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"Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free.

Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing.

The rest is of no use.

This is the ultimate." (Lao Tzu)


"You must be ready to give up everything, not only material attachments but also human attachments - father, mother, wife, children - everything that you have. But the one thing which you have to abandon unconditionally is your self." (Dom Bede Griffiths)


"Sometimes, when I read spiritual treatises, in which perfection is shown with a thousand obstacles in the way and a host of illusions round about it, my poor little mind soon grows weary, I close the learned book, which leaves my head splitting and my heart parched, and I take the Holy Scriptures. Then all seems luminous, a single word opens up infinite horizons to my soul, perfection seems easy; I see that it is enough to realize one's nothingness, and give oneself wholly, like a child, into the arms of the good God. Leaving to great souls, great minds, the fine books I cannot understand, I rejoice to be little because 'only child inside, and those who are like unto it, will be admitted to the heavenly banquet'." (Therese of Lisieux)


It's well worth the effort after so many lifetimes wandering with the "space suit" on.


A child came to me yesterday to tell me that every time her father gets drunk she rans away and even her one year old cousin drinks from a bottle of alcohol that is kept in the closet. I love children, real humans that never lie and are true themselves. A smile of a child is an selfless opening of the soul, the original nature of the mind.




Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14).




I think my time to retreat to the Asian mountains is close. Can't stand society any longer, it really disrupts the natural flow of Qi and the Five Phases, like that of children, the salt of the Earth. See you soon Lao Tzu. :)

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Why seek to wake up from the dream rather than fully experience it?

Yea I get it that the dream has become a nightmare where the dreamer believes they can only escape it by awakening, rather than realizing and learning to dream divine dreams only. Why seek emptiness and the denial of self when it is possible to acknowledge self and the fullness of being? When one wills to be, the will of the creator, one both chooses what one desires and what God desires. Besides if you awaken rather than realizing and learning the dream lesson you will re-experience it until you realize and learn the lesson.


Children like to play and lear. They will enjoy the most a good fun games... it is just that they still have to imagine such games and thats where some adults can help, if they know how to play nice fun games... imagine the possibilities... the good ones...


Even if one seeks to abandon and deny self ... one will be with self for a long time so its much better to educate and care for each being. You are force to believe while free to choose what to believe, choose wisely for while all believe enslave some allow free actions.

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but it doesn't matter what I saw if you take away your chance to see it yourself :P

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Okay, while I agree that children are capable of an honesty seldom seen from adults, I disagree with the notion that they are always so honest.


I've met some incredibly conniving little tikes. Although they are usually terrible at it, they do lie.

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Leaving the self behind is a natural process of the journey.


I never said I hate humans, I love all humanity and the rest of the sentient beings, always praying for their betterment and awakening just practicing the spiritual 24/7 and living and working in society is not easy, you'll eventually block the natural flow of Qi with all this superficial mind nonsense that surrounds us.


The children that come to me are of the good kind but still children have pure minds compared to adults, who rules this world, children?? :) And devas communicate with children a lot more than with adults anyway.


Once sotapanna level is reached is a natural part of the process being associated with virtuous people.


Best wishes.

Edited by Gerard

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A child came to me yesterday to tell me that every time her father gets drunk she rans away and even her one year old cousin drinks from a bottle of alcohol that is kept in the closet. I love children, real humans that never lie and are true themselves. A smile of a child is an selfless opening of the soul, the original nature of the mind.



I think my time to retreat to the Asian mountains is close. Can't stand society any longer, it really disrupts the natural flow of Qi and the Five Phases, like that of children, the salt of the Earth. See you soon Lao Tzu. :)


To achieve Enlightenment, you have to remove attachments to even the most beautiful and innocent things in the world.


Better retreat to mountains fast.

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Why seek to wake up from the dream rather than fully experience it?

