
Why I am against 'powers'

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Yeah...you did just scan the monster/pasta I posted because[repost your walking videos] it is the first yogi who stopped his heartbeat that lost weight. Here in short, is the 411 on Prani:After day 10, the committee is satisfied with following matter:


1. The protocol was strictly adhered to.

2. Mr. Jani has not passed or dribbled urine during these 10 days.

3. He has not taken anything by mouth or by any other routes not even water for 10 days.

4. All his parameters remained within the range determined by the committee.

5. He has shown evidence of formation of urine, which seems to be reabsorbed from his bladder wall. However at present the committee does not have any scientific explanation for the same but the help of senior scientists and medical personnel of the country is being taken for the same.



I am sorry but this does not impress me. You seem to think it's amazing and that's fine but I don't. Please accept that. What would you have me do? Declare how amazing it is and make haste to India so i can be like him and to pay homage? If I take it at face value, my answer is, so what? If I take the skeptic route than I have to say, if Jani can do it once, he can do it again under the same protocols for another group of researchers which is how theories and hypothesis are borne out. Through testability, reproduction and peer review.


Where are your achievements? Do you have anything to post other than other people's achievements?

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You know, enouch, I just went and checked your profile and looked at some of the topics you started. Projecting chi from the eyes, vapors at the corners of the eyes, chi gung healing stuff. You really should come spend some time with me and ask me these kinds of questions, pick my brains and learn some of the things I could teach you. You could show me your powers and I could show you mine, wink wink nudge nudge.

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Well, I don't fully agree with this line of reasoning about science and magic dwai and here is why.


I assume you are familiar with the idea that technology sufficiently advanced could, to people who don't understand it, seem like magic and for all intents and purposes, is magic up until the point where the principles are finally understood by those who once feared or revered it.


Let's examine fa jin. Bruce told us that Fa jin simply means: 'to throw out power' and there are many ways both subtle and gross to do that.


To a person who does not understand the mechanics of an internal arts power push, witnessing someone get thrown back effortlessly like a rag doll could seem magical. But I say that a skill which is sufficiently advanced can seem magical while actually having mundane and easily understood but difficult to actualize principles behind it.


Exactly! Scientific Method has not changed much in the years following Newton. If you have time, read this critique of Scientific Method i had written a few years back...


The Battle Between Science and Yoga


The thing with fa jin is, if it works it works, period. You can stand in front of me or anyone else that can do fa jin and say, "I am skeptic, I don't beleive in chi and my skeptic energy will turn off your fa jin." But then I push you and you go flying anyway despite your disbelief. I can say I did it with chi but you can certainly say that is was just a high level of expertise over biomechanical precision and chi doesn't enter the equation. But your disbelief can't prevent you from moving when I want you to move.


The energy underlying push, press, rollback etc is something else entirely dwai. At least in my opinion. You can put your hands on someone and project those energies inside them and unless they can feel chi they are going to sit there and look at you waiting for you to do something. And when you say that you just did peng on them they can say they didn't feel a thing. However, a student with sufficient sensitivity to chi will sense their own chi being influenced by your peng or lu or an or whatever you are doing and they can feel and eventually reproduce what you are showing them.


My understanding of this matter is that Jing is externalized/transformed Chi. And the 8 powers can be externally projected using Fa Jing. Jing is just a generic term, in actuality the Fa "Jing" can be Fa Lu, Fa Peng, etc.

It seems like (from reading his books) BKF is very proficient in this.


Unless you can feel chi and manipulate it yourself similarly then concepts like the hidden energy of push and rollback will be just an intellectual datum. An interesting concept as opposed to an obvious and live force that is somewhat under conscious control through intent.


I did something similar to what your master did about four years ago. I serendipitously met a man that was a wu style teacher who had twenty years of experience on him and taught classes in the park. We got along right away and soon we were making dates to practice push hands together before his classes. The concept of chi came up a few times and one time I allowed and encouraged him to push me into an inferior and awkward position, bending backwards. Then I lifted one foot and let him move back even more. Then I showed him how precarious my position was. Then I sent a command throughout my entire body to suddenly relax (to open space inside me to move) and then I sent a pulse into him through a new alignment that I created. This had the effect of overcoming my postural disadvantage in an instant and I started pushing him backwards from my new and more advantageous alignment.


