
Whatever happened in Cologne never never happened

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It's unclear what our 'hard won values' are and it makes even less sense when you consider that we don't adopt a basket of values, or even earn the values we purportedly have as individuals. It's just another authoritarian belief in the power of social programming and if you don't accept the social programming then expect there to be ostracised. David Cameron: "a belief in freedom, tolerance of others, accepting personal and social responsibility, respecting and upholding the rule of law"These are the values Cameron believes should be instituted amongst the population. "A 'belief' in freedom" -only says 'belief' because freedom is whatever the state tells us it is. If that's the freedom not to worry about about personal freedom but to let the state be the arbiter of that, as it was in Nazi Germany/Soviet Russia then it isn't freedom at all."Tolerance of others" no definition of tolerance, are we supposed to be tolerant of everybody no matter what they do or say ? No, of course the state has that sown up. We are to be tolerant of whatever the state decrees we should be tolerant of and intolerant of everything else."Accepting personal AND social responsibility" these are in opposition with each other deliberately. This is the kind of doublespeak INGSOC would have been proud of. It points once again to the 'responsibilities' that a person should have towards the state-and more concretely the Government."Respecting and upholding the rule of law" it's a truism. It's no longer a simple set of laws, but an entire library full of legalism which is added to daily in order that our freedoms are further restricted. Cameron's values are bunkum. He believes in nothing more than authoritarian rule 'might makes right' and 'do what I say or else'. It appears the only people giving freedom are the people to whom freedom is being gradually denied. We have given the state the freedom to take away our freedom.

As a resident of the home of bunkum (literally), I felt this deserves repeating.

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.... It appears the only people giving freedom are the people to whom freedom is being gradually denied. We have given the state the freedom to take away our freedom.


For once I agree with you.


I don't object to the phrase 'belief in freedom' though - as even though I may not have it I do believe in it.  Apart from that I would not look to David Cameron for any ideas about what our values are since he has none himself - except a sense of entitlement to power.

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One of my favorite sayings by one of my favorite historical people:


"Sovereignty is not given. It is taken."


-- Mustafa Kemal Ataturk



It always has been -- and again someday will have to be.


I think fundamentally, capitalism and democratic republics and that whole part of the spectrum is about the sovereignty of individual free will -- the caveat being, "...except as eroded by the system" which varies depending on the system. As I'm sure Karl could outline in detail, heh.


"Blurring for the sake of bullying" seems like the way of politics in today's world. A complete inability to use discretionary thinking or evaluation.


When I disliked socialized medicine as presented by President Clinton's "wife" it was because I didn't like the medical plan. When I disliked the ideas for 'Obamacare' it was clearly because I was a racist and he was black, go figure.


If I dislike tenets of Islam that seem to enslave people and endanger the larger culture around them it must be because I just don't like Muslims but if I have the same opinion about a few elements in Scientology it doesn't get bound to a whole group. I suppose that's because so many of them are Caucasian.


If I'm attempting to have a conversation about something like say, illegal immigrants and border security, and someone instantly starts ranting that I'm just racist about Mexicans, that's nothing but a bully tactic to prevent all discretionary thinking -- unless it's merely a tactic to displace any thinking at all because the accusers in question are themselves idiots.

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For once I agree with you.


I don't object to the phrase 'belief in freedom' though - as even though I may not have it I do believe in it.  Apart from that I would not look to David Cameron for any ideas about what our values are since he has none himself - except a sense of entitlement to power.


It is unfortunate that Cameron was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, is married into "old money" and was educated at Eton - where he was a member of that illustrious band of louts "The Bullingdon Club." It becomes impossible for him to defend himself against what is undoubtably a statement of fact.


As regards the wielding of power however I doubt that we would fare better under any Socialist or Liberal leader. My view is plainly stated in fact. Whoever we end up with will peddle the same left wing liberal twaddle that has a stranglehold over the whole of Europe.

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For once I agree with you.


I don't object to the phrase 'belief in freedom' though - as even though I may not have it I do believe in it. Apart from that I would not look to David Cameron for any ideas about what our values are since he has none himself - except a sense of entitlement to power.

I don't object to the phrase per se, I object to it being said to be a value. Freedom is a value that one has and holds by ones actions.


