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Everything posted by Spotless

  1. It is possible to see the inner workings of Qi Gong and the more striking particular aspect is with strings/coils of energy that are bio magnetic. Several renditions of what takes place is dependent on when the flexing takes place - on the inhale or the exhale. Increasingly (with practice) the lines of energy are drawn and influxed with energy on inhale. As the posture takes place on the inhale, energies between the coils/strands elaborate. Depending on the way in which the posturing is applied the energies break inward such as in bone washing and marrow applications. They also break outward toward impasse and break up staid energies - such as in forcefull exhalation (by this is meant to regard exhalation while flexing the muscles and or stretching them and in twisting - not as forceful exhalation of the breath). In this action they can create strong forces attracting energies from adjoining channels. As an example - some postures will by their nature activate leg and side channels very strongly though the posture might be regarded as primarily upper torso work. It is a bit like a spring with a current - all sorts of things happen as an electrified current in a coil is stretched and compressed. For the most part these are large fields that are quite beautiful and intricate - but very clear though during compression it is like fine sparks crush off and creating waves of color.
  2. How to Develop 1) Loving-Kindness / Benevolence (Metta) 2) Compassion (Karuna) 3) Empathetic Joy (Mudita) 4) Equanimity (Upekkha) towards your most hated enemies? In many way you do not develop these states - you arrive back at them. YOU are these states - the “development” of them is the dissolution of rigidized patterns - constrictions - compression - fear. In practing them in daily life you often find and bump up hard against the constant awareness that you are repeating the same behavior patterns over and over and over. This is in fact much of the practice - to see this - that you are a bundle of positions and reactive springs. And that your willfulness has you constantly trying to force square pegs into round holes . Whether it is trying to hold on to the past or manipulate expectation to “reality”. Take with you to your meditation those most pressing contractions - simply recognize them and then do not ponder on them - the practices will dissolve what you have brought to them in the moment and over time Self replaces the habituation of personal identification and robotic recoil and judgement.
  3. Bingo 🙏 Do not even expect “rise and flow” - the energies are experienced on many different levels.
  4. the wall, part of trumps insanity

    Trump is clearly and easily seen to be mentally ill. And it is an extreme form of denial to not only follow the murky wanderings of a very clear pathological liar - but to then call his promise for Mexico to build a wall a commitment for US here in the USA to build a continuous wall when it cost is by Republican estimates north of 50 Billion - and it was not part of his campaign promise. He promised a Free wall - from Mexico. (Bait and switch) And free lollipops for everyone. ANd yuuge fantastical things like over 8,000 lies in only two years! The guy is a sleazy salesman - you may actually like what he is doing - but don’t put it through the dry cleaner - he an his thugs are lowlifes.
  5. If your goal is hard Qi Gong like pulling weights with your testicles and learning iron crotch - then pay very close attention. But if you want to attain the more mundane things that are far far beyond the imaginable - then regular and fairly simple practice and Way of life is not nearly so hard to find as may be imagined.
  6. There are very few complicated aspects of Qi Gong. This is also true of Real Yoga. The basics are the secrets and practice is the way - the Way is in the fabric of your life - not just during set-aside “practice time”. You can do the various posture quite wrong but over time they will right themselves if you are simply finding your way in them. And done quite imperfectly they can have wonderous effects. Over-engineering and extreme perfection ideas are both nonsensical and inhibit one’s progress. They are the rigidized qualities that Qi Gong is at its heart breaking down.
  7. I practice a very old form of Qi Gong and by any standards my experiences have been fairly phenomenal and rare - but for the most part most of the Qi Gong out there that I have seen the results of are pretty good. With one combined concoction a person was able to cure himself and others of Parkinson’s. A student of mine came from a form of medical qi gong that rid her of stage 4 cancer. A friend that I suggested Qi Gong to who broke his head open in a fall and had to re-learn his name and who he was now feels better than ever 3 years after doing Qi Gong regularly everyday - and only about 15 minutes a day. I believe he went with Spring Forrest. It has been over ten years since his accident and until 3 years ago he was a complete mess. What I do see is the 6 week certificate programs and high cost retreats. I also know the personal doctor of one of those mentioned above and his client makes a mint on his Qi Gong programs, retreats and videos. (But they may be fine even though they are pricy - some people camp out and some people pay First Class). I am certain that good quality instruction can be free or expensive. (free - meaning donation if possible - my studio cost me $45 a session for rent - if donations did not cover it - it would be in a field). Very few students invest real time in the practice - but even then the results are VERY noticeable.
  8. While it is true that in general each form (posture) has its general typical effective dynamic - such as the "liver" or the "lungs" in the sense of the Traditional Chinese Medical definition of those considerable systems - they also are relative to the student practicing them at the time of practice. In other words - what each posture does at any particula. r time can vary a great deal. The light version of what is happening is that it is very similar to traditional Yoga - wherein energies are moved through the gross and subtle bodies. In Qi Gong the energies are consciously physically compressed and in some cases pressuring energies into the tendons and bones and marrow. Energetically Qi Gong breaks up rigidified patterns from compressions of previous injuries, psychological traumas, Belief systems held in rigidity, psychic traumas and beyond. Qi Gong also fosters the movement of energy through natural pathways and in the germination of inherent pathways as well as the expunging of stagnant Qi and the revitalization of areas with low energy. Qi Gong in China typically does not want to talk to what it specifically does until you are actually a "serious" student - (one that has a clue because they have practiced at least several years). It makes big claims and general outlines but you really need to feel what is going on in order to really ask your questions seriously. The engineer's approach is very limiting by nature in these arts - but it also adds a good critical eye to some of the mechanics involved as one has progressed to the inner most teachings that come from practice. At some point slight physical variations become very clear factors in practice - the engineer will see the mechanical differences as they are often striking if subtle.
  9. Fraudulent teacher?

