Death to Human Ego

How does it feel to Party while in an Enlightened Egoless State?

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my mind and self-control is getting better and my emotions and desires are getting lower.. i have largely negated my desires to have sex and are now working on my desire for good food..


real spiritual work used to be measured in decades but now in this year 2012.. enlightenment can be achieved in an instant..


especially when one has the god-like powers to remove all forms of desires from humanity in the twinkling of an eye..

Any talk of big changes in 2012 is utter new age bullshit.


Any changes on your part is simply your own individual improvement/whatever which can happen any year, any time, by your own effort.

Edited by xabir2005
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I don't think a man of wisdom would engage in excessive drinking and drugs that would bring short term suffering upon himself and make him a burden to others.

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Just watched Project X.


I am wondering.. how does it feel to Party, Dance, Do Drugs, Drink, Fcuk, etc etc after you have totally become Enlightened and completely removed your Human Ego?


Who says you can't become Enlightened, Totally Lose your Human Ego, Lose all your Addictions and Attachments to Life and all its Sensory Pleasures and yet Party at the same time without being attached and addicted to all the fun?


It is like eating ice cream.. being totally aware of its sensations and taste and yet not being attached or addicted to the sensations and taste..


Who says you can't party or whatever in a totally aware, zoned-out, zen state where you are fully in control of your faculties despite the fact that you have taken countless drugs and alcohol?


This is what I am curious about.


Why would an enlightened person feel the need to take drugs or alcohol? The fact that he is enlightened alludes to the fact that he is beyond desires, that he values nothing more than anything else, that the state of drunkenness or intoxication, has no more value than the state he is in right now.


This means that he would see through the illusion of drugs and alcohol, the transient nature of the experience both causes one, and instead be rooted in the constant and eternal, which has its root in this moment.



Edited by Twinner

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It does not make any real sense that an enlightened being would take a substance that distorts their perception, the fact is that drugs modify our chemical composition, mind and body are known to be closely associated, if the body is modified and corrupted, likewise the mind will be modified and corrupted to some degree.

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There are master's who used to drink and party, people like Drukpa Kunley would teach the Dharma through songs and poetry while drunk and he is still considered a saint today in some parts of the world, Chogyam Trungpa was renowned for his partying (although Alcohol killed him so he's probably not the best example). Gurdjieff used to say that there was always a part of you which isn't drunk no matter how much you drink and he would use alcohol to bring out hidden parts of peoples psyche and help to make people conscious, so like most things alcohol and partying can be used if you have a skillful enough master. Some dogmatic Buddhists would probably get a lot out of letting go and partying for a while.

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we only use 3% of our brains.. the other 97% is not controlled by us.. the 3% which we control is considered to be our humanity.. the other 97% is considered to be our divineness.. naturally, the 3% which we considered to be our humanity is part of our divine nature as well..


the problem here is .. most humans want to limit the nature and extent of their existence to the 3% while neglecting the other 97% of their true divine nature/brainpower..


humans only want to experience life and all its associated pleasures, food, sex, drugs, whatever as humans who only have control of only 3% of their being..


but i do not wanna experience life as a human..

I wanna experience my whole reality including life as a God who possess full 101% control of my brain, my soul and my whole divinity.. and not let other demons or devils take control of my being and divinity..


However in order to do that, one has to first cut off all the mental, emotional and physical addictions and attractions to all desires and other material things and then fight for 101% control of your whole being and then experience all the sensations of life if you want..


For if a human were to experience the sensations of life without exhibiting 101% control of his being and divine self, that would be no different from living reality as an animal.


You think food, sex and other human things are fun? Wait till you indulge and play in the games which the higher dimensional gods and deities indulge themselves in.


The food, sex and alcohol in the higher dimensions are a million, billion times more intoxicating and pleasurable than any food, sex or alcohol in this third dimensional realm.


So I would rather remove everything that is human about me so that I can enjoy the food, sex and alcohol in the higher dimensions than to remain trapped as an human animal in this lower third dimension.


That is a huge myth bro. The myth is that we use 10% though, not sure where u got 3%?


Though an alluring idea, the "10 percent myth" is so wrong it is almost laughable, says neurologist Barry Gordon at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore. Although there's no definitive culprit to pin the blame on for starting this legend, the notion has been linked to the American psychologist and author William James, who argued in The Energies of Men that "We are making use of only a small part of our possible mental and physical resources." It's also been associated with to Albert Einstein, who supposedly used it to explain his cosmic towering intellect.

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There is a difference between having the desire to do drugs and doing drugs while possessing the mental and spiritual power to remain completely detached from the "high" of doing drugs.

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There is a difference between having the desire to do drugs and doing drugs while possessing the mental and spiritual power to remain completely detached from the "high" of doing drugs.


You're missing the point. It seems like you have the answer to your questions already, so why bother asking them?