So, I didn't send him flying with one finger into a wall but I did put myself in a weak position and then, through yielding and absorbing, I managed to create an internal wave that realigned me and countered his advantage with fa jin. I can say it was done with chi and from my pov, it was, but from a nonbeliever pov it could still be explained as having a natural aptitude for sensing kinetic forces and for using biomechanical efficiency as a force multiplier.



What that Master was trying to show a skeptical student is that there IS no parlor trick in using the powers and has nothing to do with things like biomechanical alignments or other such things...


What I'm trying to suggest is that it is not worth our while to try and prove anything to a skeptic. They will never believe it. Most skeptics I know are too committed to their "skepticism" to allow anything to change their minds. Read the Swami Rama chapter I posted a link to from the Menninger Institute's Beyond Biofeedback book by Elmer and Alyce Greene.




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What I'm trying to suggest is that it is not worth our while to try and prove anything to a skeptic. They will never believe it. Most skeptics I know are too committed to their "skepticism" to allow anything to change their minds. Read the Swami Rama chapter I posted a link to from the Menninger Institute's Beyond Biofeedback book by Elmer and Alyce Greene.

Oh Please :rolleyes: If that were true the skeptics wouldn't have the beliefs they do at the moment...

Don't make things up and generalise too much...again... if anyone is too attached to their opinions it seems to be you.


Skeptic: "A person inclined to question all accepted opinions." (from the dictionary on my computer)


Show them it is more than just an opinion you've got, if you can.


well, good luck ^_^

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Guest paul walter

How do you discern 'I' from not-'I'?



I don't--til I have to explain it to someone when they ask! :lol::wacko::rolleyes::closedeyes::P:(:lol::lol:


Perhaps do the PM thing if you want to discuss this-it feels like we're a couple of mice running around between elephants' legs in here. Paul

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Obviously, if Wim can violate medical books, those books are wrong or needed to be amended. At the end of the day, so what? I stand by what I said, Wim is a one trick pony who so far has nothing else but cold endurance to commend him. It's nifty but it just does not impress me. I've mentioned in my OP the things I tried to do with my mind. Lift cars and throw them at people. Teleport anywhere I wished, at will. Total mental domination of another person. If someone demonstrated things like that, I would be impressed. If someone started repeating to me aloud word for word what I was thinking at the moment, that would be a power and I'd be impressed.






I'm probably going to regret asking this but if you could lift a car with your mind why would you throw it at someone and why do you want to dominate someone else? Do you want to be a comic book super villain or something?

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I have been unwittingly used as a dummy during "fun" at a workshop with two friends of mine. Really it was just us three and a woman who was projected with us at times who trained with us. Anyway I was looking to learn and didn't have any sort of real direction and I was curious about the abilities of this friend so this is what caused me to leave for his place in MI and attend a workshop.


Anyhow one of the things he mentioned to me was consistency and practice practice practice. Anyway a fun story I like to recall happened during the workshop, when the woman who was projected into the room shut off the speaking abiltity of not my friend running the workshop, but my other friend who was there. He just couldn't speak for a while, no matter how hard he tried, also, she spoke through me on one occasion and it had the funny side effect (I still to this day have no idea of the mechanics of this sort of thing) that caused my mouth to force itself wide open after she was done speaking and my eyes rolled back. Must have been energy moving or something.


Other than that I notice that those I meet with "extraordinary" abilities (in my circle) live normal lives and don't even have the best diet or have normal financial issues. I'm wondering when the "EGO" dies and these abilties are supposed to manifest becuase sitting on your ass and playing XBOX360 and stil have interesting abilities doesn't seem to make much sense.



Anyway, I liked a previous post of yours, Jane, where you mentioned becoming a Reiki healer and over spent on others then turned back to fix yourself. That is exactly why I PMed you becuase I am doing the same thing! I am just at fault for figuring out the self healing part and you may see more messages from me on the future becuase you can describe with words and clarity, where as I have alot of trouble with communication.


Also, just for fun I wanted to mention what fun it was to practice healing. Even when a persdon suddenly cries as stuff heals or something in a person is "seen" or "sensed" and then healed or drawn out. It is so exciting! I'll return to it once I've pulled myself togther!

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"total mental domination" of another person is of demonic motive and one would sooner or later find themselves tele- or transported to the hell realms for such practices.


What is impressive to me is that the power of divine Spirit can and will bring one out of the hell realms when they give up such motives.


