
How to find the lower dan tian ?

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On 5/8/2020 at 1:19 PM, waterdrop said:

How to find the lower dan tian ?    (like really finding the real location and knowing you found it)

i seen about  some place you just let your awareness "sink"  by doing meditation and by that it will automatically lower itself down  until when it reaches the lower dan tian level it will "suck it up"  or something like that 

I have an inconsistent meditation practice and thats maybe why i dont get any  "achievements"   to now  but i did start to meditate 12 years ago  and did a few meditation retreats  .......   and  it doesnt seem that it should take years to just find (if someone is looking for it)  and if soo would be a shame to spend another 12 years just to find it  ......     so maybe i didnt get things right and its not just to meditate and you will find it ?

what are some ways to find it ?  how to find it ?    any detail someone wants to add on the topic is welcomed


Feel for it is the only way to know for yourself. I was a bit confused for sometime as I relied on others to give me answers and when I realized that most were just opinions I began using my senses and feelings to find what I was looking for. Self reliance as opposed to wanting others to think and provide answers for you is the way out of confusion.

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3 hours ago, EmeraldHead said:

So, if you can shoot electric q, for real, then you are emitting a lot of juice from you which will take considerable amount of time to replenish back? Something like hours or deeply focused cultivation or maybe even MONTHS? (as I've heard in the case of someone frying an egg with faqi)


So you must Absolutely spend a lot of cultivation to produce the faqi with no way of minimizing the consumption?

You replenish most of your qi just by resting and eating. To go to maximum amount (for yourself based on what stage you are at) you do meditation every day too. Don't need hours either, a quick 20-30 mins will fully replenish you, given that you have had good food and got enough sleep the previous day. 

I am referring to after you emitted qi into patients, the electric stuff everyone always goes crazy about, everyone wants, but no ones listens when you give them the answers they don't want to hear.

I'll try again.

You cannot feel your dantian or even develop it without a teacher guiding you. Most teachers out there don't have a clue unfortunately. The only way to really develop your dantian, is to go and find a lineage and master where they are able to emit qi. You want to be able to emit the super strong electric qi, then you need a teacher who can do it. Makes sense no?


You need help to open your channels in the beginning, or you will waste your time. You can do the correct methods, if channels were not opened/adjusted for you, you will not develop your dantian.

While you are developing the dantian, you will not feel anything like you read in the books. You will barely feel anything in the dantian. Over time you will feel more and more in your meridians, dense electric qi will fill your arms and legs when you train, but your dantian will have very little sensation. You are just aware of it, similar to how you are aware of your hands.


Once the dantian is developed to a certain degree, which means it contains a certain amount of qi, condensed into a region, not scattered throughout your abodomen, then you can start to try to emit it. For this, in this stage you need a teacher, who can enlarge your channels/ open your channels temporarily as they are not sufficiently open yet to emit the qi you have gathered.

Later, to progress further, your teacher is the one enlarging your channels, your teacher is the one who helps you progress. No teacher, no progress. 

This is reality, this is how you progress, this is how you feel and develop your dantian. 


It's not what people want to hear, so they argue, they claim they develop the same abilities from who knows what. It's just not true. You guys always to know the secret method, you want to know how to be like famous masters, yet you don't listen when you are told how to go about it.


The dantian, it does not exist, it's not there. You have to cultivate it, you CANT do this just by focussing on the stomach, letting your qi sink into your stomach, guarding the dantian, watching your breath, you are wasting your time. First you need your channels opened, or know how to open them yourself. It's a really horrible form of mabu, which i have never seen anywhere else, which does it if you don't have a teacher. it requires 3 years of doing this mabu to open the channels required for dantian development to even happen in the first place.

Just breathing into the stomach is a wonderful exercise for health, no saying anything bad about it, BUT, IT WILL NOT DEVELOP A DANTIAN.


I know people will argue with me, they always do. But before you argue, ask yourself. Can you emit this qi, have you ever felt this qi, have you ever met anyone who can emit this qi? If the answer is no, then you do not know better than the person who is able to... 

