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I have met many people that are pursuing cultivation and healing. I have met few who really stood out, not just as a testament to their teacher or their lineage, but also perhaps more simply as a human being. Some manage all of the above.


Posting this has been on my mind for a while. I hope I do not embarass anyone by doing so, though no actual names will be included.


I met a gentleman last year (who posts here under Kempomaster), he is a senior student of a neigong teacher (who I have posted about before), and was helping them with teaching. I have also often found that even if the teacher is amiable, senior students can carry an arrogance of sorts. Not so. Open, friendly, helpful, curteous are just a few words I can use.


Those of us working behind the scenes thoroughly enjoyed the company of both men for the entire time they were here.


What I have found so interesting to see, is how little limelight he chases, preferring instead to only raise his head to help his teacher spread the benefits of what it has befallen on them to treasure. Why is this interesting? Simply because his own dedication to his lineage and his own developing abilities surpass many qigong teachers or even apparent "masters"! Of course this is for each to decide on their own. It seems that Daoists that actually find that qingjing 清静 (purity stillness) maintain a calm quiet.


Since meeting them I have stayed in contact, recommending him and his teacher to those who ask me about qigong, sending people in need of healing in his direction, and even asking for his help with patients.


I have had several people follow up with healings, even when initially skeptical, they have never been disappointed. One case which I have permission to mention here is from a Taobum. After recieving work relating to entity removal and various things done by a high level practitioner well known on this board, they found that their strong emotional problems persisted. They contacted me and I referred them. Later they let me know how it went "He took care of the problem! so a 20 year old very complex emotional, mental, spiritual issue resolved in just two sessions. a 70% improvement after the first session.".


More recently my partner had a complex case with a patient and we discussed referring it. Our friend agreed to take the case and the treatments were arranged. The next time my partner saw their patient there had been dramatic change which was obvious when interacting with them (calmer, more grounded, stable etc), and certainly upon palpation. The patient remarked on noticing the difference when they looked in the mirror that morning.


Now the additional thing to be said, is that both of these were distance work!


The work of this gentleman continues to inspire and amaze me, I am grateful to know him. This post is simply a way to express my gratitude and to share, because although he posts on the Bum's when you post about yourself many may overlook or even ignore what you say. So this is my way of singing his praises for his efforts dedication and work, a thank you.


Those on here that know him know who I am talking about,


All the best, and much love and light to you


P.S. Specific references have been left out simply because this is not about the method so much as the man. Though can you really separate them? not really.

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I second this snowmonki, when I met him I do not know he is a qualified student and teacher under Michael Lomax as he had a different radiance but I felt that he was emitting powerful presence my first thought was "Who is he?". He really deserve the honor and respect which is presented here.

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Those of us working behind the scenes thoroughly enjoyed the company of both men for the entire time they were here.




Now the additional thing to be said, is that both of these were distance work!


The distance healing in this lineage is amazing and something I've experienced personally.

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Major bump to that. Great post, and thanks for contributing and being on this board Kempo.

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Snowmonki - thank you for the very thoughtful words about me -- of course you know why I do what I do -- not for recognition but because what we do in Healing is needed to help so many people.



P.S. Specific references have been left out simply because this is not about the method so much as the man. Though can you really separate them? not really.


You can not separate the person from the method. The reason is -- the more you embrace the method - Stillness-Movement, the more the individual develops into the person that they were meant to be. Caring, calm, compassionate, wise -- more of this comes as you embrace the system.


Oftentimes , I can feel what the patient is feeling - their fears, their heartache, their hopes, this can be overwhelming, but, we remain calm and we do the best we can to help them.


