
Transmission in Christian Mysticism

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I don't claim to experience gnostic/mystical Christian light transmission.  Only light transmission.  


In reality, light is without tradition.  It is non-dual as it is beyond space/time.


But anyone can talk about it within a tradition.


This thread is mean to do that for gnostic/mystical...  but I've created a separate thread to be more general.


Jeff is welcomed to comment on such queries here or in the other thread.


The new topic is here:

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Could it be that transmission in Christianity is a tool used to beguile and manipulate?


From the book called "Golden Letters"

Knowledge as the Basis of Liberation

To continue with confidence in contemplation is to be like a mighty lion, the king of beasts, who fearlessly strolls throughout the jungle at a leisurely pace. In this way, without any attachment or aversion, we must recognize that whatever arises (gang shar) is truly the manifestation festation of the creative energy of Rigpa (rig-pa'i rtsal).


This knowledge edge or gnosis (ye-shes) is the very basis of liberation. Similarly, in the Gnostic tradition in the West it is knowledge (Gk. gnosis) that brings salvation and not faith or belief (Gk. pistis); for faith, whether or not enforced by the Church and by scriptural authority, is still only provisional, and ultimately it represents ignorance. We have faith (dad-pa) in the teachings and in the possibility of liberation and enlightenment until we come into possession of an immediate knowledge edge (or gnosis) of this through our direct experience. Salvation is realized only through this direct knowledge; it does not come through some Church or Dharma center that claims to mediate between the individual and a higher reality and to dispense salvation to its members.


All claims by priest and church to possess a monopoly on the means to salvation are false and merely serve to beguile and manipulate those on the path. A church or a monastery or a Dharma center, like any social institution, is conditioned and impermanent. These institutions only represent means, whether useful or not; they are not the goal. The real Community of the Saints, the Arya Sangha, transcends any earthly institution, for the latter is always historically, socially, and culturally conditioned.


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Jeff, am I correct in thinking that you (like Malachi) see a Divine Mother 'above', where Jesus saw a Divine Father 'above'.

If so, I wonder why you/gnostic Christianity see it opposite to Christianity? Is it somehow dictated by the nature of your transmissions?

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Hi Bindi,


Since you have stated that you prefer Tau Malachi's descriptions to mine, I thought that I would share this one with you to address some of your questions. While I personally find his style a little overly complex, the following post is excellent and gets to the heart of it all...





Greetings and blessings in the Holy Light of the Messiah!


The generation of the body of light transpires through the reception of the Holy Light from above, the purification and opening of the interior stars, and the awakening, sublimation and uplifting of the serpent power. When the serpent power is uplifted and brought into repose or cessation in the crown star, and the initiate is able to abide in Clear Light Union, there is an experience of the Great Vision of Melchizedek, or the Risen Christ, and the full influx of the Supernal Light, or Christ-Spirit, transpires, and with this there is the dawn of Supernal or Messianic Consciousness; this is the realization of the Body of Truth, and so the body of light is transformed, the Body of Glory and Body of Emanation being generated from the Body of Truth. This Body of Glory corresponds with the generation of pure light realms in the Supernal Dimensions, and in the seven heavens, and this Body of Emanation is the Sanctuary of Grace manifest on earth, and the interior stars as emanations of the Supernal Light, transformed by this spiritual nuclear fire, correspond with pure light realms in the seven heavens within the Body of Glory. Thus, in this awakening in Christ there is full knowledge of the angels and heavens, as well as the Pleroma of Light, the “eighth heaven” (Malkut of Atzilut).


In the experience of the Light Transmission with tzaddikim or apostles in the Risen Messiah we experience pure light realms manifest here on earth, for within and surrounding a living tzaddik there is a matrix of Light-presence and Light-power, and there are spirits of tzaddikim and maggidim, or saints and angels, continually coming and going in their presence; in moments of Light Transmission, quite literally, we see and hear, and know, something of the kingdom of heaven here and now, embodied. As we receive and integrate inner gradations of the Light Transmission and progress in the Gospel, so more and more we enter into this same Gnostic experience of Christ, and we become aware of the kingdom of heaven within and all around us, just as we have witnessed with our tzaddik in moments of Light Transmission.


