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*Veganism/ Vegetarianism (4* merged threads, so things can get confusing)

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Didn't answer the question, though...





You already know the answer, so why bore you with what you already know... apparently 60% fat? what of the 75+% water?



Almost 80% of the brain consists of water (mainly in the cytoplasm of its cells), with a further 10-12% being fatty lipids and 8% protein. Although it accounts for just 2% of body weight, it uses fully 20-25% of the body's oxygen supply, nutrients, and glucose (as fuel), all of which are supplied by constant blood flow. It is protected by the thick bones of the skull, suspended in cerebrospinal fluid, and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood-brain barrier, but the delicate nature of the human brain nevertheless makes it susceptible to many types of damage and disease.




The myelin insulation around neural axons and glial cells, which is mostly lipid, brings the fat content of an animal brain to about 60%. (how does this work with the above ^?)


Myelin is about 40% water; the dry mass is about 70–85% lipids and about 15–30% proteins. (= 100% ??)


Today I ate 48.1 grams of fat, all plant based sources... all fruit



Edited by White Wolf Running On Air

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( -- A new replica of an early modern human brain has provided further evidence for the theory that the human brain has been shrinking. The skull belonged to an elderly Cro Magnon man, whose skeleton is called Cro Magnon 1. The entire skeleton was discovered in 1868 in the Cro Magnon cave in Dordogne, France, and has since become one of the most famous Upper Palaeolithic skeletons. Using new technology, researchers have produced a replica of the 28,000-year-old brain and found that it is about 15-20% larger than our brains.

To produce the brain replica, called an endocast, the scientists first digitally scanned the interior of the empty skull. The images revealed the impression left by the brain on the neurocranium, which was then transformed into a 3D image. Software was then used to fabricate the brain endocast.





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Now I understand why it is often sad that someone has a fat brain.


Yes, most people's brain is more than 50% fat.


I guess it is our choice as to where we get the fat from.

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I was going to stay out of this one.. but here I go.


Humans are designed to eat meat, our organs process meat very well! do you really think you are doing yourself or animals a favor?


Do you think a lion gives a shit when he slaughters a deer and eats it? No, it is called survival. By the way, the environmental footprint left from modern agricultural methods destroys natural habitats, kills millions of animals, and destroys their homes .....polluted with pesticides and all kinds of chemicals. By logic that most vegetarians use.. you are also killing animals by supporting the agricultural industry... so by ths logic you should stop eating vegetarian too. The land is destroyed, raped of its minerals and not put back due to modern agricultural methods etc.


There are countless cases of people being unhealthy, malnutrition, bones growing incorrectly, posture problems.. all because of vege diet. Sure vege diet is okay in some cases but not for most people, but honestly in the modern day.... most western country's soil does not contain enough nutrition (organic or not, it is still grown in malnourished soil, you can research this), this is why it is dangerous to eat vege only, you simply will not get enough of what you need nutritionally.


Yes there does exists supplements, but they are far from natural and they put extreme burden on the liver and kidney to process. They can be taken, but you need to know what you are doing, and take no where near the amounts recommended. But hey I am talking from a Neidan point of view, but also regular people need meat anyway, practitioners need meat.. especially at the beginning stages. A practitioner cannot go without it.


You should look up Weston A Price and his research on nutritional deficiencies etc.


........ in conclusion for you all

There is a segment of our population who want to elevate animal life to the same status as human life. This does not limit animal suffering but simply devalues human life. Suffering is part of life. We all cringe when we watch the nature show and the lion takes down the limping baby zebra. It's sad. But it's life. Not accepting life as it is and not accepting your role in it (especially trying to pretend you're not participating by not eating meat or eggs) is delusional.


Thank you for reading, not interested in an argument. Enjoy my point of view.

There are some regions of the world where people have no choice but to eat meat/fish.


And vice versa! The only thing I can't confirm is if either are lacking in anything etc.


But yes, if one was dying and all that was left in front of them was an animal, what would be the thing to do?


"The thing to do". I deliberately omit the word "right", because I don't want to say either is right or wrong. You could kill it, eat it and survive, or leave it and starve to death.


I prefer the former.


Also, if one starves, the stomach eats the body anyway. The stomach makes decisions all by itself - it certainly eats meat lol.

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I wish I could properly remember but I will say what comes to mind. I heard something about the Eskimos and that there was something lacking in their all-meat diet and some group or whatever came up with a soy-based suppliment so that they could get the lacking vitamin/mineral or whatever it was.

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That isn't very scientific

Belly laughs. Yeah, sometimes I crawl out of the gutter and mumble something.

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