That Guy

A third eye technique, anyone tried this?

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And for those out there who think their 3rd eye is open, what makes you so sure? Can you do anything out of the ordinary that other people can't which you believe is linked to the 3rd eye?



That's the question I often ask, and try as I might to fish around in this forum for sensible depictions of Opened Third Eyes, I never get more than nebulous promises of exciting events up ahead.


I played a pivotal role in an earlier thread concerning the utility of sarcasm in online posts, and I've had to conclude since then that it truly is worse than useless, even though I have found the use of biting sarcasm absolutely irresistable, especially toward those whom I feel it was justified. I would seriously invite SongsofDistantEarth to clarify his points; they may be very good ones, but I cannot detect the truths beneath the metaphors.

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Just practice and all will come. I'm not trying to be pompous, it's just the way it is; most who do achieve understand that inexperience is the only folly, not a lack of conceptual understanding and improper emphasis may hinder one's path. Do you really want a picture of your garden before you allow any time for your seeds to grow?

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Jeez, fellas, let's not lose our ability to use humor here. PacMan chakra? Sarcasm is something different. I hope we're not going to get all PC around here, or I'll just go out to work in my garage on my carburetor. See my earlier post on a book/teacher I found helpful.

Edited by TheSongsofDistantEarth

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Jeez, fellas, let's not lose our ability to use humor here. PacMan chakra? Sarcasm is something different. I hope we're not going to get all PC around here, or I'll just go out to work in my garage on my carburetor. See my earlier post on a book/teacher I found helpful.

:lol: I'm sure all is well.

And I have read some of your book, the whole intro and quick breeze through the first 2 exercise sections. But I'm not practising what is mentioned, which is the important part.

But I am curious, you attended his workshop, tried his stuff and its pretty convincing to you, whats stopped you from giving his method some real time?



"Do you really want a picture of your garden before you allow any time for your seeds to grow?"

Yes I do, so at least i know there is a real garden I can plant in. But the mind is like photoshop, capable of making things that are fake seem so real, so if I can set foot in the garden even better!

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Jeez, fellas, let's not lose our ability to use humor here. PacMan chakra? Sarcasm is something different. I hope we're not going to get all PC around here, or I'll just go out to work in my garage on my carburetor. See my earlier post on a book/teacher I found helpful.


See MY earlier post on carburator repair.

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I have a dumb idea. And I'd like to invite some other people to elaborate on it only because it MIGHT (just might) help something, someone somewhere.


The idea is to imagine what would happen if you had your 3rd eye open. Perhaps you would like someone else to tell you what happens, but I would like to know what you believe happens.


It is kind of a dumb idea to post and nobody has to answer. I won't even be upset if you don't;-) However, I would like to know why people want something they ostensibly "know" nothing about.


Disclaimer, I know nothing about 3rd eyes or my own eyes for that matter (ok, I've researched a bit;-) but it's f*cking complicated...)

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The idea is to imagine what would happen if you had your 3rd eye open. Perhaps you would like someone else to tell you what happens, but I would like to know what you believe happens.


I imagine that a person would sense the connection of all things.

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I have a dumb idea. And I'd like to invite some other people to elaborate on it only because it MIGHT (just might) help something, someone somewhere.


The idea is to imagine what would happen if you had your 3rd eye open. Perhaps you would like someone else to tell you what happens, but I would like to know what you believe happens.


It is kind of a dumb idea to post and nobody has to answer. I won't even be upset if you don't;-) However, I would like to know why people want something they ostensibly "know" nothing about.


Disclaimer, I know nothing about 3rd eyes or my own eyes for that matter (ok, I've researched a bit;-) but it's f*cking complicated...)


After pouring over a pile of literature on brow chakra "third eye" psychology, I would guess that one acquires the ability to synthesize the sum total of all sensory input, memory, knowledge base, formal education and life experience into a highly refined reservoir of awareness that is radically accessible via a highly developed intuition. Maybe I'm just projecting wishful thinking, but I imagine (and dream of) the ability to respond and adapt to any situation with absolute skillfulness, compassion, and spontaneity.


I'm not too interested in the metaphysical musings and conjecture; let me know what I can do with my nervous system.

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If there are spiritual entities around, I would assume a spiritual eye would let me se them.


If people have a spirit flowing through their bodies, I would expect to see this in some way with the 3rd eye.


I guess I would expect to see anything related to spirit. An eye of matter is made to see matter, an eye of spirit is made to see spirit.



This would be my greatest expectation from the 3rd eye.

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After pouring over a pile of literature on brow chakra "third eye" psychology, I would guess that one acquires the ability to synthesize the sum total of all sensory input, memory, knowledge base, formal education and life experience into a highly refined reservoir of awareness that is radically accessible via a highly developed intuition. Maybe I'm just projecting wishful thinking, but I imagine (and dream of) the ability to respond and adapt to any situation with absolute skillfulness, compassion, and spontaneity.



