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  2. Transgender Q&A

    Brother Luke trolls the thread.
  3. Transgender Q&A

    Whew...this has been quite the ride. I often rethink my posts after I´ve written them and decided to let a few of my latest entries go. What came over me? This thread was winding down nicely and it seemed everyone had settled into a cozy and nearly miraculous peace. And then for some reason I decided to kick up some dirt -- go figure. Anyway, thanks to all who have contributed here and especially to Maddie. If the point of this thread was to make people think, then I count it a rousing success.
  4. Today
  5. It's called Naitan, I wish to remain anonymous 🙂
  6. sorry could not find the technique with ggl. And who is your teacher IRL?
  7. Hakuin, it's his fourth energy technique. In terms of execution it's similar to what I've read here about MCO but don't practice MCO myself so can't fully compare.
  8. i dont know;) in our lil version the pre-H comes from 'outside' or from 'empty-nothing' and the Du-Ren are the conduits for the pre-H. what does it feel like? where does it come from?
  9. Why am I not Enlightened?

    The mind and or our minds with all of its powers can not pass over or through the threshold to no-thing, although it can realize that and be lawful servant up to the threshold. Few of us are ready pay the absolute price to cross over to no-thing which is no-mans and no gods land, I'm not although a partial peek can take place but that also has its price...
  10. In the meantime it only takes vigilance and a little skill with netting to capture a Yuanqi on its way down from Mingmen. It knows enough on its own to combine with Jing to make lead. Employing Duragon to stack lead, and Tigeren to lick mercury, maybe considered MCO as much as building a computer can count toward running a program. If you don’t believe me, check Cui Gong’s notes on the mirror.
  11. Transgender Q&A

  12. Why am I not Enlightened?

    From James Swartz There are so many ways to explain this - but it requires a truly open mind to understand/realize. If one’s mind is preoccupied by concepts and ideas, then it cannot truly accept the knowledge (indirect though it may be). If it cannot accept the knowledge, how can it realize?
  13. Transgender Q&A

    I'm thinking carefully about what to say, because I feel likely I am saying X fairly explicitly, and yet I am being heard as saying Y. Let me see if I can put my finger on it. I am trying to say: Human anatomy is just an arrangement of flesh. A wide range of meanings can be (and are) imposed on these arrangements. Some fit traditional ways of thinking about gender. Others don't. None of them are incompatible, so let's make space for all of them. Incompatibility only arises when one set of meanings is imposed on everyone. But that imposition is optional. I am being heard as saying: Cis men should not see and treat their dicks as masculine. Cis women should not see and treat their vaginas and breasts as feminine. The meanings that make sense of your life for you: those are bad. You must give them up, and replace them with the correct meanings, which I shall tell you. If you don't give them up, I will take them away. — — What causes this mishearing? Maybe this. There is one thing I want folks to give up: the idea that one set of meanings placed on our anatomy is privileged because it reflects "objective reality". This indeed removes a certain validation of one's chosen meanings, the validation that comes from the feeling that nature herself approves them. Is that loss of external validation being felt as the loss of those meanings themselves? I would insist that the meanings can stand without it!
  14. The replenishing cycle moves up the spine, down the center. When it goes down the center, it produces something unlike anything else. The Du and Ren, what place do they have when one takes the preheaven from within the postheaven? At least, in the buddhist version, none. Cool with differences though.
  15. Gyalwa Yangönpa: Secret map of the body, page 57 and 237, might be informative for you on this one.
  16. Ai-ya! Levity and Irreverence! Amitofo shifu! In general any stage in nedan is described two-fold: 1 how it feels 2 what does it produce. So for MCO 1 is a very special qi rotating in Ren-du, autonomously (not a regular qi) 2 it immediately produces something very special called the elixir (it is unlike anything else). If any of these characteristics are lacking it is not an MCO. the heat comes from restless thoughts. it is a sign of progress but also of danger. You are a calm man by nature with calm thoughts and calm qi, hence no heat, which is good.
  17. Transgender Q&A

    I was being crass @blue eyed snake so sorry.
  18. Transgender Q&A

  19. Headache, daydreaming need help

    Nobody said it's bad, it's not an ethics or a religious discussion, the question by the OP was why is this happening.
  20. Transgender Q&A

    I guess I still think dicks are a male thing because of the function the dick has in sex; the whole process of enseminating is quintessentially male. This is not a culturally imposed thing -- it´s objective reality. Just like pregnancy is a female thing. I continue to believe in anatomy as the basic marker of manhood and womanhood. How people fit into that or don´t fit into that is something else, but our anatomy does matter.
  21. Transgender Q&A

    well, just as I did not like the majority opinion pushed on my life the opposite is true, most people are content with their existence as guy or gal plus the physical adornments that come with it. Trying to change that is one of the reasons the opposition against trans people is growing, which in its wake has caused me not to get out of the closet. imho you youngsters are pushing too hard. Further I wonder, when dick is not symbol for masculinity, why do transmen get surgery to get themselves a dick ( of sorts), and vice versa why do trans woman get bottomsurgery.
  22. Transgender Q&A

    I would say you are succeeding.
  23. In my practice, those are distinct and separate. But I am just a poor lonesome practitioner of a buddhist method, what do I know about the specifics of daoist practices. Perhaps your definition of that differs from the usual ones, and in that case you might be right. Care to describe the MCO? Just to help me understand where you stand?
  24. Haiku Chain

    Right, I am off now to practice new kung fu move: Abbot phone-whips monk
  25. Transgender Q&A

    my main aim here is to make room for the odd, the vast, the beguiling, the wily, the freak
  26. Transgender Q&A

    @surrogate corpse If somebody experiences their dick as a powerful symbol of their femininity, well, who am I to say differently? That seems odd to me but I guess I´ll just add it to the growing list of things I don´t understand about this crazy life.
  27. No thanks. I have direct experience with Wang and Nathan. Your thoughts and assumptions on the topic bear no gravity or relevance.
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