(schools of hard knocks)



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You really didn't add anything meaningful with this post either Lucky. What is the point of stating cliches like 'all things change'. Snore. I am a ba gua practitioner I work with change directly. This is just pedantic dude.

Truth is in the smalles things. :lol: .

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Truth is in the smalles things. :lol: .

Perhaps that is the reason you purposefully omitted the 't', eh? :lol:

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Obviously, if Wim can violate medical books, those books are wrong or needed to be amended.


But how far does this go? Is it just changing a few paragraphs in one or two books, or is it rewriting every book that we currently have? And how many book-altering Wims are still left out there, undiscovered, running in the wild? Can we be confident that there is an upper bound to these Wims? Can we be confident that most of what we know about reality is true, and that we just need to keep polishing and/or refining our mostly true knowledge?


At the end of the day, so what? I stand by what I said, Wim is a one trick pony who so far has nothing else but cold endurance to commend him.


It's a remarkable achievement considering he didn't have to lose his human identity to attain cold endurance. Power is easy for those who don't mind dying to the world as we know it. But if you want to live on in this game as you know it, and if you want to continue to be called "human" and to feel human, then power is very hard. So depending on your perspective Wim is pretty commendable or not commendable at all.



You didn't answer my other questions like why is Wim Hoff even now, training for another stunt when he has already proved himself. Why isn't he working on the next stage of Tumo instead of trying to break more records and impress more people? Is that not the definition of being hung up on powers?


This is an interesting observation. It's quite possible that Wim has indeed lost himself in a pointless goose chase. It's also possible that in the process of pushing himself further, he'll come to better understand fundamental truths about his own reality as he knows it. He might understand things he wouldn't have otherwise been able to understand.


Whether or not something is stupid or wasteful depends on your aims. We are all free to set our own aims, whether we like that fact or not. So before you judge someone, you have to really understand that someone's aims. If you judge another person's actions against your own aims, then you are stupid, because you're not using a matching set of aims for those actions.


Now if you want to discuss aims, that's a different story. It remains to be proven that people who are engaged in physicality and mundanity have worthy aims.

Edited by goldisheavy

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I don't actually agree with glorifying or romanticizing the virtues of children.


Children have no minds, so to speak. That is, depending on their age they possess very little formation of self and very little advanced brain development. Babies and children observe constantly people around them for behavioral or gender cues on how to act through a process called modeling.


Adults take advantage of the clean slate that is a child's mind to program their cultural, religious and political beliefs and biases into their children before the child encounters those concepts on their own. Some adults exploit a child's lack of experience to take advantage of them or even to have fun at their child's expense by initiating them into ideas like the tooth fairy, santa claus and the easter bunny. All of which are unreal entities that a child must learn the hard way don't exist to their own disappointment (at least in my case).


Children are gullible, easily deceived and their brains contain a mere fraction of the neuron development found in a mature adult's brain. So it's no wonder they are curious and lack preconceived notions and possess innocence until those qualities are taken from them by the exigencies and realities of life. Plus even when children do have momentous realizations or interesting conclusions they are often not taken seriously due to their youth.


I'd much rather possess the mind of an informed adult with experiences to draw upon than the vulnerable and easily misdirected, untrained, undisciplined mind of a naive child.


Dear SFJane,


I am not completely certain if I read you right, but were you by any chance equating innocence with gullibility? If this indeed was the case, then I must respectfully disagree with you.


To clarify: By childlike curiosity, wonder, and joy I specifically mean the innocent open heartedness in approach to matters in general, so that regardless of the outcome we feel content in spirit. If we should ever lose it, we would surely become bitter and resentful adults with an eye for power games of domination and justification. This happened to me, and by experience I can tell it happens to just about everyone else to varying degrees. I can empathize with your initial post, especially the affection to power bit. A lot of work remains to be done for me to rectify this, but having found the innocence has made my life much more bearable through not getting caught into the bait of power high.


Experience is always something that must be acquired first hand, and there can be no short cuts in this process of learning to live. On the other hand, it does not matter if I listen to something I would categorize as false or true knowledge, or even bigoted or compassionate speech: My heart remains within the simple consciousness of inclusive wondering, without intellectual attachment to any outcome. Yes, it is very regrettable that our society pulls such dirty tricks on the innocent minds, both outright lies and complex schemes of subversive indoctrination, but such schemes are only possible because we, the civilized people, become stuck in our heads with our rigid conceptions and neglect nourishing our hearts with the sweet silence of wonder and joy!