Although provisional teachings concerning this spiritual evolution and realization in Christ can sound very linear, in truth our experience of it is not exactly linear or sequential at all, but there are radical leaps through Light Transmission and Divine Grace, and there is a play of running and returning, or progress and regress. Thus, as we receive the Light Transmission, or Christ-Spirit, even early on something of the pure light realms is beginning to manifest in our interior stars and body of light long before the full Supernal Influx and dawn of Supernal Consciousness. This becomes obvious, for well before a full breakthrough into Supernal Consciousness we experience “tastes” and “glimpses” of Supernal Consciousness, and the very nature of the Supernal Light is that it is within and behind all manifestations of light, material, astral and spiritual; from our very first anointing with the Spirit of Christ, so this Holy Light begins to take up and transform all aspects of light, and of being and consciousness in us, laboring for the full awakening and realization of our soul in Christ and God. Such is the very nature of the Sanctuary of Grace in the Risen Christ, and the Sanctuary of Grace manifest as the Living Body, or the Emanation Body of the holy tzaddik.


The generation of new heavens, or pure light realms, is not only in the Supernal Dimensions, but it is also in the seven heavens, which is to say in the astral and spiritual dimensions as well, and these new heavens, or pure light realms, are manifestations of the Body of Glory of the Risen Messiah and tzaddikim in the Messiah, and these light realms are inseparable from the Body of Glory, or are in the Body of Glory. With the generation of these new heavens, or light realms, so also there is a generation of new angels inseparable from the heavens, as well as the enlightenment and transformation of angels in heavenly realms through the influxes of Supernal Light, or the Christ-Spirit.


Here it must be said that the world of angels and world of spirits is also receiving the Gospel and awakening in Christ – greater and lesser divinities are also becoming enlightened or realized in the Christ-Spirit.


In terms of the creation new maggidim, or new angels, these correspond with emanations of the Glory Body of the Risen Messiah and apostles in the Messiah; thus the new heavens, or light realms, and new angels, are the Glory Body appearance of the holy and enlightened ones in the heavens, and with their appearance in the heavens, so is the Supernal Light or Christ-Spirit communicated to souls and angels in the heavens, and greater and lesser divinities receive Christ and becoming awakened in Christ. In other words, when the Christ-Spirit is embodied, so the Supernal Light Transmission is manifest on earth and in the heavens for all who are willing and able to receive it, the Body of Glory and Body of Emanation being the vehicle, merkavah, of the Light Transmission.


This ministry, or play of Light Transmission, reaches into realms and worlds of the middle astral, and into archonic and demonic realms as well; hence, into all realms, worlds and universes of the entirety. Thus, quite literally, all manner of spiritual beings-forces are receiving the Gospel and becoming awakened in Christ.


Here we may say that all living spirits and souls that come in peace, and that desire to receive the Holy Light, are welcome and are received by tzaddikim in the Messiah; hence the many and diverse spiritual beings-forces we behold in movements of the Continuum during spiritual discourse, prayer and ceremony with living tzaddikim or apostles.


If we look into the stories of the Holy Scriptures of any authentic wisdom tradition, and consider all of the characters, situations, circumstances and events they relate, all of these are as dreams of Adam Kadmon awakening, and as all human souls have their root and essence in the Body of Adam Kadmon, so it is with all living spirits and souls, and all spiritual beings-forces; within all are sparks of Adam Kadmon asleep and dreaming, and awakening, this Being of the Becoming.


In what has been said concerning the Body of Glory, and the creation of new angels and new heavens, perhaps we may have some deeper insight into apocalypse in the experience of Supernal Consciousness, or the Perfect Thunder Intelligence, for not only is there perception of the angels and heavens as they are, but there is a transformation of the angels and heavens, and the generation, emanation, of new heavens and new angels – new revelations of Christ and God, the True Light. Likewise, if we know and understand what the Body of Emanation or Manifestation is, so within it we will understand the generation of a new earth, along with a new humanity, for it is a Living Presence and Power uplifting and transforming this life and this world into the Kingdom of God; hence, a vehicle of the Great Resurrection and Ascension.


