Formless Tao

The decline and eventual fall of the USA as world superpower?

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Thanks for reminding me that he is a college dropout with two degrees in engineering. I wonder how that works. Haha.

Yeah.. back when he was posting as Sree - said he was a day-trader on the stock exchange. The Lobby intro post for narveen creates a whole newbie story. Kinda fun to watch, but kinda sad too. Hey narveen - why not just drop all the bull and share with us from your heart? You might be surprised if you give us a chance.

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Make up your mind.


i do have an education.

not that it matters for conversations, such as these,

among people totally disengaged from reality.

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The research is factual and not controversial as to evolution and you can read books online or check out at your local library.


ok, so some guy called darwin said that we are apes and all animals come from common ancestors a million years ago.

this claim is so definitive and conclusive to you that you are willing to swallow it as a truth about life.


meanwhile, we have neuro-scientists telling us today that we really don't know much about the human brain.

and your doctor tells you that medical science has not figured out yet how to cure the common cold.


do you think that the difference between a guy who makes it in life as ceo of a fortune 500 company and a sad sack eating out of a trash bin is luck? you don't have to be a ceo, my friend but please don't push your luck.


Furthermore, it is religious conservatives quoting the bible that have created the so called controversy in regards to evolution. Evolution is only controversial in their narrow minds. I suppose you believe the earth is 6000 years old?


well, if i have to choose which fairy tale to swallow, i would rather not pick the one that makes me an ape.


Having two degrees in engineering proves what in regards to evolutionary theory? Does that make you an expert?


no, that doesn't make me an expert on fairy tales.

but a grounding in the fundamentals of the physical sciences

enables me to take climate change claims apart and tell the difference

between probable outcomes that merit public concern

and wild speculations calculated to make al gore a hundred million dollars.


There is another thread here devoted to discussing AGW so I am not going to waste my time with you on that.



Edited by narveen

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Yeah.. back when he was posting as Sree - said he was a day-trader on the stock exchange. The Lobby intro post for narveen creates a whole newbie story. Kinda fun to watch, but kinda sad too. Hey narveen - why not just drop all the bull and share with us from your heart? You might be surprised if you give us a chance.


i am not a day-trader.

i don't have a job even.


why is it sad, rene?


i have been sharing with you from my heart

i wish you would continue our discussion

on a manifesto for building a new america

without the bull.

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ok, so some guy called darwin said that we are apes and all animals come from common ancestors a million years ago.

this claim is so definitive and conclusive to you that you are willing to swallow it as a truth about life.


meanwhile, we have neuro-scientists telling us today that we really don't know much about the human brain.

and your doctor tells you that medical science has not figured out yet how to cure the common cold.


do you think that the difference between a guy who makes it in life as ceo of a fortune 500 company and a sad sack eating out of a trash bin is luck? you don't have to be a ceo, my friend but please don't push your luck.



well, if i have to choose which fairy tale to swallow, i would rather not pick the one that makes me an ape.



no, that doesn't make me an expert on fairy tales.

but a grounding in the fundamentals of the physical sciences

enables me to take climate change claims apart and tell the difference

between probable outcomes that merit public concern

and wild speculations calculated to make al gore a hundred million dollars.






From the above, it appears you don't understand evolution, how humans are genetically related to primates etc. Plenty of research to read. This thread has wandered off topic so lets get back to the OP.

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From the above, it appears you don't understand evolution, how humans are genetically related to primates etc. Plenty of research to read. This thread has wandered off topic so lets get back to the OP.


it has not.

we are still on topic.

the fall of the usa is due to americans who cannot think straight.

i am trying to straighten things out with you to prevent that fall

you still have not told me where you are from

if you are not from the usa

then this conversation with you is off topic.

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Why Doesn’t the Government Use Its Mass Surveillance to Bust the Big Criminals … the Banksters?



The big banks have committed massive crimes and manipulated virtually every market.

The failure to prosecute fraud is preventing a sustainable economic recovery.

As such, prosecuting Wall Street fraud is arguably an issue of national security.

The government is collecting everything … and spying on just about everything we do.

We are passionately opposed to mass surveillance. But – if the government is doing so – why can’t it gather info on the crimes of the big banks … so we can prosecute them?

You might assume that spying is only used to stop terrorism.

But the government has – in fact – often invoked national security powers in regards to the financial system. For example, Business Week reported on May 23, 2006:

President George W. Bush has bestowed on his intelligence czar, John Negroponte, broad authority, in the name of national security, to excuse publicly traded companies from their usual accounting and securities-disclosure obligations.

Reuters noted in 2010:

U.S. securities regulators originally treated the New York Federal Reserve’s bid to keep secret many of the details of the American International Group bailout like a request to protect matters of national security, according to emails obtained by Reuters.

This is especially true given that some of the biggest banks have been caught actively assisting terrorists.

Unfortunately, spying is being used to crush dissent … and specifically to protect the banks and target those who are trying to hold the banks accountable.

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Why Doesn’t the Government Use Its Mass Surveillance to Bust the Big Criminals … the Banksters?



The big banks have committed massive crimes and manipulated virtually every market.

The failure to prosecute fraud is preventing a sustainable economic recovery.

As such, prosecuting Wall Street fraud is arguably an issue of national security.

