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For example - look at Canada. They have very little military because they don't continually force hegemonic foreign policy upon others - and thus have little need to maintain extensive global bases or home defense. As a result, they do fairly well economically despite having little industry.


The sheer amount of money it takes for the US to maintain its global mafia is astronomical. I heard it takes an average of about $1.1 million to station each single soldier in Iraq for a year. In addition to our welfare state, no damn wonder our country is now bankrupt (and then want to simply scapegoat China for it)!


I agree that the United States foreign policy/military policy has perpetuated and continues to perpetuate global problems into the future. But do you really think Canada would or could be as neutral if it wasn't because of the power that the U.S. yields across the globe?


Again I agree with the overall sentiment but much of Canada's security has come on the coattails of the United States.

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I agree that the United States foreign policy/military policy has perpetuated and continues to perpetuate global problems into the future. But do you really think Canada would or could be as neutral if it wasn't because of the power that the U.S. yields across the globe?


Again I agree with the overall sentiment but much of Canada's security has come on the coattails of the United States.

Actually, both Canada & the US are already naturally defended through geographic isolation. Most wars in the world right now are either internal or border wars. So, both countries are not under constant attack through foreign aggression to begin with.


Hence, none of the wars the US has been in for decades or more have been self-defensive. Most were overseas driven by underlying interests & blowback from bad foreign policies - but not defensive per se. As such, they were unnecessary.


If the US had fair & smart foreign policy and only focused on actual self-defense - it could save trillions of dollars and spend that money on homeland improvement instead.

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Actually, both Canada & the US are already naturally defended through geographic isolation. Most wars in the world right now are either internal or border wars. So, both countries are not under constant attack through foreign aggression to begin with.


Hence, none of the wars the US has been in for decades or more have been self-defensive. Most were overseas driven by underlying interests & blowback from bad foreign policies - but not defensive per se. As such, they were unnecessary.


If the US had fair & smart foreign policy and only focused on actual self-defense - it could save trillions of dollars and spend that money on homeland improvement instead.


Many of the wars/conflicts that the U.S. have been involved in are related more to oil and control of resources. Are you saying that Canada's economic "independence" has not been helped through those conflicts?

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Many of the wars/conflicts that the U.S. have been involved in are related more to oil and control of resources. Are you saying that Canada's economic "independence" has not been helped through those conflicts?
Canada exports a lot of oil to the US.


So if anything, US oil wars abroad only reduce our dependence on Canadian oil. Which means it lowers the price we pay for it from them. Which means it actually hurts their economy more (not helps it).

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Canada exports a lot of oil to the US.


So if anything, US oil wars abroad only reduce our dependence on Canadian oil. Which means it lowers the price we pay for it from them. Which means it actually hurts their economy more (not helps it).


A bit flawed considering many of the U.S. wars have been nothing more than maintaining a footprint in oil regions and yet the price of oil has consistently increased from all oil producing countries.


So you don't chalk any of Canada's seeming vitality up to the fact that the U.S. has been the main player on the global stage as far as military action is concerned? You don't think they have reaped any benefit from that?


Again just to reiterate, I think much of the United States foreign policy has been catastrophically flawed for decades. But to think that countries like Canada, France or the United Kingdom have not shared in the profits of those policies, with little or none of the costs, seems incorrect.

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A bit flawed considering many of the U.S. wars have been nothing more than maintaining a footprint in oil regions and yet the price of oil has consistently increased from all oil producing countries.


So you don't chalk any of Canada's seeming vitality up to the fact that the U.S. has been the main player on the global stage as far as military action is concerned? You don't think they have reaped any benefit from that?


Again just to reiterate, I think much of the United States foreign policy has been catastrophically flawed for decades. But to think that countries like Canada, France or the United Kingdom have not shared in the profits of those policies, with little or none of the costs, seems incorrect.

US oil wars are fought to keep oil cheap and priced in USD (to back our fiat currency).


Now, cheap oil benefits the US economy since we are a net oil importer.

But obviously, it hurts all economies that are net oil exporters (like Canada).


In fact, the US's biggest enemies always include those leaders who want to cut back oil production to raise oil prices and/or stop pricing it in USD - like Saddam Hussein (Iraq), Hugo Chávez (Venezuela) & Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran). Sure, they always pretend it's about "human rights" or nukes or some other bogus double-standard - but it's usually always about their oil policy.