To say 'a belief in freedom' is to miss the linking word 'a belief in the Concept of freedom'. This is ethically unsound. That somebody believes in the idea of something does not mean they practice virtuously towards it. This must be done consciously and deliberately or it's just a throw away phrase. If at any time there is known evasion, then the value is uprooted. One must clearly know what freedom is in regard to existence. Is it freedom to run around stealing and killing ? How must it then accord with the other values you hold ? It cannot exist on its own, so what other concepts is it tied to ? Freedom isn't an axiomatic truth of and by itself, it must be defined in relation to other values and then finally to existence. Unless one is an intrincisist or subjectivist of course and then all bets are off.

Edited by Karl
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It is unfortunate that Cameron was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, is married into "old money" and was educated at Eton - where he was a member of that illustrious band of louts "The Bullingdon Club." It becomes impossible for him to defend himself against what is undoubtably a statement of fact.


As regards the wielding of power however I doubt that we would fare better under any Socialist or Liberal leader. My view is plainly stated in fact. Whoever we end up with will peddle the same left wing liberal twaddle that has a stranglehold over the whole of Europe.



For the edification of yourself, Karl and particularly Brian I feel moved to quote the preamble to the Portuguese constitution - introduced after the glorious communist uprising which bloodlessly expelled the fascist Estado Novo regime:



On the 25th of April 1974 the Armed Forces Movement crowned the long years of

resistance and reflected the deepest feelings of the Portuguese people by overthrowing

the fascist regime.


Freeing Portugal from dictatorship, oppression and colonialism was a revolutionary

change and the beginning of an historic turning point for Portuguese society.


The Revolution restored their fundamental rights and freedoms to the people of

Portugal. In the exercise of those rights and freedoms, the people’s legitimate

representatives have come together to draw up a Constitution that matches the country’s



The Constituent Assembly affirms the Portuguese people’s decision to defend national

independence, guarantee fundamental citizens’ rights, establish the basic principles of

democracy, ensure the primacy of a democratic state based on the rule of law and open

up a path towards a socialist society, with respect for the will of the Portuguese people

and with a view to the construction of a country that is freer, more just and more


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I would be in no great hurry to hail Portugal as a Socialist success story or indeed any sort of success story.



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I would be in no great hurry to hail Portugal as a Socialist success story or indeed any sort of success story.





Ha ha no indeed.


Interestingly though (or at least interesting to me) Art 9 (e) says that it is the role of the state a) To guarantee national independence and create the political, economic, social and cultural conditions that promote it; 


... so really they should leave the EU since they are not allowed to give away political or economic control!!!!!  Ha!


I wonder how many European nations have the same or similar conditions.

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I tend to think Ataturk disproved the notion that dictatorship is intrinsically bad or tyrannical.


I grant, he became a dictator mostly so he could kick the ass of everything bad, set up tons of good, and then establish a democracy to outlive him and outgrow him. He was non-religious and a war general but probably some evolved Being behind all that. Still, one could say that in a perfect world, dictators can sometimes accomplish something no other form of government could.


The whole EU thing I see as a form of political multiculturalism. A lovely idea on paper. Doomed in reality.

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I like to apologise to the good people here , especially Swiss cousins, or anyone else, for having upset their sensibilties and their wa  (Japanese for inner harmony, written as 和 ) making them foaming at the mouth unnecessary and upsetting their digestion as well.



In the hiatus of 3 days jail time for me, I reflected on the error of my ways and realised the accusations that I was xenoaeiou and bloodthirstiness had been founded from my dastardly representations made earlier in a thread 




Moderator Notice


The Dao Bums does not offer a platform for xenophobic and inciting statements. Several posts have been hidden therefore.


This thread is locked until further notice.




I am thankful my naivety written in Sept 25 2015 was hidden away in the flurry of burning   opps..hiding of my mails


When selfless actions of a few impact on lifes of others will that be ok?
As of now, knowing that they be rescued prompted 500,000 to 800,000 for just this year alone, will get onto the dole line and handouts in Europe.



Do such selfless actions get applauded? 
My selfish thoughts of maybe retiring in Europe got torpedoed. I do have enough money but my chances of retiring there diminished each day with extra thousands of those people rescued.
And Europe with burkas and hijabs not the Europe that I want.

