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  1. A few people have commented that they think that this demo of burning a hole in paper looks to them like it was done with a laser. To me it doesn't look like this was done with a laser at all. A laser that is strong enough to burn a hole that quickly in a sheet of white printer paper would be very bright, and likely would be reflecting bright laser light off of the white paper at various angles, as bright lasers tend to do, including into the video camera lens. Lasers also emit very narrow bandwidth light and are most commonly available in color ranges of red, green, or violet/purple, and the light they reflect off of something like white paper is usually fairly easily recognizable as laser light. I don't see any of this in this video, and also the light spot on the paper gets bright and bigger for a moment, and then disappears for a moment, and then slowly goes from a small spot to bigger spot as the hole burns in the paper. For people who were there in person, if a laser was used I think it should have been fairly obvious that a laser was shining on the paper, so the reporters interviewing Dr. Jiang would likely have to have been in on the deception as well. I'm not saying that it is definitely not a trick, but just that to me it doesn't look like a laser was used to burn the hole in the sheet of paper in this video. Chemicals are another possibility, but personally it wouldn't surprise me at all anyway if this qigong paper buring demo is legit. Yes, the workshop fee and possible extra fees such as herbal remedy fees does seem very expensive, and it is understandable that many people could not afford that much money, or would not want to pay that much money for a workshop from a teacher that most people have not even met before or know much about. Then again, no one has to attend if they don't want to. It is easy for anyone to make assumptions, but it takes more effort and risk and is more difficult to really put aside one's beliefs and assumptions and try to determine what is really true and what is not based on real effort and real experience and knowledge. That's my two cents' worth on the matter anyway. Regards...
  2. Feng Bo (Earl of the Wind) aka Fei-Lian

    This one is from a Taiwan website, but I don't know the origins of the painting, except that it is of Feng Bo: The webpage I found it on is here:
  3. Feng Bo (Earl of the Wind) aka Fei-Lian

    An apparent Korean version of Feng Bo:
  4. Feng Bo (Earl of the Wind) aka Fei-Lian

    This image is located on a Japanese site, but the description is 風伯神, which I believe translates as Feng Bo God. Looks like possibly a Japanese version of Feng Bo. Anyway, if you search on 風伯神, you may come up with other images. I am guessing that you were probbaly not looking for images like this however.
  5. Trying to find out who these gods are...

    Here's a story regarding statues of Deities. One time I went to eat at a Chinese restaurant with a group of friends. The restaurant was decorated with statues of what appeared to be possibly taoist deities. These statues were about a foot and a half to two feet high or so and were made of bronze or brass, as I recall, and were sitting in alcoves built into the walls in the restaurant, and the alcoves were sealed over by panes of glass. We noticed the statues because they looked antique and some of them were partially turned inwards to different degrees towards the back of the alcoves, instead of facing forward, and one statue was turned almost fully inward with the back of the statue facing outward, instead of the front of the statue facing outward. We asked the owner of the restaurant why the statues were turned inward like that and she said that she had originally placed the statues all facing to the front, but slowly over time the statues had turned inward like that. She said the statues originated from temples, (I think temples in China). I suppose that if the restaurant was not on a really solid foundation or had a floor that was inclined to bounce and vibrate that vibrations over time might have made the statues turn, but the statues were not small and were made of bronze or brass, so the statues probably had a fair bit of weight to them. Anyway, that's the story.
  6. Trying to find out who these gods are...

    "On a different note if anyone happens to know about Feng Shui is it bad to have Guan Yu standing right above my head while I sleep?" I personally don't know, and you may well get different answers on that depending on who you ask. You may get an informed answer if you ask this question of the people at You can email them at: info at studytaoism dot com Regards
  7. Trying to find out who these gods are...

    "Also known as the Three Pure Ones." No, the Three Pure Ones are the highest Deities in Taoism, I believe. They are not the same as the Three Star Deities. Regards
  8. Trying to find out who these gods are...

