
Britain and the European Union

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Ha ha very good.


What I think about a second referendum is that it is a dumb idea - slightly dumber than the original referendum.  But it does at least express a kind of demand - and that is Parliament get your fucking act together.  Which is the point really because the petition can only cause a debate in Parliament which is really (given that we have a Parliamentary Democracy) where these debates are supposed to take place.


And the subject of the debate is - what is our plan of withdrawal?  how do we remove ourselves from the EU with a minimum of disruption and with a stable economic future.  What's the best way of going about that?  Any ideas?

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We don't seem to be getting any guidance. Instead the parties are squabbling amongst themselves. Fucking politicians, let's stack them in a pile and set a fire. If anyone had any doubts to the complete useless, incompetent power grabbers prior to the referendum, then they surely can't have any left. This was the most important decision for generations and the kids are chucking their toys out of the sand pit. George can't be found, Cameron the quitter doesn't want to do the hard work, the Tories and Labour are tearing themselves apart trying to find a culprit for the electorates inability to follow a simple command to vote remain.

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We don't seem to be getting any guidance. Instead the parties are squabbling amongst themselves. Fucking politicians, let's stack them in a pile and set a fire. If anyone had any doubts to the complete useless, incompetent power grabbers prior to the referendum, then they surely can't have any left. This was the most important decision for generations and the kids are chucking their toys out of the sand pit. George can't be found, Cameron the quitter doesn't want to do the hard work, the Tories and Labour are tearing themselves apart trying to find a culprit for the electorates inability to follow a simple command to vote remain.


You have summed the situation up perfectly and it is indeed a complete mess - but a mess that was to be expected.

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We don't seem to be getting any guidance. Instead the parties are squabbling amongst themselves. Fucking politicians, let's stack them in a pile and set a fire. If anyone had any doubts to the complete useless, incompetent power grabbers prior to the referendum, then they surely can't have any left. This was the most important decision for generations and the kids are chucking their toys out of the sand pit. George can't be found, Cameron the quitter doesn't want to do the hard work, the Tories and Labour are tearing themselves apart trying to find a culprit for the electorates inability to follow a simple command to vote remain.


With the Labour party is disarray also - I guess we are more or less lost.  Cameron has to address the EU Summit on Tuesday - pity his speech writer.  'We're leaving but I'm not announcing we're leaving, the crispy duck was delicious, thank you very much and goodnight'

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With the Labour party is disarray also - I guess we are more or less lost. Cameron has to address the EU Summit on Tuesday - pity his speech writer. 'We're leaving but I'm not announcing we're leaving, the crispy duck was delicious, thank you very much and goodnight'

"Nowt to do with me, I'm only here for the champagne and nibbles"


It amazes me that he can just quit after being voted in to serve a term. After saying he would remain whatever happened he unilaterally decides to act like a fucking caretaker who doesn't want to do a damned thing but create a long delay. All this 'steadying the ship' nonsense is just code for fancying about at tax payers expense. Then George-the part time chancellor-has vanished.

Edited by Karl

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Any ideas?


My plan for Brexit is:


Short term we have no option except to come to some kind of arrangement similar to Norway. Long term I think we will need a restructuring of our economy as for a long time it has been too dependent on financial services and trading, in the short term this isn't going to change and all companies which have planned or recently set up offices here won't move, but the likelyhood of that changing over time is high now as many companies looking to set up new headquarters and offices will no longer chose London and will more likely choose Paris or Frankfurt. So the economic impact I expect to be a long decline rather than an immediate shock. 


To counter this I believe the short term prosperity from the doomed City should be funnelled into creating high tech centres and into universities. As soon as the Brexit result was announced the only company in the country to increase its share was the high tech company Arm Holdings, because it does most of its selling internationally. Where I am in Cambridge there is a growing Tech scene with companies such as Arm thriving partly due to good links with the world class University here. There is now a 'Silcone Fen' in Cambridgeshire with companies such as Microsoft  and bio-tech companies like Astro-Zenica locating here. 


Our universities should continue to flourish no matter what and if this mutual relationship with tech firms is invested in and made with many of the other Universities in different areas of the country I don't see how we can't transition to a high tech economy. A high tech economy trades worldwide so won't rely on working with the EU and It is only by restructuring our trade away from the EU that we can really be free of its meddling.


Also local economy and local individual farming of food should be encouraged, while the advances of technology such as Tesla means that energy self sufficiency isn't too far off. Will take a bit of planning but sorted. The government wont plan like this though, they will just do whatever they need to get elected

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"Nowt to do with me, I'm only here for the champagne and nibbles"


It amazes me that he can just quit after being voted in to serve a term. After saying he would remain whatever happened he unilaterally decides to act like a fucking caretaker who doesn't want to do a damned thing but create a long delay. All this 'steadying the ship' nonsense is just code for fancying about at tax payers expense. Then George-the part time chancellor-has vanished.