My earlier thoughts of checking out Croatia for a few early next year totally derailed.



My idiotic thinking that only 800,000 refugees be going into Europe in 2015 nicely hidden saving me much embarrasement.

How can I expect my own personal happiness be supreme to those refugees in burkas and begging bowls?  



On top of that, I also allowed my own angry views of immigrant rapings of 10 years old and 12 years old girls  to get into my flawed arguments as that seems to  be natural in Europe.  I should not   have allowed my backward views of giving them retributions of 20 rotan strokes even if that is being done in my part of the world as part of the legal heritage we inherited from our wise colonial masters.


Current Europeans are much wiser and sentencing those rapers of young kids to 180 hours of social work is most fitting maybe with counselling for those rapers.  Perhaps counselling be given to the kids and their families and they should be told not to grieve anymore as that is such a small thing against the overall happiness of immigrants.


That I was so listed as very bloodthirsty might be unfortunately very accurate.  I like very much that those views be brought to attention of the governments in my part of the world too.  That hand holding and counselling of rapists of minors  here must follow the European ways or Swiss cousins be most upset.


My talk done then of dropping immigrant into the middle of Med sea was uncalled for.  In mitigation that was in line with the song Throw the jew down the well .  But then I thought finding that many wells for immigrants might be a bit difficult.

In mitigation, I agreed that Michael can keep them in his backyard or bedroom.  


I have a better idea that perhaps they be kept in Merkel's bedroom.  But then the migrants might complain of extreme psychological torture in giving them an old ugly woman which might upset their libidos.  



That my having 25 over muslim friends are totally irrelevant.  To show my repentance, please call me xenoaeiou or whatever you judge jury and executioners can decide on.


Alright, let's see if we can fix that. How would you have me edit the "xenophobic" label on the hidden posts before I reopen that thread? How about "inhumane"? "Misanthropic"? Or... "contemptuous of human life"?


Do you have a problem with English that you need to seek advice from me to word whatever you wish to word of me?


To help you decide, here was what I advocated doing to Agrabah and pasted here to remind one and all.



Must be nuked ASAP until the domes glow.

Princess Jasmine can live with me and brew tea and do other things  for me and  before that nuking










Idiotic Taoist all for nuking one and all until they glow and nuke them once more again



And that this is embedded in my favourite youtube list of songs



Play that and be terrified at the images that go with that song.


The words below will make you even more terrified and  aghast with bloodcurdling rage evoked! Of entrails ripped out from infants and grandmothers.



Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
und das heißt: Erika.
Heiß von hunderttausend kleinen Bienelein
wird umschwärmt Erika
denn ihr Herz ist voller Süßigkeit,
zarter Duft entströmt dem Blütenkleid.
Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
und das heißt: Erika.


In der Heimat wohnt ein kleines Mägdelein
und das heißt: Erika.
Dieses Mädel ist mein treues Schätzelein
und mein Glück, Erika.
Wenn das Heidekraut rot-lila blüht,
singe ich zum Gruß ihr dieses Lied.
Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
und das heißt: Erika.


In mein'm Kämmerlein blüht auch ein Blümelein
und das heißt: Erika.
Schon beim Morgengrau'n sowie beim Dämmerschein
schaut's mich an, Erika.
Und dann ist es mir, als spräch' es laut:
"Denkst du auch an deine kleine Braut?"
In der Heimat weint um dich ein Mägdelein
und das heißt: Erika.







Maybe they are in still in place because there are still people who think they are a good idea?


I am all too well aware of the horrors of child abuse! Not only have I treated cases, I also had one so close to me that it's too personal to go into this here. Why do you think I would play it down just because I don't agree on those drastic punishments you are suggesting? Do they prevent crimes from happening? And what about the inevitable judicial errors?


Am I to agree with all that you like and accept because you are so wise that I got to bow to your edicts and be your mirror image?  Will I go wringing my hands like you moaning some young females close to me got raped and molested?  I much rather that bastard got 20 strokes of the rotan.  And that with 6 strokes, he will be beyond help of Viagra or a ton of rhino horns.


Even so, and to show how much I do not like blood flowing.  I will take a very blunt butter knife and removed that bastard nuts and dick and feed that to the chihuahua down the road.  Then I can consider that chapter closed and I will not wring my hands and moan after that.



