Taoist Texts

Liu Huayang

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It is AAK's translation. And it is wrong.


So you say 


況金玉札 is  golden plates and jade pages?


If so please show me the character for PLATE here.


Golden plates and Jade pages means sacred texts. That is quite clear for me. I know it is difficult to figure it out for you having dictionary as the only way to read Chinese

So, answering your question:

金玉札 <= Here it is.


So please now answer my question

How can you say that it is possible to study from texts only, while several great Patriarchs said opposite.


What is your point?



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Golden plates and Jade pages means sacred texts.  

金玉札 <= Here it is.



What is your point?



My point is that you guys are horribly ignorant. So you have no slightest clue about books or teachers, or what the books say about teachers.


玉札 外丹用藥。 即地榆。 也作〝玉豉〞, 供藥用。 北魏賈思勰齊民要術卷十地榆》: 神仙服食經: “地榆, 一名玉札”。 其實黑如豉, 北方呼豉為札, 當言玉豉〞。 唐韓愈進學解》: 〝玉札、 丹砂、 赤箭、 青芝、 牛溲、 馬勃、 敗鼓之皮, 俱收並蓄, 待用無遺者, 醫師之良也〞。 對道經道書靈符的尊稱。 如混元玉札。 南宋王契真編上清靈寶大法卷三十六: 〝混元玉札, 乃玉清神虎之合契, 三皇召靈之秘旨, 是元始親降札文, 有回骸起死度人之道〞。 《三洞神符記金根經: 〝太上大道君以大洞真經付上相青童君掌錄於東華青宮, 使傳後聖應為真人者, 此金簡玉札, 出自太上靈都之宮, 刻玉為之


What you highlighted is no plate or text at all. Its a name of a waidan elixir. HaaahHHHaaaaaa;)



Check and Mate Ignoramuses


Now go in peace and stop spamming this thread.

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And how about other qoutes of Patriarchs from other treatises? You still have not responded to 9 quotes! 


Out of courtesy for other readers please do not quote the previous posts in full. Quote only relevant parts. 

Edited by Taoist Texts

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Could you please return my post that you have deleted? I have mentioned there that the text you quoted is only a comment of a translator but not the original.

Liu Huayang never said that the teacher is not needed.

He was the student in a traditional school, he had the teacher in a traditional school and after he achieved results he became the teacher himself in a taoist traditional school.


Another point is that the true teacher has a proven achievement and a traditional line and methods, while reading the book only gives you a huge field of guessing what to do with the abstract practice written or translated by somebody.




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Liu only stay with his true teacher for three days.

Is it written in some source about his life that he did so and never met him again?

Even if he did, he received a guidance from him, and following this guidance he achieved results.

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Liu only stay with his true teacher for three days.

Actually, this is interesting...ppl think that learning takes years. Not really. Sometimes a word is enough.

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Another point is that the true teacher has a proven achievement and a traditional line and methods, while reading the book only gives you a huge field of guessing what to do with the abstract practice written or translated by somebody.


So does that mean that the true teacher's book which documents his methods is good enough, or did the teacher purposefully give wrong instructions to hurt others? : )


If I know that 1 + 1 = 2 and I go to teach first grade maths, I will not write on the board 1 + 1 = 3.

I don't think that the benevolent sages of old, wrote down instructions with the aim of hurting people.

Yes, they used a lot of substitutes and symbols, but the instructions were still accurate and that is why people were able to achieve results.


Just like If I said,  Potato + Potato = Potatoes

All that is required of the student is to understand that Potato is in the singular form, then he can deduce that "Potatoes" means 2.


I know many people who meditated on their own for a long time and penetrated into the divine realm where they found a spirit teacher to guide them further yet.


What you're arguing though is that one cannot even get to THAT stage without a human teacher.

Let me ask you this, ok. It's a very simple question and I want to see if you can answer sincerely from your heart.


Were you born with the idea that you cannot achieve it without a teacher, or was it taught to you?

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Liu only stay with his true teacher for three days.


(《伍柳天仙法脉》,宗教文化出版社,第 13页, 2007版)

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Question is, does "three days" mean 72 hours, or is it a metaphore for something else?


In Shaolin history, there are one or two martial artists that practiced with a daoist for "three days" and revitalised his art.

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oh it is 72 hrs. Here is a 96 hour story.


The teacher* asked for audience and went to visit him, kowtowed and implored for instruction in Dao, to which Qi asked: what did your the teacher teach you?


The teacher told him about ‘Poisonous snake leading the way’, about ‘medicine comes from outside, cinnabar incepts inside’, and ‘pre-Heavenly qi comes from void and non-being’ admonitions.


Qi asked: have you understood these or not?

The teacher admitted: the first method I understand, but the latter ones – still don’t.

Qi said: what you are doing is merely exercising yourself, how can you reach a better place that way? If you go and ask people nicely, then you will sure get what they have. Theirs is a true intent, it is not hard to make it yours.


The teacher could not decipher the meaning, so he implored again.


Qi said: a true man breaths continuously, a commoner breaths with his throat*.

The teacher begged again: I, your student, am stupid and lost, please clarify your guidance.

Qi replied: I have already gave you guidance, if you are not clear on it, what is the point of asking again?



At that time the teacher felt completely lost, and because he could not penetrate the meaning of this, he pondered it for three days and nights, rejecting food, forgetting to sleep, doubting and worrying in turns. On the fourth day, while tea was brewing,  Qi took out a copy of Analects and said: give this book a read.


The teacher took the book and read it front and back attentively, and found that all of it contained the principles of Dao, each aphorism was in agreement with what Qi said. The teacher thought to himself: although the aphorisms add up, could it be that I still miss the secret meaning? So he kept turning it over in his mind from early morning till noon, and seeing that there is nothing that he did not understand, put down the book and came out of his room.


Qi asked: where do you think you are going?

The teacher replied: to the riverbank.

Qi asked: to the riverbank to do what?

The teacher replied: to the riverbank to fish.

Qi countered: the fish is in the water deep down, what to do?

The teacher replied: first entice it with the bait, then angle it with the hook, how could it not be caught?


From this, Qi saw that the teacher understood it, and on the same night transmitted him all about methods of cinnabar and phases of fire in detail; encouraging him, said: this work requires 20 years of utmost gongfu (effort), and then you will see the effect. Now, you strive with all your force, don’t be lazy, as to me, I will go into hiding.




*   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liu_Yiming



* a quote from Zhuang-zi

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A good point, I thought about it.

The reason I argued about the teacher is that I have never seen such detailed instructions in the books that showed me the way to do smth and the questions had not appeared.

For example I was standing the tree based on the books of Xui Mintan for about six months (from 50 minutes to 1 hour each day). And there were questions I needed to have answers, because no effects were before I had an explanation.


The rational to this is in the fact that a human body is a very complex mechanizm. And the book gives general line about smth which can be understood in different ways. Even TT says he has students and he explains to them what is written.

To understand methods we need guidance from someone experienced who has results, understands a student and can explain them according to their level.


I think I managed to answer your question, this is my experience.

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