I must with great humility say that I don't really know a thing about true and false, but I can tell apart pleasure and pain much more acutely than ever before. And as I learn more and more about being a more balanced and happier person, the less I care for scholarly concerns and arguments. It appears that I was never looking for the truth of life, but how to simply have more fun. There is no more justification in such simplicity.


My concern with all the people participating in the threads of this type: Are you having real heartfelt fun while having an argument? If not, then is that being true to yourselves? And if not you are not being true to yourselves, then what could there be to the notion of truth?



Edited by buddhasbellybuttonfluff

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I'm afraid there's only one sort of person scientific epistemology can't persuade due to the system of axioms built into it's reasoning: the absolute solipsist. As long as you're willing to concede the existence of anything real (in the conventional sense) outside your own mind, you must at least acknowledge a partial validity of scientific phenomenology or consign yourself to the graveyard of walking contradictions. Buddhist Mahamudra is fully compatible with the philosophy of science and the Dalai Lama unreservedly admits it. I'll bet Taoism is too, as long as you're willing to say anything definite about it at all.

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"total mental domination" of another person is of demonic motive and one would sooner or later find themselves tele- or transported to the hell realms for such practices.


What is impressive to me is that the power of divine Spirit can and will bring one out of the hell realms when they give up such motives.


(schools of hard knocks)




Your saying that astral police exist and spank those who are evil-doers?

Of course that's not what you said but you get the point that not everyone has your problems, as strange as they may be.

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Personal evolution is the fulcrum of practice.

If the Amoeba had decided not to split into two,

we would have remained at the monocelular level forever.

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I'm afraid there's only one sort of person scientific epistemology can't persuade due to the system of axioms built into it's reasoning: the absolute solipsist. As long as you're willing to concede the existence of anything real (in the conventional sense)


I'm with you here.


outside your own mind,


This I cannot concede. There is no evidence that there is anything outside "my own" mind. Furthermore, I object to owning mind. In a spiritual conversation I like to say "look to your own mind" because it's encouraging and easy to take the first step. A more definitive statement though is that mind doesn't belong to any appearances that show up inside of it. Therefore, depending on what I mean by "me", I am either my own mind (so I don't own or have mind, I am it), or I belong to mind the same way Mickey Mouse belongs to a cartoon. You wouldn't necessarily say "Mickey Mouses cartoon" would you? So you wouldn't necessarily want to say "goldisheavy's mind." Although you could say that too, it's not entirely wrong, but it would be a poetic license more than the absolute truth. Cartoon is a very partial and inaccurate example though because the mind is not like a cartoon. Cartoons have creators, minds do not. I always worry that some comparison or metaphor I present will be taken too far.


All that you experience is a product of your own mind. It's especially easy to convince a materialist of this, since materialists limit the mind to the brain. Thus, for example, if I cut your brain in little pieces, this world-appearance will be gone. In fact, this world appearance might be fed into your brain by wires. It may not actually exist in its own right. If you think this world exists independently of "your own" mind, you must take that on blind faith.


you must at least acknowledge a partial validity of scientific phenomenology


That's rather modest and I have no problem with this. Partial scientific phenomenology is even useful in dreams and hallucinations. So why not here? I see no problem with this at all.


or consign yourself to the graveyard of walking contradictions. Buddhist Mahamudra is fully compatible with the philosophy of science


Not really.


and the Dalai Lama unreservedly admits it. I'll bet Taoism is too, as long as you're willing to say anything definite about it at all.


I don't think Dalai Lama admits what you think. Dalai Lama appreciates science because scentists promote disciplined and careful thinking, which is similar to Buddhism because Buddhism also promotes disciplined and careful thinking, but that's where the similarity ends.

Edited by goldisheavy

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Your saying that astral police exist and spank those who are evil-doers?

Of course that's not what you said but you get the point that not everyone has your problems, as strange as they may be.


I'm saying that laws related to energy exist and when we break them we pay... what you allude to - and that may take on different forms in relation to those laws are secondary to such being in force. Believing me is not the point, thus in keeping at such practices (as previously mentioned) one will see and get the results for themselves.



