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Mysterious gate; primal essence

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Someone asked me for an effective method of opening the mysterious gate and cultivating the primal essence, (alternative to some psuedo-alchemy in another thread.)


The process is simple. (reminded, "the way is easy to follow, yet people prefer devious paths...")


If you actually read the Secret of the Golden Flower, (wilhelms version was sufficient for me, however it may be necessary[for you bums] to read Cleary's,) then you wouldn't need somebody to give you there personal interpretation.


to paraphase a bit of the practice:


The 'light' that is being cultivated, ('reversed', 'turned around',) is also the essence of our ordinary consciousness. First, we must quiet our minds so that this primal light is not immediately transformed into an incessant thought-noise.


This is basic zen, you idiots.


--You must be careful, however, not to fall into the many pitfalls of 'oblivion', (a subject I dont believe is treated in wilhelms version of the book.)



Once you have mastered this zazen, and are cultivating the light, you should experience a subtle bliss. (it is almost as if it were not there, and yet it is a bliss.)



Now, you need only simply 'realize', (however not psychologically, or intellectually... it is a very subtle, experiential 'realization',) the mysterious gate.


the mysterious gate can not be described positively, but only negatively. It is mysterious. it is as if it were not there. It is as a center-less center, that is everywhere and no-where. 'there', you will find a 'light' that is not a light. This is the primal essence, (of Dao.) If you carry this with you throughout the day, with your quiet mind, it will develope of its own accord.



this last part, finding the mysterious gate after acheiving basic zazen, should not be a big problem if you idiots read the basic scripture, (LIKE THE TAO TE CHING.)



-this forum has gone so far down hill, it is embarrassing. -A bunch of assholes "oh'ing" and "Awe'ing" at the same bullshit methods packed into different packages. 90% of it is meaningless corrupt TRASH THAT WILL WASTE YEARS OF YOUR LIFE

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Someone asked me for an effective method of opening the mysterious gate and cultivating the primal essence, (alternative to some psuedo-alchemy in another thread.)


The process is simple. (reminded, "the way is easy to follow, yet people prefer devious paths...")


If you actually read the Secret of the Golden Flower, (wilhelms version was sufficient for me, however it may be necessary[for you bums] to read Cleary's,) then you wouldn't need somebody to give you there personal interpretation.


to paraphase a bit of the practice:


The 'light' that is being cultivated, ('reversed', 'turned around',) is also the essence of our ordinary consciousness. First, we must quiet our minds so that this primal light is not immediately transformed into an incessant thought-noise.


This is basic zen, you idiots.


--You must be careful, however, not to fall into the many pitfalls of 'oblivion', (a subject I dont believe is treated in wilhelms version of the book.)

Once you have mastered this zazen, and are cultivating the light, you should experience a subtle bliss. (it is almost as if it were not there, and yet it is a bliss.)

Now, you need only simply 'realize', (however not psychologically, or intellectually... it is a very subtle, experiential 'realization',) the mysterious gate.


the mysterious gate can not be described positively, but only negatively. It is mysterious. it is as if it were not there. It is as a center-less center, that is everywhere and no-where. 'there', you will find a 'light' that is not a light. This is the primal essence, (of Dao.) If you carry this with you throughout the day, with your quiet mind, it will develope of its own accord.

this last part, finding the mysterious gate after acheiving basic zazen, should not be a big problem if you idiots read the basic scripture, (LIKE THE TAO TE CHING.)

-this forum has gone so far down hill, it is embarrassing. -A bunch of assholes "oh'ing" and "Awe'ing" at the same bullshit methods packed into different packages. 90% of it is meaningless corrupt TRASH THAT WILL WASTE YEARS OF YOUR LIFE

Interesting, thanks..


So, what actual results have you attained from this so far? Have you opened your micro & macrocosmic orbits and Kundalini/chong mai? What types of experiences or confirmatory signs have you had? Etc, etc?

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Findley, may I first say that I appreciate your style of expression because I find it to be very effective, as opposed to the koanish verbiage that normally dominates this site. Of course, I would not be thinking this if you didn't seem like you knew something. SEEM being the keyword here. :D


That said, I haven't read the Secret of The Golden Flower in its entirety so I will read more idiotically than you would want, but my question is this...


How important is a practitioner's level of insight and maturity when attempting to open the mysterious gate? Moreover, relative to time, do you think everyone has their own pace, or do you think this method is a working model for anyone?



Edited by hyok

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It's....just...basic....zen.... :blink:


You don't know what zen is, findley!


I don't mean to be rude. I think you are right that they are the same...but have you attained everything zen has to offer, so that you are able to actually comment on these things? Or are you just like a yoga babe, who in passing, says "oh yeah that's just like so totally zen!"


Does she know?


Do you?


Lets just go sit down and forget all this. :)

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It's....just...basic....zen.... :blink:


You don't know what zen is, findley!


I don't mean to be rude. I think you are right that they are the same...but have you attained everything zen has to offer, so that you are able to actually comment on these things? Or are you just like a yoga babe, who in passing, says "oh yeah that's just like so totally zen!"


Does she know?


Do you?


Lets just go sit down and forget all this. :)


I second that.

