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Posts posted by GSmaster

  1. 30 minutes ago, C T said:

    nobody worships


    Hundreds of people do. It brings more benefit than whatever poop practice you are cultivating.


    31 minutes ago, C T said:

    You brought it on yourself. It could've been different had you approached differently.


    So a conditional weak mind.

    Do this, or do that it doesnot matter, you wont change from it.

    • Haha 1

  2. 10 minutes ago, Nungali said:

    Ha! Of course I already knew you where going to try that !  So I pre rerouted the rerouter  that you just routed , yesterday !


    I can give you out for rent a whole thread in my PPJ where you will accept prayers, it will be 10$ a day that is nothing for a wealthy happy hippie living in best place possible (inside a mental projection of a real master).

  3. 8 minutes ago, Nungali said:

    I already knew you where going to try that !  So I pre rerouted the rerouter  that you just routed , yesterday !


    Now I get all the worship and you get all their shit to add to your own .


    Unlike you I have real Third Eye, so I have predicted that well before and did a double rerout on all connections, so you get all the shit, and I get all the faith power to feed the god avatar.

  4. Just now, Nungali said:

    now, any one that worships your avatar , I will get the worship !


    When people come for a blessing to a Temple of God, they come with inner negativity, dirt, old sins, traumas.

    To get free from all the bad stuff inside.

    But laws of physics things cant just vanish in puff.


    I have rerouted the path and all negativity coming from people that /pray, goes directly to you. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Heartbreak said:

    So what are the divine truths?


    We exist as supercharged waveforms.
    Hope is the growth of wonder, and of us. You and I are lifeforms of the dreamscape.
    Although you may not realize it, you are holistic.
    Consciousness consists of ultrasonic energy of quantum energy. “Quantum” means an unfolding of the eternal. Nothing is impossible. Power is the driver of freedom.
    Yes, it is possible to shatter the things that can extinguish us, but not without inseparability on our side. The complexity of the present time seems to demand an unfolding of our third eyes if we are going to survive. Only a prophet of the world may engender this evolution of health.

    • Haha 1

  6. 4 minutes ago, Nungali said:

    OR  you could just pray to the Devil and get the REAL  truth about the 'divine'   ( PS , its a scam ! )


    Its simple ;


    1. Look at avatar




    2. Pray to the Devil .




    3.  Gain Blessings






    Get in row, noob.

    I have started first.

  7. 1 hour ago, Heartbreak said:

    Do you realize that there is an active disinformation campaign conducted in English for dunno what reason to discredit the existences of aliens gods goddesses buddhas bodhisattvas archangels in this world?


    I keep stressing the point that if all these other-dimensional beings are fake, then why are there so many temples worshipping these higher celestial beings in the eastern hemisphere?




  8. 4 minutes ago, ReturnDragon said:

    Please keep in mind that Lao Tze is a philosopher. He wrote the Tao Te Jing classic based on Yijing. Yijing is another classic written  based on the observation of nature from the yin-yang concept. The Tao Te Jing used the human eyes to observe nature and came up with a set of principles. All the principles are categorized and summarized by Lao Tze and called Tao(the Principles of Tao.) The principles of Tao were used and applied to the human level of life.

    Some people treated the Tao Te Jing as a classic of philosophy; and some used few chapters to convert them to practice their religious beliefs. BTW This is how the Taoist religion(道教) was originated in China. They treated Lao Tse as their all mighty deity(太上老君, Tai Shang Lao Jun). 

    The two most common Taoist sects are Zhengyi(正一) and Quanzhen(全真). The former is more religious and the latter is more philosophical and righteous. The Heavenly Mater is more toward the Zhengyi(正一) sect. The Quanzhen(全真) sect would like to be more humane by the cultivation of the mind and body to become a true man(真人). The true man(真人) status is the highest realm for a Taoist to be attained.


    Divine truths are repeatedly rejected by you as you have succumbed in your numbskulled clinical poopheadedness.

    • Haha 2

  9. 1 hour ago, SirPalomides said:

    Since you are wondering how I was able so effortlessly to pinpoint your Lowlands provenance, know then that to an ascended master, as I am, your posting stinks unmistakably of tulips, windmills, and beer.


    The vast majority of practitioners in the world have ESP abilties. That means they will be able to tell who and what kind of clinical poophead you are without even talking or meeting with you in the first place. Some 97% can scan by photo, and 50% can scan by text. Some people can tell quite a lot by photo including what practice, what experience, which level you have and describe qi and blockages by every chakra. 


    1 hour ago, SirPalomides said:

    furthest esoteric truths not only missed but repeatedly rejected by you as you wallowed in your numbskulled clinical poopheadedness


    well phrased, much better than sad crawling troll @Nungali


    divine truths are repeatedly rejected by you as you succumbed in your numbskulled clinical poopheadedness


    1 hour ago, SirPalomides said:

    your mistaking it for mere shitposting is yet further conclusive evidence of your stunningly low level of cultivation


    Yeah, it proves it. You will never be able to tell shitpost / joke from genuine practical experience, as you dont have your own experience. You are like those sad beings who cannot sense energy or dont believe that qi exists. Even the most basic practice will sound like Son Goku casting KameHameHa

  10. 6 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    he's trying to reach out, and yeah, the forum isn't in great shape, but why not try to do a little better by working a little of your magic and possibly even teaching a bit, if even directly from your PPJ?


