
My Dantien is < 2% full

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Loved the John Chang vs Mike Tyson thread!


Instead of messin' it up by posting this there, I figured we could merrily roll along here.


So I call out all the sanctified bonafide gratified ones to aide me in fillin' it up




:D Thay guy is great, "Your Dantien is only %2 full" what a cool comment to make. Had a wonderful laugh :)


Love this high level mastery!


Alright lets say I'm naive... I actually am... Explain to me in am understandable nuts and bolts language how I would fill it to a John Chang level, Pronto?


Fact... I have spent waaay to many of my years trudgin' thru the weeds lookin' for the way... the real deal so to speak.


Too many youtube vids and books with filler fluff (you must dedicate... you must pay the fee $, BOW TO YOUR SENSEI!!!

"Upon level 14 after 26 years of practice and cutting of your right ear" " Sleep in this stray filled hole in tibet for 2 years"


I've read about filling the vessels through abstaining, read the Chia sex stuff, most of what I read or watch just doesn't bite.


Chenrezig vs Nyingma, (time)? Bagua vs Bikram yoga ( who do I pay to even use that name)? JKD TM (trademark not transcendental meditation).


Boy have I digressed or what?


Or do I already have the answer? ZZ and jaZZ?


Peace people,

Your student Rob






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Alright lets say I'm naive... I actually am... Explain to me in am understandable nuts and bolts language how I would fill it to a John Chang level,


I'm naive too, when I read that other thread I wondered


"How could you even tell what percentage full you are?"

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A friend once told me:

"I once was trailblazing (not following a path) in the wilderness. I crossed many trails but could not decide which trail to take. None of the trails I came across seemed like a trail I felt a connection with. Before long I was lost. I had to try to back track to a path I knew at least a little about, though the rest I knew nothing about. I reached a part that the path was out on.. almost tripped and fell and badly injured myself. I did not have a guide who was experienced so I suffered many times."

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I am also naive when it comes to these matters. I would also like to find out how you know when your dantien is full, or even a percentage full.

Good topic.

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So you have certain practices that actually CONCENTRATE on filling the "dantien" or "chakra" right? Well, those are obviously different than the ones that dont. Although, the ones that dont arent necessarily bad right? So let's say you have system A. System A is a system that starts you off with concentrated filling. You take chi, bring in the dantien with method A. Once you've done so much of method A, you begin method B, all the while, continuing with method A. Method B however is a bit more on the "strenuous" side. method A and method B are both alchemical techniques BUT method B is where you really start to develop internal power. So then you go and do method B for X amount of minutes, hours, months, years, etc......


Sidetrack to System B. System B starts with Method B but runs into a problem, IMO, and that problem is that they are trying to build the second floor all the while skipping the first floor. Sure you can do it, but then when you look at your project you realize that you missed a very important step, or maybe you dont realize, but either skipped a step. Method A, is a very important foundational step.


Sidetrack to System C. System C uses method MCO. Now, hopefully Master Chunyi Lin or Wang Liping will step in and actually fill in how this is important and why you should start with it, because I cant, and wont even pretend to.


Here's why you wont find the actual techniques to filling your dantien, via the Mo Pai or similar schools, just lying around on the internet. People who know these methods, where once apart of the school or a school, have a certain level of respect for that Master. They dont want to be the guy who let's the proverbial "cat" out of the bag. And in all actuality, I was reading through some of the older posts in this forum and a certain someone, who I would assume was gifted the responsibility of spreading his lineage, has made a post that contains, for the most part, Method B.


This doesnt answer your question whatsoever....BUT if ZZ and Jazz makes you happy and content then cool because if you were in front of John Chang getting a transmission but you werent happy then what good would it be?


Oh, and people dont realize that for the most part method A is really boring. In that it doenst have what I would call "active" techniques.......soooooooooo....peace

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Alright lets say I'm naive... I actually am... Explain to me in am understandable nuts and bolts language how I would fill it to a John Chang level, Pronto?
It takes 81 hours of real meditation. Which most people actually achieve for only a small % of the time that they are attempting meditation.


Therefore, this can take 1-5 years if you practice several hours per day. Or 10 years if you practice only 1 hr/day. Keep in mind that you should ideally be celibate during this time too.


