
A Beginners Guide to Starting a Cult!

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I hear they're serving oats and molasses at the holy house of Sinfest .. he IS a demigod, isn't he? :P


I'm going to enter him for the Kentucky Derby.

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Pony stance cult promotional video





I'm more of a cult then rocky horror picture show

Edited by Sinfest 2: Judgement Day
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Read somewhere that a cult is just a religion but without political power.

Can't be too hard to start one, there are lots of them about.

Sweet job, cult leadering; has to beat the old 9-to-5.

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It'd probably help to read a lot of science fiction and pop psychology. A couple of good boogie men <or woman, why let men have all the fun> are required too. Like the damn dirty lizard people, or accountants.. stuff like that.

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Yep you gotta have an anti-Santa, someone or something you can be opposed to.

Protestant v Catholic or Islam v Jews sorta thing.

No fun at all being in a cult unless you can point an accusatory finger at something or other you really don't agree with.

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We could fight against cowboys, as we are the guardians of the true and only stance

Edited by Homserat Tember
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Here I've taken the time to give those who might want to start a cult some useful advice and you've all turned it into a joke. Tsk. Tsk. I hope this doesn't dissuade the serious cult leaders from pursuing their dream.



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There's no cult worth the name that does not go in for merchandise.

Every new cult member gets to buy , own and wear the official magic hat ($5,000 each, all sizes available).

I'm thinking maybe a nice saffron baseball cap style with cult logo (trade mark protected) on the front.

We could maybe use something like this as a pitch....


'Come the last day, only those wearing magic hats will be magicked up into the rescue spaceship and be saved'.


Gotta be a winner, a similar pitch has worked well in the past.

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Here I've taken the time to give those who might want to start a cult some useful advice and you've all turned it into a joke. Tsk. Tsk. I hope this doesn't dissuade the serious cult leaders from pursuing their dream.



Probably no need to worry about that.

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Oh, No! A cult of the Demi-Dog. That will drive Aaron and Vmarco into the mountains to live the remainder of their life in a cave.

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Oh, No! A cult of the Demi-Dog. That will drive Aaron and Vmarco into the mountains to live the remainder of their life in a cave.


Let me say I wont be going to any mountain cave. My life is here and now. Besides the demi-dog has nothing on captain marblehead lord of material Nietzschism. And I'm sure VMarco will be back to lead us to Salvation once everything dies down.

Edited by Aaron
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Let me say I wont be going to any mountain cave. My life is here and now. Besides the demi-dog has nothing on captain marblehead lord of material Nietzschism. And I'm sure VMarco will be back to lead us to Salvation once everything dies down.

I'm glad you won't be running off to a mountain cave. I am glad you recognized that reality is stronger than demi-whatevers. Those are only myths, you know.


And BTW, that post above was inspired by your and Vmarco's disdain for pit bulls.

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I'm glad you won't be running off to a mountain cave. I am glad you recognized that reality is stronger than demi-whatevers. Those are only myths, you know.


And BTW, that post above was inspired by your and Vmarco's disdain for pit bulls.


I don't disdain pitbulls. They have every bit as much of a right to live as any other creature on this planet. I think you misunderstand my view in regards to VMarco's. We've had this discussion before though, and it only brought about conflict and suffering in the past, so I would prefer to let it die here.


Also, who defines what's real? VMarco was defining it, apparently you're defining it now. Perhaps each individual has the right to define what's real for themselves, without others telling them what's not real simply because their own experience doesn't coincide with someone else's? Oh wait, cult leaders, never ever tell your followers what I've just said, they might lynch you.



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each individual has the right to define what's real for themselves


Now there's a cult philosophy I can get behind!

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Also, who defines what's real? VMarco was defining it, apparently you're defining it now. Perhaps each individual has the right to define what's real for themselves, without others telling them what's not real simply because their own experience doesn't coincide with someone else's? Oh wait, cult leaders, never ever tell your followers what I've just said, they might lynch you.



The individual defines what is real for them. I have always and only spoken for myself. Yes, I define reality as I observe and understand it. Others do the same. You do the same. If what we define is valid in our own life then that is our reality.


Indeed, we each have the right to define our own reality. Therefore I do not have the right to say that someone else is wrong about their own reality. However, if others tell me what they think my reality is I will object in whatever manner I see appropriate and I would expect others to respond to me likewise were I to try telling them what their reality is.


But with your cult, yes, the leader is going to tell his/her followers what their reality is. Just like all religions tell their followers. But then, it is easier that way because the followers don't have to think now.

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I think the sign of a mature religion is followers ability to disregard old decrepit pieces of it.

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I think the sign of a mature religion is followers ability to disregard old decrepit pieces of it.

I would agree with that.

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I think the sign of a mature religion is followers ability to disregard old decrepit pieces of it.


Oh boy

I'm putting the theosophical waders on, it's going to get thick in here!


Ponies! its all about Ponies, damnit!


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