Now - I must trumpet about the Teacher - Michael - over my lifetime I have been exposed to many teachers - some extremely excellent, some boastful, some that claimed talent yet didn't have much to back up their claims. So, I always have a mental self-evaluation that I check through when exposed to a new teacher - truth is known it takes less than a nano-second to complete the evaluation. With that - Michael set the bar the highest of any of my teachers - he displayed what he expects -- high morals, calm, and extremely talented in energetics. Then I had that knowing -- that this system is right for me -- yes it takes time and effort, but , you are continually rewarded with more coming your way from the Lineage. We need great Teachers - understand that teaching is optional - a person can learn all sorts of info, technique, etc and choose to keep it to themselves. But if you really want to learn something - try teaching it. The learning it is a continual process. There will be questions that you have to learn to answer. There will be criticism from naysayers and negative people in general that are jealous. You sometimes have to deal with disrespectful students - Michael has handled all of this with class and patience.


So, my role as an assistant is easy -- I am available for support to anyone that needs my help. I try to remember to stay humble, remember what it was like when I was trying as a beginner. Realize that I just need to become the best that I can become and help support my Teacher, The Lineage, and Students that really want to learn.


With that I encourage those interested to explore Stillness-Movement - no that's not strong enough, dedicate some time and effort to really see what its about. If you are really motivated - "Embrace the System" and you will never look back.


Thanks again for your kind words


I am looking forward to seeing all at upcoming seminar(s)



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Snowmonki - thank you for the very thoughtful words about me -- of course you know why I do what I do -- not for recognition but because what we do in Healing is needed to help so many people.


Yes. And it because of that, that for some time I've felt you deserved some public thanks and gratitude. The more people talk to me about you and what you've done for them the more this has been on mind.


You can not separate the person from the method. The reason is -- the more you embrace the method - Stillness-Movement, the more the individual develops into the person that they were meant to be. Caring, calm, compassionate, wise -- more of this comes as you embrace the system.


Quite. I realised that as I finished writing my post.


Yet I have found in the past a trait amongst others to write off the person and lay everything at the systems feet. Or even the other way around, and claim that someone achieves because of 'natural' gifts alone.


While I know the system is a rare one, it is only through the work and efforts of people like Ya Mu and yourself that people such as myself even hear of its existence.


Now - I must trumpet about the Teacher - Michael




I am available for support to anyone that needs my help. I try to remember to stay humble, remember what it was like when I was trying as a beginner. Realize that I just need to become the best that I can become and help support my Teacher, The Lineage, and Students that really want to learn.


Well said.


Take care my friend, all the best.

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I think you're either lying, or you're deluded.


--------Moderator's Warning--------


We don't allow trolling and insulting folks at this forum. Please don't contribute in this manner anymore.

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We need more opposite views. Thus, we should be able to handle rigorous strong opposing views and opinions. If we were limited ourselves to agree upon what everybody said here, then we will not know what is correct or incorrect; and who is right or wrong. May I suggest that we should just let the weight of the ideas take its course.

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We need more opposite views. Thus, we should be able to handle rigorous strong opposing views and opinions. If we were limited ourselves to agree upon what everybody said here, then we will not know what is correct or incorrect; and who is right or wrong. May I suggest that we should just let the weight of the ideas take its course.

Off topic, discuss elsewhere.

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Dear all,


I'm going to be polite.


This thread is NOT about peoples beliefs, or any ideas concerning anything.


It is about thanks and gratitude, not only my own but also that of others which has been expressed to me off the forum.


If ANYONE finds that this thread stirs something up inside them be it positive or negative and wishes to express themselves publically on such matters, then please START YOUR OWN THREAD regarding that issue. A thread where any ensuing debate can be carried out by those wishing to participate.


Any such posts on here will simply be treated as off topic, de-railing etc. If this request is felt to be too much to ask then it unfortunately reflects on the behavious of some forum members and their manners or lack thereof.


My many thanks to those who have recognised the intent behind the thread and have either contributed accordingly or PM'd me.


I thank you for your time,


Best regards,


[edited for spelling]

Edited by snowmonki
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May I ask what the name of the lineage is? Or doesn't it have a separate name across all lineage holders?

