
Banking/Monetary Reform

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If Corporations Don’t Pay Taxes, Why Should You?


Also, when you contemplate the painful cuts coming because of the sequester that undoubtedly will further destabilize the economy, remember that, as the Wall Street Journal estimated, the tax savings of just 19 of those companies would more than cover the $85 billion in spending reductions triggered by the congressional budget impasse.




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are irrational numbers, represented in binary, still irrational?


There's a debate in cosmology -- which came first physics or numbers....


So Wheeler said "It from Bit" -- numbers first.


Umm Paul Davies agrees with this.


Most physicists obviously go with physics first.


Binary number assumes a computer to use the code or call it a Turing Machine if you want.


But obviously humans made the machine first.


There is no "pure" math - the irrational number is inherently tied to technology -- not just a "pure" geometric line but a physical construction as technology.


As the irrational number expands in dimensions then the destruction of the technology increases exponentially.


So the origin of the square root of two Pythagorean theorem is actually from Indian Brahmin priests around 1200 BCE and tied to centering the wheel for chariot technology but it's ritual meaning was mass sacrifice as "separation of heaven from earth" - or increasing left brain dominance using right hand technology to suppress the lower body emotions so that they are not sublimated into love energy thereby spreading a mass ritual cult that turns earth into Hell.


So that is the foundation.


The foundation being the human logical error that attempts to symbolically contain infinity which is formless awareness.


That is called the "symbolic revolution" which goes back to around 10,000 BCE.


So money used to be based on the gold as solar sacrifice and silver as the moon temple sacrifice -- but then iron became more valuable than silver around 1200 BCE because of the weapons made from iron. So then the silver lunar "circle" ritual altars had to be made the same area as solar square male altars -- using the Pythagorean theorem.


After that the system just spread using divide and average math and then combining Babylonian and Brahmin philosophy with Egyptian geometry gets you the "Greek Miracle."


What gets lost is the secret of complementary opposite resonance as alchemy training -- hidden in secret schools but it used to be the norm for how to become a real male -- consciously sublimating the life force energy to open up the third eye through the heart love energy as "harmony of heaven and earth." That philosophy is based on humans being a part of Nature as formless awareness -- Nuit -- the Cosmic Mother as nothingness -- or originally N/om the 70,000 year old snake statue goddess as the Lunar energy of female jing power also called soul.


So my engineer brother-in-law getting divorced just called and asked what I was up to.


I said I was just talking about engineering as ancient Freemasonic mass ritual sacrifice. He said yeah was just building a temple today.


Seriously though -- binary code assumes a symmetric relation of number but Pythagoras stated one is not a number and the source of number is Apeiron - female formless awareness -- and 2 is female number as the jing energy or electrochemical matter. So three is the first male number that is the chi electromagnetic energy that combines with two and two is a resonance of the female formless awareness.


So we've been brainwashed to think number is symmetric except that quantum based math like non-commutative geometry argues that one plus one does not equal two -- due to the resonance -- but this is just a failed attempt at a unified field theory and argues that the future mentality is inherently schizophrenic.

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus
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I don't get how we could let ourselves be brainwashed.

Don't get me wrong, I'll admit to have been washed. But I don't get how I let it happen.



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I don't get how we could let ourselves be brainwashed. Don't get me wrong, I'll admit to have been washed. But I don't get how I let it happen. --2cts--




Music is the true model of consciousness and so written language goes against real consciousness since listening to music is right brain dominant.


The music is beyond listening but most go into trance dance through learning an instrument and memorization or trance dancing.


So you have noted dopamine and economics but music is proven to increase dopamine called "frisson" as chills or skin orgasm.


But then deeper is the Mozart Effect which is 60 beats per minute Baroque music (or slow Mozart movements increasing alpha brain waves) that cause slow breathing, vagus nerve activation (also caused by singing with diaphgram) and so serotonin increases in brain.


Dopamine is inverse to serotonin so we've gone one step deeper.


But then when you get to 7 beats per second as trance drumming this is heart REM theta vision state -- pretty rare in the West -- not allowed since it would be considered "possesion", etc. haha.


So that increases the oxytocin love heart energy as the left side vagus nerve to the heart and then increases the electromagnetic energy as real consciousness - direct knowledge - beyond language or even vision -- quantum non-local coherence as soul consciousness --


yeah so instead we have dopamine addiction and then the dopamine goes to cortisol as male ejaculation and lots of females -- most of them - are addicted to cortisol-dopamine from the male culture pushing ejaculation -- it's not overt -- but that's the focus that males should ejaculate as much as they want - and so subconsciously the females try to be like males - and chasing males who are addicted to cortisol stress and so the females learn to be like the males.


Yeah the Tantra Mongoose dude goes into this -


So then females use technology as an attempt to protect themselves from the raping males -- but it doesn't actually address or solve the psychophysiological cause of the male raping ejaculation addiction.