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Oh... Zen... Ah, uh ... well... Maybe I'm not really totally educated on the formal philosophy of Zen Buddhism. When I comment, and say, "This is basic Zen," I am under the impression that this practice (of tSotGF,) is actually the Mother-Philosophy of Zen Buddhism. So, If this is true, (and I am very certain that it is,) then I do not believe I am totally at fault for referring to this practice as basic 'zen'. (particularly, 'zazen'.)


If I am wrong somehow, I would earnestly like to know how.




As for my personal attainments, I have had some. Firstly, correlating with the experiences of attainment written in the book-- It is described as though 'one hears voices, as whispers, as if coming from a valley'... (or something like that...) This, I believe, is referring to a kind of clairvoyance. Occassionally, I will 'hear' peoples' thoughts as they are having them. This is not a constant thing, and happens only on occassion. I believe that the experience is most pronounced when the thought is an exclamation, is regarded in my direction, or I have developed a closer relationship with that person.


Also, I really do carry with me a subtle bliss quite a bit of the time. Not all the time, but I would say most of the time-- and I can conjure it almost at command, simply by remembering my practice. Such subtle bliss, I do not believe is directly commented upon by the book, other than perhaps that one feels like 'silk' or 'jade' (prior to what is commonly known as a kundalini rush.)


As for 'opening the microcosmic/macrocomsic orbits' ... It is ridiculous to think in these terms. I am experiencing 'kundalini rushes', (I am sure we all know what I mean by that...) however they are only accidental, and minor. (no flashes of light, or remarkable, painful, or extreme experiences that might be indicative of an immediate awakening, as I used to think of it.)


Perhaps the most remarkable experience is an overall shift in my being-- a sort of gradual re-alignment of my sense of identity, away from my body and more and more into the subtle experience of the 'light', or 'spirit'.





maturity is important, if only because I believe that means that one is also wise, somewhat disciplined, and determined. I would say a philosophical understanding of basic taoist tenets is more important than being a 'nice guy', if that's what you mean.

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I'm not sure what voices from a valley sound like, but sometimes when i'm meditating, the air flow from the vents begin to take on a strange chanting sound. It gets seemingly louder and more clear as I think about it. To be honest, I think it's my mind messing with me, or maybe it's not? I don't know.


RE: Maturity. In my mind i was emphasizing insight more than maturity, although i really have no idea where the lines are between these two words. Throw in wisdom while we're at it. I guess maybe insight is the ability to pierce into the core of the formless with yang penetration and yin intuition.


Basically what i'm thinking is that maybe you needed to waste those years to arrive at a point where you said, "screw this. i'm doing it my way." and then it worked. I can see how this type of development can be beneficial for the practitioner. It's like in that movie, The Last Dragon, where Bruce Leroy kept looking for the master, constantly seeking and searching for the master, only to discover in the end that he is the master.

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Hi Findley,


Just a comment for consideration. The valley, total Yin, is a place of rest. If you are hearing voices that means there is still some Yang present. This would indicate (to me) that you are not all the way in yet.


Be well!

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Well, I don't think of it as doing it 'my way'-- just simply that after those 4-6 years of alternative, popular practices, I finally went back, (yes, back,) to tSotGF-- and find that it is just the best. If running my MO a million times had provided these kinds of results, I would have stuck with it-- really, I am just seeking enlightenment like anybody else on this forum.

Of course one should be one's own master, however I did not devise this practice.


--you two are misunderstanding the experience; Marblehead is referring to a different 'valley' altogether. If you're interested, you're going to need to read the passage on that subject directly from the manual, (either translation will do...)

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hello findley


this may have potential...

i'm not sure how was it that you found this to be the only possible way, meanwhile we all waste our time

i think it was Ken that mentioned a while ago that the SGF was the 'philosophy' part of the practice, not the practice itself, which is another thing.

what i see is you trying to develop your own thing.

do i think this is bad?

no, it may have potential...


in fact, it's perfect: you're already hearing things!

still, i still get the feeling i'm reading some kind of "Building a Spaceship From Scrap Metal 101" kind of a thread...

...right back atcha! :P

Edited by Little1

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--you two are misunderstanding the experience; Marblehead is referring to a different 'valley' altogether. If you're interested, you're going to need to read the passage on that subject directly from the manual, (either translation will do...)


Hi Findley,


Your point is taken. If what I referred to is not what you were speaking of then everything I said does not apply. I guess my ignorance of what you were speaking of showed. Huh?


Be well!

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That's pretty fascinating, Findley. The whole of it. I look forward to understanding tSotGF better in the future because of this. Thanks for sharing cuz it has definitely imprinted.


BTW, I think I know where you're coming from now. It's the fluff that you think is wasteful. Like the whole 'smiling to your organs' and just plain whole focus on harmonious, uber-feminine type of practices that permeate through many metaphysical circles. As a practitioner who has found himself in these types of practices, I find them to be very uncomfortable and misleading for ME, and I think in the big scheme of things, for some people, it is an absolute waste of time, but it certainly draws in a certain demographic as well as makes some people feel better about venturing into the unknown.



Edited by hyok

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