Ya Mu

Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

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So is anyone calling for Salazar's head to be up on the block yet?


:lol: and now the tar-balls found on the beaches in the keys have been found to have originated elsewhere, not the same type of oil as the BP leak.

Edited by joeblast

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So is anyone calling for Salazar's head to be up on the block yet?


:lol: and now the tar-balls found on the beaches in the keys have been found to have originated elsewhere, not the same type of oil as the BP leak.


Exactly what is your point? There seems to be evidence that the oil is hitting the keys. I think you are listening to BP and the Republican talking points.






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I heard from a reliable source that BP will be sued (if they have any money left) for negligence. This could've been prevented with a special device, which I believe costs around 500k to install on each rig. Cheney was responsible for deregulating the installation of this device so that Oil companies could save money, but the person I spoke with knows one of the lawyers who will be suing BP and they said that this special device is meant to prevent things like this from happening.

Edited by mikaelz

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Exactly what is your point? There seems to be evidence that the oil is hitting the keys. I think you are listening to BP and the Republican talking points.






exactly what is my point? read it at face value and take it as it means - nobody's said a word of every single one of your links coming from among the "pinnacles of lefty disinformation sites" yet I'm sure that some truthful things are posted there and not everything is completely distorted, right? so what I'm saying must necessarily be completely erroneous and somehow a BP or republican talking point? spoken like a well indoctrinated sheep. :glare:


look at the message and not the messenger.


actually my main point was of Salazar being the head of the regulatory agency that failed to ensure BP's compliances. what does a regulatory agency exist for if they are incompetent in performing their duty?


mikaelz - the vp does not have the power to solely be responsible for such a measure.

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Obviously there are many inter-related things that had to happen for this terrible oil spill to take place. (many of which have already been brought up)


Often and sadly mistakes involving the whole gamut of machines have been taking place since mankind started inventing various types of machines and or devices, and without greed or other types of corruption always being involved in such events - thus it seems to be in our human nature to make mistakes with our created devices. And why we haven't learned more from history also seems to be related to our human nature?

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exactly what is my point? read it at face value and take it as it means - nobody's said a word of every single one of your links coming from among the "pinnacles of lefty disinformation sites" yet I'm sure that some truthful things are posted there and not everything is completely distorted, right? so what I'm saying must necessarily be completely erroneous and somehow a BP or republican talking point? spoken like a well indoctrinated sheep. :glare:


look at the message and not the messenger.


actually my main point was of Salazar being the head of the regulatory agency that failed to ensure BP's compliances. what does a regulatory agency exist for if they are incompetent in performing their duty?


mikaelz - the vp does not have the power to solely be responsible for such a measure.



If the agency that issues permits and regulations is at fault, then their jobs should be in question. Is it all Salazar's fault? Most likely not. I would imagine years of deregulation from several administrations are to blame.


Every post I made has video or photos. The images don't lie.


This is not a partisan issue. Of course the shills on Fox News would say otherwise. Brit Hume said "where is the oil"? BP's CEO said it is just a "tiny spill". Watch the videos and satellite photos and you will see that is far from the truth.




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If the agency that issues permits and regulations is at fault, then their jobs should be in question. Is it all Salazar's fault? Most likely not. I would imagine years of deregulation from several administrations are to blame.


Every post I made has video or photos. The images don't lie.


This is not a partisan issue. Of course the shills on Fox News would say otherwise. Brit Hume said "where is the oil"? BP's CEO said it is just a "tiny spill". Watch the videos and satellite photos and you will see that is far from the truth.




I agree, what is - IS. This should not be made into a left wing right wing issue.


But isn't fox news the only real news station? :lol::rolleyes:

I use a news aggregator for headlines and I don't so far think it is slanted in any particular political direction. http://www.newsmap.jp/ If I want the full story I will dig deeper.


This effects everyone, BP has obviously lied about the total amount of oil coming out of the well.

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If the agency that issues permits and regulations is at fault, then their jobs should be in question. Is it all Salazar's fault? Most likely not. I would imagine years of deregulation from several administrations are to blame.

I realize that we're eons past "the buck stops here"...but...does the buck stop anywhere these days? You cant do anything about what has been done in years long passed by except learn from the history - however, if something like this (specifically, BP not being subjected to the full rigors that were the responsibility of the regulatory agency) happened on your watch then you, as a responsible party, should be held accountable. On all sides of the issue, regulatory and commercial included. It is simply a cop out to say "well, I inherited the issue" as if somehow that exculpates you from being presently responsible. BP should be monetarily liable for the cleanup and securing of the well; heads should roll at the regulatory agencies whose lax manners helped facilitate the catastrophe.

