not objectively real. haha.


All he has to do is get a Chunyi Lin phone healing from http://springforestqigong.com and then report back on the laser bliss heart energy.

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Two things... first the study was published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, which is more qigong friendly than most scientific journals tend to be. In other words this isn't an objective study. Also the findings seem a bit vague, especially in the degree of pain and the alleviation of pain from the practice of qigong. Finally, if this has to do with a bet, I can guarantee if it's dependent on proof of actual ability, Stig isn't going to lose any money.



Edited by Aaron

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You are misrepresenting my views and the intent and purpose of the $1.5million Fajin Challenge (obviously due to the fact that you have completely failed to understand the purpose and intent). I personally find your deliberate denigration of me and the project we are running highly offensive and slanderous.



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Drew, don't you think you are using your teacher's name a bit recklessly? You constantly throw out his name, but do you consider what he thinks? Chunyi lin is all about love and helping others, not fajing or whatever. It just seems a bit disrespectful.

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You are misrepresenting my views and the intent and purpose of the $1.5million Fajin Challenge (obviously due to the fact that you have completely failed to understand the purpose and intent). I personally find your deliberate denigration of me and the project we are running highly offensive and slanderous.




Stig I think you mean libel -- as I wrote something.


Obviously it is a joke but then again - all you have to do is call to get a phone healing to feel the laser love energy! haha.


So I do find it very funny.


Still good luck waiting for qigong masters to help you out. haha.


Seriously man -- -- oh wait - you are serious aren't you?


BTW - thanks for replying to me finally Stiggy!


Yeah so I guess I'll repeat myself -- oh wait - that would be silly.

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Drew, don't you think you are using your teacher's name a bit recklessly? You constantly throw out his name, but do you consider what he thinks? Chunyi lin is all about love and helping others, not fajing or whatever. It just seems a bit disrespectful.


See the beauty is you are free to think that all you want because that is free speech!


For example Chunyi Lin demonstrated his qissage technique at one of his conferences and he asked for volunteers.


So this man was sitting next to a friend - and the man was very -- shall we say... overbearing.... and so he gets picked by Chunyi Lin.


Chunyi Lin presses this point of the man's back -- and the man collapses, almost fainting, Chunyi Lin is literally holding his body up, the man is sweating profusely, his skin turns white.


Chunyi Lin meanwhile is saying with great love and joy -- see how powerful this point is! It's just so awesome!


The man returns to his seat and tells the person next to him that his life has been changed and now his countenance his humble and he has a completely different character.


Call it whatever you want! haha.


Chunyi Lin says in his book how he had to change the 220 voltage of household current levels and how this could normally kill a person but he had to do it to pass his test.


His Stiggy saying Chunyi Lin is lying? haha.


What does Stiggy think of John Chang? A fake?


How about Wang Liping.


How about Effie P. Chow - I personally saw her blow the fuse in the room behind us at St. Mary's University in 1995.


Ummm. I could go on - but again I find it hilarious on a qigong website that someone is skeptical.


I realize Stiggy wants some rational scientific proof of fa jing in controlled circumstances that he sets up.


Whatever -- he obviously takes his project very seriously but to me it reminds me of the spoiled boy at the Mall with his mom.


I call this "Mall Science" - if it is not a repeatable product off the shelf then it does not objectively exist! haha.


Mommy mommy - that's not what I want... and the boy can never get his desires fulfilled.


haha. Basically science is not rational at all - it is a religion!


Try reading H.M. Collins or Professor David F. Noble or --- boy.. there's so many to choose from...


oh yeah Karl Polyani is a great one - all these scholars prove science is not rational.

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We all know Chunyi Lin as a great and highly respected teacher. I have never heard any negative comments regarding him or his methods. Sound like your beating a dead horse Drew.....and to be honest it just makes you and your teacher look weak.


My 2 cents Peace

Edited by OldGreen

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Two things... first the study was published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, which is more qigong friendly than most scientific journals tend to be. In other words this isn't an objective study. Also the findings seem a bit vague, especially in the degree of pain and the alleviation of pain from the practice of qigong. Finally, if this has to do with a bet, I can guarantee if it's dependent on proof of actual ability, Stig isn't going to lose any money.




Yeah you want to have some "rational" debate about "objective" science!


Hilarious!! haha.


I have done this with some undergrad atheists about this study - - you can just google it - there's a few articles on their website.


The doctors who did the study work at top research institutes - the Mayo Clinic is rated one of the top hospitals in the world - number 2 I think . The U of Minnesota is rated in the top ten research institutes of the U.S.