Edited by Owledge

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Rainbow-- why do I think that the original poster is either lying or deluded? --because 'distance healing' is impossible. It only works for 'eager' people.


Do you want to argue that it is possible? Then ask the original poster and her friends to take their practice to the next level: take it to a local university and have a few undergraduate students chronicle the phenomena in an objective manner. ie:


1) have the patients diagnosed by an objective third party, to asses their initial conditions

2) record the details of the 'distance healing sessions' in an objective manner

3) interview the patients and catalogue their experiences during and after the healing sessions


5) have the patients re-diagnosed by an objective third party, to asses possible improvement



---viola!-- then you have a scientific case-by-case analysis of 'distance healing' recorded in an objective manner. IF the results are real, then they should show up in the study. I don't think objectivity in this case can affect the 'healing powers' being demonstrated.


Until you have a legitimate, responsible, trustworthy third-person entity with a very detailed study I can read, I am not going to believe that some random person is performing miracles. I think it is much more likely that the original poster, her 'clients', and her spiritual master are all too eager to believe that what they are doing is actually real. I have met alot -- ALOT -- of deluded people in my time.






Have you ever heard about the christians who enjoy getting drunk on whiskey, get into trances, talk in tongues, and enjoy snake-handling? -- do you think that they are genuinely in touch with god, or do you think that they are just a bunch of crazy people??????? think about it . there are alot of people around here with this 'crazy christian' mentality .

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if you ever ask yourself whether or not you should believe someone, see if they are selling anything.

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this is an open forum, intended for open discussion. I don't think it is right to feel like you can restrict somebody else's freedom to interject their point of view for the sake of advertisement.


If you just wanted to make an advertisement, then I think you can purchase ad space with the forum.

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Rainbow-- why do I think that the original poster is either lying or deluded? --because 'distance healing' is impossible. It only works for 'eager' people.


Do you want to argue that it is possible? Then ask the original poster and her friends to take their practice to the next level: take it to a local university and have a few undergraduate students chronicle the phenomena in an objective manner. ie:


1) have the patients diagnosed by an objective third party, to asses their initial conditions

2) record the details of the 'distance healing sessions' in an objective manner

3) interview the patients and catalogue their experiences during and after the healing sessions


5) have the patients re-diagnosed by an objective third party, to asses possible improvement



---viola!-- then you have a scientific case-by-case analysis of 'distance healing' recorded in an objective manner. IF the results are real, then they should show up in the study. I don't think objectivity in this case can affect the 'healing powers' being demonstrated.


Until you have a legitimate, responsible, trustworthy third-person entity with a very detailed study I can read, I am not going to believe that some random person is performing miracles. I think it is much more likely that the original poster, her 'clients', and her spiritual master are all too eager to believe that what they are doing is actually real. I have met alot -- ALOT -- of deluded people in my time.






Have you ever heard about the christians who enjoy getting drunk on whiskey, get into trances, talk in tongues, and enjoy snake-handling? -- do you think that they are genuinely in touch with god, or do you think that they are just a bunch of crazy people??????? think about it . there are alot of people around here with this 'crazy christian' mentality .



Since you actually believe eagerness is THIS powerful, well, you'd be better off cultivating eagerness.


And yeah, the "scientific study" thing should be handled in another thread. I think you may have a very naive view of the whole thing.


edit: sorry I didn't notice you already started a thread on the subject.

Edited by Sonhoffman
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May I ask what the name of the lineage is? Or doesn't it have a separate name across all lineage holders?


Short answer, Jing dong gong. Known in English as Stillness Movement Neigong.



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Short answer, Jing dong gong. Known in English as Stillness Movement Neigong.



What you have, here, was only direct translation of Chinese characters to the English words.