    You mean keep doing ppj after 50x goros of 4 dicks? You realize there is nothing can be done, if tomorrow there will be 200x goros, or 500x goros. Nothing can prevent idiots from spamming.


    This place is dead, I can only suggest people to move on to some other forums. You might have actually noticed an online going down and active users also down over past few weeks. We have some trolls, and some social club of friends who have long term attachment to this place.


    9 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    Another example, since you love Zhan Zhuang almost as much as I do. Recently, I was meditating on how to deal with this and it came to me that this forum is like Zhan Zhuang: every time I want to reply to each shitpost targeted at me, I have given up and dropped my arms instead of making it the full hour or so.


    I understand your connection to this place, and your Teacher being here with an official thread, so you cant really leave this place.

    You may want to mend it, and keep it alive and well, practicing peaceful coexistence with all the morons, spammers and idiots.

    But until Sean (admin) comes back and makes moderators, and cleans up all the mess / bans alot of people, nothing is gonna be normal ever again. This is reality  - Nobody is gonna get banned even if they go binge spamming some gross videos and pics.


    @Heartbreak was one of the first signals.


    There is also a good chance of Admin never coming back here.


    Then, the Best bet for saving TDB could be @MegaMind who seriously wants to buy this board for $1mln bux, as he is insanely stupid, the board with 6000 users after 10 years, 30-40 active, cannot be worth more than 5000$, even with all the history of posts / domain name taken into the account.

    • Like 1

  11. 11 minutes ago, Starjumper said:

    jealous gutter crawling troll that twists what his enemies say, which is lying, plus adding outright lies.


    Wow. Bullseye.


    This looks like good empathy skill and reading of @Nungali

    SJ is a psychic and I have verified him as soon as I came here, for first time.


    I mean this probably hurts the crawling troll :lol:


    Whats the point of making up things about basement or world of warcraft -- ?
    Thats the weakest insult / personal attack I have ever seen in the whole lifetime in the internet.

    I don't play mmo's. I have played good games like Witcher 3.

    • Haha 1

  12. 11 minutes ago, Ekstasis said:

    "the real thing"? If this is true, then 99% of us are domed from the start, and there's no point in even trying to find a source of authentic teaching.


    And you know whats funny?


    Is that in kindergarten they will tell you that they all can meditate, and meditation is something that they know how to do.


    When you get to PhD levels, they will tell you that meditation is high level attainment and barely anyone can do it.

    • Like 2

  13. Just now, Ekstasis said:

    So, basically none of the teachers/schools that you can find publicly/online are "the real thing"? If this is true, then 99% of us are domed from the start, and there's no point in even trying to find a source of authentic teaching.


    It is a simple hierarchy. You want to learn the real knowledge which is University R/D Departments and Practical Labs. But to get there you first have to go to school, and learn incomplete, wrong, simplified stuff.

    Then you go to university, and learn some basic stuff.

    Then you go for PhD and e.t.c

    Most people weed themselves out (drop out) or keep doing same kindergarten stuff over and over till dead.

    If you have strong desire / intent to do it, you will get through whatever the odds.


    You can imagine there are schools and teachers who wont take someone who does not have an abilitiy to see energy or does not have a strong foundation for example. They just dont want to waste their time on someone who have yet to step into the realm of cultivation.

    • Like 4

  14. 31 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    Translation: dawei is praising GSM skill but notes that self-reflection might be a good skill to cultivate.


    I have genuinely had no idea what he meant... 


    31 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    may not be at GSM’s standards of skill and expectations of conduct,


    Thats true. I particularly dislike when people without qualifications, i.e. housewives, butt in, and start giving incompetent advice and teachings, like @C T

    Like not only your not an expert in the topic to give qualified feedback, but you are missing critical skills like empathy and 3rd eye, to give personal advice on a cultivation.


    Same with @bax44 if you could ever feel my Qi, you would die out of bliss, and divinity. Its better than drugs. It does not seem like you have qi sensitivity though.


    15 minutes ago, Nungali said:

    and those that live in basements imagine they live in penthouses


    With every sentence you keep digging yourself a new bottom.


    You care so much about where I live. Your like a blind fool swinging his hands in absolute darkness void, hoping to hit someone.


    I Cant decide if its comical or sad.


    49 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

    GSM, perhaps we could stick to the PPJ section for a couple weeks and focus on cultivation there as everyone else avoids sniping, and return, GSM, is it not unreasonable to ask you to consider posting after you’ve met your daily cultivation goals first? I find when i stand in Zhan Zhuang for at least three hours


    I dont mind conflicts or different opinions atleast, but repeated imaginary idiocy by a bunch of a losers is getting boring and dull. 


    I mean you have seen my penthouse :lol: Not that it matters, I had contacts with hollywood stars, and did fly private jet, and you probably had similar experiences, and its just meaningless stuff compared to internal arts or even exploring of the other realms / opening portals to other dimensions.

    • Haha 2

  15. 6 minutes ago, C T said:

    but how can the tracker know who's near the infected person


    by tracking another phone too?


    7 minutes ago, C T said:

    you claim they can send out reminders to others to keep a distance


    You can get on phone / email 

  16. 3 hours ago, C T said:

    While the phone's location can be pinned, its doubtful if its proximity to others can be known.


    Ofcourse it is gonna be tracked, they will also track bank card transactions and where you made them.


    And you will need to have a permit to go out on streets.

    • Like 1