blue eyed snake

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About blue eyed snake

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    slithering serpent

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  1. Stranger things

    that reminds me of the middle ages festivities we had at school, we all had to dress up for the occasion and had free choice what to dress up as. I was 9 or 10 So I transformed in a gypsy, with a crazy dress from one of my big sisters and a headscarf from mom. For atmosphere i took some candles from the kitchen and asked my brother for a bit of incense. We build a tent of sorts and I was telling future and love and pregnancies... Friend of mine was standing before the tent and telling the public about the great fortunetelling lady residing in the tent, also gathering the coins, we had a good business. ( the whole setup was meant to raise money for the school) and several times I heard voices from outside, that kid does know stuff, how does she do that Fun that was. (But other times there really is language coming out of my mouth that I was not planning to utter about information I was not aware of and that information has never been wrong. )
  2. Stranger things

    hm, as a teen we had to cut up a worm and a frog to learn about their functioning. I told school I would not intentionally kill and cut up an animal, the worms and the frogs were part of me, of my world. As an argument I used that we did not eat meat in our family and that killing an animal was counter to that. It did cost me points, it also cost me baffled and angry teachers but I did not budge. How can one think that by butchering a frog you can get to know its nature. when I was a kid, this place was just around the corner, I remember how I used to catch toads there, part of my world. Kill them, for "scientific curiosity', to teach me something, no sir, i will not. -- I don't care how other people rationalize their experiences with " the otherworld" , I will not do that anymore. Voices speak, sometimes through me, visions show themselves, telepathic connections can pop up, clear knowledge sometimes tells me things of the future. it's all good, surfing the waves is better for me then counting the wave-crests
  3. yes, that sums it up nicely
  4. Stranger things

    I've always known things that were impossible to know I've always heard voices ( as in, sometimes one hears a voice.) the information was often very useful, or sometimes information was just poured into me somehow these voices were almost always benign, i never feared them, they just were, just as the grass, the trees( that spoke to me too when i listened ) the animals and the humans populating my world. I soon learned to keep my mouth shut about it, for fear the grownups would call me crazy and lock me up in a nuthouse. Looking back that was a very good decision of little BES
  5. Transgender Q&A

    yes, never made words of it like that but its true
  6. Transgender Q&A

    Free lancing mystic cat
  7. Transgender Q&A

    just a guess
  8. Transgender Q&A

    i guess that youngster did not need his raft anymore
  9. Cultivating the mind through the body

    I saw a book translated by Cleary and kept the link elsewere, not sure but I think @Taoist Texts posted it.
  10. Transgender Q&A

    well, just a guess a lot of guys find Daoism due to them doing some form of martial arts, and they are prone to be power hungry after making fire with their fingers and blasting things out of the way... women tend to be more interested in healing and caring But I do not know and its unbalanced years ago the men and womens places were created to get rid of all the posts about semenretention That was good action women are a tiny minority here that's one of the reasons that at the first sign of misogynistic behavior I pounce also the whole forums is not to be compared with what it was, i hope it will become alive again, I remember a place teeming with threads of all kinds and lotsa people.
  11. Transgender Q&A

    no, but i see several movements of fanatics, when those grow we will soon have a problem. Roughly a third identifies themselves as Christians Good to hear, I guess in places were most people are going to church the fanatics are a minority, i fear the new movements wich find their existence in fanatics and do not have the buffer of a large group of people with more moderate ideas In this case I do not mind much the rational view, i get enraged. its Christians that drove out the old ways, Christians that reduced women to a lesser sort of human christian who deny women to decide about their pregnancies, who chucked gynecological care into the hands of men. really Apech, I get a red haze before my eyes when I think about it, thats a deeprooted anger in me. and whichever group of christians did it is not of much interest for me, the thoughts and idea of the witch-hammer still do the rounds in all the misogyny I've seen and endured in my life. as I said, they killed and tortured my tribe
  12. Transgender Q&A

    This bunch of bums is not representative and on top of that the ratio male female is heavily skewed. Too much women meekly do as the church tells them, thereby betraying their sisters.
  13. Transgender Q&A

    they've killed off my tribe with their witch hammer and I have not forgotten, nor forgiven. its one of the things that can enrage me, apart from the horrid torture, they've efficiently bred out the voice of smart loudmouthed women, or so they like to think.