PS. I hate having to say this qi, or electric qi. For me it's just qi, it's whats supposed to happen over time if you are dedicated and have a teacher. Unfortunately very few public teachers/schools have this knowledge, the ones that do, stay out of the spotlight. Most schools, go back a few hundred years, all developed the same thing, many just got diluted over the years and lost the knowledge. We saw this happen with the school that must not be named. The only one who could emit qi was kicked out, and the rest just had theory, and words, but none could do it. In a few generations electric qi will just be a legend in their school, a story told but not something that was true.




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I will share a funny story with you guys.


A few years back, maybe 5 or 6, was visiting a fairly well known teacher who could emit qi. A few guys showed up on the trip, they had been doing the stolen mp practices and were part of the dedicated mp group. Each had been training an hour a day and been training for 2-4 years each.


They came up to the teacher super confident, ready to be checked. He evaluated their health, had some minor deficiencies, nothing major, some blockages, quite common these days for most people. Then they asked one by one, what about my dantian, what about my qi? The teacher kinda giggled, confused look on his face, asked them what qi? There is nothing here, no dantian, no qi. 

Angry they sat in the back mumbling to each other. Over a few days their moods improved, they accepted that they wasted their time and was finally here with a teacher who could do what they hoped to achieve, so gave it their all. I became quite close with one and we talk every now and again.

About 3-4 years later, one of them finally managed to accumulate enough qi in his dantian to get to try to emit this qi with assistance. Channels are opened for you, making it easier to do. He succesfully emitted qi, only a short 3 second burst of electric current and he was empty, but he did it.


I asked him later on, what the difference was in his practice. At first he did quiet sitting practice with focus on the dantian for an hour a day, no channels opened, dantian could not develop but he didn't know this. On the first trip mentioned above, his channels were opened, allowing him to skip the 3 years of horrible mabu and immediately start to develop the dantian. I asked, did things feel any different when you trained? Before and the past few years.


He said no, things felt exactly the same. He had the same kind of sensations in the dantian after coming and actually being able to develop a dantian that he had before when he was effectively wasting his time.


The sensations most of you experience in the lower abdomen has nothing to do with a dantian. I know many desperately want to believe  they are working with their dantians and can feel their dantians, but you can't. It's not there, you are just feeling random sensations created by intense focus, breathing, increased blood flow, stretching of the abdominal muscles, blockages, etc.


I wait for those who come to argue, I know there are so many who will angrily tell me they have dantians, they can feel them, they can emit qi. Yes, but can you emit qi that will effect everyone, make their muscles contract? Whether they believe or don't believe in qi, whether they are focussed or thinking about gummy bears while you are trying to emit qi. The answer will be no for every single one of you, so, maybe, just maybe, you are not correct in your thinking.

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Xiao meng,


Hi, a couple questions and please forgive me if I have asked you this before and have forgotten.


First- can you fa qi on your own?  Or do you need a master's help to fa qi.

Second- if you don't mind sharing, what does your daily practice look like?  What do you do (generally speaking, not asking for specific exercises) and about how much time do you spend on it?




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27 minutes ago, mla7 said:

Xiao meng,


Hi, a couple questions and please forgive me if I have asked you this before and have forgotten.


First- can you fa qi on your own?  Or do you need a master's help to fa qi.

Second- if you don't mind sharing, what does your daily practice look like?  What do you do (generally speaking, not asking for specific exercises) and about how much time do you spend on it?




Happy to share.


I can faqi on my own, but most of the time my teacher does my channels first. Makes it easier on me and less draining on my qi, so I am always happy if my teacher wants to help first. Also, if he says come over here let me open your channels so you can faqi, you don't argue, you do as your as asked. When my channels are opened, qi flows smoother, less qi is wasted and you can do more patients. I am by no means a master, but not a beginner either. 


Practice is such a small part of developing qi. Health and healthy living is the most important factor there is. Qigong will not fix your health by itself. You can do the most advanced practices in the world, if you are not in good health, you won't get anywhere and the practices won't improve your health either. Your lifestyle needs to change for the better along with daily qigong to really start having it improve, and depending on how bad it was, can take years or even decades to recover. 


