
Kunlun, Falun Gong, Spring Forest

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Hi Forum,


I have been butting into other threads so thought it's better to start a new thread. Let me first thank Taomeow, Scotty and Five Element Tao for the patient answers on other threads.


I have been considering Spring Forest Qigong, Falun Gong and Kunlun. I want to devote time to one of these practices and stick with it for a while. I know there is probably nothing which is a "complete" practice but would want to find something close. My goals would be physical health, mental peace, MCO/Kundalini and enlightenment at some point :D


Falun Gong




- Easily available, easy to learn, free

- Seems to be a powerful Qigong system.




- Not much focus on the Qigong alone.

- Complete system has Qigong as a very small part and stress is on other stuff, weird stuff.

- Incompatible with other practices but Falun Qigong in itself is not a complete system.


Spring Forest Qigong




- Easy to learn, inexpensive (download from torrents)

- Seems to work well for health




- Not a full system of alchemy and only for health benefits? (Chunyi and Michael Winn both say this)






- Easy to learn, book is pretty good and well illustrated.

- Kunlun knowers share help here.




- Results seem to be not as good without transmission.

- After 2.5 weeks, not much but a little shaking of legs.

- Reading Tao Bums old posts (have read non-stop for last 3 days) does not help to understand if Kunlun 1, 2 and 3 are complete systems. Some posters said no one knows the higher levels. Some say Red Phoenix is needed and that is not in the book (I think, right?). Someone said extra mudra is needed to balance Kunlun but teacher did not permit it to be shared. So I am confused.


Thanks for reading through my woosh boosh. Any help is appreciated.

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Guest winpro07


Edited by winpro07

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Chunyi Lin went 49 days in full-lotus nonstop without sleep, water or food. So that's a "full system of alchemy" in case you're wondering! haha. He only teaches 4 levels but says he could teach another 20 levels beyond that or so.


Chunyi Lin says the simplest is the most powerful and that 20 minutes of full lotus is worth 4 hours of any other practice.


So you can either talk a lot with people on the internet or you can just sit in full-lotus! haha. I do BOTH!


Hi Forum,


I have been butting into other threads so thought it's better to start a new thread. Let me first thank Taomeow, Scotty and Five Element Tao for the patient answers on other threads.


I have been considering Spring Forest Qigong, Falun Gong and Kunlun. I want to devote time to one of these practices and stick with it for a while. I know there is probably nothing which is a "complete" practice but would want to find something close. My goals would be physical health, mental peace, MCO/Kundalini and enlightenment at some point :D


Falun Gong




- Easily available, easy to learn, free

- Seems to be a powerful Qigong system.




- Not much focus on the Qigong alone.

- Complete system has Qigong as a very small part and stress is on other stuff, weird stuff.

- Incompatible with other practices but Falun Qigong in itself is not a complete system.


Spring Forest Qigong




- Easy to learn, inexpensive (download from torrents)

- Seems to work well for health




- Not a full system of alchemy and only for health benefits? (Chunyi and Michael Winn both say this)






- Easy to learn, book is pretty good and well illustrated.

- Kunlun knowers share help here.




- Results seem to be not as good without transmission.

- After 2.5 weeks, not much but a little shaking of legs.

- Reading Tao Bums old posts (have read non-stop for last 3 days) does not help to understand if Kunlun 1, 2 and 3 are complete systems. Some posters said no one knows the higher levels. Some say Red Phoenix is needed and that is not in the book (I think, right?). Someone said extra mudra is needed to balance Kunlun but teacher did not permit it to be shared. So I am confused.


Thanks for reading through my woosh boosh. Any help is appreciated.

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Hi Forum,


I have been butting into other threads so thought it's better to start a new thread. Let me first thank Taomeow, Scotty and Five Element Tao for the patient answers on other threads.


I have been considering Spring Forest Qigong, Falun Gong and Kunlun. I want to devote time to one of these practices and stick with it for a while. I know there is probably nothing which is a "complete" practice but would want to find something close. My goals would be physical health, mental peace, MCO/Kundalini and enlightenment at some point :D


Falun Gong




- Easily available, easy to learn, free

- Seems to be a powerful Qigong system.




- Not much focus on the Qigong alone.

- Complete system has Qigong as a very small part and stress is on other stuff, weird stuff.