The irony is that they are trampling all over others' human rights to dictate their own oil policies...

Edited by vortex

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What a bunch of slack-jawed pussies we have on here. It's fine if you don't agree with the armed services, but to come out and say that all of our troops are brainwashed, slaves of foreign policy, etc. and all this nonsense is just unacceptable. If it wasn't for the military we'd be speaking German now, if you'd even be alive at all.

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Not all troops are brainwashed but they ARE slaves of US Foreign Policy.


They have no say in it, it is dictated to them. They are used to fight and kill who the Government wants.


Today x tomorrow y. "Yes Sir!" Im doing great, look at my uniform. Im having so much fun!


Those who seek to kill deserve to die. Thats why they cant even defeat the Taliban.


The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan do not benefit the average US citizen. No extra housing, better health service, higher wages, nothing.


It benefits the businesses that are owned by the members of congress that are making billions through drugs, loans, re construction , arms and fuel. Among them Blair, Bush and their cronies.


Bush and Blair mand some SERIOUS money. Thats why you can see Bush making a statement in front of the media and then saying "watch this shot" as he plays golf! Unaware that the camersa are still rolling!

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Not all troops are brainwashed but they ARE slaves of US Foreign Policy.
I agree. Many are well-meaning and wish only to defend our country - a vital duty.


Unfortunately, once they join they then become at the complete mercy of our political leadership and must obey their given orders - regardless of if they agree with them or not. The problem is really thus with our leaders (and sheeple who elect them) - not these brave soldiers.

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I totally agree Vortex.


Rainbow Vein, when I said "those who seek to kill, deserve to die", I was reffering to individuals who select, of their own free will to chose an occupation that involves them killing others.


They are not forced in to a situation where they are left with few options other than to kill, nor are they fighting a legitimate enemy for reasons of personal defence or survival.


They reject other occupations and ways of life and select to join a career involved in inflicting severe violence on other human beings. Regardless of causing death and injury with explosives, bullets or chemicals, they destroy another humans body, tear their flesh, spill their blood and break their bones and starve their brain of oxygen.


Those that chose this path, and feel proud, happy and successful deserve to die.


Their satisfaction and sense of achievement and honour is bought at the expense of murder. That is a crime that deserves equal retribution.


The Governments kill to line their pockets and soldiers kill as their selected career. There is nothing selfless in it at all, it is the hight of selfishness. They kill to get what they want.


So those that want that, deserve to eat from the same dish.

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There are times when violence is necessary as Mantis and Marblehead have mentioned.


If you have people minding their own business and living in peace who are then attacked by others who want to kill them, then , when pleading, begging and warning have not helped, there is only the option of acccepting death and the elevation of criminals, or stopping them by force.


This is one of the main flaws with pasivist beliefs. Passivism needs force to protect its own existance.


A rose is surrounded by thorns.

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This is another myth, "that we'd all be over run by the Nazis".


The same secret elite that founded USA also financed Hitler.



blah blah blah, nice conspiracy theories. you would do much better by forming moral conclusions and arguing against killing through that route, then to spread those lies

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blah blah blah, nice conspiracy theories. you would do much better by forming moral conclusions and arguing against killing through that route, then to spread those lies


Just speaking from a historical perspective, the German navy was not up to the task of invading the US. I know everyone says if we didn't stop Hitler we would all be speaking German, but if the German navy was not even up to the task of crossing the English channel to invade Britain then there is no way they could have crossed the entire Atlantic in numbers to launch and invasion, or even sustain one by supply if they did one. The reaons Rommel lost in North Africa is because he could not get supplied due to the problems of shipping across the Mediteranian.

I did a research paper for an entire semester on what would have happened if we had not invaded Normandy. My conclusion was that the Germans would have still not won the war because the Soviet Union was kicking their butt all by themselves. Of course if we had not done Normandy the war would have lasted longer, and the Soviets would have taken greater losses, but the Soviets were clearly beating Germany before we landed on Normandy (not taking anything away from the Normandy landing, it greatly shortend the war, and lessened pressure on the Soviet Union a lot) But Germany never was in a position where invading the US was even remotely possible.

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Britian , France, Germany, US and Canada, all have the same illuminate masonic backgrounds.

It spread from Europe to US and Canada.


This is why I have no respect for you. I have no idea who you are, nor have I even seen your posts before, but since you buy into this crap I really gotta wonder where your common sense is.