My daily practice is short, about 20-30 min a day, I have a range of practices that I do, some time spent accumulating qi in the dantian, some spent bringing qi out of the dantian,  balancing yin and yang in the body. No need to spend 3 hours a day, guys who tried this took way longer than me to reach the first stage where you can faqi with help. Takes your body a long time to develop qi, takes a long time to progress, years, not months, and more than 30 mins just didn't help the guys who did it so I never saw a point in trying to overdo it.

In the first few years you don't do all this this, most of your time is spent gathering qi into the dantian. It's a process and you add practices as you go (when you teacher evaluates you and decides you are ready), but you can't skip the first part and you can't add practices if you don't have a dantian, you won't get anywhere. There is no point. Also, no teacher, no point unless you are only doing this for a small health benefit. If your goal is to develop the dantian, develop qi, then you 100% require a teacher, not having one is wasting your time.

Edited by 小梦想
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I see, thank you for the response.


One more question if you don't mind.


Is it dangerous for you to fa qi without supervision?  Or does it not really matter?



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19 minutes ago, mla7 said:

I see, thank you for the response.


One more question if you don't mind.


Is it dangerous for you to fa qi without supervision?  Or does it not really matter?



It's dangerous if you don't listen to your teachers advice and don't respect your limitations.


When you faqi, you drain more than just your qi, your blood gets drained too. When you push yourself can easily get to the point where you collapse and can be in real trouble then. You develop this just like you develop your qi. First time you faqi one person, next time 2-3, next time 5, next time 8 and then you get a feel for what you can do(This takes years, not days or months). You get a feel for your capacity, qi levels and when you need a break. Constantly faqi, no break inbetween, there are limits to what you can do.


I did a big jump (quadrupled the amount of people), thought I was going to die afterwards, couldn't really walk, legs jelly and shaking, wanted to throw up, felt super dizzy, had blurred vision, was genuinely scared. Was with my teacher though and somewhat felt safe cause I knew if something went badly wrong he would help.

He just laughed at me and asked me why i was being so stupid, he said you know how this works, why would you just faqi and keep faqiing person after person without a break. He said he was just sat there waiting for me to collapse. In hindsight kinda funny, but faqi is not games, you can really cause damage to yourself. 

If you know your limits, then it's fine, however, teacher said do not faqi when you are not with me, so I don't. No point not listening to those who know better than you.

Edited by 小梦想
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The idea that Qi is a thing to be accumulated is an error. I would favor it being a ubiquitous cosmic energy field that no one owns. Practices just make the field more coherent/complex. 

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@ralisInteresting comment ralis , very interesting  - do you think if someone just meditates (as in buddhist meditation) he will be able to emit qi  -  manybe not necassry from his lower dan tian  - maybe from another body part (the heart , the head ,all the body  )  ?


Edited by waterdrop

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@小梦想     do you have any thoughts about zhineng qigong  (especially about how they go about developing the channels and the dantian) ?

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30 minutes ago, waterdrop said:

@ralisInteresting comment ralis , very interesting  - do you think if someone just meditates (as in buddhist meditation) he will be able to emit qi  -  manybe not necassry from his lower dan tian  - maybe from another body part (the heart , the head ,all the body  )  ?


The chi (prana) envelops you like a sheath. Like a cloud if you will, somewhat equally all over, including the space of the 'aura'. You can throw out from anywhere, as well as plug in to charge it from any point. It's like a free balloon or cloud in the air. Prana is a degree of consciousness at the end of the day so consciousness can be thought of as being fully non-solid. Or having no definite quantitative form.


But the electric chi discussed so far, is entirely different phenomenon from just throwing about in a random manner. Proper, innate structure needs to be build and activated.

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30 minutes ago, waterdrop said:

@ralisInteresting comment ralis , very interesting  - do you think if someone just meditates (as in buddhist meditation) he will be able to emit qi  -  manybe not necassry from his lower dan tian  - maybe from another body part (the heart , the head ,all the body  )  ?


I don’t think you are emitting as in some sort of ray, but a complex field with intention/will. I will say more later about since I am rather busy at the moment. 

Much of the current beliefs are based on old Theosophical constructs which are not accurate. 

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I'm just trying to understand your position here. Is this a doctor thing, or a minimum requirement thing?



