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I was reading this post "

Thanks for your reply. Initially I didn't believe in things like curses or foreign implants considering it all superstition but recently I was put in touch with a strange healer who said I had a number of curses and other issues in my body, I was sceptical but tried to keep my mind open, but when he worked on me and removed them my body felt immediately changed and now I generally feel far more in contact with my body and there is less tension and background anxiety.

and it got me wondering. I'm skeptical about curses, educate me. Who places them? Why? Are some people more natural receptacles? Do they have a link to karma?


What is there nature and is it different between cultures? How do we spot charlatans using the concept to con?






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I was reading this post " and it got me wondering. I'm skeptical about curses, educate me. Who places them? Why? Are some people more natural receptacles? Do they have a link to karma?


What is there nature and is it different between cultures? How do we spot charlatans using the concept to con?







There is an old saying that "threatended men live long" and I for one have little belief in the effectiveness of curses. I would also have grave doubts as to the competence of any healer who began rambling on about my being subject to a number of curses, especially if they offered to rid me of them for a price.


That being said there is a danger for those that do believe in the effectiveness of curses. If such people believe that a curse has been laid upon them it may end in a case of "that which I greatly feared has come upon me."


When all is said and done a curse has about as much power as a blessing.

Edited by Chang
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There is an old saying that "threatended men live long" and I for one have little belief in the effectiveness of curses. I would also have grave doubts as to the competence of any healer who began rambling on about my being subject to a number of curses, especially if they offered to rid me of them for a price.


That being said there is a danger for those that do believe in the effectiveness of curses. If such people believe that a curse has been laid upon them it may end in a case of "that which I greatly feared has come upon me."


When all is said and done a curse has about as much power as a blessing.


While I am sure you a right that some people use this stuff for financial gain and are thus suspect ... I think there is an underlying principle that we all affect each other by our thoughts and intentions. The way i think about it is that if you think that it is beneficial to wish people well (e.g. tonglen) the it is equally possible for the opposite ... to wish people unwell or something negative ... and for this to have an effect.


I don't think this is always curses as such but simply the kind of detritus of human interaction ... you lick up a lot of stuff as you go through life ... soem good ... some not good. And you can end up carrying around a lot of baggage of negative associations and feeling.


Just my thoughts.



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...and a powerful enough "blessing" can _______, _______, etc., etc...


(for instance stop demons, warlocks and manipulated evil, madness, etc...)

Edited by 3bob

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While curses and spells seem like the work of fiction, I can tell you from working with people that they are real at the energetic level. However, just because someone 'curses' another person, it doesn't mean that person has a weakness to the curse.


In terms of resolving curses, the few I've come across have been linked to karma. For example, I corrected a client's parent for a curse around poisoning people (coming from other time and space).


I don't really believe in curses either but I recognize it's not a matter of belief. The same is true for foreign implants and we could argue the point all day long and get nowhere. But in terms of resolving energetic weaknesses, implants, curses, spells, and karma are all real enough. Luckily for most of us, they do not come up as common weaknesses. There's nothing wrong healthy skepticism, but just because we do not believe in a thing does not mean it's not true.


One key point I'd like to make around energetic weaknesses. Human beings commonly assume that any weakness we might have comes from our genes, environment, childhood, or experiences from this life time only. I can say with 100% certainty that human beings have many weaknesses that do not come from the mind or the body, they come from the spirit and our spiritual experiences. These experiences are not limited to our current existence and time either, they can come from other time and space, other dimensions, and other energy fields. Energetic weaknesses can come from the past, the present, and the future.


I can say this because I have resolved curses, karma, and foreign implants using Chinese Energetics. So I am speaking from experience.


For those of you who doubt what I say, that's fine because my ego did not believe the answers either. But when you resolve these kinds energetic weakness and people get better on a consistent basis, you can't just chalk it up to coincidence.

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There is nothing mystical about curses.


Curses are negative energy projections. That simple.


If you are cursed by someone, and do not have enough positive energy to combat that negative energy, then you will be affected for the worse. Often all it takes to deflect a curse is to not give any power to the curse, by simply not believing it.