If I understand the term correctly, Jing dong gong, in Chinese is 靜動功. It was short for two methods, the static method and the dynamic method. The still method is like Zazen meditation without body movements. The dynamic method is a practice with body movements. By the Chinese definition of Chi Kung, both methods are require abdominal breathing. I must emphasize that the Chi Kung has to be involved with breathing, otherwise it is not Chi Kung. Chi Kung helps to build up the inner strength of the body; and that is why it can be considered as Neigong(內功).

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What you have, here, was only direct translation of Chinese characters to the English words.


If I understand the term correctly, Jing dong gong, in Chinese is 靜動功. It was short for two methods, the static method and the dynamic method.




Sorry chi Dragon you have not understood correctly. I know you mean well, but you are wrong. Jingdonggong (靜動功) is the name given this method by Hu Yaozhen, one of the 'grandfathers' of "qigong". It was written about in his book published in the 50's with the support of the government who at the time were promoting qigong.


Apologies if his choice of name confuses you, but there you go. I will however take his understanding of Daoist, Buddhist, and martial cultivation over yours. And since he was one of the people involved in choosing the term "qigong" to refer collectivley to the variety of Chinese practices that exist, I am also more inclined to accept the definition of just what qigong IS through his lineage.


I am also well aware that jinggong and donggong are two common terms. They are NOT what was being referred to.


All the best,

Edited by snowmonki
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Sorry chi Dragon you have not understood correctly. I know you mean well, but you are wrong. Jingdonggong (靜動功) is the name given this method by Hu Yaozhen, one of the 'grandfathers' of "qigong". It was written about in his book published in the 50's with the support of the government who at the time were promoting qigong.


Apologies if his choice of name confuses you, but there you go. I will however take his understanding of Daoist, Buddhist, and martial cultivation over yours. And since he was one of the people involved in choosing the term "qigong" to refer collectivley to the variety of Chinese practices that exist, I am also more inclined to accept the definition of just what qigong IS through his lineage.


I am also well aware that jinggong and donggong are two common terms. They are NOT what was being referred to.


All the best,


OK Fair enough. I wish they stick with the original term as, 自發功, Spontaneous Chi Kung.


Very good. Thanks. It is very confusing that each individual Chinese practitioner start changing name of different methods. Then, they are translated into English, then another westerner comes along and changed the name again in English. I guess we are in the confusing world of the Martial Arts.... :o

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OK Fair enough. I wish they stick with the original term as, 自發功, Spontaneous Chi Kung.


Very good. Thanks. It is very confusing that each individual Chinese practitioner start changing name of different methods. Then, they are translated into English, then another westerner comes along and changed the name again in English. I guess we are in the confusing world of the Martial Arts.... :o

"OK Fair enough. I wish they stick with the original term as, 自發功, Spontaneous Chi Kung"

Except that isn't the original term for this method. Jing Dong Gong differs greatly from what many refer to as "spontaneous qigong". It is truly an advanced neigong system.


And no westerner came along and changed the name. And Jing Dong Gong isn't a martial art. If you are interested in actually knowing what it is about there is a good deal of information out there.

And here we are derailing snowmonki's thread; I suggest if you have any more comments about the system that you just make another thread.





I wholeheartedly agree that Kempomaster deserves the respect you show here. Out of thousands of students only a few understand the difference between embracing the system or not; Kempomaster has done that embracing and is, IMO, entirely deserving of the title of master. He is entirely capable with energetics and is one of only a few who I refer clients to. Personally, you couldn't ask for a better fellow or a nicer person and everything he does reflects this.


What many don't know is that every single person who has graduated our medical qigong training of this lineage is of the same caliber. Just the nicest folks you would ever want to meet, and amazing in their abilities with energetics. Yes, a few not-so-nice people have ended up at my workshops, although not usually, and not a single one of them has pursued the training. I have been really blessed to have this caliber of people within the Stillness-Movement system and Kempomaster exemplifies all of it.

We all have Master Wang's and Master Hu's examples to look up to.

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