17 hours ago, 小梦想 said:

It's used to enhance treatment. The man in the video is a doctor, mainly treats patients and uses his qi for this purpose. Truth be told, most who can faqi, not the stuff dwai is sharing, the powerful electric qi, is used by chinese medicine doctors. 

I can't think of one lineage or master who can do this that isn't a doctor and uses it to treat patients.

On 5/10/2020 at 10:54 PM, 小梦想 said:


He knows many people who have a filled, activated lower dantian but they aren't walking talking bug zappers. Yeah sure, they have a full dantian, they have open channels. Strangely cannot emit qi, hmmmm, everyone I know who has a dantian and open channels can emit qi. Not just one lineage either, but know at least 5 different lineages (all in china, hidden and not really public) who have the correct methods to develop the dantian. For all of them, being able to emit qi, strong electrical current, is the min requirement to show your dantian is full and channels are sufficiently open.



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10 hours ago, waterdrop said:

@小梦想     do you have any thoughts about zhineng qigong  (especially about how they go about developing the channels and the dantian) ?

I do not know this school, sorry.


7 hours ago, forestofemptiness said:

I'm just trying to understand your position here. Is this a doctor thing, or a minimum requirement thing?

It's not a doctor thing, it's whats meant to happen when you activate and develop the dantian. Just happens to be extremely useful when used along with acupuncture and herbs. Increases the effect of treatment exponentially.


But, if you are on the dantian path, then this is what is supposed to happen. You need this qi to fuel the higher level practices. If you don't reach this stage you can never reach any higher level stages. You know so many people who skip developing the dantian properly because they don't have the methods or teacher to get there. They do however move onto the other dantians and higher practices but never really develop anything that is meant to happen. They don't know what is meant to happen either and this is why they can get away with it. Just apply what they have achieved and make it fit with what is written.


Once in a blue moon, normally in dantian development threads, and I try to explain to people the real process, but normally I am met with hostility and arguments. So, i get fed up and disappear for a year before I come back and try again.

I geniunely want to help people, I don't teach or advertise my school, just want to help those who were like me, desperately wanting to learn the real practices but not knowing how. I also learned from books, learned from local teachers, lived in a bubble thinking I was making progress. Read a step by step book on Daiost development and made what I experienced fit with that was written in the books.

Now when I look at the books, things make sooo much more sense, because I am no longer trying to make what I experience fit with that is written, what is written just makes perfect sense based on what I experience.


So, emitting qi, it's just something you can do, just a byproduct of correct training. You don't have to do it and unless you are helping students develop or treating patients, otherwise you are just wasting qi for no benefit to anyone. Better to keep your qi and use it for the next stages of practice.


A good example is this.

About 2 or 3 years ago, I was doing my practice and all of a sudden my dantian/stomach began to move, it would contract and expand very physically, a good 2-3 inches of movement. Looked like a balloon inflating and deflating, just kept going like that and my mind jumped to how my dantian is now so full it's pulsing, expanding, I am soo good, have so much qi now.

Truth is I had a blockage and too much damp qi, this wasn't happening as a sign of development, but a sign of a problem. 

Another time


I started to get burning in my laogong points, bright red marks appeared on both hands and felt like I had acid on those points. Again, mind jumped to how  full my dantian is, how strong my qi is, how my middle dantian had started to activate. Truth again was an issue in my meridian flow, this was happening not because of something good, but because of something negative. Not a sign of anything positive.


The reason I thought these were both positive, is because I read about them in books, or heard about them on forums or people in lineages I believed were high level, they were classed as signs of achievement, signs of doing well. When you consult you teacher and he laughs for 3 mins straight and explains the real reason this is happening, then you slowly realize what is truth and what is just made up stories of those who don't understand.


We all go through this process of trying to make sense of things, trying to understand. I started the exact same spot as everyone else, was just lucky enough to be able to travel and seek out teachers. When i come here, I don't come to argue, but to help explain away the wrong beliefs that will hold people back.

Unfortunately it normally turns into arguments because others refuse to be laughed at for 3 mins straight, they never learn which beliefs are total nonsense and which are true. If you don't learn which beliefs are wrong and which are right, you can never improve your practice, you will never achieve anything.


