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About Cobie

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Yoga in Christianity

    puzzle poetry
  2. Yoga in Christianity

    Yes. I think Christianity kept that the same. Reminds me of Philippians 2:7 Yes. Definitely Christianity kept that the same. Reminds me of
  3. Yoga in Christianity

    It does not even exist within Christianity, ‘Christ Consciousness’ is not a Christian concept.
  4. Yoga in Christianity

    In conclusion, old3bob got it spot on: Exactly.
  5. Yoga in Christianity

    The statement he quotes from the book is entirely false (see my posts above); his OP has been answered.
  6. Yoga in Christianity

    It’s entirely unrelated to “bliss”. Saint Paul was referring to being proud (ÎșαύχησÎčÎœ) of the Corinthians (he founded that community).
  7. Yoga in Christianity

    Exactly. 1 Corinthians 15:31 And what it refers to (persecution) is clear from the preceding line: 30 And as for us, why do we endanger ourselves every hour? 31 I face death every day 

  8. Thoughts on Cultish Groups

    More questions come up in my mind, but they can wait. For a while, I want to bask in this moment of new understanding.
  9. Thoughts on Cultish Groups

    Wow that is brilliant, that totally makes sense to me.
  10. Yoga in Christianity

    Elvis Tribute Artist
  11. Stories vs. facts

    Duh everybody knows that, it’s why e.g. Jesus often spoke in parables. Try putting it in a little story.
  12. Yoga in Christianity

    Is that ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ by Paramhansa Yogananda? Saint Paul (Saul of Tarsus, 1st century) did not levitate. ‘Saint Paul of the cross’ (18thcentury) did levitate. Levitation is not unusual in Christianity e.g. Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Teresa of Avila both did. No, they have their own Christianity system. No, it’s not a secret. No, it’s open to all.
  13. Enlightenment - what is it?

    Are you willing to pay the price for ‘enlightenment’ i.e. the destruction of relationships. In my experience IRL, people will first blame and attack; keep tracking and they’ll start to ‘idolise’.
  14. Thoughts on Cultish Groups

    Î”ÎłÏŽ (ego) means ‘ I ‘