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Female Ejaculation=Prostate Fluid

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haha yes Biff,


Witch is the best ^_^


It's called the "female prostate" now though or just "the prostate" in females, because they found out it produces the same substance as the male prostate albeit much smaller in size. IME it can eject just as much and even more than a regular male ejaculation..



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About the BDSM stuff. I was thinking about it...


most of humanity has not yet learned tantric love and healing love.


People talk about "pity sex" yet don't know the meaning of pity anymore. Pity was to care for someone, to feel sorry. To sympathize, etc. Now pity just means... well to look down on the person.


Not saying that, but when the opportunity for healing love arises, people think that "pity sex" would be the wrong thing to do. It might, but it's probably more healing than a loveless life.


Isn't make up sex a type of real "pity sex"?


If so then you can see why BDSM is so popular: that is because people have not learned that there can be sexual healing and healing love that the majority of society hasn't accepted so instead they have BDSM which is one way that people deal with emotional issues through the use of sex... only I don't think it's that good.


I mean, ok like one person said.. in this society things that just ARE have been corrupted such that it becomes impure. Sure one can practice BDSM and it doesn't have to be wrong, because it's genuine. But the way this society can corrupt anything, modern society's practices of BDSM may be a little more than deviant and perhaps detrimental and contributes to suffering in the world because they tend to view sex as violent, aggressive, immoral, wrong, or just plain deviant, and mix the two together so you have impure sex only magnifies aggression and violence by binding it with the very poweful sexual energies.


In my view, this corrupted form of BDSM is a result of the society's non acceptance of true sexual and healing love and the failure to master it. Or we are still getting to the point of mastery.


I'm not saying that BDSM is wrong though I think people have the wrong view of BDSM, and have gotten the perception that sex and sexuality is violent and aggressive, because of the misperceptions of BDSM.


So people, especially women will look down on what they view as "pity sex"... but in a sense, BDSM, is a form of pity sex, make up sex is a form of pity sex, and pity sex can take on the form of healing love, albeit corrupted or a misunderstood version of real healing love.


To me, it is a result of people not knowing how to live a sexually satisfied life. A sublimated sex life. A godly sex life, one in which there is no conflict. Humanity has not mastered it. So BDSM is a form of perhaps expressing this struggle.

Edited by Non

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Sorry if I came of too critical of you in the post it was not really my intention it was more the general girls don`t like this male perverted stuff that I am anoyed by. I was thaught to belive anything other than very cuddly romantic sex was just creepy stuff only men wanted and had to have this view unlearned by girls I encountered and female friends. I think a lot of it is an age thing.


No worries man, I kind of figured there was something else going on in that post of yours that I couldn't quite put my finger on. It's all good.

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