In fact, quite a few schools list signs of development and people are so happy when they achieve them. The reality is these are signs of deviation, but they don't know. Slowly over time, not only are they not developing their dantians and qi, they are making themselves sicker and sicker. It will take a good 10-20 years before the damage becomes so great it turns to serious disease, but it will come. People then just brush it off as age related, it's normal to start to develop issues in your 40s and 50s, people just accept it but never wonder if there isn't a way to be healthy and not have these issues.




Edited by 小梦想
Always fixing grammar and typing mistakes
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5 hours ago, 小梦想 said:

But, if you are on the dantian path, then this is what is supposed to happen. You need this qi to fuel the higher level practices. If you don't reach this stage you can never reach any higher level stages. You know so many people who skip developing the dantian properly because they don't have the methods or teacher to get there. They do however move onto the other dantians and higher practices but never really develop anything that is meant to happen. They don't know what is meant to happen either and this is why they can get away with it. Just apply what they have achieved and make it fit with what is written.



So, emitting qi, it's just something you can do, just a byproduct of correct training. You don't have to do it and unless you are helping students develop or treating patients, otherwise you are just wasting qi for no benefit to anyone. Better to keep your qi and use it for the next stages of practice.

Thank you for sharing! I believe you. What you say is confusing for most indeed. So I am curious what happens further.


Are the middle and upper dan tien a similarly hard etched into the system structure that come with UNIQUE benefits ? or are the MDTs and UDTs of most people out there valid but only the LDT is more of a cardboard, temporary signpost ?


Also what do you say on the Wuliu pai claim that the LDT of most people is just the elixir field or tien as it has no dan yet? Is this how you view it as well?

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3 hours ago, EmeraldHead said:

Thank you for sharing! I believe you. What you say is confusing for most indeed. So I am curious what happens further.


Are the middle and upper dan tien a similarly hard etched into the system structure that come with UNIQUE benefits ? or are the MDTs and UDTs of most people out there valid but only the LDT is more of a cardboard, temporary signpost ?


Also what do you say on the Wuliu pai claim that the LDT of most people is just the elixir field or tien as it has no dan yet? Is this how you view it as well?

Most of this forum see electric qi as something out of a book. If i start talking about the abilities that come from developing the middle and upper dantian I would sound crazy to most. But I know how utterly unbelievable things become, which is why I can safely say that very few even come close to developing the middle and upper dantians despite their belief that they do.


The dantian is just an area, a place until you cultivate it, so yes, I guess you can say we view it in a similar way. 

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13 minutes ago, 小梦想 said:

Most of this forum see electric qi as something out of a book. If i start talking about the abilities that come from developing the middle and upper dantian I would sound crazy to most. But I know how utterly unbelievable things become, which is why I can safely say that very few even come close to developing the middle and upper dantians despite their belief that they do.


The dantian is just an area, a place until you cultivate it, so yes, I guess you can say we view it in a similar way. 

Great, thank you man. Feel free to talk. Those who laugh at the Dao, never achieve it. Those who laugh at others, may already be one with the Dao :D

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One of the purposes of this forum is to share our experiences and help others, at least for me. Inevitably, people are going to disagree, and internet forums being what they are, they will be insulting and mean. It can be a good opportunity to work with the emotions that come up, especially since unlike in real life, we can take some time to reflect before responding. 


I had some similar experiences in the Buddhist world, albeit in a different direction. I concur that we often want to lower the bar to match our experiences, so we can consider ourselves advanced Buddhists or Taoists or whatever. I also had similar experiences in which I thought I was making progress, but my teachers have told me I wasn't. 


What you say about the dan tian others say about jhanas. That is to say, if you have not reached a specific high point, you aren't really practicing. I found this to be untrue in the Buddhist context, so while I am open the possibility that this is something that can be developed (as siddhis can be developed in deeper states of concentration), I am not convinced that everything short of electric qi emission is nonsense or false. And even false paths can be useful-- I know I've learned a lot by making mistakes and following dead ends. People are working out their various karmas in various ways, nothing wrong with that. For every teacher I've had from which I've learned something useful, there are always people who say that teacher is false or nonsense. Way of the world.