- Incompatible with other practices but Falun Qigong in itself is not a complete system.


Spring Forest Qigong




- Easy to learn, inexpensive (download from torrents)

- Seems to work well for health




- Not a full system of alchemy and only for health benefits? (Chunyi and Michael Winn both say this)






- Easy to learn, book is pretty good and well illustrated.

- Kunlun knowers share help here.




- Results seem to be not as good without transmission.

- After 2.5 weeks, not much but a little shaking of legs.

- Reading Tao Bums old posts (have read non-stop for last 3 days) does not help to understand if Kunlun 1, 2 and 3 are complete systems. Some posters said no one knows the higher levels. Some say Red Phoenix is needed and that is not in the book (I think, right?). Someone said extra mudra is needed to balance Kunlun but teacher did not permit it to be shared. So I am confused.


Thanks for reading through my woosh boosh. Any help is appreciated.


I'm in China where the 'Falun Gong' is seen to be a tool to disrupt the balance and harmony maintained within the society. I researched it, for about 2 years, and after seeing the western religious points of Falun Gong, I agree with the Chinese gov't.

The Falun Gong is headed by a military general of the old system from Taiwan (before present day reunification with China) that is trying to get himself into a jesus position. Members of the Falun Gong are required to commit suicide, by fire, upon request. When I went to Tienamin square in 2003 there were many fire extinguisher canisters at various locations. I asked my sponsor why - she said simply "Falun Gong"...

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JK, Thanks but no thanks. This is not something that is not already written all over the internet and I don't care much for the political aspects. Not really relavent to my query. But thanks anyway.


I searched for Kunlun and came across this -


I experienced deep healing from Ramana a few years ago. Some interesting things about Kunlun's teacher. Kunlun seems too controversial at this point to be investing any time. I will settle for Spring forest for now :lol:

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Guest sykkelpump

falun gong would be the best choice imo.i have tried all 3.whatever you choose you should also do meditation

Edited by sykkelpump

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"Chunyi Lin says the simplest is the most powerful and that 20 minutes of full lotus is worth 4 hours of any other practice."


Hm.. I've actually heard people developing more from half lotus rather then full lotus.. Plus theres people who can sit in it for hours at a time.. Im just pretty sure I'd be hearing of more people who can fast for weeks and weeks if its only full lotus.

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Check this out:



Also I really liked the video =D. Makes me more interesting in spring forest qi gong.

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Check this out:


Is it only me or looks what the women does at 4:18 rather different to what Chunyi Lin teaches in his video?

First time practice? ;):D

Edited by center888

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"Chunyi Lin says the simplest is the most powerful and that 20 minutes of full lotus is worth 4 hours of any other practice."


Hm.. I've actually heard people developing more from half lotus rather then full lotus.. Plus theres people who can sit in it for hours at a time.. Im just pretty sure I'd be hearing of more people who can fast for weeks and weeks if its only full lotus.


Just a bit curious here. How many people do you know that can sit in full lotus for more than 4 hours and that actually do sit in full lotus everyday for 4+ hours?

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Just a bit curious here. How many people do you know that can sit in full lotus for more than 4 hours and that actually do sit in full lotus everyday for 4+ hours?

I can't sit in full lotus comfortably for more than 20-30 minutes. In my rather limited experience, full lotus is wonderful for stillness and insight meditation. There's nothing more grounding. But for energy practice, the basic Taoist standing posture (with knees slightly bent, lumbar vertebrae extended, and tail bone tucked in) is infinitely superior.

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Yeah Chunyi Lin went 49 days nonstop in full-lotus in a cave in China -- taking no food, no water, and no sleep.


I can't sit in full lotus comfortably for more than 20-30 minutes. In my rather limited experience, full lotus is wonderful for stillness and insight meditation. There's nothing more grounding. But for energy practice, the basic Taoist standing posture (with knees slightly bent, lumbar vertebrae extended, and tail bone tucked in) is infinitely superior.

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Just a bit curious here. How many people do you know that can sit in full lotus for more than 4 hours and that actually do sit in full lotus everyday for 4+ hours?


Hm.. noone. I dont recall drew mentioning full lotus for 4 hours. The most I've held it is around an hour and a half. Its about as long as I was able to meditate at the time.. Anyway im not trying to brag or feed my ego, just I'd like some feedback.

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