Here's the thing... You single out some bad cases, then make a generalization about all refugees, and suggest treating them in inhumane ways. For one thing, there are plenty of families among them. Would you want your children to live where there are bullets flying around them and bombs exploding while they're playing in the sandbox? Do you think those refugees were all just waiting to leave their countries before war broke loose?




If a million Chinese with begging bowls chose to invade Europe so that they can live a better life that they yearned for, I will say very much the same.  To treat those Chinks like invading swarm of bedbugs and bulldoze them into the edge of the Med Sea since bulldozer cannot float them to the middle of the Med Sea.


Even if a million Taoist with their tudis and acolytes chose to invade Europe with begging bowls to hijack aid money earmarked to go elsewhere like their own countries pensioners, I will also urge those million Taoist and tudis and acolytes be incinerated like a bunch of cockroaches that they are.  


It is a joke that Germans are kicked out of houses they lived in for over 20 years for those refugees.


It is a joke that traumatised refugees got fed better than the poor of that country.


Fury in Denmark after TV clip shows what asylum seekers are served


Perhaps so that they can have their energy up for the Taharrush games that those traumatised refugees showed they can play with flair and vigor.


I read with amusement that over 500 reported cases in Koln of unwilling participants of the Taharrush games by estimated 1000 largely traumatised refugees and that 30 odd were caught by police.  


Yet when guys of that city went in revenge beatings of 4-6?? dark refugees, 200++  of them were arrested by  very efficient German police.


A kind of message send to console those traumatised refugees?  That they will hardly be caught and any vengeance beating of them will be caught so they can remain safe in their Taharrush games.  


Which can even be played in swimming pools by 3  15 year old syrians refugees on 17 year old german girl and her 14 year old sister.


Played in so many cities across Europe at the same time.  


So either it was very well organised.  Or Traumatised Refugees do not need to be organised in stuff like that as that will be so natural for them to do what they do best other than praying 5 time a day, getting free hot meals and warm houses to stay before they wear their kaboom vests and fire off their AKs.



Should fascism and right wingers go on the rise, guess what!  The rescuers and counsellors and welcomers of those refugees will say it is people like me that brought that about.  


When in truth, it's those rescuers and counsellors and welcomers of those refugees are the midwives of the birth of fascism and extreme right wingers.


The joke to me the trouble just starting.  I thought 5 millions will be coming in 2016.

It seems that German politicians now expect 10 millions more will be coming and they aint Chinks or Taoists among those lot.


Germany economy is like the rest of the world now.  Ranging from wobbly to very wobbly.


Will the Germany  economy go on to support Greece and Italy and Spain ?


Will funds keep growing and growing to provide hot food warm houses and keeping those begging bowls full?


Or Germany economy brought down, and have 10 million traumatised refugees at same time within her borders without begging bowls filled or hot soup.




Sternbach thinks so and hope so money will keep expanding to fill the needs.

He an economic genius that must be given red carpet welcome at Davos.  He will get answers from them that I do not care to provide to him 


I certainly do not think like him.


He need me to provide him not just with names to name me, he wanted sources that spell out to him what I believe is common sense , which is not so common with him.


I think I do have enough of him.


I do think it will be best to chuck him into my ignore bin and see no more of his requests to me.


(ps, I was not allowed to chuck conceige into ignore bin as I just found out.  I think I just use a mental block and not see any stuff he wanted to chuck at me)




You still haven't given me any particular sources which clearly state the connections. There it is again, that gross simplification. In reality, many countries are still suffering from recessions which can't all be blamed on evil refugees.



The above was what earned me that 3 days go straight to jail and do not pass go and do not collect $200.


The admins and conceirges in the previous years all must be sleeping as they never caught me.  They merely pm me now and then which seemed to have satisfied them as I been writing in about the same way.


When you wrote so righteously about "inhumane"? "Misanthropic"? Or... "contemptuous of human life"?  I felt it would be a shame for me to be any other than that to you.


Errr..  Perhaps I should have explained where is Agrabah.  Agrabah is a location in the 1992 Disney cartoon movie.

Bombing of Agrabah with nukes or thermonukes will not harm any animals or humans or even any pixels or electrons.