IOW, the vast majority of people out there will NEVER attain even this (at least in this lifetime).



"John Chang" can also personally determine your dantian fullness with his sensing ability. Otherwise, I'm not sure what other reliable method there is?

Edited by vortex

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Multiple thanks to all thus far!


No shortcuts eh...?

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Sidetrack to System C. System C uses method MCO. Now, hopefully Master Chunyi Lin or Wang Liping will step in and actually fill in how this is important and why you should start with it, because I cant, and wont even pretend to.


I've read that the MCO/small universe can be really dangerous. Why does Master Lin feel that it is okay to teach this to beginning students? Master Lin's results are undeniable, but it's interested that while others say NO, he says YES.

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I've always wondered why everyone so desperately wants to keep all cats in bags. Why can't we let them out?


I mean, unless you're taking some lolcats pictures and you need a cat or two in a bag but.... you gotta let it out eventually, right?

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I've always wondered why everyone so desperately wants to keep all cats in bags. Why can't we let them out?


I mean, unless you're taking some lolcats pictures and you need a cat or two in a bag but.... you gotta let it out eventually, right?


If you had a friend that confided in you that he/she were homosexual, is it your responsibility to let that "cat" out of the bag?


I only use that example because unfortunately some people have a fear of being themselves.


You get the idea.

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I've read that the MCO/small universe can be really dangerous. Why does Master Lin feel that it is okay to teach this to beginning students? Master Lin's results are undeniable, but it's interested that while others say NO, he says YES.


Obviously I cant actually give you the REAL answer but I think I might be able to help...or further confuse that topic...


If you've ever read about SFQ and the MCO method then that would probably be why it's ok to start with it. I have his CD, the half hour and hour, although I dont use this particular method it is a bit different than most that I've seen.


BUT, I dont even know why the MCO would be considered dangerous in the first place.


Sorr for the pointless post

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If you had a friend that confided in you that he/she were homosexual, is it your responsibility to let that "cat" out of the bag?


I only use that example because unfortunately some people have a fear of being themselves.


You get the idea.


Powerful analogy, but I don't think it's correctly related to this particular situation....


It'd be more like, I dunno, if my dad was a combat veteran, and he told me some trick that could seriously injure somebody in a fight, and my dad told me never to use it unless I was in serious trouble, and I shouldn't tell other people about it, but at the same time I had a friend who was always getting beat up after school each day, and he tried to fight back, but he didn't know how to fight, and just got beat up worse. Do I show that friend the trick that could put the bully/bullies down, or do I hold to the promise I made to my dad not to use it or share it?

Edited by Sloppy Zhang

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Powerful analogy, but I don't think it's correctly related to this particular situation....


It'd be more like, I dunno, if my dad was a combat veteran, and he told me some trick that could seriously injure somebody in a fight, and my dad told me never to use it unless I was in serious trouble, and I shouldn't tell other people about it, but at the same time I had a friend who was always getting beat up after school each day, and he tried to fight back, but he didn't know how to fight, and just got beat up worse. Do I show that friend the trick that could put the bully/bullies down, or do I hold to the promise I made to my dad not to use it or share it?


Hey Slop,


You quoted the wrong guy :lol:

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Powerful analogy, but I don't think it's correctly related to this particular situation....


It'd be more like, I dunno, if my dad was a combat veteran, and he told me some trick that could seriously injure somebody in a fight, and my dad told me never to use it unless I was in serious trouble, and I shouldn't tell other people about it, but at the same time I had a friend who was always getting beat up after school each day, and he tried to fight back, but he didn't know how to fight, and just got beat up worse. Do I show that friend the trick that could put the bully/bullies down, or do I hold to the promise I made to my dad not to use it or share it?



So then if your friend develops an insecurity problem, let's say that because of his lack of fighting power, and then he suddenly starts whoopin ass because of the technique you taught him, but then, because of the power struggle before the technique, he's always wanting to prove something now and beat people for other things, not so threatening things, then what?


This is a common problem. Like the geek to muscle man guy. Kid grows up thinking he's "nerdy" but then loads up the weight, kicks the glasses, gets RIPPED and now he's thinkin he's the shitznit.