    If you are teaching Qi Gong primarily as Western “Yoga” is taught which is actually generally Asanas as stretching exercises - then your teachings do not need to be couched in some notion that you are transmitting “a teaching” of any kind. You would be simply teaching some very good energy exercises. — If you are teaching it for personal power - this is another level and more along the lines of most martial arts - again those that are more the moves and combat and mundane fighting - and not deep teachings even if thy include tossing Qi Balls and numerous “super powers”. —- If you are teaching the actual basics of a “Way” such as the “Way of Yoga” then this is very different. This is where lying your way will hurt you and others - and fraud will be easy to spot - both from without and within. The “basics” in this case are the “secret stuff” (an open secret) and only a true teaching can teach them. A true teaching can be “new” or from a lineage. A true teaching can combine any and all aspects that are helpful to its pointings and pure of heart. It will be open and encompassing - with open gates. When the basics are understood the teaching is no longer needed - any further guidance needed will find you - unfold to you.
  10. It does not bring an end to unfolding and “work” but it does end seeking in the sense of looking outside oneself for definitive answers. Patience and Presence replace seeking. “Answers” are not sought - insight unfolds in no-inertia. ”work” is very real yet it is not in effort. A very great deal of unfolding awaits the Self-Realized.
  11. meat eater to vegetarian

    As energies become more subtle - the diet will naturally follow. Each system has its variants and innate proclivities. Personal identifications with food are perhaps the the last thing to fall away - but they will to a considerable extent give way to an entire transformation - (or not). In some areas we are far more stubborn and tenacious than we inagine ourselves to be. Food is like a religion we firmly believe in but do not regard as religion.
  12. Meditation Experience l Intro Post :)