What is history? Who wrote it? We need to read between the lines.


What's more important is where did you get YOUR history? Let me guess, you have secret documents that no real historians have? The thousands of historians who work in academia, who would shit on your "knowledge of history", are all actually paid by the secret elite?


The threat of islamic terrorism is directed towards the US for a reason. Not because of baseball or American accents or American culture. Its because America has been supporting the illeagle acts of Israel and has funded it and supported it morally , financially and militarily.


Islamic terrorism has existed since Mohammed. For someone claiming to know all the facts, you sure missed that one. He was a warlord and conquered many lands. Islam is based on imperialism and the Muslim utopia is a Muslim world. They see it as their duty to conquer all lands. They see the West as the devil because we are a secular society and because we are more successful than Muslim nations. This completely goes against their views of 'how things should be' because according to the Quran, Muslims are the best and their nations should be the most prosperous, which is not the case.


Why is the US supporting Israel in its illeagle activities of killing , stealing land and imprisoning people?


Perhaps this is another area where you need to brush up on your history. Israelis are not stealing land. After the Ottomon empire fell, the land was owned by the British who attempted to let Jews and Muslims share the land, but that didn't work because Muslims rebelled and rioted. Jews won the land through war and let Muslims live there and worship as they wish, but terrorists continue to attack Israel because they do not want a Jewish presence in that land. They want it for themselves.


The US supports Israel because militarily it is an ally in that region. The other countries there hate Western secular values and would go against the US in a second. Religiously, Christians would rather have the Jews own the land than the Muslims simply because Jews are much more progressive.


Even though they all worship the same God, it is Islam that teaches its followers to be distrustful of Christians and Jews. It is written so in the Quran. So before you defend these backwards zealots, why don't you go read the Quran yourself and see what you're defending? Why don't you listen to the Muslim extremists and hear what they have to say?

Edited by Sunya

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Just speaking from a historical perspective, the German navy was not up to the task of invading the US. I know everyone says if we didn't stop Hitler we would all be speaking German, but if the German navy was not even up to the task of crossing the English channel to invade Britain then there is no way they could have crossed the entire Atlantic in numbers to launch and invasion, or even sustain one by supply if they did one. The reaons Rommel lost in North Africa is because he could not get supplied due to the problems of shipping across the Mediteranian.

I did a research paper for an entire semester on what would have happened if we had not invaded Normandy. My conclusion was that the Germans would have still not won the war because the Soviet Union was kicking their butt all by themselves. Of course if we had not done Normandy the war would have lasted longer, and the Soviets would have taken greater losses, but the Soviets were clearly beating Germany before we landed on Normandy (not taking anything away from the Normandy landing, it greatly shortend the war, and lessened pressure on the Soviet Union a lot) But Germany never was in a position where invading the US was even remotely possible.


Did your history paper go into how the whole war was orchestrated by the 'rich elite illuminati masons'? That's what I was responding to.

Edited by Sunya

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Oh I wasn't responding to your post in particular, but I've heard that saying so often, and since I did a research paper on it I couldn't help myself lol :-P


I've heard the stories about the Illuminati, but since by definition they are a secret society and do not display public documents or agendas then how can I confirm or deny if they are real or not lol.

Edited by dmattwads

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I've heard the stories about the Illuminati, but since by definition they are a secret society and do not display public documents or agendas then how can I confirm or deny if they are real or not lol.


Yeah that's exactly how I feel. Going against modern history is one thing, but if all you have as evidence are websites, unfindable sources, and unprovable theories then you are living in a fantasy. These people base their whole world-view on these wacky theories and most of these people eventually go off the deep end. Most 'illuminati' conspiracy theories get tied into this strange belief that reptilian aliens are actually controlling the world and that there is a huge cosmic battle of information between different alien races. Sounds like a great sci-fi movie.

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I did a research paper for an entire semester on what would have happened if we had not invaded Normandy. My conclusion was that the Germans would have still not won the war because the Soviet Union was kicking their butt all by themselves. Of course if we had not done Normandy the war would have lasted longer, and the Soviets would have taken greater losses, but the Soviets were clearly beating Germany before we landed on Normandy (not taking anything away from the Normandy landing, it greatly shortend the war, and lessened pressure on the Soviet Union a lot) But Germany never was in a position where invading the US was even remotely possible.
I agree that the US was not under direct threat from the NAZIs - who were funded by many Americans, anyways...


