silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    It's intriguing to me how adherents to this ideology and similar topics display a mindset of unquestioning obedience to the concept. It's remarkably similar to fundamentalist religious thinking in its seeming requirements of unthinking devotion and obedience. Conversation is no longer attempted when I encounter folks entrenched in such ways. I remain quiet until the topic changes, or make an exit.
  2. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    then there's my version.
  3. Motives

    Either or thinking has seldom been helpful in my life. So I agree with your take on it being overly simplistic. Assuming we can assess the world in such a way that allows us to make decisions that will result in life being better for everyone around us has also revealed itself to be unrealistic in my own life. The projections and assumptions I make based on my personal interpretation of life is based entirely on my conditioning and shadowed biases and may have disastrous unforseeable consequences in the lives of others. As such, I strive to be kind, which doesn't always mean being 'nice'... but more than that, I no longer assume I know, or can know what's best for another and tend to not interfere unless specifically asked to, and even then, minimal response. Change the universe by working on one's own awareness and actions.
  4. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring Again comes to mind as a possible film that may tangentially address this. Not in the way that it revolves around lying/deception or truth telling, but the relationship between the young monk and the elder pings me on this topic. It's been years since I viewed it, but it resonated while mulling this topic over. Even if I'm way off base, I recall the relationships were striking in it and may be worth a re-view, or a first glance.
  5. What are you listening to?

    Singing Stone...
  6. Karma

    This response is a lamp on a dark road at night. Thank you for sharing mate.
  7. An abrahamic sub-forum

    +1 from me. The conversations that have cropped up on occasion, repeat the same few points for a few comments, then lose inertia.
  8. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Well... you know what they say... write about what you know...
  9. The Spiritual Force of Gratitude

    wow... just wow. stunning
  10. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    I don't know. You don't know. Nobody knows. But everybody talkin... ~Victoria Daniilidou
  11. History If the trinity

    It's been a long while since i've perceived the world in terms of duality. Everywhere i peer among the manifest, the duality nigh on instantly reveals/shifts into triad... and the triad, the resultant myriad. yet always arising from one source. awareness... endlessly fascinating
  12. History If the trinity

    some sites do not seem conducive to link hopping here.
  13. History If the trinity

    first song on my playlist when my wife told me she was pregnant with our son...
  14. Esoteric vs Non-Esoteric Meditation Traditions

    Always run all i encounter through the filter of my own awareness. People say all sorts of things. Though from what I've encountered of Dzogchen, it more often that not has passed my personal sniff test and in some instances has reached inspiring levels. The potency of the Bon tradition underlying the Tibetan take on what Buddha shared seems potent in a manner that few other buddhist sects can match for me.
  15. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Conversation with a friend this morning. Me: Thanksgiving... you know... when white people celebrate going to other people's homes and saying "Thank you! We live here now..." Friend: Yea. Not to mention, the first instance of welfare for undocumented immigrants in the Americas.
  16. What are you listening to?

    Anyone looking for me, I'll be hanging in the deep desert again this morning...
  17. What are you listening to?

    @steve thank you for sharing Idles, great sound! On a side note... I passed my son's room and heard him groovin them this morning, so the vibe expands...
  18. Taoism according to.....

    We each experience reality from the center of our own local awareness. So distinctions arise within each local awareness regarding their interpretation of experiential awareness, i.e. we each experience reality uniquely and distinctly... and the word objects each local awareness will attempt to use to share their direct experience through mentation and speaking is derived through this individual experience. While there may be some crossover of commonality, this will often not come close to the degree of diversity expressed in the unique experience of each participant. Then add to that the caveat that each word chosen to describe such experiences also has subjective distinctions of meaning given the experience of each individual, so there become myriad branches of potential meaning with each new awareness engaging with the thought forms shared, versus the direct experience they themselves may be trying to attribute the shared words to...
  19. True meaning of Non-Dual

    Dropping pearls @dwai Thank you for sharing!
  20. What are you listening to?

    The Brothers Gutierrez doing their liquid light thing again...
  21. Hello from Barcelona

    He's from Barcelona...
  22. Taoism according to.....

    Then I'd say you're honing in on it @Maddie Opening lines of the TTJ, The tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao. (followed shortly by one who knows does not speak, while those who speak do not know) Taoism to me, seems an experiential process unique to each awareness who engages with it. And the experience of it, does not lend to being shared in words readily, or accurately. One seemingly may be aware and engaged with the path, while not necessarily being able to describe it in human words, which are clumsy small human-centric abstract objects incapable of encapsulating such experiences.