
Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

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FU dog

I didn'think on warm up like streching or like wtm said warming up the knees and then circling the arms I was thinking at the begining of the exercise sifu terry first starts with warm up and then the meditations.to be more corect he starts the warming up with wu chi position.

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FU dog

I didn'think on warm up like streching or like wtm said warming up the knees and then circling the arms I was thinking at the begining of the exercise sifu terry first starts with warm up and then the meditations.to be more corect he starts the warming up with wu chi position.


chakra, you could try without the warm-up.


In fact I found the FP meditations to be warming up the body in themselves without a separate warm-up exercise.

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Hi Everyone,


I'm new, and just jumping in. I'm just finishing up my first week of practicing FP. I took a week off work so I could plunge in and do it intensively.


I'm really happy and impressed, and looking forward to this whole year (and beyond) of serious application.


I've learned the basic standing and sitting meditations (volumes 1 & 2), and the 90-second ones (volume 5). I'm working on the 2 advanced standing ones this weekend (volume 3), then I'll tackle the long form (volume 4). I'm still waiting for the advanced sitting meds (volume 7) to come in the mail.


By "learned" I mean I can do them without the video, though I haven't memorized all the breath sequences yet and have to consult a sheet where I have them all written down.


Last night I also learned a sitting meditation demonstrated directly by GM Doo Wai, on the "Level 2 Meditations with Grandmaster Doo Wai" DVD that Rizzo's White Tiger Kung Fu has produced. The GM demonstrates 4 meditations on that DVD (copyright 2004).


So I'm well launched, and it already feels good and can only get better. :)


Btw, on the warm-ups question, I haven't used them, I just go straight to the meditations.


I encountered FP for the first time a couple weeks ago, and started practicing one week ago. I had been exploring Ch'i Kung for about six months, was getting some good results, but felt there was something more. I do Buddhist practice, and right before New Years was communing with the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra (or Puxian, in Chinese) about some spiritual issues. So now a couple weeks later I encounter FP, and then find out it was revealed on Mt. Ehrmei, which is sacred to Puxian. :) And I wasn't even communing with Puxian about Ch'i Kung!


In a few more days I'll feel qualified to post some good reviews on Amazon for Terry's DVDs, since I notice he requested some.


I wish Sifu Terry well on his challenging legal battle. Last night while doing the sitting meditation on DVD with GM Doo Wai, I saw behind him a large statue of Kuan Yin. It reminded me that in her esoteric tradition, Kuan Yin can hold an axe which symbolizes and focuses her power to cut through injustice, including in all legal situations. She has a number of such specific powers. So may Kuan Yin help Sifu Terry with her Axe of Justice !


I look forward to learning more through the Forum. Thanks for everyone's contributions.




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Dale -


Thanks for the really nice report of your initial experiences with FP Qigong. Also your story of communicating with Puxian was awesome. Amazing really.


I will be interested to hear your experiences as you progress into the practice.


I have found that I "learn" the practice through experience. I am going on month 14, though it sounds like you will progress faster than I have. My pace of learning has been slower. Right now I am learning my last FP exercise, the long standing Celestial Healing form. I have already learned all the others including the Advanced Seated...those are really my favorites. I know you will like them when you get to them.


As for my experiences, I have not had any direct visions while doing FP, however, the energy clearly seems to communicate to me on a higher level.


Some of the things I experience while practicing:


- surge of upward moving energy.


- hair on arms feeling like it's standing on end.


- feeling of very warm pockets of energy (very tangible, almost like warm air) in the are of my arms / chest / face. Even on cooler days I feel this.


- my mind has slowly migrated to nearly a wu chi state while doing FP. The FP energy seems to manifest itself without any coaxing on my part. This is very cool, actually.


- a cumulative effect of energy; i.e., it builds with each consecutive FP exercise.


- a feeling now that there really are no "basic" exercises in the system. After 14 months I feel a tremendous amount of energy from every single FP exercise.


