
Male majority on spiritual sites

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Hahahaha! Well i havent danced naked in the woods yet, but with the right gal, i'd go for a skinny dip in the arctic! :D But i've smoked in the woods a few times, and it is very revealing to thesenses to hold a ceremonious circle of friends passing the peace pipe...



I think it is more a state of mind, honoring the pipe than some magical power the plant has. Howerver, i also believe in the power of the plant ;)



I think sinfest deserves at least one star, im pretty believing he DOES practice horse stance :D

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Hellz yeah, ten stars right here

Years from now people will talk about the horse stance I've done and write books about it

There will be a movie called The Passion of The Gong and some Arnold looking guy will be in the main role

Good times... the future times...

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I think sinfest deserves at least one star, im pretty believing he DOES practice horse stance :D

Noyou are not wrong -- that goes without saying , but I will say it anyway. Sinfest is Da Boss of Horse Stance our Leader whos are all stars in the sky and beyond...

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It's because the innate human need for truth drives us, even the gang bangers. we jsut cant alwys filter out the lies. that comes about from experience and wisdom.


These "most girls", as i refer to them as, are genuinely seeking spiritual fulfillment, but cannot differentiate the genuine spiritual fruit from the plastic counterpart that still looks a lot the same on the surface.



most people nowadays have developed a taste for plastic though... D:


LMAO plastic

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oh? Sounds like you're talking about me~ except for the wishy-washy part.❤


100% ditto.


David Deida writes well about male spirituality being head based and about emptiness and freedom, and female spirtuality being about embodiment, presence, and relationship.


Methinks perhaps your company I would quite enjoy! :D


This sounds like a party waiting to happen. Who's down for Saturday night??

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Many women don't have the luxury of high-falootin' thinking on lofty forums like Tao Bums. They're too busy juggling kids, jobs, housework, husbands/partners and all that mundane real stuff. That seems more like Tao in practice than in theory, to me.

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Many women don't have the luxury of high-falootin' thinking on lofty forums like Tao Bums. They're too busy juggling kids, jobs, housework, husbands/partners and all that mundane real stuff. That seems more like Tao in practice than in theory, to me.


hm Yes, as a man, I do enjoy doing nothing :lol:

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I think it's more because there is a higher % of guys than gals who post on the internet overall.


Funny is I've been accused many times of lying about my gender, is how rare it it for women to post online lol.

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Tired of being referred to as 'he' here.


There are probably more women here than are realised, but our profiles aint pink and scented.

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Back when I used to admit my gender on irc, icq and in forums there were so many attempts to turn what seemed a normal convo into netsex I stopped listing gender and started using a username which wouldn't make gender obvious. I only changed this recently, hoping the net has grown up somewhat, and also hoping that martial arts forums and Taoist forums actually draw folks who are decent.

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Said it before.

More men than women talking about spirituality online.

Many more women than men 'doing' spirituality in churches, temples and centres.



Why is Mona Lisa such a famous painting?


Why is the Incredible Hulk?

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In my personal opinion, we are all quite passive as human beings and our behavior plainly reflects the external conditions in which we grow up.

This is a subtle thing and one should be very very honest to notice it.

If you have an interest in spiritual stuff, it's sure that -at the very least- you were in contact with a religious person in your childhood, otherwise it's an interest that won't last or that it will not develop so much.


Men tend to develop, to expand, to enhance everything they get. Hence, if you plant the seed of spirituality in a young boy, it will eventually develop in a full spiritual life with distinct features. He will search for the The Tao Bums and start writing and reading in order to get information and enrich his spiritual life.


Women tend to keep, to protect and assimilate things as they are. Just like pure mirrors, they retain what they get exactly as it were given to them. If you try to speak of spirituality to a young girl, she will only get some dogmatic belief passively that she will carry on her shoulders until some conflict will force her to discard it for another one.


So, a spiritual man is someone who "develop" his spirituality, looking for improvement, being a critic for himself: he is rarely satisfied.

A spiritual women is a girl in a spiritual setting who passively absorbs external influences as they are.


I'm out of any delineate spiritual settings and many guys whom I know are like this. No label. It's a continuously changing thing.

I never met a woman like this: they are statically fixed year after year and their spirituality is something passively absorbed by an external group (the infamous spiritual groups!). No seeking here. No personal elaborations.


Hence, when I say "spiritual girl", I should refer to the group whom she belongs.


Ok, this is a general view. Maybe there are exceptions. There are men who behave like women in spirituality, etc...



Edited by DAO rain TAO

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