    Beautiful - with a cheering section! 😎🙏
  13. In the lower Dan Tien Area there are a great many abilities and latent possibilities. Storing Qi is automatically done as it is part and parcel to the subtle bodies formulation of the physical bodies. It is the fire pit and naturally has its reserves of fuel and inroads of fuel. It is also very much involved with the instinctive basics and it is the centre poont of balance. In this area are scanners and radar of sorts, extremely fine sensing abilities, levitation / telekinesic capabilities, heating capacities and combustion capabilities of the utmost highly specialized tuning capabilities. It does not take too much to stumble upon a great many of the capacities. Unfortunately - we think everything higher up the body is better and so we look to the leaves and branches instead of the roots and trunk. This area and the words I have just used do not even modestly point to the capabilities in this area. It is enormously under used and under developed. An many of the capabilities are inaccessible without considerable inner accomplishment. However - most are readily accessible and actually in use constantly without any idea that they are being employed or from that area. (the considerable inner accomplishment has nothing to do with learning how to use them and practicing with them - many of the abilities require a level of unfolding in order to “qualify” as capable to have them open to you. Certain propensities within your makeup of vibrations must no longer exist in order to have availability to them.)
  14. Last night I was listening to some beautiful music. My wife asked me a question - it was about 4am - I responded immediately fully awake. She then informed me I was snoring - I said “just now when you asked your question?” She said yes - “snoring loudly”.
  15. The tendency is to think that this stabilization is in continued practice long established - it is more like the following: In medditstion you have learned to watch the clouds - and now in release you have practice in not re-attaching and re-grasping that which has fallen away. Seeking has stopped - it becomes an exquisite free fall - faint remains can be alluring hand holds - but your preparations have prepared you to Be - though in a million years the concepts would never meet the reality - it is so increasingly beyond words. The strong theoretical framework is both completely destroyed and simultaneously renewed: You now understand that you know nothing - and you do not seek knowing - it reveals itself to Self in each moment - and it is gone as it arrives - no lock and load - no storage - no ace in the hole. Contemplation is absorbed into revelation, immense gratitude and bottomless devotion, patience and compassion - suffering ended in a puff. No-thought is Divine Presence. It is all light -
  16. The main issue is one of wilfulness. It is perhaps a it hard to see but if there is any feeling in the rejection of the present as the one giving or attempting to give it is (however small) a reflection of it not going the way you wished and at least a tint of wilfulness to bend it the other way according to the intention and general expectation.
  17. The “basics” are the most advanced elements of a practice - with good thorough basics little else is needed. And when a teacher / teaching is needed they will appear. I have no lineage but the basics of meditation and the way of Yoga. Was not interested in the higher specifics as I saw too much programming in religion. Though I could have written a piece or two on monads and such before I put the books away around 45 years ago. It could be said I have a lineage in Qi Gong but what I know of it is all experiencial - practicing with a master that speaks no English. I simply looked at the energy and had no expectation at all. And we do not direct energy nor have I imagined it to move somewhere. Just breathing and postures and everything blossomed all by itself. Experiences certainly are treasures - even if not sustained. They offer a great deal to what is generally a very solitary endeavor.
  18. Unity Consciousness is what you described - from my experience. It is basically the definition of what it is often like and spoken of. I am so uninterested in constant quotes. You have rejected all teachers mentioned as not anywhere near your perception of Awakened or Enlightened - can you give us one example of a living person you consider at the very least Awakened (or Enlightened)? I am a bit reminded of Tibetan_Ice who only really had exchanges in quotes - he was last here in 2016. He also rejected all living teachers quoted or referred to and he would not name one living master that he thought was Awake or Enlightened. He spoke often of higher levels but never from experience-and he was certain that he understood the quotes he loved to parry with. It was clear he was well read - and clearly boxed in by the reading. I am not trying to insult you - I would like to read or hear a video of someone you hold above all of these others - such as Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle, Amma, Adyha Shanti, Mooji, and Gangaji - all of whom you have shrugged off. I ask this because I believe it is impossible to find a truly Awakened teacher that will point to something other than what these fine teachers are pointing to. Also some of the high states that you point to that would seem impossibly high are not quite so high as you may assume. It is already nearly impossible to get beyond quibbling about fairly simple stuff without being accused of being delusional let alone talk about “complete pie in the sky stuff” without distributing air bags. And words make no sense to the Un-Awake in those spheres - they only create adoration or jealousy and never point to anything helpful. The highest teaching becomes far more valuable after Awakening - because then you actually get what is being said - often the only thing you will glean is that your patience will take you there - beyond that the words are still of little value. Seeking has ceased but unfolding has truly just begun.
  19. Is anything you are describing from your experience?
  20. It is interesting to read and listen to Awakened teachers that have come from a long established lineage as well as teachers that have Awakened and then adopted a long established lineage as their teaching. It is also interesting to see Awakened teachers using their own words from the present and often changing the typical fashion of going about helping students to be pointed in practice and general sniffing around trying to get a clue what this “illusion” thing is all about. There is no question that there are benefits to a great well established lineage. And it is very possible for an Awakened teacher to adopt a lineage in which they have no prior base. But I am acutely aware that many of the past lineages of the very best and most productive sorts have wording and dogma that make it nearly impossible to clarify in a new students mind even the slightest whiff of what they are actually alluding to and teaching. Some of the most refreshing and superb Awakened teachers are uncompromisingly direct and clarify the “project” of Awakening so simply and so well that by comparison many extraordinary old lineages appear to actually create more detours than road maps by entailing incalculable destinations and using words and structures of teaching that are basically misleading by their vary exactness. I am not starting this topic with any objection - it is a remembrance that when I Awoke the experience was so utterly and completely unlike anything I had read anywhere in the great ancient traditions that I was completely unsure of what had transpired. And it is in this remembrance that this topic is created. I am from the “long” traditions - lots of practice and the idea that perhaps in ten lifetimes you might Awaken - they are in many ways as perfect as they are full of bullshit. Yet some of the emerging short forms - particularly those engineering quick Awakening are also very questionable. But some new teachings are very clear and offer real lasting abiding Awakening from simple yet strong well worded contemporary guidance. What cannot be expressed very clearly to many reading this is that once Awakened some stupidly simple teachings are clearly seen to be among the very best teachings to Awaken and some of the most superb and complex lineages make it nearly impossible to see the Forrest through the trees. Some seemingly very simple Awakened teachers are unquestionably the best pointers to truth and best practices for Awakening to Self, while some of the most authoritative Awakened teachers from some of the oldest and finest lineages are simply so immersed in initiations and transmissions and proper progress that they have put the cart before the horse to a great extent - as though teaching post Awakening work is best done prior to Awakening. It is tempting to utilize an old and wonderful lineage as an Awakened person considering or being brought into teaching - everything is already laid out and easily tweaked where one would like and students can plug into the tradition. It can also radically slow further progress in one’s post Awakened unfolding. And deep within one Awakened can wonder if teaching is what will be happening if at all. I also partly bring this up because of how brutally some “advanced” seekers judge “simple teachers” who are often obviously to those Awake of the highest attainment and often speak little from any lineage at all.
  21. It is a bite like that in the chrome lake analogy but no - I do not obscure Self it is definitely not like passing out - one easily slips to no thought no object no inertia and it is utter stillness until it is not.
  22. Lineages- old and new

