
What are empowerments?

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Please excuse the very newbie question! ;) Empowerments were brought up in another thread, and it got me curious.


Are they more analogous to "initiations", or perhaps "transmissions", or something else entirely?


It makes a little less sense to me since I have seen weekend workshops locally which offer them. Folks come over from India to teach for a bit. I'm guessing that isn't the only way they are done. Also if one did receive empowerment from a weekend workshop would they have the knowledge and training to make it useful and work with it?


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They are exactly like initiations/transmissions as far as I know...generally you learn secret knowledge/techniques which are not to be passed to non-initiates. I was initiated into Kriya Yoga myself...which from their point of view is non-denominational - you do whatever the Kundalini has you do. They mix many religions...they use Hong Sau mantra, Neti neti (which are two sides of a single coin)...spontaneous yoga/mudras, and something very much like the Microcosmic orbit.


An empowerment is a powerful thing. I wouldn't mind getting one, but they usually aren't offered where I am at, and they cost money most of the time. I am very interested in Chod powha myself, as well as Vajrasattva and a few day when I am in better financial condition, I will pursue all of my dreams. Until then I practice what I can find out or figure out on my own.

Edited by Songtsan
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They say that a practice is not as effective until you are empowered to do it...they do not say, or at least, it is generally believed that it is in any way wrong to practice something before you are empowered. Opinions are divided, but from what I have seen there aren't many real dangers in practicing something without an empowerment. As I said in that other thread, if you have Kundalini active, you will be extremely advantaged to say the least. Empowerments are for the tantras only - they aren't used in sutras. There are proponents who say that sutras and tantras can really be viewed on a continuum. I am of this school. As I stated before elsewheres, I am crazy-wisdom path/left hand Tantra. Kundalini herself initiated me.

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I'm curious how if they are closed door/secret techniques with the empowerments.. why and how would they give them out during public workshops? Or are the public workshops maybe not the full real deal? I honestly don't know. It is very interesting that they are given to more than a very select few.


I also wonder how a workshp full of people could be given empowerments... some might have blockages, or not be ready. I would assume they are sent home?

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Really what it does is ritualize the event, which leaves a lasting mark in the mind for all time - this creates a great inner wheel which can create grand experiences. These experiences can be gained by oneself, just not as fast if one hasn't has the empowerment. It really does work, I've seen it happen before. Like I said, I'd be all into it, but just don't have the money/time/place/etc.

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Empowerment's are gifts... from teachers or from beings and elements of nature interested in your welfare and development. Sometimes it's just to boost energy, sometimes wisdom and teaching are contained within that direct growth and are unlocked through practice.

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Empowerments are like giving someone a shortcut and to carry on the torch. The real is one has access to everthing because of the interconnectivness we all share and as well we can borrow their power and force, sometimes against their will- then one get less, sometimes with their will - one get more. As well some are protected so one get little. It depends much on the one who receive it and the one who give it.



Hi Friend,


I am a little confused as to what you mean in your words above. Are you saying one can take empowerment against the will of a master/teacher? That one can also take/steal their power and force?


Thanks, Jeff

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An empowerment is an energetic transfer. The equivalent to hopping on a train and short cutting through the mountains instead of taking the long route.


I've been fortunate enough to meet a few people who could intact create a change internally :)



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Hi Friend,


Rather than having a glass (or pond) of our own power or that of another beings, could it also be that we are like different sized and clarity of windows through which the light flows? And with things like shielding, some just keep the shutters closed?

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They say that a practice is not as effective until you are empowered to do it...they do not say, or at least, it is generally believed that it is in any way wrong to practice something before you are empowered. Opinions are divided, but from what I have seen there aren't many real dangers in practicing something without an empowerment.


When I was exploring Vajrayana I was told that the only sādhanās that were "open" were Chenrezig, Medicine Buddha, Green Tārā and Manjushri. Any others (Vajrasattva, other buddhas and bodhisattvas) require guidance and empowerment from a lama to perform them. The reason, which I don't remember specifically but I could probably find it, is that one has to be properly trained and prepared; if not it could cause emotional and mental instability if the seeds are there... something like that.


But who knows? As you said, and as with anything, opinions are divided. Someone pointed out to me that with so much information on the internet, including esoterics, any Tom, Dick or Harry could perform a sādhanā. And as it was also pointed out to me, some things are kept secret just for the sake of forming a club with secret handshakes. As an aside I was told that unless one recites a Sanskrit mantra flawlessly, it is of no use because the sound vibrations aren't there. Well, then every mantra and stotra recited during pujas at temple is worthless because the priests rush through them as if they had a plane to catch. There's a lot of silliness on the interwebz.


OK now I'm drifting, sorry. :(

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In drikung kagyu, Vajrapani and Amitabha are open to everyone as well.


And one doesn't need initiation to say the Vajrasattva 100 syllable mantra according to Berzin archives (im getting a 404 error or i would give you a link.. its on the vajrasattva mantra page), but when I received empowerment to do that practice, we learned things about it and visualizations and so on that assist so greatly that its like two radically different levels of the same practice.