Edited by 3bob

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To clarify: By childlike curiosity, wonder, and joy I specifically mean the innocent open heartedness in approach to matters in general, so that regardless of the outcome we feel content in spirit. If we should ever lose it, we would surely become bitter and resentful adults with an eye for power games of domination and justification....


My concern with all the people participating in the threads of this type: Are you having real heartfelt fun while having an argument? If not, then is that being true to yourselves? And if not you are not being true to yourselves, then what could there be to the notion of truth?



Re; “innocent open heartedness to matters in general”


Main Entry: in·no·cence

Pronunciation: \ˈi-nə-sən(t)s\

Function: noun

Date: 14th century

1 a : freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil : blamelessness b : chastity c : freedom from legal guilt of a particular crime or offense d (1) : freedom from guile or cunning : simplicity (2) : lack of worldly experience or sophistication e : lack of knowledge : ignorance


To start a thread like this is to have an opinion or a conviction based on experience and that involves losing your innocence cherry. 'Open heartedness' is this supposed to be a euphemism for not calling bs when you see bs? In what child psychology book is youthful innocence equated with open heartedness?


Why are you concerned with what other people's emotional or spiritual state is in an online thread? Is your inner garden so well tended that you have time and energy to burn on analyzing and worrying about other people's gardens? What do you care about what folks are getting out of threads like this? I for one, could care less how happy or how bitter other people are or how their spirit is doing. It's none of my concern. As for heartfelt, you can be sure that most of my posts in a thread like this are as heartfelt as I can make them.


I noticed your initial post in the Lobby about stress and trauma and I respectfully suggest you take a gander at the blog linked in my sig. I've had amazing success in dealing with stress and past traumas and on that blog I talk a little about how I got over those traumas and learned to destress myself.

Edited by SFJane

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I'm probably going to regret asking this but if you could lift a car with your mind why would you throw it at someone and why do you want to dominate someone else? Do you want to be a comic book super villain or something?


Did you read my OP? I would assume that if you had read the OP and subsequent posts that your question has already been answered.


"total mental domination" of another person is of demonic motive and one would sooner or later find themselves tele- or transported to the hell realms for such practices.


What is impressive to me is that the power of divine Spirit can and will bring one out of the hell realms when they give up such motives.


(schools of hard knocks)





Have you truly never gone into your own mind and rooted out where you first encountered concepts like divine or demonic? Then, having found out those concepts were learned from others, deleted those files from your mind and then take a look at the world without having special glasses with those filters in them. Because that is what divine and demonic are. They are ideas thoroughly invented by the human mind and have no basis in reality or inherent qualities other than what people attach as meaning.


From where I sit, nothing is demonic or divine. Those were concepts my catholic parents programmed into me and I deprogrammed myself of those ideas years ago.


Hell realms? If you are talking about other dimensions then I don't agree. In my experience, hell is not a place. Hell is the mind. Spiritual hell is the state of having so much mental suffering that you can not enjoy life on any level. That you feel lost, overwhelmed, hollow, powerless. You feel like life isn't worth living. Hell is being your own worst enemy and knowing that this is so and not being able to fix it.


The concept of extra planar or dimensional 'hell', much like demons and divinity is intellectual invention that sprang forth from the frontal lobe region of the human brain. To ascribe demonic motive to something like 'total mental domination' is frankly absurd and here is why.


I am not a demon. Never have been, at least, not in this life. Nor am I possessed with demons because I went inside and made sure of that fact. I had a very simple and easy to understand motive or desire to possess the ability to completely mentally dominate another person. Control. No demons motivated me to want that power. Simple helplessness was all it took to imagine the power and to have a need for it.


Imagine for example, that you were locked down in a mental ward and told you were going to stay there indefinitely. How would you feel about that? This happened to me as a young teen and I felt pretty angry and powerless about that. I chose not to accept my sentence passively. I practiced meditation in part to gain the ability to mentally dominate people so that if successful, I could simply convince people that I was fine and force those people to let me out.


I can think of a myriad other reasons for wanting such a power. Especially when I was young. The ability to dominate the guy or gal at the 7-11 so I could buy cigarettes and booze underage without getting carded. The ability to dominate my social worker so she would do what I wanted instead of what she wanted would have been neat. Back then I often imagined forcing every single person who ever threatened to harm me to kill themselves. At that point in my life, had I had that power I would have used it constantly and laughed as I forced people who dared threaten me to slit their own throats or hang themselves. I would have enjoyed turning the tables on the adults that controlled my life.


