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Everything posted by idquest

  1. Still mind vs weak mind

    It's like a difference between a light bulb and a laser. Scattered energy against concentrated.
  2. Hillary and Trump

    So if Hillary is elected and later impeached, who is going to be President? The Vice President? Because it seems like the email probe is going to continue beyond 2016.
  3. Well, the whole point of Mitchell's curriculum, as I understand it, is that you start with neigong and with time you move to neidan. The White Moon is about neidan. So it is like a next step. If you think you are developed enough to take this step, at least the beginning of the book is in line with what Mitchell teaches in his introductory workshops on sitting practices - this is IME. In general, ALL teachers who teach neidan express very strong opinion that neidan should not be attempted without live instructions.
  4. daoist breahting techniques

    IME, all this is good and right if/when a practitioner has already achieved a sufficient level of sung. As I understand joeblast, he is making a point on methods that allow to achieve such a level of sung. Because all that connective tissue should be soft and supple, not rigid and rusty.
  5. Based on your description, Dwai, and on how I understand what Mitchell teaches (I've attended a number of his workshops), Mitchell advises against the direct method and teaches indirect method in his curriculum. My take anyway.
  6. Hillary and Trump

    Regarding Trump's remark about putting Hillary in jail - people tend to forget how fine the line is that separates civilized societies from savages. You can call western democracy what you want but its biggest achievement was that political opponents will not be prosecuted just for being opponents. Otherwise you end up with Stalin, and Mao-like purges when millions (literally millions and not figuratively) were put to concentrated camps or plain killed only because somebody thought they were against the ruling regime.
  7. Hillary and Trump

    Trump promised to put Clinton to jail if he wins. That's like third world country junta talk.
  8. Qigong: Only Mindful Movements?

    That would be correct if people did everything right, the way it was designed. In fact, a lot of people do it wrong. Even simplest exercises like walking in the park can be harmful if done incorrectly.
  9. Practicing with the Spine

    Damo Mitchell says that in Chinese tradition any reference to dragons in the context of physical movements usually has a connotation to spine. He mentions this in his 'Four Dao Yin Dragons' book. In the book, he offers four movements designed to wake up and work with the spine and its subtle energies. Those are his words (or rather my memory interpretation) anyway. As for stillness practices that focus on the spine, I'm personally not at that level yet. This is high level stuff...
  10. A wealth of knowledge in his blog website: There are dozens of articles and videos on all topics. His senior students (who have been with him for 5-10 years) are more accomplished than some teachers around. And if you attend one of his workshops, you'll be able to feel his 'presence'. His approach is indeed from physical to subtle which requires more time&effort to get to the point where you can work with the LDT. This is somewhere in the middle of his level 1 which takes on average about 3 years to complete.
  11. THis is very dangerous kind of behaviour. The vigilant citizens will report such an old man as a likely paedophile and report him to police.
  12. Damo Mitchell on stretching: This video made a big difference for me then.
  13. Swimming in the air

    You've achieved 'kong' (emptiness?).
  14. Questions about the Neidan firing process

    My understanding is that this technique is common in the general framework in what is referred to as Liu Donbing teaching, which is pretty much one of the very few that survived cultural revolution in China. You should note though that different teachers will surround this technique with quite a number of supplementary practices. Mitchell, for instance, highly recommends intense practice of neigong and daoyin before even attempting neidan. When I say intense it means 1-2 hours a day for 2-3 years as a minimum. In other words, if you want to study within Liu Donbing framework, sooner or later you'll have to do it. As for 'hot head' - as I understood from your post you have your willpower amplified to a certain unpleasant extreme - this is likely to be a result of LDT work which in fact means that your work with the technique has had results. You could mitigate this working on an 'ethical level' as a separate practice, but if this makes you really unhappy - this would mean this practice could be not for you at this point in life.
  15. .

