
Turning Invisible

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I had the opportunity to ask Wang Liping a few questions, I of course asked about invisibility because that shit is tight. It was not a long answer, but it sounds like it comes naturally with the cultivation of shen.


As well, at the same seminar, I heard an anecdote about one of the students (it sounded like he was in China) who did the tree qigong regularly. He practiced it a lot and really enjoyed it. As he was practicing one day people started throwing rocks toward him. He didn't understand at first, but he was partially disappearing and they thought he was a ghost. I heard this a few years back, so the details might be a bit mussed.


Sorry that I don't have anything more concrete to share on this topic.

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When I really surrender and allow my sincere practice to change me wholly over time, I really do change.

I'd say I am surprised by some of the changes, but that's not it... how can I be surprised by what I fully am?

In allowing my mind and ego to transform, I allow them to die, and thus they may be reborn.

When I attach to particular ideas and understandings, I prevent myself from changing.


Interesting how merging with the tao has been correlated to invisibility.

I've heard in walking the circle one will find the tao.

In my opinion this is related to invisibility as well.


Interesting sharing on shen, TAXICAT. We could look at shen as being related to fire. And the qualities of fire? Illumination and clarity. When something is completely clear, it can be seen through.

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If you want to do magic tricks, then you're on the wrong forum. You need to join a magician's forum.


Countless spiritual paths warn about the abuse of psychic powers and the addiction to them. Better to be a heroin addict because that will only last a single lifetime, whereas psychic addiction can roll on for countless lifetimes.


Psychic powers are materialistic in nature. This is not the path and not the point of any genuine spiritual tradition.

lol what do you know about being a heroin addict....and that it would only last for a single lifetime? as if the karmic energy of heroin addiction is somehow infinitely less potent than a 'psychic addiction' of an alleged ability that requires refined spiritual attainment to obtain in the first place?

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Hi folks,


I have been having some very deep discussions in the Buddhist section of late and thought I would change tact by offering something a little light-hearted that I discovered while watching nature and understanding true-nature. Try it out, see what you think and I'd love to know what experiences you've had or whether there are other methods too.







There are a number of Taoist books that either describe someone turning invisible or mention it is possible. Well I think I know what it means in a slightly less literal sense so here goes...


If we take Man out of the equation for a moment, the rest of nature has a way of being. Everywhere you might look you may notice animals and plants being in this way. Whether moving or motionless they have at their heart a settled presence (expressed as a deep stillness/settled quality) which as I have said before is (for me) the Presence of Tao/God/True-Self.


To move and act with this Presence at their heart and at the core of their actions animals, wildlife and plants subsequently express a single energy. This is why, if you have ever walked in a wood and startled a deer (or something) you tend not to notice it until it has moved/bolted - which is the moment it raises its energy). Until that point you had not seen it - because its energy level, or how it is present is the same as everything that surrounds it, its presence went unnoticed. For us to do the same is more difficult but not impossible.


Our energy is unsettled as we are distracted by the world around us, our state of peace lies not within but in our interaction and connection with the world around us - until we notice our True-Nature. If we can become quiet and settle our energy so that it sinks to our stomach/solar plexus and below and when our mind begins to quieten we also begin to fade. I do not mean that if someone was staring at you, you would fade but that your energy becomes the same as that surrounding you so you become less noticed. Try in a club with a busy bar, if you match your energy to that of the bar (not the people) but the fixtures and fittings (I need to get out more lol) then you will not get served!


Hope this has given you something to think about!


This is pretty much spot on - "match your energy" - you do this from the crown chakra.

Also bring your vibration to neutral.



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Interesting thread,

Just a story,

My father was a WWII vet. He had the ability to walk (say about 60 meters or so) out into an open field and just stand there, and before you new it he was gone... but he never moved. He said he had learned how to do it in the war. He was not a Taoist, nor was he a mage, in truth he was an atheist, something else he brought back from the war. Did he break the laws of physics? Did light pass through him? Highly doubtful. But he was able to go unseen.


To the person how started this...

Do what you do, I mean.... Liberation... not in Taoism. You live then your worm food, that is why I like it so much. No reincarnation, no karmic debt, that is why the ancients looked for ways to extend their lives, to become immortal... it was/is a one shot deal. Even the gods were finite.


Do what you do, try and not impose yourself or your view on others, What's the line from Bill and Ted?? "Be Excellent to one-another."?


My free advice, worth exactly what you payed for it.

have a great day.

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