The technology is based on the language left brain dominance -- ......


yep - so the mind control is deep and it is taught to females as babies to endure cortisol cry it out torture -- to suck it up -- and to become a worker drone that dissociates their feelings from their behavior that is suppose to solve the feelings.


So babies have strong oxytocin love energy and strong chi flowing energy but their moms stop breast feeding and are stuck in the cortisol dopamine addiction and so then repress the oxytocin of the babies -- slowly forcing the babies to lose their open oxytocin love energy.


the baby becomes emotionally dissociated -- no longer thinking they can live a life of love -- but instead has their spirit broken to submit to a left brain dominant reality focused on right hand technology - as a worker zombie -- where real love is considered a threat to surviving.


So this stuff is deep and anyone trying to escape it gets cracked down on -- seriously attacked -- verbally abused at best.


But it's really the male's fault since males have to learn to control their lower bodies to activate the healing electromagnetic love energy that is the male energy for the females. So the females are just acting in line with what the males tell them to do - the pediatricians, the doctors, etc.

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus

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This may be of use in learning about the aesthetics of manipulation.




yeah dopamine addiction:



And as Postman notes, the brave new world we are creating is no conspiracy, but rather
the result of our complicity in creating a technological civilization, a world based not on control
but self-control, not on deception, but self-deception, not on pain inflicted upon us, but rather on
self-inflicted pleasure.
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There's also what I'd call the 'deeper' question of why the universe let it happen. More 'straw dogs' or 'something cooking'?

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There's also what I'd call the 'deeper' question of why the universe let it happen. More 'straw dogs' or 'something cooking'?


You think the universe cares about humans? The most recent study finds the universe contains about 400 billion galaxies. Why be caught up in an anthropocentric point of view?

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My reasoning for referring to the fall of the Weimar Republic and the Rise of the Third Reich is that the historical documents which includes print, audio and visual are online for anyone to study. Many of our cultures elders remember that time or were involved to some extent. By careful study of the aesthetics of the Nazi movement, which I think are cross cultural, then one can have a better understanding of how persons are manipulated. Linked are references.


I think everyone should watch the ultimate propaganda film by Leni Riefenstahl Hitlers filmmaker. Hitler and his cohorts masterfully used all aspects of propaganda for their own devices. The documents show that even intelligent persons can be manipulated to commit the most heinous acts of barbarism.


In terms of corporate banksters, would it be reasonable to classify some as sociopaths? By extension corporate CEO's in general? Psychopathology?





Edited by ralis

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You think the universe cares about humans? The most recent study finds the universe contains about 400 billion galaxies. Why be caught up in an anthropocentric point of view?


That's essentially what I was getting at Ralis with my 'straw dogs' comment. But if I am to consider that Tao has something up her sleeve, then 'something cooking' might be more to the point. I'm not 'something' enough to consider Tao as a caring mother (although I do have some personal anecdotes that allow me to feel more cared for than not when it comes to Tao but it has taken some work getting to this point).

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That's essentially what I was getting at Ralis with my 'straw dogs' comment. But if I am to consider that Tao has something up her sleeve, then 'something cooking' might be more to the point. I'm not 'something' enough to consider Tao as a caring mother (although I do have some personal anecdotes that allow me to feel more cared for than not when it comes to Tao but it has taken some work getting to this point).


Read and study my previous post and then tell me if the Tao cares or not.

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I didn't say Tao cared or not. I spoke to my feelings on the matter.


It seems to me that by referring to the Tao as 'mother' you are anthropomorphizing the Tao.

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It seems to me that by referring to the Tao as 'mother' you are anthropomorphizing the Tao.


Not at all, although I find it tough to explain how I'm not. You'll have to take my word for it:-)

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Definitely some crap coming down the pipe - from obama's meeting late last week causing various market flops, we saw a huge gold manipulation slamdown into the $1300s, congress authorizing more internet security treachery, long standing years of tortureish exposed,


and if that didnt all dip into our pockets enough, now we're told that ...well, I guess now that the pie is dwindling that much, its finally time to stop socializing the losses is it?


oh, right - know what that means - Cypress as a template for the EU is now a template for the USA also




Fed Governor Stein Warns When A TBTF Bank Fails, Depositors Will Be Cyprus'ed



Edited by joeblast
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anyone see what the stock market algorithms did in reaction to AP's twitter feed getting hacked and saying the white house was bombed, resident injured?




good thing everyone has plenty of time to sell before the liquidity comes crashing down :lol:


what a concept, write a money-churning program for a computer and skim the profits off of it.


at least Peter knew it was illegal when he did it in office space.

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the solution to the revolving door is to remove it and....replace it with a large scale revolving door that can accommodate more people.


how is it that someone from JP Morgan's legal defense counsel can remove himself so that he can be seated at the SEC, where he will help ensure JPM continues to receive zero scrutiny from the SEC.

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