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Well, see, I'd expect to see Scott;-) Kidding;-)


Second dumb question (or maybe 3rd;-)) of the day. What if you already had it open and just weren't paying attention/didn't realise?

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Well, see, I'd expect to see Scott;-) Kidding;-)


Second dumb question (or maybe 3rd;-)) of the day. What if you already had it open and just weren't paying attention/didn't realise?

That could be the case for some if they have had it open when they were young, long before they even knew about it. It would just be normal to them and they would think others see what they see.


But if you suddenly opened it, and it really makes a big difference somehow, you would probably realise something was up.


That is my take on it anyway.


And they weren't dumb questions. ^_^

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That could be the case for some if they have had it open when they were young, long before they even knew about it. It would just be normal to them and they would think others see what they see.


But if you suddenly opened it, and it really makes a big difference somehow, you would probably realise something was up.


That is my take on it anyway.


And they weren't dumb questions. ^_^


It's the experience of connectedness, interdependency, as Scotty mentioned. A western style ecological education is about as close as the west gets to Asian theories about mutual causality, and Buddhist psychology certainly says a great deal about the kind of mind that is capable of experiencing this reality. The west has done a respectable job of quantifying it but the east can show us how to consciously experience it. In fact, the Buddha's doctrine of mutual causality placed this experience explicitly in the center of his teachings. (paticca samuppada)


Internal alchemy seems to be a pretty staightforward approach for tuning up your nervous system enough to be sensitive to this ecological and interdependent reality. And, I would have to say that certain lifestyles are more conducive to cultivating this awareness than others.

Edited by Blasto

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I would have to agree. I've acquired the ability to play Pong! inside my head, bouncing the energy ball back and forth between my temples, behind my eyes, around the ears, all directions of the clock. But I'm sure I still have enough psychological baggage to work through before I acquire any earth-shattering powers.





Every time I read something about your head chakras, I am impressed.

I can definitely verify that what you are feeling is exactly how it progresses. I can even tell you what structures you are now engaging as this is one of my neuro- qi gong treatment modalities!


I wont post it in the open however. Can't give all of my secrets away! ;0)


But wow, you are progressing quickly...





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Maybe opening the third eye just gives you more opportunity to humiliate the beginning stages anyway.



PS: Didn't mean to rain on anyone's parade. No offense meant.

Edited by tyler zambori

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Every time I read something about your head chakras, I am impressed.

I can definitely verify that what you are feeling is exactly how it progresses. I can even tell you what structures you are now engaging as this is one of my neuro- qi gong treatment modalities!


I wont post it in the open however. Can't give all of my secrets away! ;0)


But wow, you are progressing quickly...






My humble thanks. I guess I should also thank the life I have right now, which allows me to practice for several hours a day.

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I have a dumb idea. And I'd like to invite some other people to elaborate on it only because it MIGHT (just might) help something, someone somewhere.


The idea is to imagine what would happen if you had your 3rd eye open. Perhaps you would like someone else to tell you what happens, but I would like to know what you believe happens.


It is kind of a dumb idea to post and nobody has to answer. I won't even be upset if you don't;-) However, I would like to know why people want something they ostensibly "know" nothing about.


Disclaimer, I know nothing about 3rd eyes or my own eyes for that matter (ok, I've researched a bit;-) but it's f*cking complicated...)


Well seeing as how everyone says psychic powers are connected to the third eye, if you can open your third eye then I assume you have some sort of distinct psychic awareness.

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Maybe opening the third eye just gives you more opportunity to humiliate the beginning stages anyway.



PS: Didn't mean to rain on anyone's parade. No offense meant.


What do you mean, Tyler?

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After pouring over a pile of literature on brow chakra "third eye" psychology, I would guess that one acquires the ability to synthesize the sum total of all sensory input, memory, knowledge base, formal education and life experience into a highly refined reservoir of awareness that is radically accessible via a highly developed intuition. Maybe I'm just projecting wishful thinking, but I imagine (and dream of) the ability to respond and adapt to any situation with absolute skillfulness, compassion, and spontaneity.


I'm not too interested in the metaphysical musings and conjecture; let me know what I can do with my nervous system.


Firts part yes, second part- not so much. And that's really the crux of the biscuit (to use a FZ reference). Isn't it? The integration, the balance, the second dantien. What if someone here worked diligently, methodically, intelligently, cultivating the 1st and 3rd dantien for hours daily for months to years on end, but did very little for 2nd d.t. Ah, but then, what if said person was blessed with a newborn. Well, I suppose that would really bridge the gap. :) That's when the true qigong starts.

Edited by Kameel

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