    Yes, I believe you have statues of the 'three star gods'. In order of appearance in your attached picture, I believe it is Fu (star/deity of good fortune), Lu (star/deity of prosperity), Shou (star/deity of longevity). It's interesting that the statue of Lu that you have, actually appears to be depicted the way Guan Yu is sometimes depicted. Not sure why that is. It may be that the manufacturer didn't know the difference and mixed up the images. Your 'Lu' statue really appears to be a Guan Yu statue. Best wishes...
  9. Trying to pick a QiGong system

    ._. .-.
  10. Trying to pick a QiGong system

    Everyone has their own opinions and own experience, so in the end you have to go with what is available and what seems to work for you. I haven't tried Zhineng qigong, but it seems to be quite popular and have a good reputation in China as a good form of qigong for healing. IMO, it certainly wouldn't hurt to give it a try a see how you like it. From what I have seen, lots of people try various types/styles of qigong for awhile but then either don't practice much, or just practice for a couple of months or so and if they don't feel much going on yet they assume it is not working and give up and maybe start looking for something else. The thing is that with certain types of chronic health problems, it may take many months or even more than a year or longer of regular practice to really start seeing results. A person has to be patient. One way to try to help assess a qigong system is to talk to other students and get their feedback on how long they have been practicing and how often they practice and what results they feel they have achieved. Tai chi is very good for helping a person build up their health when they are weak, but with tai chi it can take a fair bit of time as well before a person starts seeing progress. Adding a good qigong practice can really help to bring results somewhat faster. If you have to practice on your own for the time being but want an effective and simple form of qigong practice, I personally have had very good results with standing qigong (AKA zhan zhuang). I went through a period of being quite on the weak side with low energy and chronic health problems in the past and tried a lot of things as well including tai chi practice, but only really started seeing really noticeable improvement after starting to do standing qigong practice regularly over a period of a year. It seems to be very effective for building up and restoring essence and qi, and therefore overcoming illnesses related to low energy and deficiencies, such as chronic fatigue and related. You may well have to practice regularly and give it lots of time for these types of problems, depending on the exact nature of the problem, but if you are weak you can just stand for 5 to 10 minutes at a time to start and practice two or three times per day. Slowly over time you can increase your standing time. Don't stand longer than you can without straining. Once you are straining you will lose the benefit. Over time you will be able to stand longer. If you can get to the point of being able to stand fairly comfortably for 20 to 30 minutes per session, and practice at least twice per day such as morning and evening if you can, you should start slowly over time seeing improvement to your situation. In my experience chronic fatigue or related such as low energy can take a fair bit of time of regular practice to really start seeing results. If you regularly practice the first standing form as demonstrated by Lam Kam Chuen in this video, you should start seeing some good improvement if you are patient and give it lots of time. Whatever form of qigong you practice, as long as it is a decent form of practice, the key is always to practice regularly, and to keep going even if you are not feeling much going on or seeing much results at first. If you are really feeling weak or have very low energy, practicing daily, both mornings and evenings, is best. Standing qigong helps to build up energy and start opening blockages and balancing imbalances quite quickly overall, in my personal experience. In some internal martial arts schools such as taiji and xing yi, standing qigong practice was the 'secret' of building up energy quickly, and sometimes only shown to personal students but not shown when taught publicly. Today many internal martial arts schools teach the forms but may neglect the standing practice to help build up internal energy. It can be a bit awkward to stand like that at first if you haven't practiced zhan zhuang before, but you should get more used to it after several weeks of practice or so, and it doesn't take much effort to just stand. Good luck in your practice.
  11. I am not quite sure what you are looking for exactly when you say practice, but you posted this in the taoist forum so I would guess you are looking for some 'taoist' practices. It sounds like you are already doing some good practices. IMO, a very good overall practice is quiet stationary standing and sitting meditation. Relax the body as much as possible and calm the mind, keep the back naturally and comfortably straight, bring your awareness to lower dantian for a moment, with breathing slow, soft, deep, natural, and relaxed, and then forget about everything and think about and focus on nothing in particular and continue meditating. This can be done in sitting or standing posture. This can be described as taoist 'wuji' meditation/cultivation practice, although various other traditions may have similar practices. Practicing both postures (standing and sitting) is advantageous in my experience. If you have any health issues, giving more emphasis to the standing posture may be more beneficial at first. This practice is very simple and requires little space, however this is a very direct and very effective internal cultivation practice in my experience. Other forms of moving qigong are useful as a supplement in further helping bring the body and meridian/channel system into balance, and also in providing needed exercise to the body if you don't get much physical exercise otherwise. Moving qigong practices can also help to prevent qi stagnation and can further balance out the qi after practicing the sitting and standing meditation, but you can also do the same by practicing a qigong closing routine after meditation practice such as patting down the full body with the hands and massaging the neck and shoulders and back of head area. Really that is the essence and core of internal cultivation practice, and the potential is there to go far with this simple practice, and it doesn't cost a cent to learn as well. Sure there are no complicated or mysterious esoteric looking moves and such to catch and hold the mind's fancy; but, in my own experience anyway, this is a very beneficial and effective and very direct cultivation practice. If a person practices simply and practices regularly (daily is best), and is able to properly calm and relax the mind and body and just allow things to progress naturally without interference from the the mind (without paying too much attention to or focusing on the body or any sensations effects that may arise), and without trying to control things or trying to cause things to happen, then beneficial results should come at a natural pace. It is advisable to learn under the guidance of an accomplished teacher to assist with any questions or issues that may arise and to help keep things progressing in beneficial way, but if a person doesn't have access to a teacher they can still make good progress in improving health and improving well being *if* they practice naturally and in a balanced way such as described above. That is a big if though, as many people do end up varying from the above guidelines in various ways even though they may think they are practicing naturally and not using the mind to interfere with the process, and think that they are relaxing, etc. For that reason it is advisable to be learning from and be under the guidance of an accomplished teacher. If a person doesn't live in close proximity to a good teacher, there may be opportunities to learn at workshops and continue practice on their own between visits to the teacher. Good luck in your practice. P.S. I wanted to clarify something. Although standing meditation is a stationary form of internal qigong meditation, when practiced properly it does boost and promote qi and blood circulation, balance and improve the function of the internal organs, and also acts as a form of exercise for the ligaments, tendons, muscles, and bones etc. in various ways. Therefore standing meditation can be a very good overall practice when one doesn't have much space for practice. Also, in standing meditation, arms can be down by the side with palms somewaht turned to face behind to keep the armpit area open, or palms can be held with arms circular (with shoulders down and relaxed) facing the navel area or the mid chest area in embracing tree fashion. Palms down by your sides or facing navel area is probably better for beginners, although some teachers from martial arts traditions teach holding palms facing the mid chest area right from the start, for some reason. Not sure what the reasoning is for that, but my former tai chi teacher taught me all these posture variations.
  12. Solar Flares and Human Consciousnes