I think some here would be interested in hearing your views, even if we don't agree. People might argue or be mean, but who cares? It's just pixels on the internet plus our own mind reacting. Also keep in mind for every person who is involved in these conversations, there is an unknown number of people who read but don't comment. If you believe this information would be useful, you should put it out there in my opinion. 



9 hours ago, 小梦想 said:

It's not a doctor thing, it's whats meant to happen when you activate and develop the dantian. Just happens to be extremely useful when used along with acupuncture and herbs. Increases the effect of treatment exponentially.




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2 hours ago, forestofemptiness said:

 I am not convinced that everything short of electric qi emission is nonsense or false.



Me too.  I think the opposite is true i.e. most schools don't train nor practise emitting Chi.  

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2 hours ago, forestofemptiness said:

I am not convinced that everything short of electric qi emission is nonsense or false. 

 Never said what anyone does is nonsense or false, just said it's not going to lead to the results you are meant to see when working with the dantian and in another instance said what he does and what we do are not the same thing.

Curious how you read nonsense and false?

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10 minutes ago, Master Logray said:


Me too.  I think the opposite is true i.e. most schools don't train nor practise emitting Chi.  

I love this, this is a thread about the dantian, how to feel it, and in turn develop it. 

Why do people ask questions and then when someone actually tells them the correct process, what actually happens, they get uptight about it. You want to hear the lies, you want a participation trophy.


Meditation in most instances is good for you. But if you are trying to develop your dantian and your qi, then there is only one correct way, one way that generates the results you are supposed to get.

I know there are hundreds of different schools, and hundreds of different methods, but they don't quite get the results you are meant to get do they? And because they don't get the results spoken about in the authentic writings, people start to believe the results they get are all you can get, or what you are supposed to get. I don't understand the mindset. If there are 100 different methods, and 100 different schools all have different abilities, then surely there is something wrong no? If they all develop the dantian and qi, yet all have wildly different results, something isn't quite right. Isn't this logical to people?

Surely the logical mindset is that you develop the dantian and your qi, that everyone will end up with the same results? If you don't all get the same results, then some are getting the wrong results? Everyone can't be right surely?


Develop the dantian, fill it with qi, the end result should be the same for everyone. We all are working with the same dantian and the same qi no? Or do some people work with a different kind of dantian, maybe there are 50 different kinds of dantians, and maybe there are 50 different kinds of qi, so you can have hundreds of different end results. It's a bit absurd no? 


Kind of like following a recipe but all ending up with a different dish.... how does this work? Same dantian, same qi, should get the same results.

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See below. I bolded the parts that I thought led to that conclusion. I'm not saying my mental projections are right or wrong, but this is what they're based on. 

44 minutes ago, 小梦想 said:

 Never said what anyone does is nonsense or false, just said it's not going to lead to the results you are meant to see when working with the dantian and in another instance said what he does and what we do are not the same thing.

Curious how you read nonsense and false?

On 5/12/2020 at 9:01 AM, 小梦想 said:

You cannot feel your dantian or even develop it without a teacher guiding you. Most teachers out there don't have a clue unfortunately. The only way to really develop your dantian, is to go and find a lineage and master where they are able to emit qi. You want to be able to emit the super strong electric qi, then you need a teacher who can do it. Makes sense no?




The dantian, it does not exist, it's not there. You have to cultivate it, you CANT do this just by focussing on the stomach, letting your qi sink into your stomach, guarding the dantian, watching your breath, you are wasting your time. First you need your channels opened, or know how to open them yourself. It's a really horrible form of mabu, which i have never seen anywhere else, which does it if you don't have a teacher. it requires 3 years of doing this mabu to open the channels required for dantian development to even happen in the first place.

Just breathing into the stomach is a wonderful exercise for health, no saying anything bad about it, BUT, IT WILL NOT DEVELOP A DANTIAN.