    Here is where I'm confused. To create a negative ion we have to get that additional electron from somewhere. Normally matter and atoms are neutral. So if we get a negative ion, at the same time a positive ion has to be created so that neutrality is preserved. In my understanding, the number of negative ions should be the same as the number of positive ions. If we have a negative ion generator, where do all those positive ions go to? My train of thought is based on a high voltage spark being the source of negative ions. The other question I'm confused with is the composition of the negative ions. Air consists of nitrogen and oxygen with nitrogen being about 80% of the air. I would assume that the spark will create nitrogen ions with about 4 times more occurrence as oxygen ions. This is perhaps beside the points as nobody really knows how and why negative ions affect the body, but if we go science road, it's better to be accurate.
  16. Are we overcomplicating this?

    Everything is simple once you've done gong. Somehow this gets missed.
  17. qi cultivation and vital foods

    Caffeine from black tea affects me the same way as caffeine from coffee which is bad. Caffeine from green tea less so; but if I make a strong cup of green tea I'll feel caffeine there. I have some condition with which I feel detrimental effects of caffeine in a very direct way; so I'm talking from my personal experience rather than from food labels %% content.
  18. Methods to dissolve emotional blockages

    You could try Damo Mitchell's Four Dragons - he claims this form will expel emotional pathogens. Also any taiji can help. The problem with taiji is that you'll have to first invest a lot of time to just learn basic movements and get sense of a form. Because the fun stuff starts only after that.
  19. Shower

    Watch all that chlorine in the water while taking shower. Or any other city water activity. Not sure how it is managed in your part of the world but here it is like World War I chlorine attack when I take shower. Not even talking about municipal pools.
  20. Hillary and Trump

    To compare West and East Germany pre-unification is not very accurate. East Germany paid huge contributions to the USSR right after the war; and kept paying its share for Warsaw Treaty membership up until the end in early 80-s. Whereas the West Germany enjoyed the Marshall Plan capital infusion and also received funds from from the USA for use of its territory for all the USA military bases not paying anything for NATO membership. As for China, let's not forget that it was western (largely the USA) capital that lift up China from its extreme poverty level to current highs. Whatever system you have, you still need capital infusion. And it has been huge for China.
  21. Can you learn Tai Chi from dvds

    You will learn basic movements and possible will be able to notice what is beyond. And basic movements relate to taiji about the same as knowing alphabet is related to ability to write novels. You could visit a teacher one or two times a year for one-two weeks training. This should be doable even if you live in a remote location.
  22. New training/teacher questions

    Think like this. If he is a true deep master, his replies will reflect his level. You'll be able to fathom his responses if you have proper experience matching his level. The fact you are seeking advise from TTB suggests you don't have such experience, hence you won't understand his responses anyway. But by asking him 'mental' questions you could put a barrier between yourself and him. I wouldn't ask him anything and just give it a try for a couple of months.
  23. Why are we afraid to die if it's inevitable?

    People don't want to die from violence. People (well, majority) are OK when dying from old age.
  24. Britain and the European Union

    Statistics indeed shows divide between old and young; but in my view this is superficial analysis. I'm judging based on my personal experience living in British Columbia, Canada. Statistically, majority of the population is still Caucasian white, but if you go to streets and look who actually actively participates in economic life - they are immigrants by vast majority. I believe the same is true for the UK as well. If you run across a school class grade 4-5 in a local park - 90% are children of visible immigrants and possibly 2-3 children will be Caucasians. What this means for our analysis? It was not young who voted Remain - they were second generation of immigrants who voted to Remain. Whether this is good or not - I don't know. But what I do know is that mass immigration does change country's culture to the better or to the worse.
  25. Dan Tien Breathing

    When you do deep abdominal breathing, your diaphragm is supposed to move like a cylinder piston. If you experience pain doing this, this is an indication that something is wrong in your abdominal cavity. Most likely this is just your internal tendons that tie internal organs to your connective tissue become overstretched; but it could also be something more serious. I'd suggest you find a good yoga instructor and unfreeze whatever is frozen inside you. Might take a while, like several years.