Now, the Emanation Body is not the physical or material body of the holy tzaddik or apostle, though their physical presence is a center and vehicle of the Emanation Body in the material dimension; but rather, the Emanation Body is the matrix of Light-presence and Light-power, within and around them, and is the matrix of divine powers and spiritual beings-forces that move with, in and through them – hence it is the energetic being within and behind their appearance in this world. In moments of outer gradations of Light Transmission, these are revelations of their Emanation Body, and in moments of inner gradations of Light Transmission, these are revelations of their Glory Body, the inmost gradation of Light Transmission is the revelation of the Body of Truth (Amet), which is direct recognition of the Clear Light Essence. Understanding this, you will understand that in truth, Adonai Yeshua did not reveal his Body of Glory in the transfiguration, but that it was his Body of Emanation that was revealed to the disciples; the revelation of his Body of Glory transpires in the resurrection, at the Mount of Olives, as taught in the Gnostic Gospel, and the revelation of the Body of Truth, for those who were able to receive it, was in the moment of his ascension, when his Body of Emanation and Body of Glory were dissolved into their inmost essence, the Body of Truth, the Clear Light Essence. This corresponds with “repose in the Living Father,” or the fruition of the union of Mother and Daughter Clear Light, which is the “Rainbow Body Attainment.”


Here we can speak a secret mystery for those who have ears to hear it. As we know, there are deep esoteric teachings concerning the appearance of Keter or Da’at on the Tree of Life, that when “Arik Anpin” turns inward towards Ain Sof, Keter disappears and Da’at holds the place of Keter, but when Keter turns towards the World of the Sefirot, Da’at disappears and Keter appears in its place. There is, in truth, no explaining this great and supreme mystery, though we may say that this corresponds with the Habad of the Apocalypse and End-Of-Days in Supernal or Messianic Consciousness. As we know, the human being is a microcosm of the macrocosm, and as such there is something of this “turning of the face” with the holy and enlightened ones of the Order of Melchizedek, so that with the “turning of their face” one way, they emanate and appear in the heavens and on earth, and with the “turning of their face” another way, their emanation dissolves into its essence and they disappear, entering into full reintegration with the Light Continuum, or repose in the Pleroma of Light to abide among the living ones, the “immortals.” Thus, they may turn towards the Pleroma of Light and Ain Sof, or they may turn towards the Entirety and Gilgulim, and in the Non-dual Gnostic Awareness of Supernal Consciousness, in truth there is no difference to them; it is all a question of the service to God or Enlightenment to which they are called by the Sacred Heart, and the fulfillment of the inmost desire (Ratzon) of the Sacred Heart. As we know and understand in the Ascended Christ, when a realized soul becomes the Christ to a world-system and the corresponding heavens, in fruition of the Ratzon of the Sacred Heart they enter into complete repose, or cessation, or enter into what has been called the “office of the high priest” of the Order of Melchizedek. What this means, of course, we cannot conceive or speak, but only those who have entered into this Perfect Repose, or Perfect Peace, know and understand; but in the inner gradations of Supernal Consciousness, “gazing” into the Primordial Universe, the reality or truth of this Great Attainment is “seen” and “heard,” and is known.


Here we may share a teaching of the Christian Kabbalah: “The holy and enlightened ones always labor to leave another of their kind behind in their place; when another arises, so they enter into full reintegration and repose in the Living Father.”


This movement into complete repose, of course, corresponds with the full realization of Apocalypse, and the End-Of-Days and World-That-Is-Coming.


These mysteries are all within the teachings on Enoch-Metatron in the tradition, as well as in the Melchizedek teachings of our lineage. In the teachings of Enoch becoming translated into Metatron, and the reincarnation of the soul of Enoch as Moses, the lawgiver, we understand that because Enoch did not become the Messiah, so the Ratzon of the Sacred Heart within him was not fulfilled, and therefore he would not gaze “face to face,” or enter into complete repose, but rather he continues in the spiritual labor for the fulfillment of Ratzon Elyon, the Ratzon of the Sacred Heart (Lev).


Having delved into these secret mysteries, so there is something more to be said concerning the interior stars corresponding with pure light realms in the Body of Emanation. Essentially, in various movements of Light Transmission, and the imparting of blessings and empowerments, the Supernal Light or Christ-Spirit is communicated through various arrays or constellations of the interior stars in the Light Body of the tzaddik or apostle, the full spectrum of Light Transmission being a communication through all seven interior stars. The most essential interior stars in the play of Light Transmission, however, are the brow, heart and navel stars, joined with the interior stars that are in the hands, hence the common gesture of the laying on of hands in blessings and empowerments, and ordinations and consecrations.