And actually, since the NAZIs & Commies were enemies - they would have continued neutralizing each other had we not interfered. End result being both less NAZIs & Commies in the world - as opposed to just less NAZIs and a diaperload of Commies left over killing ~120 million worldwide.

Israelis are not stealing land. After the Ottomon empire fell, the land was owned by the British who attempted to let Jews and Muslims share the land, but that didn't work because Muslims rebelled and rioted. Jews won the land through war and let Muslims live there and worship as they wish, but terrorists continue to attack Israel because they do not want a Jewish presence in that land. They want it for themselves.


Even though they all worship the same God, it is Islam that teaches its followers to be distrustful of Christians and Jews. It is written so in the Quran. So before you defend these backwards zealots, why don't you go read the Quran yourself and see what you're defending? Why don't you listen to the Muslim extremists and hear what they have to say?

LOL! :lol:


"Share?" No, the British ceded that land to Jews who weren't even living there to form their own state - under which the local existing Arabs would then become subjects. And why would they do that? In exchange for them pulling the US into the war to fight on their side against the NAZIs. See the Balfour Declaration made between Britain & Walter Rothschild...


Even though they all worship the same God, it is Talmudism that teaches its followers to be distrustful of Christians and Muslims. It is written so in the Talmud. So before you defend these backwards zealots, why don't you go read the Talmud yourself and see what you're defending? Why don't you listen to the Talmudic extremists and hear what they have to say? :lol:

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"Share?" No, the British ceded that land to Jews who weren't even living there to form their own state - under which the local existing Arabs would then become subjects.


Not really. Jews were legally buying up land there for years prior to the formation of Israel. And yes there was a huge immigration of Jews into the area...but it was the same for Arabs. The majority of "Palestinians" are Arabs who immigrated into the area in the 20s and 30s. It's not their land either, if you use that argument, since that land never belonged to Arabs.


So I don't like that argument of who it belonged to since it doesn't really apply to either side. Both Jews and Muslims have lived in that area since Biblical times but that doesn't mean either one should 'own' the land. Unfortunately, since those peace-loving Arabs that you love to defend are actually quite backwards, are constantly fighting amongst themselves, and can barely keep a stable government, I'd much rather that the Jews control the area since they are actually progressive. They believe in democracy and human rights and all they want is peace.


And please don't forget that nobody is stopping Muslims from praying in Jerusalem. They choose to live in the area. They could go live anywhere else. There is a whole gamut of Muslim countries to choose from.

Edited by Sunya

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Address your tone.


If you want to learn more, study the history of the state of Israel.




Stern Gang, Hagganah: These were zionist terrorists who drove out Palestinians and also the British which resulted in the Balfour declaration and the end of the British Mandate.


Jews against Israel: The orthodox jews against Israel for being a secular state set up by Theodore Hertzl who was not a jew but an agnostic. They praise the historical relationship between muslims and jews and remember migrating to Iran, Turkey and Morocco to flee the Spanish Inquisition and sought shelter in the Islamic State.


Talmud: saying that goyim (gentiles) are worse than animals and they can be killed and their children sexually abused. How a jewish man can have sex with children from the age of 2yrs and how Jesus is illegetimate son of a prostitute.


Amnesty Internationl on Israels illeagle confiscation of land and breaking international law.


Thearrivals for info on freemasonry and the illuminate.

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The Jews are human beings but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts (Baba Mecia 114,6)


Jahova created the non jew in human form so that the jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non jew is consequently an animal in human form and comanded to serve the jew day and night. (Midrasch Talpioth p225)


A gentile girl who is three years old can be violated. (Aboda sarah 37a)


A jew may do to a non jewess what he can do he may treat her as he treats a peice of meat. (Hadarine 20b)


A jew is permitted to rape, cheat and perjure himself but he must take care that he is not found out so that Isreal may not suffer. (Schulchan aruch)


Jews may rob and kill non jews, what a jew steals for a gentile he may keep. (Sanhedrin 57a)


A girl at the age of three years may be betrothed by sexual intercourse. (Mishnah)


A heratic gentile you maay kill out right with your own hands. (abodah zara 4b)


Jesus is being boiled in hot excrament. Jesus mother was a whore and played the harlot with carpenters. (gittin 57a)


To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all the jews for if they knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly. (libbie David 47)

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