    Interesting video. The number of sunspots the sun produces follows an approximate eleven year cycle; i.e., the number of sunspots being produced on average on the sun goes from one sunspot cycle maxima to the next sunspot cycle maxima following a fairly sinusoidal shape over approximately eleven years. I am not sure what the person speaking in the video is basing his prediction on that the sunspots will be noticeably 'different' for six years, but it is true that solar scientists are currently predicting the sunspot maxima for the current solar sunspot cycle (cycle #24) to be the lowest maxima (lower average amount of sunspots at the maximum point in the current sunspot cycle) to occur in about the last 100 years. This sunspot maxima for the current solar sunspot cycle is currently predicted to occur somewhere in the Spring of 2013. So, the average number of sunspots being produced by the sun in this current solar sunspot cycle is predicted to be quite a bit less than it has been for about 100 years. That is one identifiable difference in sunspots that seems to be occurring right now. There could be other differences as well in regards to sunspots that can occur. This has to do with the magnetic type classification of sunspots. Sunspots can be classified into magnetic types of Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Beta-Gamma, Delta, Beta-Delta, Beta-Gamma-Delta, and Gamma-Delta. More than 50% of sunspots typically fall into the Alpha and Beta classes (see Delta class sunspots have the potential to be very active and produce the most intense solar flares. So, another way that sunspots could be 'different' is for there to be more occurrences of certain classes of sunspots than usually occurs on average. I don't know if scientists have ways of predicting what classes of sunspots are likely to occur other than by basing on current observed trends. Taoists tend to view the body as a microcosm of the universe, with changes/effects occurring in the cosmos relating directly to changes/effects in the body. I don't know exactly what the speaker in the video is referring to when he says the sunspots will be 'different' for six years, but any changes in sun activity/behavior should relate directly to changes happening within people as well, according to the Taoist view, although this may possibly be very subtle and well below the average person's awareness level.
  13. German speakers