- a very "thick" feel to the qi as I do the hand movements...this thick feeling of qi in turn slows my movements, lets me know my movement speed limit


- the slower the movement the better. Or I could say the slower the more energy is generated. Sometimes my hands move so slowly that I think to an observer my movements would be barely discernible. I feel amazing energy in micro-movement as I go through the complete forms. This is especially true with the Advanced Seated meditations. I have not yet set aside an hour (or two) and allowed myself to move as slowly as the Flying Phoenix allows me to move. One day I will do this.



Sifu refers to me as a beginner, and I agree completely with his assessment (he is uncanny accurate with his long distance assessments, BTW).


So, if I am just scratching the surface, I can only look forward to a tremendous degree to my next year of practice.


Please keep the board posted as to your progress.





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A question to any who are willing to answer and I'm not sure if this has been asked already... But has anyone ever used these meditations to generate the neccessary qi to enter the astral plane?, I know relaxation is important but I read that to make it that much easier a good wellspring of spiritual energy helps maintain ones form in that plane as well. This is just a curiousity of mine as I've always been fascinated by that realm, mainly just as a means of learning more about oneself and the world, and I've been trying to find a way to generate the neccessary power to achieve this end. Anybody?


My thanks in advance,



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Hi Lloyd,


Well, I'm definitely a beginner in Ch'i Kung ! :) I'll certainly keep you posted; I'll have the opportunity to practice quite a lot over the next several months. I was glad to read about your positive experiences with FP. I don't have any attachments to what it will do in me or for me, though I know it will be good for me. I already feel quite different, much lighter, or maybe bouyant is the better word, after a week of at least a couple hours practice a day.


So onward and upward! :)


Thanks for your input.



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Shen -


You ask an interesting question. I am not qualified to answer as I am not understanding of the requirements to enter the astral plane, and for me that has not been an objective of my Flying Phoenix meditation practice.


That said, I can give you a couple points that may partially answer your question. I can testify to the tremendous energy generated by the Flying Phoenix system. The energy is powerful, but at the same time quite gentle in nature.


First, when I first started practicing, my body could not take more than about 5 minutes of practice as it simply wasn't used to the energy created by the FP meditations. It took me about 60 days before I could comfortably experience the FP energy generated by 60 minutes or more at a practice session. So, the energy is quite tangible.


Second, before I started the practice of FP, I was in the dermatologist office 3 to 4 times a year getting one or more keratosis (small benign skin growth) removed from my skin. Since I started FP practice 14 months ago, I have only had to go to the dermatologist once to have a keratosis removed, and that was after a one month period that I was not able to practice FP much due to my work schedule. So, for all practical purposes, the Flying Phoenix energy, which is a rather profound healing energy, has cured me of the keratosis issue I was having.


Third, the energy created by Flying Phoenix has had a profound effect on my appearance. I am 56 years old, and my face shows my age. However, during those periods when I can practice Flying Phoenix for at least one hour a day for 5 or more consecutive days, the lines on my face disappear! For me this is especially true when I practice long routines of seated meditations. My skin becomes smooth and I have an appearance of looking 10 years younger. Other people have posted this exact same experience. This phenomenon quite amazing to people who know me, and they have commented on this.



So, I have not attempted to answer your question directly, however, I can give testament to the powerful healing energetics generated by the practice of the Flying Phoenix system.


Hope this helps.



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A good enough answer for me. this help's me greatly not only to make a decision on what type of technique I want to practice but also on a life style decision too. Thank you very much, I appreciate your most humble input. I believe I'll order the first two DVD's that make up the basic level after February 11th (mom's credit card bill cuts off that day, lol.) and get cracking. Oh and grats on 56 years of life Fu Dog, I'll be 23 in april myself. Oh and while I'm here I'll say to Sifu Terry, all the best on the legal work as I know that's always a real pain in rear. (I'm no lawyer either, lol.)