I cannot blame you for throwing me into jail as some 30 percent of US Republican primary voters and 19 percent of Democrats who said they would support bombing Agrabah but only with conventional bombs and weapons.




Above is Major Kong riding a Mark 39 4 megaton thermonuclear bomb.


From the movie Dr Strangelove.  That was shot on 1964 as a satire and black comedy.


Opps, I should have checked you were born on 1969 and might not have been aware of Major Kong which was why you complained I wanted to use Major Kong to ride another Mk 39 down to you.  You can be assured that can never happen as Mark 39 were all taken out of service in 1967.  And poor Major Kong got blown up.



As for that song Erika that you stated as another reason why you chucked me into jail , I specially included the lyrics.


I see you love the images so much that you glossed over the words


Those who knew German might have been laughing.  For those who do not know German, which might be you and your other Swiss cousins, I thought I provide that entire song of Erika below so you know how bloodthirsty I was 


Lyrics and translation


On the heath, there blooms a little flower
and it's called Erika.
Eagerly a hundred thousand little bees,
swarm around Erika.
For her heart is full of sweetness,
a tender scent escapes her blossom-gown.
On the heath, there blooms a little flower
and it's called Erika.


Back at home, there lives a little maiden
and she's called Erika.
That girl is my faithful little darling
and my joy, Erika!
When the heather blooms in a reddish purple,
I sing her this song in greeting.
On the heath, there blooms a little flower
and it's called Erika.


In my room, there also blooms a little flower
and it's called Erika.
Already In the grey of dawn, as it does at dusk,
It looks at me, Erika!
And it is as if it spoke aloud:
"Are you thinking of your fiancée?"
Back at home, a maiden weeps for you
and she's called Erika.


I feel so sorry at having to spoil your image of me as a bloodthirsty savage monster.

But this joke must come to an end.


I got better things to do with my life.


Nothing ever written here and elsewhere will change whatever will be happening in Europe.

Except to make Europeans a lot wiser and less likely to go kumbayaing over traumatised refugees no more.


Do try to laugh at my kind of humor.

When I at 65 can get into reading Chinese, you can get a book of jokes and learn to laugh.

You can dip that into black ink and learn to laugh at black jokes too.


I rather go back to eating when I am hungry and drinking when I am thirsty.


I thereby close this chapter now and perhaps revisit it a year later when 5 to 10 millions additional refugees are in Europe.


Perhaps by then, your tune might well be even more extreme than what I written here.

Edited by shanlung

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Oozing sarcasm out of every pore in your skin is in fact a poor tactic if you're trying to convince anyone of your integrity.



I decided to join them.

See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil


Much more blissful and no need for rose tinted glasses



Edited by shanlung

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Oozing sarcasm out of every pore in your skin is in fact a poor tactic if you're trying to convince anyone of your integrity.

He's just trying to release.  He has to find a way to let it go.

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He is making a point emotionally. That we should question what we are doing letting thousands of Muslims into Europe. He is sounding a warning bell to the potential for Europe to be as overrun as we might well have been during the era of Nazi Germany. This is a religion driven from middle eastern governments who have condemned and threatened the West, have attacked the West in 9/11, 7/7, Lockerbie, Lee Rigby, Paris, Russian Passenger plane. They aren't kidding around.


They a building mosques from which the extremist Islamic message is spread by Saudi sponsored Sunni Imam. Only recently we had an under cover television documentary in the UK showing extremist groups of females preaching hate and sharia law, who are using public money to organise themselves. We have had madras schools which had to be closed. Now we have documented rapes and abuses by these 'so called' refugees.


Our countries have increased surveillance and curtailed our liberty in order to accommodate diversity and we are paying for it both monetarily and spiritually. We have roads blocked by trucks (operation stack) unable to flow from Calais to Britain due to attacks by immigrants camping at the port. Drives are routinely harassed and have been attacked.


We can't just close our eyes and offer up our backsides to be kicked, or hope it will all get resolved by teaching Muslim women English (David cameron) or removing the minarets from mosques to make the 'fit in'. This is the pragmatism of morons.


I think he has a very good point to make even if his argument is somewhat sprawling and occasionally graphic. The thing is, being raped, murdered, robbed, beheaded, blown up or machine gunned is a graphic, violent reality that we cannot just ignore. We should be objective, but not dismiss the sentiment.

