
make up your own conspiracy theory.

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The "Occupy" movement is bought and paid for by CIA agitators using an outsourced 'revolution consultancy' based in Eastern Europe. The same consultancy was also involved in the Egyptian 'revolution' and other movements.


The overbearing police force that we saw in some parts of the country, during the middle stages of Occupy, had a counterintuitive purpose.


Those in charge (a friend's brother is involved) felt that the American public needed to pay more attention to the movement, so they created conflict which was totally unnecessary otherwise, in order to stimulate the public's concern and awareness. The lower ranking police was largely unaware of the ultimate purpose, but played their part perfectly...and the issues went worldwide.


The CIA is involved, yes...but it's interdepartmental, involving a new overarching agency (unnamed publicly so far) that will operate consistently in this manner, and goes all the way up to the president.

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The Media-Political-Military-Industrial complex [ha ha ha, I just made that up... prepare to hear it again by someone else in 1 year]


and anyone who wants to dominate someone else will pretend that they are something which they are not but that the other can dominate, on a larger level using stereotypes to describe a sector of people so that this becomes the only thing they have to deal with.


See George Orwell's Language and Politics, or 1984 and how new-speak limited the amount of things something can be.


Orwell noticed the way this happens in real life. See how this propaganda technique is used in daily life (also see "the sheeple police" a la David Icke). People are made to think in those limited paradigms to keep them easily controlled and "in the wrong."

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Not my own, but the greatest, most dangerous conspiracy theory ever.


"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves." -Bill Hicks

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Not my own, but the greatest, most dangerous conspiracy theory ever.


"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves." -Bill Hicks


Right. Which IMO makes it even more weirder why certain entities (I'll use that term largely) seem to insist on creating a$$holery for the rest of the entities to deal with on quite a regular basis.




The internet was instated as a measuring instrument for social and economic behaviour with a view to leveraging it to make finer adjustments to outdated propaganda machinery. Predictive computing...

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"The internet was instated as a measuring instrument for social and economic behaviour with a view to leveraging it to make finer adjustments to outdated propaganda machinery. Predictive computing... "


and also so the proper high authorities can posses an exact road map of any individual's brain. there is a precise formula based on when , where you have clicked, what you were researching....

we know what makes you tick.

Edited by zerostao

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Having spent hundreds of years studying how people will believe pretty much anything that is thrown at them if it is thrown by the 'right' authority at the 'right' time, the result is that many different authorities are throwing too much all at once in an attempt to gain 'mindshare' for a variety of purposes. What they don't realise is that people aren't that stupid, they just don't want violent unhappy endings to things.

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The role the Internet played in the Arab Spring has terrified the people in power in the main industrial economies so they are rushing through Internet regulation legislation under the guise of protecting the entertainment industry copyrights .... oh wait that ones true

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Outrageous bills are intended as 'place markers' to help polarize interest groups so that the latter may be more readily identified.

Following the reactions, better-crafted bills will be drafted to appeal to polarized interest groups while slightly advancing in the direction intended in the first place.

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Outrageous bills are intended as 'place markers' to help polarize interest groups so that the latter may be more readily identified.

Following the reactions, better-crafted bills will be drafted to appeal to polarized interest groups while slightly advancing in the direction intended in the first place.


That's exactly what I was thinking today when Google came out with a petition to congress to sign by those who oppose SOPA and PIPA. They just want to know who you are, see. But maybe not in order to create better-crafted bills. Maybe to blacklist you. For, you know, a later date.


Paranoia will save ya.

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That's exactly what I was thinking today when Google came out with a petition to congress to sign by those who oppose SOPA and PIPA. They just want to know who you are, see. But maybe not in order to create better-crafted bills. Maybe to blacklist you. For, you know, a later date.


Paranoia will save ya.

They have it already but they need you to consent (at present)...


Read the bill, it's insanely ridiculous. How did it possibly make it to bill stage (this requires finding out about how laws get made and things like expert advisors and lobbies and things but politics is sooooo booooooring lol!) And what's it doing there now? At this time rather than last year or any other time during any other presidency?

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underground scientists fed up with anything fed , clone thomas jefferson. thomas payne. john adams. patrick henry.

and samuel adams(we need some tasty ale) their final project is the cloning of george washington. these young clones

are educated by Anonymous.

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