Edited by Shen555
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Hi Shen,


That's great! It's basically what I just did, and those first 2 DVDs are powerful, while also being very simple. You should feel it within a few days if not immediately, as long as you put in regular practice daily.


I'm on my second week of using the meditations, and there's no question that my energy field is shifting. I feel lighter, more energy, more calm and joy.


So go for it! :) I wish I had known about this when I was 23 !




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was anyone else aching after there first few days of this ?

im just finished my 5th day of dvd 1 and i am aching all over , my shoulders , my left knee , my feet ,

every thing feels really tight


i couldnt enkoy my practise today as i just couldnt get comfortable ,

Edited by ronko

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Sifu Garry -


Thanks for your good wishes as we begin the Year of the Rabbit.


Likewise, Happy Chinese New Year to you.... I wish you every success!



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Ronko -


Usually if practicing any good qigong (such as Flying Phoenix) causes discomfort, it is because the energy is cleansing something (i.e., an energy, an illness or an injury). So, it's usually a very good sign that your qigong is working for you.


I would advise you to work on through the discomfort as it will eventually subside and then go away. And then whatever was being cleansed will be out of your body. This is a good thing.


Also, if you are feeling stiff, I recommend you do a full stretching routine before you begin your Flying Phoenix practice. Stretching releases tension from the muscles and also serves to open energy channels.


I myself stretch at night before beginning the practice of Flying Phoenix meditations to release the stress of the day. The full stretching for me makes a significant difference in the effectiveness of the FP. I feel the energy of each exercise more if I have stretched ahead of time.


I haven't seen GMDW's video, but perhaps I will buy it over the weekend.


All the best with your practice.



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I'm not sure if Terry teaches any of these on his DVDs; they seem to be different meditations, labeled "Level 2". It's great, though, to have the opportunity to see Grandmaster Doo Wai teaching. More DVDs (Levels 3, 4, 5) are projected for the future, when the Grandmaster gives permission to release them; they are listed on:




Since I plan on practicing Flying Phoenix the rest of my life, the more of the system that comes forth, the merrier for me!




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Not down grading any of the FP but who ever is with Sifu Terry should remain and stay with him following his FP. Sifu Terry has been doing this for a very long time and I know for a fact that he has put more into FP than any other BFP student under GMDW. What GMDW is showing is a different level, but without Terrys information your not gonna get the true understanding and just copy the grandmaster. Nothing wrong with that but if you havent been told anything about the FP how would you know what its about when you do it. Sifu Terry trained and specialised in this system under GMDW.



Im not putting down the rizzo's just saying students should respect there teacher and not go the other thinking there gonna get something more powerful cause the Grandmaster is doing it. If you want to buy more info maybe ask Sifu Terry, remember Mo Duk!!


Sifu Garry

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Sifu Garry -


I appreciate your taking the time to make the very viable point about Sifu Terry's program of Flying Phoenix qigong. Your comment about Sifu - Student relationships make sense and are on point. Sifu Terry teaches Flying Phoenix as a progressive, powerful system of esoteric qigong. I am only scratching the surface of the system, and it's been life changing. Your comment in an earlier post about there being things hidden within the system...well, I have recently discovered one of them after 14 months of practice. I have to think more of those "hidden" things you mentioned will be revealed to me over time.


I had the good fortune to have a conversation with Sifu Terry just as I was beginning to practice his FP system, and his passion and enthusiasm for the system, as well as his overall knowledge of qigong is very impressive. I was sold from that moment on, and consider myself one of his long distance students. He has always answered every question I have asked and I feel it is an honor and a privilege to have this relationship with Sifu Terry. Distance learning is a good thing, eh. ;-)


So, thank you for your comments and contributions to the board Sifu Garry.



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Greetings to all Flying Phoenix practitioners, followers, readers, and curiosity-seekers:



Health and Prosperity to All!



from Sifu Terry Dunn




P.S. I've surfaced for a quick breath and will try to catch up on answering all questions addressed to me since last time I contributed. Thanks to all regular contributors and to Sifu Garry Hearfield for responding to questions in my absence!