I don't know about one's sanskrit pronunciation having to be perfect.. mine isn't and my practice isn't useless. Sounds neurotic to me, just 2 cents

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I don't know about one's sanskrit pronunciation having to be perfect.. mine isn't and my practice isn't useless. Sounds neurotic to me, just 2 cents


I know, doesn't it though? Aren't the deities supposed to be beyond human language? I don't think my practice is meaningless either. When I'd ask people "well what about someone who has a speech impediment, is their practice meaningless?" I get no response. I refer to certain things as superstitious silliness. But some people take it seriously.


This is the page I jump from Berzin has been my "go-to". I get the 404 error also. I'm sure the Vajrasattva 100 syllable mantra is easily found elsewhere.


Edit: found it.

Edited by Jainarayan

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lol yeah like if you say the mantra in tibetan you get no benefit right?... vajrasattva only responds to perfectly spoken sanskrit sorry tibet.. and everyone else


i can't worry too much about that opinion.

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And what if the elder lama forgets to instruct the students how to prepare the visualization for the empowerment? The intention to send it is there from the lama. And the intention to receive it is there from the students. Is the empowerment fundamentally flawed?



The initiation itself and the sadhana text contain the correct instructions for vsualization and so on ... the correct pronunciation is that which the lama uses ... nothing to do with precise sanskrit ... otherwise no Tibetan initiations would work because of peme for padme .. soha for svaha and so on.


In Buddhist initiations the deity is an aspect of buddha-nature (or dharma-kaya) and the initiation, although it feels like an energy transmission, is actually more like the lama tuning into this aspect which creates a resonance in you because you also have that same nature even though you are not aware of it. It is as if the lama is pointing out to you something you have forgotten about. The degree to which you recognise this depends on how close you are to it ... so some initiations don't feel like much at the time but later work themselves out.


When you do the sadhana you are tuning back into this same state.


It is possible to do all this without an initiation ... in fact in the ngondro this is what you do ... from your own effort you invoke the deity (eg. vajrasattva) without an empowerment (though you would get the 'lung' for the text.) But for most sadhanas an empowerment is needed/better ... as you may just be tuning into your own delusions rather than an aspect of reality if you don't know what you are doing or are unable to recognise a legitimate state.


The secrecy has nothing to do with secret societies or mind control etc. It is because the communion of states in the empowerment is intimate and needs to be preserved with integrity for it to work properly. What is happening in the initiation is happening at different levels ... including the mundane ... certain things are said and done .. gestures and so on ... if you then blab about all this then it reduces it to simply a mundane event ... because you can't communicate what is happening at a supra-mundane level ... so you keep schtum this is the rule.

Edited by Apech
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interesting about optional hum and phat at the end.. i always wondered about that. Thanks!


Most welcome. I don't know anything about the mantra itself until I looked it up! lol

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lol yeah like if you say the mantra in tibetan you get no benefit right?... vajrasattva only responds to perfectly spoken sanskrit sorry tibet.. and everyone else


i can't worry too much about that opinion.


I think a lot of this comes from ethnocentricity and etho-defensiveness by a few people who "grab the mic", so to speak. Once it's in print, or said, the bell can't be unrung. People will see it and become discouraged... I did (I got over it quick ;)). They may insist how welcoming they are, but with comments like that, "the lady doth protest too much, methinks".

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But for most sadhanas an empowerment is needed/better ... as you may just be tuning into your own delusions rather than an aspect of reality if you don't know what you are doing or are unable to recognise a legitimate state.


That's it! Yes, that's it... I knew it was something about delusions. Thanks.

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The initiation itself and the sadhana text contain the correct instructions for vsualization and so on ... the correct pronunciation is that which the lama uses ... nothing to do with precise sanskrit ... otherwise no Tibetan initiations would work because of peme for padme .. soha for svaha and so on.


In Buddhist initiations the deity is an aspect of buddha-nature (or dharma-kaya) and the initiation, although it feels like an energy transmission, is actually more like the lama tuning into this aspect which creates a resonance in you because you also have that same nature even though you are not aware of it. It is as if the lama is pointing out to you something you have forgotten about. The degree to which you recognise this depends on how close you are to it ... so some initiations don't feel like much at the time but later work themselves out.


When you do the sadhana you are tuning back into this same state.


It is possible to do all this without an initiation ... in fact in the ngondro this is what you do ... from your own effort you invoke the deity (eg. vajrasattva) without an empowerment (though you would get the 'lung' for the text.) But for most sadhanas an empowerment is needed/better ... as you may just be tuning into your own delusions rather than an aspect of reality if you don't know what you are doing or are unable to recognise a legitimate state.


The secrecy has nothing to do with secret societies or mind control etc. It is because the communion of states in the empowerment is intimate and needs to be preserved with integrity for it to work properly. What is happening in the initiation is happening at different levels ... including the mundane ... certain things are said and done .. gestures and so on ... if you then blab about all this then it reduces it to simply a mundane event ... because you can't communicate what is happening at a supra-mundane level ... so you keep schtum this is the rule.

Beautifully said and definitely worth repeating.

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bones are piezoelectric semiconductors ;) but that's certainly but a snippet of information :D

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Thanks Apech. Another question. What is happening when the lama touches his forehead to yours? And is that called a "blessing?"


You are blessed as in he/she is treating you as an equal ... its more of a greeting I think.

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