    Almost at the time I Awoke I started Qi Gong. I have since also practiced Qi Gong and teach students that practice along with me. When the Master first asked me to take over the classes it was not relish apparent that the students were more joining me in practice than I was teaching them - though guiding them here and there is part of the practice. Very slowly speaking of Awakening emerged. And so much was aided by the often rough and tumble dialogue spent here. With new students and more coming to learn about Awakening and “the” way - it has been wonderful to not have too many students just now. It is refreshing in bringing back the initial black and white extreme shifting of the new curious students. And looking at the rigidized students of long practice and many pages sifted over the years. Often a student will assume I know all of the words they use from some well known practice. A slight hint that something may be of value to look at and they often infer volumes. The volatility and want of an exact transparent full explanation to a mercurial scan of every little bit expressed is - very fresh. Older students are often like bricks - epoxied in so many places - and unfortunately often they have years of solid practice in improper meditation. Yet some are extremely skillful but radically walled off in the dungeons of words and teachings taken far to the extremes and unable to lighten up. Many say something like “I don’t feel a thing” and then go on later to point out many things they discard that are clearly things they feel on subtle levels but simply cannot see the forest through the trees. And some are staring at a tree and think it’s the forest.and lock in from there - often an experience they have concluded and labeled and created a belief in. The beginners mind is rare in an older student - but they may hear fine inner guidance within their existing practice and this can clear the weeds in their ears. The really gifted ones often come and go and miss the boat entirely - they have food, dress and the lingo down and have “experiences” under their belt - they are ready to teach in their minds - they often ask if we have a program and certificates. (I teach for free (or at some cost to me) and don’t print certificates) Some students get really hung up on the color of the paper and the choice of the fonts and if the teacher is fat or looks like a hobbit. It is fun to see this - it unfolds a bit in this case like bouncing a super ball in a small hard surfaced area - 😎
  23. Lineages- old and new

    True Unity Consciousness can be as I stated the same - before Awakening it appears as stated above - it is just that while a great deal of personhood has relaxed from the position of separateness a great deal of the position of personhood remains - one has not awoken. As Awakening happens this Unity Consciousness then expands as positions and personhood inertia’s fall away. It is good to shy away from “this is the true unfolding and this is not”. The practice one has done - the accumulated refinement yields a vast spectrum in how the unfolding takes place. The tendency for the idea to occur that one has finished the process is more a testimony to the maturity of the person. The tendency to think unfolding has ceased may also be in that many who Awaken cease practice - as in some ways they are IN practice most or all of the time - but this can allow for considerable unfolding to slow a great deal and in many ways resemble nearly completed changing. The Awakening can be very great and abiding quite soon if not immediately with little or no wavering - that is not to say it is not disorienting - it could be disorienting or not - but abiding in the stillness and presence in some does not waver much if at all. It can also waft considersbly and so leveling out into full abiding feels like a solid plateau - and it is - just not finished by any stretch other than certain background elements.
  24. Actually it is wonderful but very hard to really describe. It is not one of sleep deprivation nor is it filled with thoughts - and if listening to something it is not filled with judgement and extrapolation. One can be awareness in stillness and non-object awareness with one’s eyes closed - it is often like a chrome lake in a cloudless moonless night.