
Scottish Independence

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I just don't buy the 'the scots are a dependent child of the UK who can't take care of themselves' routine for a second.


Perhaps that's not what you guys are implying, but that's what I'm inferring from what you've said.

Not at all. .. I'm not entirely sure how well they'd manage after fifty years or so, to be honest ... It'd be interesting.


my intention is to curb any romantic notions of Scotland being downtrodden and constrained by the yoke of English oppression. ... quite the opposite is true as much as the Scottish would hate to admit it. ..


For the record I am in favour of the union. There is more to consider than money and all of the union is part of the same glorious mongrel stock which makes for darn fine people...

.... With exceptions, of course ;)

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Just seen the stats in today's Times.

Only ' Greater Glasgow' had a small Yes majority.

Everywhere else throughout Scotland was solidly No.

Huge No majority in The Isles and amongst the 65+ age group.


"The NO vote was entirely secured by overwhelming support from those aged above 55. In fact, the “better together” camp failed to win any of the age groups below 55 years of age. For the 65+ crowd it was simply a blowout. 73% of them voted NO. So in a nutshell, old people filled with fear blocked independence."


So who pulled the fire alarm at a location expected to have heavy yes turnout, while the recount was happening...expected 89% turnout and....what was the turnout, 68. 70 some such %...


The integrity of the electoral register in Scotland had already been called in to question before the vote took place on Thursday after it emerged this week that at least four children aged between three and 11 in East Ayrshire had received polling cards.


And then of course the inevitable,





A Quarter Of Scots Believe MI5 Spies Are Working To Block Scottish Independence"



roight! move along, nothing to see here, the outcome's done now quit talking about it!

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he he.... Very sore losers... But to be expected.

The shock would be if these stories *didn't* appear. .. That would be worrying. ...

imho the shock would have been if a vote that meant something to international bankers was allowed to go unmanaged.

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imho the shock would have been if a vote that meant something to international bankers was allowed to go unmanaged.

but if the vote was going to be managed anyway why did they all bother attracting such vitriol by making formal statements to the effect that they would relocate in the event of a Yes vote etc? Surely a bit pointless and self-destructive (in terms of considerable reputational damage in eyes of pro independence voters?)


surely just keep quiet, manage the vote, make sympathetic noises, would be a better strategy. ...

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that's assuming they have control over every aspect of a situation - they cant possibly. rbs' relocating bluff was meant to instill fear, it appears to have done its job.


everyone will lose their pensions, the economy will collapse, there will be no medium of exchange, blah, blah, blah


Dr. Peter Venkman: This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.

Mayor: What do you mean, "biblical"?

Dr Ray Stantz: What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.

Dr. Peter Venkman: Exactly.

Dr Ray Stantz: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!

Dr. Egon Spengler: Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...

Winston Zeddemore: The dead rising from the grave!

Dr. Peter Venkman: Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

Mayor: All right, all right! I get the point!


I think if the frightened portion of scots knew that business would roll on as normal for the most part, it would have been byebye by a wide margin.


but like I said before, too much north sea oil to use as collateral for england to borrow against is what it all boils down to. everything else is noise.

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I think if the frightened portion of scots knew that business would roll on as normal for the most part, it would have been byebye by a wide margin.


but like I said before, too much north sea oil to use as collateral for england to borrow against is what it all boils down to. everything else is noise.

I think you vastly underestimate the number of scots who may actually just want to be part of the union ;) with all the benefits that entails


the simplest explanation is usually the most accurate.

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I once watched my cat ride a german sheperd across a field like a jockey riding a horse.

She was latched onto his head, poor guy, never knew what was up.

He got unknowingly a bit too close to her new litter of kittens one morning.

She came trotting back an hour later.

Edited by silent thunder
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I think you vastly underestimate the number of scots who may actually just want to be part of the union ;) with all the benefits that entails


the simplest explanation is usually the most accurate.

I think a "vast" number of scots fell for propaganda, just like a vast number of americans fall for propaganda. just enough of a percentage of scotland is infected with stockholm syndrone, is the most simple explanation - the youngens knew everyone's leveraged to the hilt and the world's center of financial casino-house isnt going to just let a relatively advantageous position pass out of its hands without a fight.


plus, involve Brussels in this, and you get...




where the italians already rigged a vote, spain is telling catalonia to talk to the hand, its illegal for a locality to have any say in their destiny...jeez where else do I see that, right here at home, with people saying (LOL) its somehow "illegal" for a state to secede from the federal government. (and then see no legal issue with the things Lincoln did to "keep the country together" the outcome was justified no matter how much of the constitution he broke to get there....yeah, people dont tend to see Lincoln as one who flagrantly violated the constitution, that's been chipped away from most of the stone recordings...)


the EU itself has a VERY BIG interest in not seeing scottish the farcical contrivance that is the EU weighs more and more heavily on everyone they've indentured into servitude for them is going to start asking themselves just why exactly it is they are party to a screwjob where they bend over so that a handful of people can live superlatively well and siphon resources.


So no...


The siphon game must continue. Damn near the whole world edifice is invested in the charade.


There's so many reasons this vote was not left to chance, sorry but anyone saying "well there's just a lot of scots that see benefit to leaving london's hand in their back pocket" has been fed a very narrow and streamlined set of data upon which to go by.

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