Edited by Karl
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In some areas where I post, acquaintances of mine keep going on about how person-X (Trump is the favorite) is pushing "hate speech." I keep asking what specifically is an example of this, so that we can look at it in context for consideration.


Instantly some emotional waffling, broad generalizations, the invocation of how surely I know that some people somewhere in the world somewhere in time (probably while setting fire to a church with a black congregation) is guilty of hate speech -- suddenly the 'measure' has changed from 'this specific person and a specific thing said' to 'somewhere someone somewhen' -- when it comes to attempting to focus on any actual examples, so that they would get intelligent discussion and the benefit of context, they can't. Or they start to, but it turns out they're using something completely misquoted, and then they're using it completely out of context, and even when this is demonstrated, they just flare into that generalization again.


I'm coming to the conclusion that every time someone says something ELSE is pushing 'hate speech' (or some variant thereof) that it is more a bully tactic, using generalization to beat down specific conversation.

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I'm not sure emotional hate filled statements are what we need right now.

...Or what he is doing.I see it more as expressing genuine fear. It's like shouting there is a train coming at the person you find yourself shackled to that seems oblivious to the danger. The pleas to get off the track turn from rational argument to hysterical screaming as the headlights get closer.

Edited by Karl
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...Or what he is doing.I see it more as expressing genuine fear. It's like shouting there is a train coming at the person you find yourself shackled to that seems oblivious to the danger. The pleas to get off the track turn from rational argument to hysterical screaming as the headlights get closer.



Well maybe, but I think the very reason this problem has developed is people shutting their eyes through denial and fear.  Cool headed clear analysis could have it quickly solved if our leaders were capable of such a thing.

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Well maybe, but I think the very reason this problem has developed is people shutting their eyes through denial and fear.  Cool headed clear analysis could have it quickly solved if our leaders were capable of such a thing.


Pragmatic liberalism has no limit.

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I'm not sure emotional hate filled statements are what we need right now.


I agree, but:


He's just trying to release. He has to find a way to let it go.


This is a perfect example of someone dismissing shanlong's posts as "anger issues", but there is more to them, and I agree that he needs to let go so he can expresses his views a little more like this:


He is making a point emotionally. That we should question what we are doing letting thousands of Muslims into Europe. He is sounding a warning bell to the potential for Europe to be as overrun as we might well have been during the era of Nazi Germany. This is a religion driven from middle eastern governments who have condemned and threatened the West, have attacked the West in 9/11, 7/7, Lockerbie, Lee Rigby, Paris, Russian Passenger plane. They aren't kidding around.


They a building mosques from which the extremist Islamic message is spread by Saudi sponsored Sunni Imam. Only recently we had an under cover television documentary in the UK showing extremist groups of females preaching hate and sharia law, who are using public money to organise themselves. We have had madras schools which had to be closed. Now we have documented rapes and abuses by these 'so called' refugees.


Our countries have increased surveillance and curtailed our liberty in order to accommodate diversity and we are paying for it both monetarily and spiritually. We have roads blocked by trucks (operation stack) unable to flow from Calais to Britain due to attacks by immigrants camping at the port. Drives are routinely harassed and have been attacked.


We can't just close our eyes and offer up our backsides to be kicked, or hope it will all get resolved by teaching Muslim women English (David cameron) or removing the minarets from mosques to make the 'fit in'. This is the pragmatism of morons.


I think he has a very good point to make even if his argument is somewhat sprawling and occasionally graphic. The thing is, being raped, murdered, robbed, beheaded, blown up or machine gunned is a graphic, violent reality that we cannot just ignore. We should be objective, but not dismiss the sentiment.


If shanlung had expressed his opinions this way, no one would be talking about him being suspended or banned.


Now, shanlung does have anger issues and I suspect that he can't let go of any of this very easily. So if I was his Chinese doctor I would be telling to take this when he starts to get angry:


Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan


Which can have an amazingly powerful effect of calming angry people, and possibly this:


Shu Gan Wan


which can be used to treat Liver stagnation which is a frequent underlying cause of this type of rage.


The company cited is a great source for these here in the U.S., but I am sure shanlung has local sources if he cares. As things are now he could easily suffer a stroke other serious health problems if he doesn't do anything about this.