Edited by zen-bear

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Thanks for highlighting this Terry. :)




Hi Rainbow Vein,


Just pointing at what I've seen.

I'm glad the observation is helpful.




Terry Dunn

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Not down grading any of the FP but who ever is with Sifu Terry should remain and stay with him following his FP. Sifu Terry has been doing this for a very long time and I know for a fact that he has put more into FP than any other BFP student under GMDW. What GMDW is showing is a different level, but without Terrys information your not gonna get the true understanding and just copy the grandmaster. Nothing wrong with that but if you havent been told anything about the FP how would you know what its about when you do it. Sifu Terry trained and specialised in this system under GMDW.



Im not putting down the rizzo's just saying students should respect there teacher and not go the other thinking there gonna get something more powerful cause the Grandmaster is doing it. If you want to buy more info maybe ask Sifu Terry, remember Mo Duk!!


Sifu Garry



Hi Sifu Garry,

Thanks very much for the clarification and direction for people who might be trying others' teachings of Flying Phoenix Celestial Healing Chi Meditations ('like to use the full name every now and then).


Correctomundo, Y'all!: There is, of course, nothing wrong with practitioning to footage of GM Doo Wai practicing advanced Flying Phoenix exercises--especially if you're at an advanced level in any internal martial art or other Qigong system. But I can report that all of the students in Los Angeles that I observed GM Doo Wai teach FP Qigong to starting in 1991 learned the system in the exact order that I've presented in the DVD series. The GM taught the system to me first, and then I taught it to the rest of the group in Saturday morning private classes that were held in one of the nice studios at the Westside School of Ballet where I taught Tai Chi for 18 years. And that order of exercises is how I teach the FP system to this day (in my classes and on the media products). Likewise, in the Tai Chi for Health dvd's made way back in 1989, I teach the Yang Short and Long Form in manner and order of exercises that I was taught. By teaching the Flying Phoenix Meditations exactly how I was taught them, I'm preserving and passing on as closely as possible the method of my teacher.


"The Secret is always taught in the Beginning" is a favorite lesson (clue) that GM Share K. Lew's senior student, John Davidson, impressed upon us throughout the time I was training in Tao Tan Pai kung fu and neigung. Likewise, I recall one day I was standing with GMDW and senior student Bob Eberhardt (who had at least 5-7 years of training under GMDW when I started my training). Then someone else in our group walked up asked the GM about an alternative breathing sequence for Monk Gazing At Moon. GMDW's spirit instantly shifted to "ancestral- authorative mode", looked at us with a puzzled-but-not-quite-annoyed look and said softly-but-sternly: "It is always 60 - 40 - 20". The GM spoke with a naturally deep, rooted energy that had the resonance of all his ancestors (five generations), with this telepathic meaning: "This is one of the pillars of the Flying Phoenix System from the very creation of the system." -- Hence, that is why Fu-Dog (and thank so much, Fu_Dog for being such a diligent long-distance practitioner!) has reported rejuvenating, facial wrinkle-removing effects during his first year of just practicing the Basic Standing Meditations of CKFH Vol. One.


Thanks again, Sifu Garry. Your exact sentiment about the importance of learning a complete system was echo'd by Tolala Tower, the editor of the "Empty Vessel, Journal of Contemporary Taoism," when he gave the Flying Phoenix Chi Kung For Health dvd series this very nice commentary back in 2003 when it was published:


"Because of the great interest in Qigong in the west, it is important to have bona fide teachings by bona fide teachers. Too often students wind up learning a little bit of this form and a little bit of another, while never learning any complete system. This series is a good example of a serious and gifted instructor who offers a complete system of healing qigong to the serious student." -- Tolala Tower, Editor, The Empty Vessel - Journal of Contemporary Taoism.