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Neither BP, nor anyone else knows the exact amount of oil coming out of the well. What you see in the video and what is actually coming out of the well is a mixture of both oil and natural gas. It could easily be 80-90% natural gas. You would hope that those scientists that were trying to make independent estimates would understand this. There is no way that I know of to measure the proportions of each at the pipe opening in an undersea uncontrolled leak like this. It might be possible to get a better estimate of the amount of oil when you are further away from the pipe opening and the gas has separated out, however those approaches have their problems also. I imagine the reason that BP did not want to release the video is that people would jump to conclusions without understanding the reality. This does not make BP any less responsible for what happened.

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I think no dispersants should be used and then it is more efficient to collect the oil in booms. Coagulants may be a better alternative.


Now that the oil is in the loop, the potential damage is mind boggling!







Edited by ralis

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This article is close to how I feel about the situation.




This video about booming is interesting.


I didnt really know anything about booming, but I do know the ocean, and something looked terribly wrong when I saw pictures of the boom. Now its clear, the whole thing is a fiasco, and Obama on television vaunting every chance he can get about his 5 million feet of boom. Its all mislaid and useless! Holy Crap!

Edited by de_paradise

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A friend of mine is a Geologist and is very experienced in the well drilling business. When I asked him about BP's idea to try "top kill", he said "it won't work". Too much pressure.




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Consider for a moment: what if the leak can't be stopped? It seems that we enter into a post-industrial era, the daily reminder and emblem of toxic black sludge/goo staining poisoning the water, wetlands, beaches and fishing of an entire region forever, which would undoubtedly severely affect the entire country.


I always thought that the 2012 prediction was not of a "pole shift" or tidal waves destroying the Himalayas, but rather a series of economic disasters that throws the entire world into a dis-integrative cycle. We are coming to realize that the world economic structure is a shaky house of cards being run by people who are feeding at the trough. Our government is polarizing to the extreme, paralyzed and unable to solve worsening problems and crises. I see civilization disintegrating, and 2012 seems to me to be a reasonable time-frame.

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The well should be able to be stopped with a relief well. Essentially this is drill another well nearby and intersect the existing well. The problem is that it will take several months to do it. There will be significant additional oil released in the meantime.

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check out the amounts of Benzene that would be released via burning or use of chemicals.

also interesting the amount of benzene adrift in the air from volcanic eruptions..



"Glutathione seems to play an important role by protecting against benzene induced DNA breaks and it is being identified as a new biomarker for exposure and effect"


"Here Kekulé spoke of the creation of the theory. He said that he had discovered the ring shape of the benzene molecule after having a reverie or day-dream of a snake seizing its own tail (this is a common symbol in many ancient cultures known as the Ouroboros or Endless knot"


Benzene used in sleep aids and anti anxiety drugs and accumulated heavy in the public water supplies causes:


"A 1999–2005 Australian police survey of detainees reported preliminary findings that self-reported users of benzodiazepines were less likely than non-user detainees to work full-time and more likely to receive government benefits, use methamphetamine or heroin and be arrested or imprisoned"




Louisiana's ambient air standard for the VOC benzene, for example, is 3.76 ppb, while its standard for methylene chloride is 61.25 ppb. Long-term exposure to airborne benzene has been linked to cancer. Air testing results show VOC concentrations far above these state standards. On May 6, for example, the EPA measured VOCs at levels of 483 ppb. The highest levels detected to date were on April 30, at 3,084 ppb, following by May 2, at 3,416 ppb.


We don't have any third-party verification that this evaluation is correct, but the information comes from the Gulf Oil Disaster Recovery Group, which correctly informed us that BP's underwater dome failed in advance of the oil company's announcement. If the air quality news is true, BP better be prepared to shell out many millions more in damages.


Benzene is the active ingredient in all benzine drugs. The manufacturers attach other molecule so it will attach to specific receptors and to re-patent the same

old benzene ring molecule under a new name.


When the ring is bound to a fluorine, bromine or chlorine ion it attaches to

calcifying tissue like the pineal gland.

Edited by reddragon

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BP's effort to "top kill" has been stopped. There is oil and drilling mud leaking from the BOP. :angry: The following link is excellent for gaining a better understanding of this process.






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I don't understand why they will not send in supertankers to pump the escaped oil up. The ex-honcho of Shell said that is what they did with a huge undocumented spill and it worked very well; pump it up, take it back to be processed and the water separated. Is BP just too damn cheap?

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