But, please note that aside from whatever relevance it may have to problems with refugees, his post is "oozing sarcasm out of every pore", over being called a xenophobe and inhumane, among other things, by a moderator here on the Dao Bums. As is clear from several passages in his posts, such as this one:


When you wrote so righteously about "inhumane"? "Misanthropic"? Or... "contemptuous of human life"? I felt it would be a shame for me to be any other than that to you.


Believe me, I don't like harping on this because, as I have pointed out elsewhere, I do like and respect this person, but not how he handled this case, something which I have tried to point out elsewhere.  I believe a more neutral treatment could have avoided or at least toned down shanlungs intemperate and justly controversial responses, or if in a worst case he reacted this way no matter how he and his posts were treated, the Dao Bums could with good conscience suspend or ban him without the least appearance of contributing to his fate.


As it is now, I wonder.

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To add further to this bonfire. We have a local area blog on which was posted the following. As reference, we live in a small, fairly quiet town in the North East of England. We have a small but flourishing Asian, Chinese and Polish communities which are a well integrated part of the community. The following incident is highly unusual, particularly the area in which it occurred. The writer is well known to me and is very liberal:


Towards me, a woman walks alone from Bank Top. She carries her bag.


Ahead of me walks a man in his late 20's.


Suddenly, without warning the man collides with the woman - as if barging into her. She stops, distressed and looks shaken. She hurries away, passes me, but we do not speak.


Moments later, I pass the man. Within two steps he grabs at my work bag. I do not release it. But I turn with speed. I grab his hand and hold it. He struggles. He shouts in Arabic. A witness rushes to assist me. The perpetrator pulls free.


Within minutes, the matter is taken up by British Transport Police.


Later I speak of the incident, and share my feelings.


My close friends and fellow residents on the terrace show concern for me. Others - not my friends - are more concerned about the perpetrator - a migrant visitor to Darlington. "Was he is hungry?" More sinisterly, they seek to suppress mention of his ethnicity. But, with Cologne, Stockholm and Cairo - we may piece together wider issues arising from migration, especially the single young males whose attitudes to women, values and responsibilities may be in conflict with those of their host communities.


Migration has been a fact of life since men and women left their caves. Britain is a migrant country in both senses of the word - our gene pool tells one story, and our colonial times tell another. But now, the rape and pillage of our ancestors has as much relevance to current problems as had our transportation of criminals to Australia.


We live in times of social collaboration - in which we trust in order, responsibility and freedom. That is the basis of our society.


Today at the World Economic Forum, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls stated, "the migrant crisis is putting the European Union in grave danger" and without adequate border control, "our societies will be totally destabilised". He added that any other message will, a few seconds later, be shared on the smart phones in the refugee camps in Libya.


As a supporter of the Darlington Walk for Peace, and as a Quaker, I seek not to make a comment with any racial motive, but simply to promote open discussion about that which those bringing migrants to - or accommodating migrants within our community, avoid. Humanitarian support for those in need of refuge is vital. But so is the necessity to ensure shared values, and respect for the host. We need to think through the social implications of migration.


A daylight attack by a migrant on two Darlington residents whilst they make their way to work within 300 metres of the terrace, is not conducive to integration or trust.


For those that care to ask, I am alright. I know not whether his female victim bears a scar. But I sense that our community may, and if French Prime Minister Valls is correct, will bear a consequence unless we too, openly and without fear, think things through and speak about them without fear.

Edited by Karl
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Is that a nice way of saying "Stupidity has no limit."?


It is to me, but then my own philosophy is completely at odds with much of the current, modern Western world.


We seriously have an ex Conservative party (Baroness Warsi) director suggesting that we should remove the minarets from mosques to make them fit in to our towns and cities.


This is the same kind of thinking that turned shell shock into post traumatic stress disorder, or dead civilians into collateral damage. We don't have problems we have challenges.

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Speaking to what you mentioned in that big post above,


I knew a Muslim man who felt that it is the host's responsibility to give the guest anything the guest wanted.  I disagreed with him and we never spoke about that again.  It is likely that this mentality is the rule in Europe right now.

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I don't agree with everything in this video but it is at least a thoughtful analysis:


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