Thanks again, Garry, for your support. I'm so pleased to know you through this site and discussion thread because no one else could have received the advanced Bok Fu Pai, Burning Palm, and advanced Ehrmei Bak Mei Kung-Fu arts from GM Doo Wai--because no one else had your advanced level in Yau Kang Mun Kung Fu to have been able to learn GMDW's family treasures as fast as you. What I mean is GM Doo Wai chose to transmit the highest levels of his Family's Kung-Fu within a limited window time. Only you had the right karma to receive that knowledge. And you have a tremendous body of high martial art to preserve and pass on.


All the best,


Si-Hing Terry

Edited by zen-bear

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I'll answer from my own experience, since Sifu Terry will be away for some time.


When I don't have that much time I do a very quick warm-up, warming up the knees and then circling the arms forward, then backward.

Sifu Terry mentioned somewhere that one do not need to that much of a warm-up when one has done lot of "gong-fu". I think he is correct. Warming up is helpful in creating increased blood flow, especially in the morning.


Monk Gazing a Moon shouldn't hurt in the back. I only experienced a "internal massage"-like feeling in my shoulders, not real pain.



Hi WTM and Chakra Illumination:

I added the warm-up exercises just to prepare folks for easier and more comfortable practice of the Flying Phoenix Qigong. They are not part of the system. So if you're pinched for time, skip the warm-ups and get right to the FP Meditations with the breathe control sequences. They are what ah I think Fu_Dog once described as "the secret sauce".


Happy New Year,


Sifu Terry Dunn

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Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Meditations: Level 2, four meditations


is this dvd different from sifu terry's ?

this is Grandmaster Doo Wai teaching on the dvd ,



Hello Ronko,

Yes, different. Although I haven't seen the DVD, I'm pretty sure it's different from the content of my DVD series, which is Level 1.


btw, I think Sifu Garry Hearfield was told by GMDW the story behind that video/dvd. You might contact Sifu Hearfield through backchannel PM and see if he'll comment on them in more detail than what he's already said here on the thread.




Sifu Terry

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Hi Lloyd,


Well, I'm definitely a beginner in Ch'i Kung ! :) I'll certainly keep you posted; I'll have the opportunity to practice quite a lot over the next several months. I was glad to read about your positive experiences with FP. I don't have any attachments to what it will do in me or for me, though I know it will be good for me. I already feel quite different, much lighter, or maybe bouyant is the better word, after a week of at least a couple hours practice a day.


So onward and upward! :)


Thanks for your input.





Greetings Da Le,

Congrats on a good start of FP Qigong.

Feeling lighter, buoyant, clearer, sparkling and slightly expansive beyond the body are all good signs of beginning FP practice. Keep it up and you'll feel the energizing effects go deeper and "accumulate" in a tangible reserve in your body.



Sifu Terry Dunn

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Ronko -


Usually if practicing any good qigong (such as Flying Phoenix) causes discomfort, it is because the energy is cleansing something (i.e., an energy, an illness or an injury). So, it's usually a very good sign that your qigong is working for you.


I would advise you to work on through the discomfort as it will eventually subside and then go away. And then whatever was being cleansed will be out of your body. This is a good thing.


Also, if you are feeling stiff, I recommend you do a full stretching routine before you begin your Flying Phoenix practice. Stretching releases tension from the muscles and also serves to open energy channels.


I myself stretch at night before beginning the practice of Flying Phoenix meditations to release the stress of the day. The full stretching for me makes a significant difference in the effectiveness of the FP. I feel the energy of each exercise more if I have stretched ahead of time.


I haven't seen GMDW's video, but perhaps I will buy it over the weekend.


All the best with your practice.





Hi Lloyd,

Great to see you give clear and accurate advice about FP practice based on your direct experience of your own practice.

Yes, stretching in general will make any Chinese martial art training or yogic training more effective. The Chinese culture extols the theme of stretching and lengthening in many, many areas besides physical culture.


Please continue to chime in with your feedback to all beginners' questions. And thanks!




Sifu Terry

Edited by zen-bear

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