Kid gets beat up all the time, learns to kickass, beats up other people now, because he has a power that he didnt have before.

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So then if your friend develops an insecurity problem, let's say that because of his lack of fighting power, and then he suddenly starts whoopin ass because of the technique you taught him, but then, because of the power struggle before the technique, he's always wanting to prove something now and beat people for other things, not so threatening things, then what?


This is a common problem. Like the geek to muscle man guy. Kid grows up thinking he's "nerdy" but then loads up the weight, kicks the glasses, gets RIPPED and now he's thinkin he's the shitznit.


Kid gets beat up all the time, learns to kickass, beats up other people now, because he has a power that he didnt have before.


Or.... kid fights back, and then doesn't pick on other people because he knows how it feels. Maybe he helps other people, through direct intervention, through teaching them skills, or through just being there.



Both situations happen all the time.

Edited by Sloppy Zhang

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I've always wondered why everyone so desperately wants to keep all cats in bags. Why can't we let them out?
A lot of "John Chang's" students have gotten injured even with his guidance (although they may not have followed all his instructions).


Many Old School teachers take the karmic responsibility for whatever happens to the students they teach. Hence, they are often reluctant and very selective in who they teach.


I think this is more true with the more potentially dangerous methods.

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Or.... kid fights back, and then doesn't pick on other people because he knows how it feels. Maybe he helps other people, through direct intervention, through teaching them skills, or through just being there.



Both situations happen all the time.


Or maybe he calls the local law enforcement?

Or maybe you decide to step in and teach him some form of fighting besides that which you were sworn to never teach?

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What other linages emphasize filling the dantien? I'm sure that mopai isn't the only source of this type of training. The yellow bamboo people aim to store red fire into their lower stomach. I remember playing around with the level one exercises and having it set my dantien on fire and full of energy.


We shouldn't dog people for keeping their word.

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Or maybe he calls the local law enforcement?


Eh, the rules on bullying are different now than they were in my day.


I was bullied when I was a kid, and stuff like that didn't help me.


Maybe it would work nowadays though.


Or maybe you decide to step in and teach him some form of fighting besides that which you were sworn to never teach?


Because kids are masters at fighting :P


[edit] I guess some personal bias is shining through here. I've had personal experience with both of the types of bullying we described here.


I was bullied, and no amount of going to authorities/authority figures helped. I had to take the situation into my own hands and put a stop to it, and I've always had that philosophy and never had any problems. I've always been a nice guy though, only once, years later, did I catch myself starting to bully someone, and I put a stop to that right quick and we became really good friends.


Shortly after I initially put a stop to my own bullying, I saw someone else being bullied. They were the typical nerd stereotype, and he was sort of a friend of mine. The problem was I was also sort of friends with the guy doing the bullying. Anyway, one day the nerd guy just tore off and beat the shit out of the guy doing the bullying. Except this kid did it in the middle of the school cafeteria, he got suspended for a while, then was in isolated learning for a few months. Next time I saw him he was much beefier.


The thing is, I was partly responsible for that kid being picked on, and for the trouble he got in because I didn't help him.


I guess this bleeds into my opinions in terms of spiritual traditions. If someone is hurting, I think if you can help them, you should. Obviously you shouldn't be giving guns to kids, and you kinda have to read the situation and the persons involved. But in general, if you take the time to trust someone with knowledge that has helped you, they recognize it, and return the trust.


Just my experience though. Others have different experiences which affect their decisions.

Edited by Sloppy Zhang

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Lookee here, if your master is afraid of what you will become if he gives you his teachings then he's not that much of a "master" IMO. Besides, most of the stuff it takes to do anything in spiritual terms requires enough of your own effort that by the time you've done it you might just have your own perspective on what would be the right thing to do with it.


Of course, if your master has his own darkness to deal with then I'm not sure how that would work exactly. Maybe a few bodies littered along the path? :blink:


Not that I'd know anything, of course.

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Besides, most of the stuff it takes to do anything in spiritual terms requires enough of your own effort that by the time you've done it you might just have your own perspective on what would be the right thing to do with it.


This, and this:


Not that I'd know anything, of course.

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