
pro jing cuisine

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Well the OP asked about jing nourishing foods, not vegetarianism vs meat eating, bigu, fasting or food combining. There is a smoothie on youtube or at least used to be where the guy has a jing tonic and the ingredients he used were coconut oil, chia seeds, flax seeds, and goji berries. There may be another food but I think this is it. I have tried it and liked it and it is not overly stimulating like eating meat. I actually prefer just eating the goji berries. I have a chonic kidney disease so I am thinking along the lines of kidney nourishing as there has been some debate over exactly what jing is but I hope that this helps answer your question. Another food that helps me a lot is adzuki beans as these nourish the kidneys and adrenal glands. I have not tried it but am looking to purchase some high quality royal jelly and this is supposed to be a jing building superfood. If anyone has anymore kidney nourishing foods I would be interested. I also find asparagus and beet juiced together very nourishing but not necessarily jing building. I would stay with foods and superfoods because herbs can throw you off balance unless you see a practitioner of TCM or Tibetan herbal medicine which I am currently doing to help my conditon.

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Oysters stuffed with a sliver of pepper, wrapped in kelp and simmered in coconut milk. Finish with a dash of salt, ground black peppercorns, and a splash of lime juice. Reserve the juices to steam your rice, and serve with fresh slices of pineapple and melon.

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First breakfast 6am... Two mince Pies, decaff coffee, apple juice and multi vit n minerals horse pill.

Second breakfast 11am... beans on toast. Black Tea


Lunch 1.30pm... Grilled Wholemeal pitta pockets with Edam, leek and tomato filling. Green n Red Bush Tea blend with lemon juice.


High tea (3.30pm) ... Mrs GMPs fruit cake and possibly another mince pie. Green tea.


Dinner 6.30pm... Not sure yet but it smells good, a casserole I suspect. More green tea.

Apple Pie n Cream.

Supper 10pm... Biccies and cocoa.

I love holidays at home.


Edited by GrandmasterP

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Oysters stuffed with a sliver of pepper, wrapped in kelp and simmered in coconut milk. Finish with a dash of salt, ground black peppercorns, and a splash of lime juice. Reserve the juices to steam your rice, and serve with fresh slices of pineapple and melon.



Jing isn't exactly sex but it helps sex out when sex is busy.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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I also cook :P I'm a big fan of bromelin and papain, indespensible protease enzymes that should be included in any meal that contains animal protein. The less energy the body must spend producing enzymes, the more energy that can be extracted from the food.


(edit) Ok, here's another one, fitting for holiday:

Coin one pound carrots. That's 450 some odd grams for you non - hacking wankers! (with respect and loving kindness, of course) Turn out into a pan containing one quarter cup butter, melted, and simmer on low heat. Add one ounce freshly grated ginger root, and toss until the carrots begin to become tender. Drizzle on honey to form a glaze, then remove from heat. Plate with freshly roasted slivers of almond, and enjoy!


God bless Her majesty's navy, and the H.M.S. Gloucester, who saved my hide one fine february day in years past.

Edited by ShenLung

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Well the OP asked about jing nourishing foods, not vegetarianism vs meat eating, bigu, fasting or food combining. There is a smoothie on youtube or at least used to be where the guy has a jing tonic and the ingredients he used were coconut oil, chia seeds, flax seeds, and goji berries. There may be another food but I think this is it. I have tried it and liked it and it is not overly stimulating like eating meat. I actually prefer just eating the goji berries. I have a chonic kidney disease so I am thinking along the lines of kidney nourishing as there has been some debate over exactly what jing is but I hope that this helps answer your question. Another food that helps me a lot is adzuki beans as these nourish the kidneys and adrenal glands. I have not tried it but am looking to purchase some high quality royal jelly and this is supposed to be a jing building superfood. If anyone has anymore kidney nourishing foods I would be interested. I also find asparagus and beet juiced together very nourishing but not necessarily jing building. I would stay with foods and superfoods because herbs can throw you off balance unless you see a practitioner of TCM or Tibetan herbal medicine which I am currently doing to help my conditon.

Just found the video for the smoothie the guys name is Truth Calkins. The ingredient that I left out was black sesame seeds. I know that Chunyi Lin also suggests black sesame seed tea but this smoothie has them blended raw. I always wondered if boiling the seeds is better than blending them raw. Another product I like with goji berries is good quality deer antler. Southern Cross makes very good quality products.

