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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Buddha kept silent about God

    sense of self righteousness? I was just checking what I thought was true and found it was true.
  2. Buddha kept silent about God

    Oh well ... since you posted I have checked several websites and reference books and they all agree with me ... heres one example .... http://seanrobsville.blogspot.pt/2009/11/four-seals-of-dharma.html I think you will find it is generally accepted that the four seals distinguish genuine Buddhist teachings from others.
  3. Haiku Chain

    seeking redemption slaughtered a lamb, forgot God's vegetarian.
  4. Have you tried painting your fingers? Its not easy.
  5. Buddha kept silent about God

    I know that wasn't addressed to me but my understanding is that what is and is not dharma is defined by the four seals: 1. compounded phenomena are impermanent 2. phenomena contaminated by 'self' are suffering 3. phenomena are empty 4. nirvana is perfect peace ... if this is taught it is dharma ... if it is not then it's not ...
  6. Paganism and Daoism?

    I think paganism is more natural to human's as witness by the fact that we were all pagans for a long time before monotheism appeared. Seeing the divine in all things ... seeing there being an infinite expression of this ... including beings, intelligences of all kinds ... like the ideas fo Edward Butler http://henadology.wordpress.com/ and others ... polytheistic polycentrism ... or whatever you like to call it ...
  7. Haiku Chain

    eat before it's cold retch and vomit in the dark the bean-sprouts were bad!
  8. I'm knot geddin dumma, 4 shure. I'm a fukkin genias. Tru.
  9. Haiku Chain

    takes little to laugh! but even less to complain which is my birth-right.
  10. Haiku Chain

    while galaxies yawn... we live miserable lives on a ball of dung. (honestly I'm feeling good today)
  11. Haiku Chain

    today is a new one. it's very like the old one can't tell them apart.
  12. Theurgia-Goetia, on Gods and Demons

    @Soothsayer : some merit in all those I think also saw temperance in there somewhere but can't remember why
  13. What defines a Daoist?

    There is probably more cultural difference between a Chinese person of 2.500 years ago and a modern chinese person as there is between China and the West.
  14. What defines a Daoist?

    Or every Danish person either. religions and philosophies which survive adapt to the times ... if they can't do this through being so solidly entrenched to one time or culture then they die (or are destroyed by new religions and philosophies). I understood (perhaps wrongly) that Daoism was mostly a minority religion in its own time ....
  15. Haiku Chain

    walk your own road there it's the pathway to ruin wasted, lost, forgotten.
  16. Haiku Chain

    best to stay sober to preserve the hidden truths right before our eyes right before our eyes a line of chocolate soldiers medals and awards.
  17. Lily Of The Day

    Ok ... thanks. Maybe you could post other flowers as well and we could have a TBs seasonal garden
  18. What is the Bell Channel ?

    Yes he means Dai Mo = Belt channel. That vid was more interesting than I thought it was going to be.
  19. another .... tbs 4 head of mystery.pdf
  20. a) you haven't got anywhere near proving that there was no homosexuality for 90% of human history ... in fact if you are using the bushmen as representing this period you would have to conclude there was some ... but you choose to 'blame' an outside group. b ) the vitamin C deficiency suggests he thinks homosexuality is a disease or malfunction ... and I think its laughable anyway and would have to see hard statistical evidence to think otherwise. So far you are not right ... but why do you want to be? Why do want to think this is so?
  21. Haiku Chain

    Gorgeous golden star Miles from earth yet not so far Mind, sky, all, we are (gorgeous golden star you look just like what's-her-name, yes, her from that film.) .... >>>>>>>>>>>too slow Mind, sky, all, we are spacewalk imagination lost in our own world.
  22. Well you started off saying that there was no homosexuality in bushmen culture but now there was some but you attributing outside influence (without evidence) on the basis that there is something wrong with those outside influences. I have no idea why you are pursuing this way of thinking .... but the point is that rational justification or some kind of constructed theory around human development for saying homosexuality is somehow wrong or unnatural is as much a way of excluding or diminishing certain people as out and out homophobia although perhaps not quite as hurtful. Kudos for following it up and sharing the results though.