The study was "randomized controlled" which is considered a completely rational methodology.


But hey -- if suddenly "normal" science is not "normal" anymore because someone disagrees with the topic of study -- that is confusing form with content. Form decides content -- trumps it.

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We all know Chunyi Lin as a great and highly respected teacher. I have never heard any negative comments regarding him or his methods. Sound like your beating a dead horse Drew.....and to be honest it just makes you and your teacher look weak.


My 2 cents Peace


I have no idea what you're talking about! haha.


I am still wondering why Stiggy needs to wait for some qigong master to come to him to personally prove to him something?


Anyone? Still waiting....


Why doesn't Stiggy just call to get a phone healing!


Or call Effie P. Chow.


This is not about Chunyi Lin.


There are half a dozen real qigong masters readily available.


I recommended Master Zhang just a few days ago and PRESTO! Someone goes sees Master Zhang for a healing and posts it on this forum!


Electrical shocks, strong magnetic fields, involuntary body movements.


So looks like Master Zhang passes the test with ease.


You'd think Stiggy would jump on the chance to get a closer look at Master Zhang... but apparently Master Zhang has to meet all of Stiggy's personal qualifications. haha.

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Still no fa jing masters out there in the world?


Still waiting. haha.


Oh wait "anecdotes" don't count right?


No testimonials?


So the fact that I posted info about Master Zhang being in NYC and then someone read that information here and being in NYC they went for a Master Zhang healing....


Their report back is not valid -- correct?


So they used the internet -- free information - to transform their life!


Meanwhile Stiggy is still waiting for some qigong master to meet his personal special needs.




No comment is allowed by Stiggy about Master Zhang or any of the numerous real qigong masters available via taobums....


I respect your patience Stiggy!


Good luck to you!




Willful ignorance always amazes me.


Yeah I'm watching Medicine Men Go Wild on netflix - amazing series on indigenous shamanic healing by Western medical doctors - who go and search out the shamans and they try out their medicines!!


Hmmm... go for it Stiggy! haha.



Medicine has a long tradition of self experimentation!

Episode 2 in Malaysia for the spear piercings....


will celibacy and a special diet enable trance more easily?


will find out soon!


Nope a week of celibacy and fruit did not really help lessen the pain....


Now they're in Tibet....with the doctors and more piercing trance shamans....


after 15 minutes of silent meditation...



My tiny moment of stillness is inspirational.

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus

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Drew You are typing a lot but I don't thin.k you are listening ... Or is it willful ignorance?

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Drew You are typing a lot but I don't thin.k you are listening ... Or is it willful ignorance?


You remind me of someone on one of Joe Rogan's youtube channel.


I posted that Joe Rogan who is very famous in the martial arts scene and psychedelic drug scene.... I posted that he should check out the qigong masters!


Someone responded that obviously I am just talking about magic.


I then gave many great details about the qigong masters, books, videos, other websites.


The person ignored everything I said - refused to look at the information.


Then the person posted a couple vids of fake people getting exposed -- someone doing a magic trick, etc.


I said logically just because someone can do a fake trick or get exposed as fake does not mean qigong masters are proven wrong!


The person then said I sounded like ... who is that famous Indian dude... oh well...


I just kept giving them more qigong information which they continued to NOT consider or comment on.


The person said I was a sad person.


I said actually the qigong master said I had an "enlightenment experience" and I've had permanent magnetic bliss in my brain since then in 2000.




Then person then said they realized I had not been listening to anything they said!


Still the person had yet to even consider the qigong master information I was presenting.


It was truly amazing! Willful ignorance is very common.


My final comment was to check out David Eisenberg, the Harvard medical doctor, author of Encounters with Qi, which details his personal experience of a qigong master demonstrating telekinesis.


There's a photo of the telekinesis.

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus
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***** THE MGT *****


We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.


***** fnord *****


Excuse me ??!!


I find the headline of this thread COMPLETELY insulting and disrespectful ... I am personally offended that the moderation team has decided to allow this to continue.



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Forum Terms & Rules


You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is:


  • knowingly false and/or defamatory,
  • inaccurate.

Also I believe I read recently that the Mod Team developed a "No Disrespect" Rule.


And yet the Mod Team has decide that this the headline and content in this topic is "allowable content".



The headline is false, inaccurate, and defamatory. It is a complete misrepresentation of the associated project and Drew is filling the thread up with false, defamatory and offensive comments.


And this is deemed OK by the Mod Team ??????