Yea I get it that the dream has become a nightmare where the dreamer believes they can only escape it by awakening, rather than realizing and learning to dream divine dreams only. Why seek emptiness and the denial of self when it is possible to acknowledge self and the fullness of being? When one wills to be, the will of the creator, one both chooses what one desires and what God desires. Besides if you awaken rather than realizing and learning the dream lesson you will re-experience it until you realize and learn the lesson.


Children like to play and lear. They will enjoy the most a good fun games... it is just that they still have to imagine such games and thats where some adults can help, if they know how to play nice fun games... imagine the possibilities... the good ones...


Even if one seeks to abandon and deny self ... one will be with self for a long time so its much better to educate and care for each being. You are force to believe while free to choose what to believe, choose wisely for while all believe enslave some allow free actions.


Dear Master,


Thy Human Ego Self is Illusion. Figment of Imagination conjured up by Human Ego at time of your birth.


To dream divine dreams, one has to totally deny and destroy Human Ego Self by seeking emptiness in order to reach God-Self as each of us is descended from God. If one doesn't reach God-self and destroy Human Ego Self, then one can never dream divine dreams.


For divine dreams are only the domains of the Enlightened. If you don't awaken, you will be perpetually trapped in the dream for endless cycles of eternity.

The only lesson which needs to be learn for all of us is that we are all living in a dream and we must awaken NOW to our divinity.


There is no other lesson which needs to be learnt other than this lesson. All the other lessons about compassion, forgiveness, love, parents, marriages, children, work, wealth are all just subsets of this lesson about awakening.


Once you awaken, compassion and forgiveness and love come naturally. Once you awaken, parents, marriages, children, work and wealth will become illusions which you do not care about anymore.


If you don't awaken and reach the God-self, then how are you going to fulfill the desires of God?


Adults like to play games too. But because adults possess the intelligence and maturity which children lack, the games of adults are much more sophisticated and complex than the games of children. The possibilities of adult games are infinitely more powerful and numerous than mere children's games.


For eg, humans are considered to be children and they only play games of wealth, marriages, family, children, all other mundane things in life. But the Gods, which are considered to be adults in the universal scheme of things, they play games of creation. They create planets and universes and lifeforms.


Would you rather play the games of children(humans) or adults(Gods)?


I believe that the Human Ego Self will be destroyed in the end for every human in the world sooner or later.

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but it doesn't matter what I saw if you take away your chance to see it yourself :P


There are other races of beings much wiser and more compassionate and beautiful than humans on earth.


I would rather hang around evolved beings from other planets and universes than with human beings on earth.

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Hi tulku, I hope you are doing well. :)


Btw, current politicians and world leaders should take note of Red Cloud's wise words:






I am poor and naked, but I am the chief of the nation. We do not want riches but we do want to train our children right.

Riches would do us no good. We could not take them with us to the other world.

We do not want riches. We want peace and we want love.


He was a real ruler and we need more like him. :)

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A child will take their friends ice cream from them and make them cry without worrying about it, children are wonderful because they are still natural but I don't know many of them who are Saints.

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As I think about the concept of children in regards to spirituality, the metaphor of becoming As a Child in our own way of being is of huge importance. Those masters who teach us to become as a child are telling us to cease the judgment, to look at the world through the eyes of innocence and with the pure joy of being. Children, until they learn otherwise, don't put people into categories, have formed no opinions.


I think the saints all have this in common - seeing the world through the eyes of innocence; seeing people for what they are and accepting them. This seems to be the essence of the child.

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Dear brother,

from a loving brother sharing this experience



Look at what you teach in the words you state?

'destroy Human Ego Self', 'do not care about anymore', 'seeking emptiness in order to reach God-Self' ...

I would rather cultivate human ego self into a caring being who attains fullness with God (and with Self) dancing and playing while making the dream real here and now...

The illusion of awakening be just another dream state and we be here and now for a reason and a purpose which be to love and care for it all.


To dream divine dreams, one has to To dream divine dreams... and one can do that while totally recognizing and educating our human ego to truly love... as the divine love.