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Well the OP asked about jing nourishing foods, not vegetarianism vs meat eating, bigu, fasting or food combining. There is a smoothie on youtube or at least used to be where the guy has a jing tonic and the ingredients he used were coconut oil, chia seeds, flax seeds, and goji berries. There may be another food but I think this is it. I have tried it and liked it and it is not overly stimulating like eating meat. I actually prefer just eating the goji berries. I have a chonic kidney disease so I am thinking along the lines of kidney nourishing as there has been some debate over exactly what jing is but I hope that this helps answer your question. Another food that helps me a lot is adzuki beans as these nourish the kidneys and adrenal glands. I have not tried it but am looking to purchase some high quality royal jelly and this is supposed to be a jing building superfood. If anyone has anymore kidney nourishing foods I would be interested. I also find asparagus and beet juiced together very nourishing but not necessarily jing building. I would stay with foods and superfoods because herbs can throw you off balance unless you see a practitioner of TCM or Tibetan herbal medicine which I am currently doing to help my conditon.


In regards to food combining it is very much related to the topic. According to TCM the way in which we mix foods has a large impact on our ability to extract the necessary nutrients from it. We can have heavy "jing" foods but if we are mixing them improperly with other substances then we will not be able to achieve as positive an energy exchange if it were otherwise.


-My 2 cents, Peace

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Cooking is alchemy at its finest! Consider listening to your stomach when picking foods, instead of your tongue. The Body apart from the mind still has its own mind, and it isnt stupid! The body knows what it needs more than the mind inhabiting it might. Learn to listen to your body. Sometimes, due to inexperience, you might find yourself craving something. maddness. i crave... i CRAVE... but what i crave? What do i crave? DAMMIT im hungry and dont wnt to eat anything available...



I've been there, sure many others have too... this is our body out-knowing our mind. the physical knowledge of necessety and instinct overriding life-experience, that the body knows it needs a food it has not yet eaten in its lifetime. (my body's a "he" by the way, "it" is starting to sound absurd)



Back to cooking. sometimes one must extract from the foods that specific element which our bodies crave... sometimes the nutrition is greater in the individual ingredients in cooked meals, like a well rounded stew havinf healthier carrots than the exact same gathering of carrots that werent added to the stew. This is aside from the "association" factor, that these foods are GOING to share nutrition a little whence cooked together; but i've learned to listen to instinct no matter how illogical... cook a carrot alone and it loses nutrition, cook a carrot in a stew, and it gains nutrition from itself as well as its neighboring ingredients... the carrot learns to open its inner potential when cooked with other ingredients, not when cooked alone.




Think not of your cooking as a task, chore, or even recipe, but think of it in terms of PEOPLE; that you are combining people in a situation and you want these people to best accentuate each other and harmonize a healthy balance of body, texture, flavor, and spirit. Think of cooking more like you are managing a small tribe of people: The ingredients are teh people, and the resulting meal is a representation of the spirit of the tribe.


To be a good chef, you msut be a good cheif. to be a good cheif, you must know your people as though they are your own children. To be a good chef, you msut know your ingredients first hand, as theyare alone, and as they are in company of other flavors.

Edited by Hot Nirvana Judo Trend
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The spirit of what you eat becomes part of your energy formation. I used to have a butcher in my town who looked like a pig. If you eat more meat, you will become more animal like.

If you eat only plants, you will become a vegetable, haha.


Cooking is alchemy at its finest! Consider listening to your stomach when picking foods, instead of your tongue. The Body apart from the mind still has its own mind, and it isnt stupid! The body knows what it needs more than the mind inhabiting it might. Learn to listen to your body. Sometimes, due to inexperience, you might find yourself craving something. maddness. i crave... i CRAVE... but what i crave? What do i crave? DAMMIT im hungry and dont wnt to eat anything available...

I know the feeling. It frustrates me. I feel that what I'm craving would feel delicious right now, and it's very much NOT anything I can think of. But what can one do in that situation? First one has to know what it is, and second it has to be obtainable.

Sometimes I think the craving isn't even about any food, but only manifests as food-craving for a certain reason, maybe because a spiritual need has become so solid that it manifests as a physical craving.

Edited by Owledge

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Sometimes I think the craving isn't even about any food, but only manifests as food-craving for a certain reason, maybe because a spiritual need has become so solid that it manifests as a physical craving.


We see this a lot, don't we? When an unsatisfied emotional need becomes subliminated into a craving for food.

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Yes, and at some point one isn't fooled that easily anymore. But that's can be a curse, when the real thing still isn't available. And the growing pain stemming from that can be more of a hindrance than a helper.

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