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"Well, this is all great, but in Vajrayāna students are disempowered in all kinds of direct and indirect fashions which makes examining teachers for proper qualities damn near impossible. Students are put in the catch-22 of comitting to lamas they do not know or missing out entirely because they do not trust the situation. For the most part, the cultural hierarchies that Tibetan Buddhism is embedded within make it virtually impossible to for students, especially beginning students to have a clear picture of their teachers. These memes and hierarchies are also exploited by western teachers. And this is not merely a problem in Vajrayāna, this is also a problem in Zen. (In Theravada it is a little more clear since lay teachers are compartively rare and monastic precepts are highly valued.) The of course there is the taboo again criticizing any lama from whom one has received transmission no matter how egregious their behavior has been. This taboo is actually more enforced by students than lamas. So there is enormous peer pressure within dysfunctional groups to regard the pathological behavior of Dipshit Rinpoche, etc., as "awakened activity".


So frankly, while I can appreciate the caveat emptor approach, we are too quick to divorce gurus from their own personal responsibilty to their students when we insist it is all on the student. "


~ Malcolm/Loppon Namdrol

Edited by xabir2005

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NOBODY, including lamas, gurus, rinpoches, zen masters, roshis, any funny-sounding-titles, beings you considered 'enlightened' etc, should be placed above scrutiny.


I suspect Buddha would have been very disappointed if he were around, at some of those posing as teachers while behaving in ways contrary to dharma, actions which clearly show that they have not abandoned afflictions.



No, merely having an enlightenment experience does not mean one has eliminated all afflictions. There are degrees of enlightenment, and degrees of liberation. And if a teacher claims (or hints) to have an enlightenment experience and continues to fuel his afflictions in mind, speech and action, that should not be defended merely because "he is enlightened and therefore all his actions are enlightened wisdom, his wanton womanizing is for tantric sex practice, his drinking is enlightened action, whatever" (what utter nonsense) as it is neither good for himself nor his/her students.


To those who think "oh that enlightened dude is so freakin enlightened that he so transcends [insert vice]/[insert affliction] but continues to do it coz its some crazy wisdom enlightened action tantric whatever", here is what the Buddha has to say:


MN22: “Bhikkhus, that one can engage in sensual pleasures without sensual desires, without perceptions of sensual desire, without thoughts of sensual desire – that is impossible.”


In other words, it is impossible for a person fully liberated from afflictions to continue indulging in sensual pleasures. Sometimes you just have to realize that so called "masters" may be just human like the others, with greed for $$$, sex, etc.



p.s. I still drink a little on rare occasions (maybe 1/10 of what I used to drink, as I no longer do binge drinking like in the past), eat junk food sometimes, etc, but I do not defend my action as some noble acts, and do openly admit that this is something contrary to dharma. However I have noticed that afflictions have generally decreased to a minimal through dharma practice, and this is something even my family members has noticed and told me (e.g. no longer have a temper, etc).

Edited by xabir2005
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we only use 3% of our brains.. the other 97% is not controlled by us.. the 3% which we control is considered to be our humanity.. the other 97% is considered to be our divineness.. naturally, the 3% which we considered to be our humanity is part of our divine nature as well..


the problem here is .. most humans want to limit the nature and extent of their existence to the 3% while neglecting the other 97% of their true divine nature/brainpower..


humans only want to experience life and all its associated pleasures, food, sex, drugs, whatever as humans who only have control of only 3% of their being..


but i do not wanna experience life as a human..

I wanna experience my whole reality including life as a God who possess full 101% control of my brain, my soul and my whole divinity.. and not let other demons or devils take control of my being and divinity..


However in order to do that, one has to first cut off all the mental, emotional and physical addictions and attractions to all desires and other material things and then fight for 101% control of your whole being and then experience all the sensations of life if you want..


For if a human were to experience the sensations of life without exhibiting 101% control of his being and divine self, that would be no different from living reality as an animal.


You think food, sex and other human things are fun? Wait till you indulge and play in the games which the higher dimensional gods and deities indulge themselves in.


The food, sex and alcohol in the higher dimensions are a million, billion times more intoxicating and pleasurable than any food, sex or alcohol in this third dimensional realm.


So I would rather remove everything that is human about me so that I can enjoy the food, sex and alcohol in the higher dimensions than to remain trapped as an human animal in this lower third dimension.


Actually this was recently debunked. in a resting state we can use up to 35% and over 95% when actively engaging in activities.


Those extra abilities of the human potential that tend to be related to these speculative unaccessed parts of the brain, imo take place within the same functional regions, but in the event of super-normal manifestations are simply driven by a higher or mor refined source of intention. Probably an energy of a higher vibration acting within the same physical space, just a different dimension of frequency with a more complex instruction protocol and syntax.

Edited by effilang
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