The real illusion is that one can reach God-Self without God's help. Yes we are descendent from God and can call out to God though it is up to God and His grace to help us reach Him or come to where we be. The only lesson which needs to be learned for each and all be to love! We can do that in a dream, while awake, within a story we tell, within a thought, feeling, experience. With Love all the other lessons are just subsets of this lesson. With Love compassion and forgiveness come naturally. Being awake or asleep being a child, a parent, at work, at home, at play, at the mountain top, in the city, rich, poor, wise or a fool become opportunities which one and others can caringly direct towards cultivating love... I do understand that some cultivate other possibilities and play 'useless' games in the universal scheme of things. We in the now play games of creation ... for we create stuff with our thoughts, words, actions, feeling, dreams and 'illusiones'. Some humans like to play to be gods rather than just being what and who they are... Some believe the human ego self will be destroyed in the end for every human in the world sooner or later and then some believe that the human ego self will survive the end of ends thanks to divine intervention and live forevermore as anew eternal beginning begins. Evidently the human ego self pointed to here will be the full realization that the divine intended for the human ego self ... all loving humble caring merciful wise awake grateful playful happy... and other divine attributes... of Saints.


Be it a dream be it for real always choose the better way to be... Love cultivate care be with God and others in enriching interchanges!


your brother

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I want all good things and only good stuff!


I want to be wise, and rich, and loving and peaceful and strong and gentle. I want my children and others to learn what be right and do what be right always.


Red Cloud's richness hides in Red Cloud's ignorance... for he is richer than the richness of the land and the sea which others want to posses and exploit rather than share and enrich cultivating peace, love, understanding and more ...

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Hi tulku, I hope you are doing well. :)




Heh... I was wondering if anyone else was going to figure this out. He even says the same things in almost the same exact words, "There are other races of beings much wiser and more compassionate and beautiful than humans on earth. and I would rather hang around evolved beings from other planets and universes than with human beings on earth."

Whatever happened to you Tulku? Did you get banned while I was away?




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Red Cloud's richness hides in Red Cloud's ignorance...



As it say in the TTC: I alone am muddled and nebulous

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"Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free.

Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing.

The rest is of no use.

This is the ultimate." (Lao Tzu)

Where are you getting this passage from which you are attributing to Lao Tzu?

I personally see little relation between what you wrote above and what is written in the

Tao Te Ching. Did you get this passage from somewhere else?


I think my time to retreat to the Asian mountains is close. Can't stand society any longer, it really disrupts the natural flow of Qi and the Five Phases, like that of children, the salt of the Earth. See you soon Lao Tzu. :)

One can spend a lifetime in the mountains and one may live a peaceful and more wholesome life there,

but I personally think that has little to do with sainthood. Sainthood is nothing more than a label

that is sometimes put on people who cultivate and embody virtue to a much higher extent than your

average person. Whether I read the words attributed to Buddha, Lao Tzu, or Jesus, etc., the main emphasis

seems to be on cultivating and doing our best to truly embody virtue, in order to cultivate onseself.

One may certainly be able to cultivate qi better in remote natural locations where the air and

environment is more pure, and where there are much less distractions, but this has little to do with 'sainthood', in my own opinion anyway.


In my view the cutivation of qi can certainly assist us on our journey, but the the cultivation of

qi without emphasis on culitvating virtue will likely at best only lead to improvements in health and

possibly longevity, and may well improve martial arts ability, etc., but will not do anything much by itself to

help one expand/cultivate mind/spirit. A person may spend much of their lifetime cultivating qi in a remote

place, and may be very healthy and strong and may even be able to do extraordinary things like jumping

up onto the roof of a house in a single bound, etc., but will they be any more enlightened or spiritually

cultivated than anyone else who lives in society? What makes the difference then? Again, if I read the words

attributed to Lao Tzu, Buddha, Jesus, etc., I am inclined to think the person who is more cultivated will be the person who truly embodies virtue to a fuller extent. This is just my own personal opinion on the matter however. Everyone has their own perspective and interpretations. :)

Best wishes to you...

Edited by The Way Is Virtue
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