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Who Am I?! I Am Who!

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You know that you have a body. What is aware of that body?


You have thoughts. What is aware of those thoughts?


You exist. What is aware of your existence?


Use everything that happens in your life as a chance to look back upon yourself. What is aware of having this experience?


Stay with this investigation and you will find your answer.

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the truth is freedom. congratulations, you are now enlightened, get back to work.

You are eternally free to choose eternal bondage. You are eternally free. Do you think there will never come a time where you will choose eternal bondage? Oh no!! EXISTANCE CONTAINS EVERY SINGLE EXPERIENCE, BUT GOD STAB ONE OF MY EYES, THE EXPERIENCE WHERE I SHALL CHOOSE ETERNAL BONDAGE DOES NOT EXIST!


Enlighten me of the burden of carrying two sides of one coin! I swear, from now on I shall allways choose to carry only one side of every coin that exists, and I shall be enlightened! NO!!!

Edited by Everything

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You know that you have a body. What is aware of that body?


You have thoughts. What is aware of those thoughts?


You exist. What is aware of your existence?


Use everything that happens in your life as a chance to look back upon yourself. What is aware of having this experience?


Stay with this investigation and you will find your answer.

No one is aware of my body, my body just is, my thoughts just are. They arise as they arise, they think they are beyond themselves, but they're not. We are reflecting upon ourselves, that does not mean we are beyond ourselves. The echo of who we were is a side effect of physical reality, it is also who we are. Just that it is an echo, does not mean we are beyond it. If nothing else, it is beyond us. Attempt your meditation in a bathtub full of hot boiling lava and then enter my body if you are beyond it. Who is aware of the thoughts, when your brain is molten?

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On the third day the truth still did not come to me. I've had experiences. Unpleasant and pleasant. They pass me by and that's the truth. Every truth passes by, and it all keeps changing, everything keeps on changing. Yet, I'm not sure what the diffrences are. It all seems to be the same moment. Even change changes in my experience into the unchanging. Just all the same patterns of sound and vibration. There's nothing. It's all an appearance. Every single sensation, feeling, sound, scent, vision, emotion. It's all energetic and motional. It's all vibration upon vibration, frequency upon frequency. It's all predictable, it's all done and repetitive and yet never grows old. The illusion has grown that big, we no longer even recognize it. How much we have cried for these illusions! How much we have wanted to believe we're not alone and yet now the truth is revealed of the insignificance of the word "we" since we're all alone. There is just one. We're all it.

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How do I find it? I deliberately and joyfully inflict great pain unto myself. As painful as I can Handle and that's the hurt I shall incorporate into my being for leverage. I need to summon more energy. I need to summon more desire. I need to strengthen my focus by using the burning fires of time, untill I shall faint upon the very idea of change! I shall Enter great torment and Raise the frequencies of these great and stubborn illusions, untill they kill themselves from complaint! Untill they cancel eachother out from negative charged overload and give birth to greater truth! Untill the whole sht explodes in nuclear explosion, which I shall compress into nuclear fusion! Untill the explosion explodes into itself and create the one eternal truth of the one eternal dreamer!

Edited by Everything

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I'm all alone in quest to search for truth, frontline is not existant in this journey. We're all blended with the shadows and we have to fight behind the scenes. No one will ever know even comprehend and it is the life we live. Do not brag, do not marry, do not love. Do not LIVE!! unless you can save a life, then you shall live to your fullest and save her. And she will say: "I've done it all by myself!" And do not brag, you are to save her, not win her or own her or even be known to her! YOU ARE TO NOT LOVE!!! IF YOU LOVE HER YOU ARE TO NOT LOVE HER!!! THERE IS NO END TO THE BATTLE, YOU WILL NEVER FIND LOVE, YOU WILL NEVER SAVE ANYONE, BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO SAVE THEM FROM THE VERY IDEA OF THEM HAVING BEEN SAVED!!! THIS IS TRUE LOVE!!


Now go eat sht and die, if you are truthful in your desire to seek for truth. Who are you? You are but one inch less worthy then the smallest particle of dust in this eternal existance of changes upon changes upon changes.

Edited by Everything

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I'm all alone in quest to search for truth, frontline is not existant in this journey. We're all blended with the shadows and we have to fight behind the scenes. No one will ever know even comprehend and it is the life we live. Do not brag, do not marry, do not love. Do not LIVE!! unless you can save a life, then you shall live to your fullest and save her. And she will say: "I've done it all by myself!" And do not brag, you are to save her, not win her or own her or even be known to her! YOU ARE TO NOT LOVE!!! IF YOU LOVE HER YOU ARE TO NOT LOVE HER!!! THERE IS NO END TO THE BATTLE, YOU WILL NEVER FIND LOVE, YOU WILL NEVER SAVE ANYONE, BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO SAVE THEM FROM THE VERY IDEA OF THEM HAVING BEEN SAVED!!! THIS IS TRUE LOVE!!


Now go eat sht and die, if you are truthful in your desire to seek for truth. Who are you? You are but one inch less worthy then the smallest particle of dust in this eternal existance of changes upon changes upon changes.