I disagree most vehemently 3bob, that the desire for mental domination over others is demonic in any way shape or form,(seeing how things are only demonic if you put on your special glasses with the demonic filter lenses in them). I have given a very down to earth, pragmatic and easy to empathize with reason for wanting such power over others. It would have made my childhood, teens and early adult years go a lot differently.

Edited by SFJane

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First of all thanks to the original poster for sparking this discussion. There aren't too many places open enough to entertain such ideas.

This discussion is beginning to wax philosophical in the worst way. Not to devalue it's "power" to intrigue. :lol:


I personally think that neither the mystic nor the physicist has the whole picture, because the whole picture cannot be encapsulated by words, thoughts or formal criticism. The best approximation I could give in human language would be the analogy of a feedback loop between what "is" and what "could be".


There is a guy on YouTube that goes by the screenname of ShirakOmegaX.


He performs controlled experiments in front of a camera without any time lapse.


These experiments include but aren't limited to- psychokinesis, pryokinesis, cryokinesis, electrokinesis, etc...


Check him out sometime if you'd like something a little more concrete than anecdotal evidence and subjective experience for proof of "powers" as they're unfortunately called. I say unfortunately because we wouldn't consider them as such if everyone realized their own true potential.



PS: This comment: "This is ontological honesty we are talking about." had me rollin'! :rolleyes:


No such monster.

Edited by xakarii

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First of all thanks to the original poster for sparking this discussion. There aren't too many places open enough to entertain such ideas.



PS: This comment: "This is ontological honesty we are talking about." had me rollin'! :rolleyes:


No such monster.


Hi. My name is Jane and I started this thread. I also take personal responsibility for that above mentioned comment. I stand by what I said. Do you have anything better, more anecdotal or more detailed with which to disagree with, aside from, "No such monster"?

Edited by SFJane

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There is a guy on YouTube that goes by the screenname of ShirakOmegaX.


He performs controlled experiments in front of a camera without any time lapse.


These experiments include but aren't limited to- psychokinesis, pryokinesis, cryokinesis, electrokinesis, etc...


Check him out sometime if you'd like something a little more concrete than anecdotal evidence and subjective experience for proof of "powers" as they're unfortunately called. I say unfortunately because we wouldn't consider them as such if everyone realized their own true potential.



was a pile of bs. Anyone can stick their finger into a candle and make it pulse. My god, this is real power to you? Give me a break.


I am on to debunk the others.


here is


How pathetic to just assume it must be his incredible psi at work. Confirmation bias and selective thinking at it's finest. If you set up that same experiment yourself (and Ive done similar things in the past) and watch it like a hawk for long periods of time, you will find that metal objects, papers, foil, wires or what have you, will move around a little, even under glass, all by themselves. TK does not even enter the equation. Try it and film it yourself. When I was into this sort of thing there did not exist 100$ digital cameras and youtube to post videos to.


There is explanations other than psi for the effects that he is showing. Some people are really easily deceived and judging by how paltry and weak and feeble his demos are, said folks are easily impressed too. That would be you, xakarii, and the fanboys that comment on his videos that I am referring to so no one has to wonder who I am talking about.



More bullshit

you can tell by his voice in his videos he is just a kid in his 20s. His premise and conclusion is a phenomenal insult to actual science. Folks, xakarii, you need to know what pseudoscience is. All this unified field, quantum energy crap is severe pseudoscience nonsense.


The New Age and self empowerment movement is filled to overflowing with incredible abuse of scientific ideas like quantum mechanics to explain away all sorts of bogus 'powers', synchronicities, mental connections, events and the like. Desperate people wanting dearly to rationalize their mental biases or steal unearned credibility for their ideas or demos resort to quantum explanations. I am sick to death of hearing how quantum mechanics relates to psi, magic, spirit and the like.


Talk to any scientist who knows something about the unified field theory and quantum mechanics and you will not find a nebulous paradigm with which you can fall on to explain away your confirmation biases and tendency to magical thinking. It's intellectual abuse and dishonesty to actually try to support your magic or psi claims with quantum theory. It really is.



I can't even watch

for more than a second before spotting the bs.