PS. I hate having to say this qi, or electric qi. For me it's just qi, it's whats supposed to happen over time if you are dedicated and have a teacher. Unfortunately very few public teachers/schools have this knowledge, the ones that do, stay out of the spotlight. Most schools, go back a few hundred years, all developed the same thing, many just got diluted over the years and lost the knowledge. We saw this happen with the school that must not be named. The only one who could emit qi was kicked out, and the rest just had theory, and words, but none could do it. In a few generations electric qi will just be a legend in their school, a story told but not something that was true.






12 hours ago, 小梦想 said:

But, if you are on the dantian path, then this is what is supposed to happen. You need this qi to fuel the higher level practices. If you don't reach this stage you can never reach any higher level stages. You know so many people who skip developing the dantian properly because they don't have the methods or teacher to get there. They do however move onto the other dantians and higher practices but never really develop anything that is meant to happen. They don't know what is meant to happen either and this is why they can get away with it. Just apply what they have achieved and make it fit with what is written.




12 hours ago, 小梦想 said:


So, emitting qi, it's just something you can do, just a byproduct of correct training. You don't have to do it and unless you are helping students develop or treating patients, otherwise you are just wasting qi for no benefit to anyone. Better to keep your qi and use it for the next stages of practice.


12 hours ago, 小梦想 said:

The reason I thought these were both positive, is because I read about them in books, or heard about them on forums or people in lineages I believed were high level, they were classed as signs of achievement, signs of doing well. When you consult you teacher and he laughs for 3 mins straight and explains the real reason this is happening, then you slowly realize what is truth and what is just made up stories of those who don't understand.


We all go through this process of trying to make sense of things, trying to understand. I started the exact same spot as everyone else, was just lucky enough to be able to travel and seek out teachers. When i come here, I don't come to argue, but to help explain away the wrong beliefs that will hold people back.

Unfortunately it normally turns into arguments because others refuse to be laughed at for 3 mins straight, they never learn which beliefs are total nonsense and which are true. If you don't learn which beliefs are wrong and which are right, you can never improve your practice, you will never achieve anything.


In fact, quite a few schools list signs of development and people are so happy when they achieve them. The reality is these are signs of deviation, but they don't know. Slowly over time, not only are they not developing their dantians and qi, they are making themselves sicker and sicker. It will take a good 10-20 years before the damage becomes so great it turns to serious disease, but it will come. People then just brush it off as age related, it's normal to start to develop issues in your 40s and 50s, people just accept it but never wonder if there isn't a way to be healthy and not have these issues.






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31 minutes ago, forestofemptiness said:

See below. I bolded the parts that I thought led to that conclusion. I'm not saying my mental projections are right or wrong, but this is what they're based on. 

In all instances I was specifically referring to developing and filling your dantian, not referring to any practice or school as nonsense or false.


Most teachers don't have a clue how to develop and fill the dantian with qi, most schools cannot achieve this. Doesn't mean I inferred the schools or teachers were useless. They just can't develop the dantian with their methods, their methods to develop and fill the dantian was being spoken about.

But you seem to be taking it quite personally, why is that? 

Edited by 小梦想
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Someone who disagrees with me, disagrees with what i said about dantian and qi development, would you mind answering the following?

How do 10 different people from 10 different schools all develop the dantian and fill it with qi, yet have 10 different outcomes? Same dantian, same qi, different results. 


Some schools only spend a few months working on the dantian and others spend many years. Do they achieve the same thing? Is 3 months just as good at 6 years. Will you have the same results? Both say their dantians are developed and filled, but surely this can't be. One of them has to be wrong in their statement, because both can't be right. 

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3 minutes ago, 小梦想 said:

Most teachers don't have a clue how to develop and fill the dantian with qi, most schools cannot achieve this. Doesn't mean I inferred the schools or teachers were useless. They just can't develop the dantian with their methods, their methods to develop and fill the dantian was being spoken about.

I encountered a few people who can faqi and a gentleman I met here gave me very good insights about the LDT. I make no delusion about having an LDT because of him but also realized that I can still do things of interest to me without an LDT, which in my case is fajin. 

If I ever meet that guy, who knows? Maybe I’ll ask him for help with the LDT. You remind me of him because he has the desire to help explain to others what was accurate and not to prick their bubble, unfortunately, he left because they just refused to listen and continued spewing venom at him. He was a lot happier off the forum last I heard, anyway.

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