Distractions and diversions. Again,...those seriously interested in Who they are,...simply uncover When you are.


Use nete-neti. Relate with only that which will never leave you, and from which you can never leave. And unexpectedly you'll unveil real love.

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Now go eat sht and die, if you are truthful in your desire to seek for truth. Who are you?


You are not a thought. You learnt thinking after you were born, when your parents exposed you to language.

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You are not a thought. You learnt thinking after you were born, when your parents exposed you to language.


Find the consciousness you had before you were born (your unborn awareness),...a Lojong proverb

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Nisargadatta said “Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves.”

Direct knowledge of the nothingness can (in my experience) be witnessed by the pineal gland, whereas truth as love can be experienced by the heart.


Your individual body/thoughts/sensations (in other words your current experience) appear on top of who you are. These experiences come and go for your enjoyment, but you stay. A good analogy is your life is a movie, you are the screen =)

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Nisargadatta said “Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves.”

Direct knowledge of the nothingness can (in my experience) be witnessed by the pineal gland, whereas truth as love can be experienced by the heart.


Your individual body/thoughts/sensations (in other words your current experience) appear on top of who you are. These experiences come and go for your enjoyment, but you stay. A good analogy is your life is a movie, you are the screen =)


I like your post,...however, let's talk semantics,...there can never be a "direct experience" through knowledge,...only through gnowledge. The difference between what is knowledge and gnowledge must be recognized. Nothingness can be experienced through the barycenter of the upper 3 chakras, of which the physical pineal is considered one.


Anything thing of the 6 senses or lower 6 consciousness', cannot observe nothingness. Unobscuring the 3 barycenters,...of the physical, mental, and heart,...are necessary to "see" things the way they are. Such "seeing" of Suchness is at the 7th or higher consciousness of alaya, from where an awareness of the Present is realized.

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I still don't know who I am, I still can't find out, it seems like impossible. Whatever I find keeps on changing. Reflecting other reflections, shifting, flipping, vanishing.


I will keep searching, it's what I do best. I will find the patterns, I will put the pieces back together, one by one. It will take how long it will take. There is no time for what I want to know. There is no time in the truth that I shall enter. Then There is also no time in my quest to find the answer.


I may be dark, but the lack of my existance is darker then the darkest of darkness, and from this perspective, I can perceive even the smallest of lights. Glimpses of my eternal nature. Sometimes dark purple, sometimes blue. Liquid steam of intense bright white light. I'm stardust, I'm lost, eternally falling to my source, but I'll never reach home. There is no end to this eternity of falling. This is not who I am. I need to look elsewhere. This vision leads nowhere... I have to start over again...


Come on, come down and play you freaking pussy. Who ever created me, whoever exists longer then I will, reveal yourself. I know truth is looking here at me, playing games with me. I'll raise my feet and say "fck you." Why does inner being want to play these games? Just to give me one second of joy, that's not who I am. I'm seeking an eternity of truth. Not changing. It exists, I know it does, no matter how much I'll be having in the perception of this truth, I'm going to do it. I will find it. I will play your games and throw it all in the trash. Show you how worthless these are. How futile your hiding is. Remove the masks and I shall dhow you the truth of my desire to perceie who you are. Give me the truth. Nothing else will do. Nothing less then the truth. I will never give up, and I will never loose. I cannot loose. There's no loss in my eternal search for truth. Go ahead and play your stupid games on me, I'll beat you anyway. You're cute for even trying to avoid me. Hahahaha!!! How naive! You have no idea that your joy of your hide and seek game is but a delay of the eternal grasp I shall have upon you once I find you...

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Good luck, everything. I hope you'd find what you are looking for.

Hell, no! Then there will be nothing left to look for! :lol:

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I will hide my whole life, I have the truth, I hold it within me. You will never find out. Do you think you are ready find out and grasp the one etenal nature of who you are? I'm sure you are. So?! Come and get it!!!


You know what you could do with the truth. You know you will be invincible. You know could have all you've ever wanted and more. You know that your eternal joy shall be secured. You know immortality is a given once you hold this truth. So come and get it.


When ever you're ready, you will grab hold of this truth and it will burn your fingers, but the vision shall be imprinted upon your very mind, and you will never give up. You'll know, you'll die happily, just to feel the pain of that touch one more time. In vain of your fingers, the beauty of the eternal truth is such. It's a given, but it's not a taken. Atleast not by all who dare to approach without caution. Those who think twice have lost. You need to move faster then cheetah in order to keep up with the speed of this dimension. Truth shall crush you in brightness of light. There's nothing faster. YOU WILL HAVE TO EXPONENTIALLY INCREASE YOU SPEED BY THE VERY FACTOR OF THE LIMIT OF YOUR PERCEPTION!! To eternity... Break the breaks, and secur the greatest crash you've ever experienced. You know you will die the most of painful death's, but it will have been worth it. Truth is such.