An awful lot of phones will have been getting very hot this weekend as certain parties position themselves for the future. So far as futures go George Osborne is probably at a complete loss.


Whatever happened to Nick Clegg?

Edited by Chang

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You know fully well what I'm talking about, all the voting statistics show a big divide between old and young, between the retired and those just out trying to make their lives. The young have to live and work with this decision far longer than the old, this is just a fact. There is mounting resentment with young people which is also a fact, due to issues like increasing debt and inability to buy housing, you can try deflect it away as ageist or Nazi but it isn't going to go away, rather this decision of exit is going to exacerbate the issue even further.


But yeah that isn't the only divide, old/young, poor/rich, England/rest of Britain , so focus on only one of the areas (like the rich/poor divide which many people are pointing to as the only reason) is to not get the whole picture.



Statistics indeed shows divide between old and young; but in my view this is superficial analysis. I'm judging based on my personal experience living in British Columbia, Canada. Statistically, majority of the population is still Caucasian white, but if you go to streets and look who actually actively participates in economic life - they are immigrants by vast majority. I believe the same is true for the UK as well. If you run across a school class grade 4-5 in a local park - 90% are children of visible immigrants and possibly 2-3 children will be Caucasians. What this means for our analysis? It was not young who voted Remain - they were second generation of immigrants who voted to Remain. Whether this is good or not - I don't know. But what I do know is that mass immigration does change country's culture to the better or to the worse.

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Y'all need to chillax.


It's no biggie - all that's happened is the UK's lost its voting rights in the EU.


All that the UK now needs to do is to elect a leader who's not a complete twat.


But don't worry if they can't manage that because Monsieur Hollande and Frau Merkel will walk them through the process of downgrading the UK to (non-voting) associate membership.


Shouldn't be a major problem for the EU or the UK because that would be in neither party's best interests.


Stop and think about it for a few days...



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And here's my suggestion for someone who's probably not a complete twat:-


Paddy Ashdown



However, it would be wise to interview him and take up references first.


Perhaps Karl and Chang could write to him and invite him to take part in a TaoBums interview..?



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And here's my suggestion for someone who's probably not a complete twat:-


Paddy Ashdown



However, it would be wise to interview him and take up references first.


Perhaps Karl and Chang could write to him and invite him to take part in a TaoBums interview..?



Not the brightest light on the tree.

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In any case, it will be the Civil Service who will be handed the responsibility of cleaning-up this clusterfuck.


Liam Fox is already pointing the finger at them and saying that they would have been incompetent if they didn't have a contingency plan.


Perhaps they are? (Incompetent that is...)


Nevertheless, as I said it's no biggie and the process will be managed on the other side of the Channel now...

Edited by gatito
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Max Keiser of Russia Today (the propaganda arm of the former USSR)... :blink:


Somehow, I suspect he's a bit of a cheerleader for Putin's agenda... :P


if only everything were so simple - blame the source. fact is RT is the only outlet that will give commentators like him any airplay. there's nothing particularly pro-russian about his outlook besides the fact he's picking apart the western elites financial system. he's been talking about markets the last couple of decades from the perspective of an ex Wall Street banker, long before RT, and been highly predictive about the mess that's unfolded. he really gets how this stuff works and does a great job of explaining it.

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if only everything were so simple - blame the source. fact is RT is the only outlet that will give commentators like him any airplay. there's nothing particularly pro-russian about his outlook besides the fact he's picking apart the western elites financial system. he's been talking about markets the last couple of decades from the perspective of an ex Wall Street banker, long before RT, and been highly predictive about the mess that's unfolded. he really gets how this stuff works and does a great job of explaining it.


And why do you think that he's sponsored by Putin (friend of Western democracy)?

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And why do you think that he's sponsored by Putin (friend of Western democracy)?


that has nothing to do with whether what he's saying is true or valid, only whose interests may be served to proliferate said information. besdies, like i said, he's been commentating on markets long before his RT show and the link is from his own podcast. i was listening to him long before RT and it doesn't change a thing with the accuracy of what he's been saying.

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And here's my suggestion for someone who's probably not a complete twat:-


Paddy Ashdown



However, it would be wise to interview him and take up references first.


Perhaps Karl and Chang could write to him and invite him to take part in a TaoBums interview..?





That's not a bad call - but surely he's very pro-EU isn't he?

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That's not a bad call - but surely he's very pro-EU isn't he?

Completely pro-eu and a dumbo.

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People who live in glass houses Karl...



Call it as I see it. He is a very unimpressive intellect.

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That's not a bad call - but surely he's very pro-EU isn't he?


I wouldn't worry about that Apech, he'd go through Karl and Chang like a dose of salts.

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