'Demonstrated here is a 'Ryty' a balanced instrument sensitive to mass cancel'


Holy treknobabble batman. Can we invent any more pseudoscientific jargon and fit it into his initial premise? Who named this device? Who was it's inventor? What patent is it filed under? In what science book is 'mass cancel' explained? Under what standards has it been calibrated? How do you know it's sensitive to mass cancel? (whatever that means) How does one tune such a device? How would a person know if such a device was working properly? Each video of his begs the question. What planet does he come from and what science do they use there?


This guys channel is a giant rick roll. He abuses science and scientific sounding language to state a premise and then goes on to prove his premise with no thought or lip service for other possible explanations. I can't believe you don't know enough science to loudly protest ShirakOmegaX's incredible abuse of it and his completely ridiculous experiments. I am really disappointed that you recommended this delusional scam artist.


You obviously can not differentiate real psi from fake or real science from fake for that matter. I am really looking forward to your explanation on how there is no such thing as ontological honesty. This ought to be good.

Edited by SFJane

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Did you read my OP? I would assume that if you had read the OP and subsequent posts that your question has already been answered.


Have you truly never gone into your own mind and rooted out where you first encountered concepts like divine or demonic? Then, having found out those concepts were learned from others, deleted those files from your mind and then take a look at the world without having special glasses with those filters in them. Because that is what divine and demonic are. They are ideas thoroughly invented by the human mind and have no basis in reality or inherent qualities other than what people attach as meaning.


From where I sit, nothing is demonic or divine. Those were concepts my catholic parents programmed into me and I deprogrammed myself of those ideas years ago.


Hell realms? If you are talking about other dimensions then I don't agree. In my experience, hell is not a place. Hell is the mind. Spiritual hell is the state of having so much mental suffering that you can not enjoy life on any level. That you feel lost, overwhelmed, hollow, powerless. You feel like life isn't worth living. Hell is being your own worst enemy and knowing that this is so and not being able to fix it.


The concept of extra planar or dimensional 'hell', much like demons and divinity is intellectual invention that sprang forth from the frontal lobe region of the human brain. To ascribe demonic motive to something like 'total mental domination' is frankly absurd and here is why.


I am not a demon. Never have been, at least, not in this life. Nor am I possessed with demons because I went inside and made sure of that fact. I had a very simple and easy to understand motive or desire to possess the ability to completely mentally dominate another person. Control. No demons motivated me to want that power. Simple helplessness was all it took to imagine the power and to have a need for it.


Imagine for example, that you were locked down in a mental ward and told you were going to stay there indefinitely. How would you feel about that? This happened to me as a young teen and I felt pretty angry and powerless about that. I chose not to accept my sentence passively. I practiced meditation in part to gain the ability to mentally dominate people so that if successful, I could simple convince people that I was fine and force those people to let me out.


I can think of a myriad other reasons for wanting such a power. Especially when I was young. The ability to dominate the guy or gal at the 7-11 so I could buy cigarettes and booze underage without getting carded. The ability to dominate my social worker so she would do what I wanted instead of what she wanted would have been neat. Back then I often imagined forcing every single person who ever threatened to harm me to kill themselves. At that point in my life, had I had that power I would have used it constantly and laughed as I forced people who dared threaten me to slit their own throats or hang themselves. I would have enjoyed turning the tables on the adults that controlled my life.


I disagree most vehemently 3bob, that the desire for mental domination over others is demonic in any way shape or form,(seeing how things are only demonic if you put on your special glasses with the demonic filter lenses in them). I have given a very down to earth, pragmatic and easy to empathize with reason for wanting such power over others. It would have made my childhood, teens and early adult years go a lot differently.


I do not deny duality and it's goings on... and I do not deny non-duality and the Ocean that it is as the true power of Spirit.


Having said that I see no separtion such as you have personally recounted here that exists in that Ocean, thus I'm hearing your claims and rationalizations for the domination of another coming from a world or state of duality that includes good and evil, heavenly and demonic, light and dark, etc.. Also, I don't agree that particular names such as "Catholic" or perhaps those from other times and cultures as being a major main point here in the sense that certain of those forces exist in and as duality. Btw. and yes, I have seen parts of duality both within and without that exist in "my" mind, and more importantly in "the" mind. Further, from the tone of your witness you indicate to me (and whoever else hears similar to as I do) that you are speaking from a mind (or sitting in) influences of separation and violence - (whether such are self-generated or external)


I doubt you will agree with anything I've touched on, thus this string of yours will probably not hear any more from me.



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