Well seeing that this is now the precedent....


Drew ... The Fajin Project and the associated $1.5million Fajin Challenge is specifically designed to make fake masters put up or shut up. It is to force some accountability into an unregulated industry where anyone and everyone can make any claim they wish and hide behind the myriad of exit clauses that infest the art.


To emphasize it is specifically about masters who claim they can make people bounce and hop away using their special "fajin" powers.


HOWEVER ... just for you I will make an exception ... on 2 accounts.


Your Guru, Chunyi Lin, is coming to Australia ... great ... and you claim he can do paranormal healing right? Awesome!!!

In Brisbane, just a short drive up the coast, we have The Australian Skeptics ... and they have a AU$100,000 Prize ready and waiting for your guru .... http://www.skeptics.com.au/features/prize/


Also ... you have often spammed your creepiness of how you lurk around libraries and other public places thinking you can make women have orgasms at a distance (seriously mate this is really f***ked up) ... OK ... well that would qualify as a paranormal and slightly twisted claim ... but hey I am willing to play.


How abouts you prove your bullshit in a scientific way and I will help you win big cash and get you on the Ellen Show where you can sit in full lotus on live TV and make a crowd full of women have orgasms with you !!!


So Drew ... directly to you ... put up or shut up matey ;)

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Forum Terms & Rules


You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is:


  • knowingly false and/or defamatory,
  • inaccurate.

Also I believe I read recently that the Mod Team developed a "No Disrespect" Rule.


And yet the Mod Team has decide that this the headline and content in this topic is "allowable content".




The headline is false, inaccurate, and defamatory. It is a complete misrepresentation of the associated project and Drew is filling the thread up with false, defamatory and offensive comments.


And this is deemed OK by the Mod Team ??????




Well seeing that this is now the precedent....


Drew ... The Fajin Project and the associated $1.5million Fajin Challenge is specifically designed to make fake masters put up or shut up. It is to force some accountability into an unregulated industry where anyone and everyone can make any claim they wish and hide behind the myriad of exit clauses that infest the art.


To emphasize it is specifically about masters who claim they can make people bounce and hop away using their special "fajin" powers.


HOWEVER ... just for you I will make an exception ... on 2 accounts.


Your Guru, Chunyi Lin, is coming to Australia ... great ... and you claim he can do paranormal healing right? Awesome!!!


In Brisbane, just a short drive up the coast, we have The Australian Skeptics ... and they have a AU$100,000 Prize ready and waiting for your guru .... http://www.skeptics.com.au/features/prize/


Also ... you have often spammed your creepiness of how you lurk around libraries and other public places thinking you can make women have orgasms at a distance (seriously mate this is really f***ked up) ... OK ... well that would qualify as a paranormal and slightly twisted claim ... but hey I am willing to play.


How abouts you prove your bullshit in a scientific way and I will help you win big cash and get you on the Ellen Show where you can sit in full lotus on live TV and make a crowd full of women have orgasms with you !!!


So Drew ... directly to you ... put up or shut up matey ;)


Wow Stiggy you're actually serious!


I'm sorry. I really could not believe that you are an actual "skeptic" lurking on thetaobums -- home of so many fascinating accounts of real qigong masters!


You mention Brisbane. Sounds exotic! haha. I've read a few travel books on Australia but I would have to consult a map.


I read a book of a dude who walked across Australia. Another dude biked across Australia. Another was a comedy travel book by a couple Australians.


Anyway of course I'm just mentioning a few books -- I've read more of course. haha.


So Stiggy -- you really are not interested -- in say the fact that I posted ....


oh well again I won't repeat myself as you clearly really are not interested! haha.


So you post on thetaobums but don't really want to engage with qigong masters! That's mind-blowing!


Anyway I hope that the dude who got the Master Zhang healing will report - update his thread -- on the personal class he will get from Master Zhang tomorrow.


Master Zhang is part of a lineage going back directly to Lao Tzu!


Ah but the 2000 year old tradition in China is all fake unless it's scientifically proven right? haha.


Oh yeah Master Zhang's relative created Tai Chi! haha.


So Stiggy - -you teach tai chi and yet you want to ignore Master Zhang?


I mean I'm sorry for repeating myself - it's just stunning.



For seventeen generations my ancestors all followed special practices, acquiring wisdom through the study of longevity, health and the mystery of our universe. Most prominent among them was Zhang Shan Feng, the founder of Taoist Taiji.



So there you go Stiggy - another qigong master for you to personally ignore! haha.

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