The government is collecting everything … and spying on just about everything we do.

We are passionately opposed to mass surveillance. But – if the government is doing so – why can’t it gather info on the crimes of the big banks … so we can prosecute them?

You might assume that spying is only used to stop terrorism.

But the government has – in fact – often invoked national security powers in regards to the financial system. For example, Business Week reported on May 23, 2006:

Reuters noted in 2010:

This is especially true given that some of the biggest banks have been caught actively assisting terrorists.

Unfortunately, spying is being used to crush dissent … and specifically to protect the banks and target those who are trying to hold the banks accountable.


I agree! This growing menace of a machine cares nothing for any of us! What we are witnessing is corporate fascism which is about the few to gain more power and influence. The few want more and will use any means to obtain it. The NSA will only grow larger and more intrusive! A perpetual machine!

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another reason stand your ground went to trial, how else will they completely militarize as much of the nation's police forces across the country as possible?


went to NH recently and was kinda shocked to see a town with a preposterous amount of closed up businesses...yet just driving through I saw three or four *brand new* police cruisers with various accoutrements...that money sure didnt come from the town...thanks, feds...


speaking of which...

Edited by joeblast
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Well, I know one thing, with a decent national minimum wage the food stamp program could be reduced substantially and this would help reduce the government debt.


I would like to see the Koch Brothers try to live on $34,000 a year.

Edited by Marblehead

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Well, I know one thing, with a decent national minimum wage the food stamp program could be reduced substantially and this would help reduce the government debt.


I would like to see the Koch Brothers try to live on $34,000 a year.



I would like to see them live on that to. Haha.

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Why Doesn’t the Government Use Its Mass Surveillance to Bust the Big Criminals … the Banksters?


what about gangsters?

are you not concerned about the mafia?

from organized crimes all over the usa to inner-city street thuggery.

we could wipe out drugs, prostitution, anything that is perceived as bad for the usa

the nsa could watch over the country the way mods run this forum

and keep america squeaky clean

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I would like to see the Koch Brothers try to live on $34,000 a year.


no problem.


actually, they don't need any income for living a great life

income is anything coming to you

from your capital gains, director's fees, paychecks to pennies found in the streets

just to please the 99%, they could get hired at 34,000 a year

as kitchen help in any of their company's executive cafeteria

with no change to their existing lifestyle without breaking any tax laws.

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what about gangsters?

are you not concerned about the mafia?

from organized crimes all over the usa to inner-city street thuggery.

we could wipe out drugs, prostitution, anything that is perceived as bad for the usa

the nsa could watch over the country the way mods run this forum

and keep america squeaky clean

LOL...if you want to go after small to medium sized potatoes...but what about the cargo jet sized potatoes?



meanwhile, Detroit declares bankruptcy...


and gas price manipulation is rampant with supply being at the highest levels since 1992, yet I just saw REGULAR shoot well above 4 bucks.

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LOL...if you want to go after small to medium sized potatoes...but what about the cargo jet sized potatoes?



meanwhile, Detroit declares bankruptcy...


and gas price manipulation is rampant with supply being at the highest levels since 1992, yet I just saw REGULAR shoot well above 4 bucks.


Gas here shot up .29/gal overnight and 3 days later dropped .24/gal. An oil co. exec. admitted that at least 1.00/gal. is due to speculation. CFTC will do nothing about it. Paper trading without taking delivery with very little capital required and probably around 10/1 margin. Outrageous!

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meanwhile, Detroit declares bankruptcy...


great! that is one way to get rid of parasites on their fat government pensions.

shoot the infested dog and watch the ticks jump about on the sidewalk.

i like that.


next stop, chicago. :D

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LOL...if you want to go after small to medium sized potatoes...but what about the cargo jet sized potatoes?


small potato?

organized crime across america is a multi-billion dollar business

much more than what the crooked politicians ....

oh, come to think of it, the nsa can go after crooks in the white house and congress also.

isn't this what occupiers and activists want?

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small potato?

organized crime across america is a multi-billion dollar business

much more than what the crooked politicians ....

oh, come to think of it, the nsa can go after crooks in the white house and congress also.

isn't this what occupiers and activists want?



Do you understand that the NSA is part of the Pentagon, the military? You are advocating a military coup!

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Do you understand that the NSA is part of the Pentagon, the military? You are advocating a military coup!


perhaps you don't understand how things really work in america

what you see is not what you get

how would you or anyone out there know?

i don't know either but i can intuit what the heart of america is like

so far, despite all the criticisms and activisms,

i still like what i feel about america

i feel safe and proud to be american

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perhaps you don't understand how things really work in america

what you see is not what you get

how would you or anyone out there know?

i don't know either but i can intuit what the heart of america is like

so far, despite all the criticisms and activisms,

i still like what i feel about america

i feel safe and proud to be american


I do know how things work in this country. I would appreciate it if you would stop the condescending remarks! Your remarks are advocating a military coup, which is treason!

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I do know how things work in this country. I would appreciate it if you would stop the condescending remarks! Your remarks are advocating a military coup, which is treason!


military coup?

are you nuts?

america is in safe hands

always has been

and will stay that way

as long as there are more patriots

than activists who have no idea

what made this country great

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