Curses happen all the time, in an innocuous ways. When people insult you. When they wish you poorly. It's still up to you have the spiritual strength, the positive energy, to deflect the negative energy.


The interesting thing about energy response is that the "cursers" also causes same negative energy pattern to enter their own body when they curse other people. That's why its never good to play with black magic. They sow their own punishment with their actions.


Blessings, on the other hand, will bring blessings to yourself. As you project the positive energy pattern to others, it also stays in your own body. The common statement, "the more you love, the more love you receive" is very true in this regard.


That's why the best way to ward of curses or any negative energy pattern is high virtue. High virtue is essentially the highest form of qigong in the world, a form available to everyone. By practicing virtue, you directly affirm the positive yang energy of the universe.


Many spiritual practitioners who give their lives to helping others are secretly selfish -- they know they are the ones benefiting. Why do you think qigong masters like yan xin says virtue is 70% of the practice of qigong? They aren't just being touchy feely...

Edited by thetaoiseasy
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In my journey towards trying to find health I have tried almost everything people have mentioned on this site and visited dozens of healers, I even flew half the way across the globe to spend a few weeks in the rainforest with a Shaman in Peru, but the most powerful healer I have come across is the one I mentioned in the OP and I don't even believe in curses, or rather I didn't but that healer told me that I had curses in me originating back to ancient Egypt, he said that that is where many of the curses come from in many of the people he treats. It may be just the context he puts his healing in as I don't have any memories of past lives but the difference in my body since he removed the "curses" is too obvious to be mere suggestion. I was told that he healed someone from severe organ failure, I don't know if it he removed curses in that case though but I do believe he could heal someone from something as serious as that.


I know that all the people that opened Tutan Khartoum's tomb seemed to die young of strange causes, it could be a curse or it could be coincidence, I guess the only way to know for sure is expand your shamanic sensitivity

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When all is said and done a curse has about as much power as a blessing.

Actually a blessing has more power than a curse... both are sort of hereditary allotments that individuals inherit ... what they do with what they get is up to each...


Just remember that what you give you will get back amplified ... so if you give others love you get much love... if you give them needs you get much needs ... if you bless them you will be blessed...

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... you lick up a lot of stuff as you go through life ... soem good ... some not good. And you can end up carrying around a lot of baggage of negative associations and feeling.


Just my thoughts.




some choose to fill their baggage with positive memories and feelings...

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I can say this because I have resolved curses, karma, and foreign implants using Chinese Energetics. So I am speaking from experience.



Could you elaborate a bit on the topic of using Chinese Energetics.

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I know that all the people that opened Tutan Khartoum's tomb seemed to die young of strange causes, it could be a curse or it could be coincidence, I guess the only way to know for sure is expand your shamanic sensitivity



It could also be dew to infectious agents in the tomb... put there to kill of any 'robbers' / 'intruders'...

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It turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to me ;) as this experience forced me to turn my sh*t around and start focusing on positive spiritual things...It was either that or kill myself.


Glad you focus on positive stuff now... FWIIW every experience can take you to turn around... sometimes we better turn around and sometimes we better keep going the way we be going... it all depends on which way one be heading... What turned out to be the best thing to ever to happen was choosing to focus on positive stuff rather than the negative experience. I mention this because one of the ways that negative keeps a hold of many of us resides in the notion "no pain no gain"... or 'suffering is required to grow'... note that one can 'play and gain' and that "enjoying is part of growth'... thus its possible to have divine experiences by having divine experiences... there is much insights in what you wrote...


- one needs to take responsibility for what one does

- one better know the stuff one dabbles with and its workings

- any experience can help us focus on positive spiritual things

- there will be whispers floating around ... which ones one cultivates and feeds will keep some and create more of the same

- Ultimately we may never actually know for sure whether or not it was actual, external forces, whether it was a completely self-generated experience, whether it be something else....

- Still one can know for sure that the power of statements, thought, actions feeling can be very real and...

- The individual experiencing stuff has the power to direct to some extent such things

- there exists within all of us, a caring power if we just seek to find it and cultivate it.

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