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  1. Oh boy. After years of foraging, I have finally done something incredibly stupid. I mistook a very close look-a-like for something I was familiar with and knew to grow in a certain area. It wasn't until after I finished a cup of tea that I realized that something was off.


    I went back and looked closer at the plant and it dawned on me what I did. I called poison control for some advice, and he told me that my body will probably expel it naturally (in the form of a severe stomach bug.) How sick I will get will also vary depending on the level of toxicity in the plant.


    I grew too comfortable with something I have done for years and made a mistake. Play taps for me, as I sink with my ship. Doot dooot


    Hopefully there is a lesson I will learn from this. I will try to be more careful in the future.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unota


      @whocoulditbe? That is a hilarious way of looking at it, hahaha...I was definitely having some second thoughts this morning. 


      But, I still think foraging is important, and will continue doing it. It gives an awareness of the nature that exists where you live, and how everything interacts with each-other. You wouldn't necessarily have the eyes for this if you weren't an active participant yourself. 

      There are also a lot of nutrients wild plants provide. Produce on shelves, and even heirloom produce in gardens, have been artificially selected to favor things like taste and appearance over nutritional quality.


      I don't know how to tag more than one person. But, you all are really so nice. I felt miserable this morning, but just checking this gave me enough energy to turn my day around. I spent the whole day doing exercises and drinking lots of water to try to help my body  keep working and filter it out. I could have easily just remained moping in bed and throwing up into a bucket.

    3. Daniel



      I don't know how to tag more than one person.


      FYI,  I got a notification on your reply.  Glad to hear we're able to help a bit. 

    4. silent thunder

      silent thunder

      I deeply appreciate you sharing this Unota.

      My approach to many aspects of life and my behavior can become complacent with familiarity.


      Thank you for this reminder!