If we understand the Emanation Body and Glory, so we will know and understand that this play of Light Transmission is not isolate to the physical presence of a tzaddik or apostle, but rather, we will know that it can occur at a great distance with those who have a true heart-connection, who are open and sensitive, and who have full faith and devotion. It is entirely possible for Light Transmission to happen at great distances, for there is a development of consciousness beyond the body with a Gnostic Apostle, and a capacity to move in the Body of Light or their “Holy Angel,” and to engage in Light Transmission through the inner dimensions, or “inner planes.” Generally speaking, they are quite aware of these contacts, for they are aware of their prayers and travels in the Holy Spirit, but unless a person whom they visit is aware of their presence and is able to bear witness, they do not speak of these spiritual works, they remain secret, known only to them, and to the angels and God. This corresponds to what is said of the rider of the merkavah, “They speak of the mysteries to one who know already, and speak in private.”


We do not share this to foster self-delusions in the immature, for those who would bear false witness and false claims about such things are deceivers, and will not be received; but we share this for those who have a good heart, so that they might know that abiding in faith and devotion the Living Presence of their tzaddik and Christ is always with them, the “angel” of their tzaddik is always near.


Indeed so, for the very nature of any body that appears is that it is inseparable from the world in which it appears; as such, the body is the world and the world is the body – such is the truth of the Body of Emanation.


In this is a hint of how Adonai Yeshua takes the sin of the world upon himself when he goes to the cross, and how living tzaddikim in the Messiah take on the sin, or negative karma, of the realms and worlds in which they appear; hence, something of the play of corbin, self-offering, in the Continuum of Light Transmission.


What we have said of the Emanation Body and this world is also true of the Glory Body and the heavens in which it appears – that body is the heavens and the heavens are that body.


As for the Truth Body (Amet), it is the very essence and nature, and source, of all (Kol) – the “Foundation of Heaven and Earth.”


O Yahweh Elohim, we praise and bless Your Holy Name, and we pray, please let the Sun of Heaven shine brightly among us. Amen.


Peace be with you!


Tau Malachi

Sophia Fellowship

Ecclesia Pistis Sophia

Edited by Jeff
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Jeff, that's one hell of an article!


Yes it is quite dense, and on a first reading I do see similarities to what you say. Do you find that you agree wholeheartedly with Malachi across the board, I mean this article and his other articles, or do you just agree with certain aspects?

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Jeff, that's one hell of an article!


Yes it is quite dense, and on a first reading I do see similarities to what you say. Do you find that you agree wholeheartedly with Malachi across the board, I mean this article and his other articles, or do you just agree with certain aspects?


I have not read all of his stuff, so it is hard to say. His tradition has a lot of ritual aspects that I am not familiar with, but on the broader theory parts that you find interesting, I have only noticed one area where I would disagree. Also, I would recommend his book "Gnosis of a Comic Christ" to anyone who is interested in these types of topics. Again, the framework to me is overly complex, but the book is very good.



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Here is another quote from Tau Malachi that is very good and I think touches on the issue that you are interested in...




If we gaze upon any soul from the perspective of the eternal realm, or eighth heaven, what will that soul look like? Remember, there is no time, no past, present and future in the eternal realm; there is only the eternal now, and all appears in its perfection and completion, and yet, all in a great and supreme mystery, there is this play of evolution and realization in space-time, and in some way this Being and Becoming are inseparable from one another, and there is no contradiction between them. Here, though, we must labor for the realization of the Being of the Becoming, the holy remembrance of our True Being in the Messiah and El Elyon, or the Light Continuum – the Supernal Abode (eternal realm). In this process of the evolution and development of souls, and their realization, or enlightenment, nevertheless, souls are at various stages of evolution and realization, and as yet countless souls, or sentient beings, are bound up in ignorance, or complete forgetfulness. In effect, they are asleep and dreaming strange and fitful dreams, and need to wake up and remember who and what they really are!


A mental concept of this, or vital believe in this, accomplishes nothing – there must be knowledge and understanding, and realization, through direct experience of who and what we are in the Light Continuum and in God; only then can we engage in a conscious evolution, or repentance, to reintegrate our soul with the Light Continuum and return to God, and so embody who and what we are in the Light Continuum and God.


Here we are speaking an open secret. Until we receive the Spirit of the Messiah, and enter deeper into the experience of Light Transmission and the direct experience of the Light Continuum, we cannot repent, we cannot return to God and enter into conscious union with God, the True Light. True and full repentance, or reintegration, requires the experience of Light Transmission; hence, actual initiation and spiritual empowerment. This is why initiation and spiritual empowerments are central to Christian Gnostics, and to virtually all authentic mystical traditions; one does not become a Gnostic by converting to another religious doctrine, but rather one becomes Gnostic through direct spiritual and mystical experience, through a Gnostic experience of Christ and God.