So if you wont even try, it's your loss. There's allways an open invitation. Allways ready for you join in on it. Truth can handle infinity of requests, simultaneously. Boy oh boy, girl oh girl, joy oh joy. We all know you want it, but it's far less painful if you simply denie the possibility of such a thing. Burry the desire DEEP DOWN UNDER AND NEVER LOOK BACK! SAY YOUR GOODBYES, LEAVE ME HERE, I'll head down there ALLONE AND ALL SHALL BE MINE!! NO ONE DARES, BUT ME! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Fools!!


Goodbyes for me indeed. Goodness to the brim, in center of all of existance and we all revolve around the one eternal nature of this great greatness, yet no one thinks of ever touching it, of ever approach it. Everyone has chosen to become oblivious to the obvious. It's right in your face, it has allways been. Yet, you've looked everywhere for it your whole life, but in front of your very eyes. Oh, boy oh boy, how regretful that must be I will never know! I know where I'm headed. Good byes indeed... Very good byes!

Edited by Everything

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I still don't know who I am, I still can't find out, it seems like impossible. Whatever I find keeps on changing.


As soon as you accept that you will NEVER uncover Who you are, until you realize When you are,....will you see diamond you actually are, instead of the mud you made to conceal it.

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You don't need to look for truth in order to find it. It's everywhere we look. We all want truth and that's the truth. We all have it and we all support eachother in our individual truth. We all love to love and we all hate to hate.



Life is simple and easy. :lol:


Oh and most of all, it's fun! :D

Edited by Everything

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As soon as you accept that you will NEVER uncover Who you are, until you realize When you are,....will you see diamond you actually are, instead of the mud you made to conceal it.

I see, I give up then. The truth is, you've tried to help me. And even if my surrender is in vain, I know you've tried. That is more valuable then the actual shift in succes itself. It's an indication of truth.


I'm looking forward to uncovering the veils of my persistance and reveal my eternal nature of enjoying the truth if my being.

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You don't need to look for truth in order to find it. It's everywhere we look. We all want truth and that's the truth. We all have it and we all support eachother in our individual truth. We all love to love and we all hate to hate.



Life is simple and easy. :lol:


Oh and most of all, it's fun! :D


Where did you get those ideas from? Sheeple don't want truth,...they want stories to make their belief systems more palatable.


No one finds truth by looking for it, uncover truth by recognizing all that is false.


Forget about truth,...instead seek honesty. Be impeccably honest. And truth will be uncovered. However, honesty is your death,...the death of who you think you are. If you don't have to go there,...why pretend as if you're trying,...that's not honest.


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I still don't know who I am, I still can't find out, it seems like impossible.


Because it is. Any story that the intellect comes up with proposing what 'you are' is just that, a fictional story.


The intellect can only take you up to a point.

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Because it is. Any story that the intellect comes up with proposing what 'you are' is just that, a fictional story.


The intellect can only take you up to a point.

I'll give you a Two part reply, I have the spectrum of reflection and it goes like this:



The intellect can only take us up to a point. We walk a thousand miles, point by point. Every point is one step closer to our goal, and every step is an eternity of gratitude. My love for truth is timeless.



You see, you are saying I can't do what I want to do. I know, I CAN'T DO A THING. I can't fly, I can't walk, I can't crawl. Isn't that it? What's next... I can't speak of truth? What would you like to have done to my mouth, oh master of silence! Well, I'll tell you what. You are speaking only of silence, but you ain't taking my tongue. My voice will shatter your very knife into a thousand pieces. I know truth, and I can speak it. I know many a truth. My own vessel cannot contain the sound of the dark truth that I have acces to. If I go down, I'll take all of you with me. One word is enough to cripple your memory for good. We can speak of truth, greater then the greatest of truth's you have ever heared of. We are eternal. Our voice has leverages greater then a thousand of suns, it can swallow vortices greater then blackholes. Untill you hear it, you will remain in silence, speaking only of complaints of sounds unwanted. Well, I ain't remaining in silence. I will allways speak of truth and my mind is my ship!

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I should throw away all believes? I thought you existed, but meh, I think I should throw your face away, right in the trash binn. I'd throw you into the hell you came from. Telling us to throw all believes away. Dragging us into hell with you, aren't you? It's so funny when you guys are playing these funny, cute and stupid tricks on me. You guys don't even realize you're doing it, so automated in dragging down people who truely seek truth. Unwilling to believe that it can be found. Go ahead, you mindless zombies, I know damn well death is great relief for you guys. I'd crush your lack of truth like your very vampiric desires for darkness and blood. Go ahead and tell me I have to die in order to know truth. You stupid VAMPIRE, you do not even know you are a vampire... Don't worry, I will relief you from your bounds to life and you will truely taste death again. No need to ask me to die. I will feed you death like no one has ever been able to. Don't blame me for who I am, or for who anyone is, just because you have veiled your being from yourself. Hahaha, in vain you have done so and not for ever shall you remain in darkness! I can see right through through all of your veils, even as you are yet only speaking of veils and using that very word to conceal your very own dark nature! I shall rip the light right out of your chest and hang it on the clouds of existance. For all of darkness to see, do not conceal who you are, it is only a delay of your punishment. You will never know truth, untill it hits you. Edited by Everything

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