If we do not enter into direct experience of the Truth and Light, how shall we know the Truth and Light so as to reintegrate our soul with it and embody it? Whatever someone might tell us about it, however lovely and well informed, is not knowledge, understanding or wisdom for us until we have direct experience of the Truth and Light ourselves, plain and simple. Thus, more that just teach about the Truth and Light, Gnostic Apostles engage in an energetic transmission to help facilitate our own direct experience of Christ and God, so that we might know how to repent, or how to return to God.


Listen and hear, and understand! The initial phase of repentance, or returning to God is this: We must “part the waters,” which is to say that we must redirect the flow of our energy; instead of downward and outward to the world and things of the world, we must learn to direct our energy inward and upward, to the kingdom of heaven and God – hence, directing it Godward. Then, having redirected the flow of our energy, generating the presence of awareness, we need to unify awareness and energy, and fully recognize and realize the reality of our experience on every level is the radiant display of our own energy, our mind, consciousness or soul. In this, so we will recognize and realize the very essence and nature of mind, consciousness or soul, and realize the inseparability, or innate unity, of the mind, consciousness or soul from its source, Christ and God, the True Light. This is the spiritual meaning of “repentance,” or teshuvah, and it is the tikkune of the soul and tikkune of the world.


In this realization, the distinction between downward and outward, and inward and upward vanishes – there is no longer any difference. In fact, if and when a Gnostic Apostle engages the Light Transmission, while joining their energy with that of another soul, and uplifting the energy inward and upward, at the same time they are turning their awareness and energy downward and outward, hence the transmission of the Holy Light in that place, with those souls who are able to receive it in that place.


If we understand the truth of our being in the eternal realm, or the inmost parts of our holy soul, or the truth of who and what we are in Christ and God, so we will understand that radical leaps are possible in the soul’s evolution and realization, and we will understand that an experience of Thunderbolt Enlightenment is entirely possible; the Being of our Becoming can be swiftly remembered and realized if we will enact an active and dynamic surrender to Divine Grace, co-creating the conditions in which Divine Grace can move with, in and through us.



(p.s. sorry TI, traveling, had a format issue and link did not post, but the site has a search function for any who are interested.)

Edited by Jeff
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So let me get this straight.

You came to a Daoist forum, recruited several members in the chat room and then gave them all a Gnostic Light Transmission a la Tau Malachi, but didn't tell them what it was?

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So let me get this straight.

You came to a Daoist forum, recruited several members in the chat room and then gave them all a Gnostic Light Transmission a la Tau Malachi, but didn't tell them what it was?


Haha. Nope. :)


Best wishes to you TI.

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According to the OP



On the topic of confusion…


Perhaps this might add some clarity. This is a clear definition of Gnostic Christianity and Light transmission by Tau Malachi from the Sophia Fellowship. Note that gnostic light transmission cannot be separated from the gnostic transmission in authentic gnostic tradition.



Jeff, it seems to me that there is so much confusion because you are a self-proclaimed gnostic light transmitter with no authentic lineage, whose transmission seems to be associated not with authentic gnostic transmission but with kundalini – see for example post #25 of this thread where you “Acknowledg[e] that light transmission can feel like your body is rearranging and you are being zapped with a million volts.”


This is not gnostic Christianity. This is manipulating kundalini energy.


It’s a shame that you are unable to explore your transmission ability with any degree of objectivity, which might add clarity to what is actually occurring, instead of obscuring its true nature in confounding theory.


I gather my mistake here was to say that your concept of 'light transmission' was not gnostic Christianity but manipulating kundalini energy. I now see that according to Malachi (as quoted by Tibetan Ice in post #143) gnostic Christianity itself invokes the 'Divine Mother's Force' to initiate a kundalini rising. 


it awakens through the blessings and grace of the Divine Mother, through an influx of the Mother’s Force from above that sparks the Holy Fire of the Serpent below.



is through the Mother’s Force, her Divine Grace, that we awaken this – and it is through her Force, the Light from above, that the serpent is uplifted and redeemed, reintegrated with the Divine Presence and Power above, and everywhere below; awakening it, we may use it to manifest our true dreams and our destiny, and to perform good works for the people and the land, and to worship the Holy Mother-Bride in spirit and truth – awakening it, if we are willing, the Mother Spirit and Powers will guide us and show us what to do with this great power.


It is a great sacred power – very mysterious, mystical, magical, powerful and unpredictable; there is great beauty in it and there is great danger in it – we approach it wisely with holy awe and wonder, and humility.

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