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Everything posted by KenBrace

  1. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    Have you ever thought about attempting a hard-core session (5+ hours)?
  2. I doubt you were mixing yin and yang. Best way to get better at longer sessions is just to be dedicated. It shouldn't take long before longer sessions become quite easy with consistant practice. It's also good to exercise and stretch before meditating so your muscles can relax easier.
  3. Teach for free? You can all go.....

    If I ever become advanced enough to teach, it will be after my retirement. I doubt I'd be teaching many people though. Only the one's I deem worth my time and there aren't many of those.
  4. No joeblast. It's not that complicated. If you take what is said in the Magus of Java at face value and don't force the interpretation like you are doing, then it is quite obvious that what Chang and Kosta say agree with what MPG says.
  5. There's no way you've experienced the borderline state.
  6. Lower Dantien Heat and Pain, Please Help!

    Half the time it's just a case of needed some good old fashioned exercise, healthy food, and a good night's rest.
  7. I wouldn't give a time mark for what is "real" meditation. Sometimes I can get deeper in 3 hours than I can in 5 hours on different days. Depends on how well you're able to clear your mind and relax. Not so much a definite time.
  8. Depending on how much time I have and how easily I'm able to relax, I usually go for 4-6 hours. I plan to spend some time in isolation this fall so I can do more like 8-12 hours though.
  9. Neigong Forum Relaunched! I proposed the idea of starting a nei gong forum. I kindu gave up since I really had no clue what I was doing or how to start one, but after tons of research I got the hang of it and decided to go for it. Anyways everyone seemed to support the idea so for everyone that PMed me saying they were interested and who commented on the thread I thought I'd announce it in case you missed it. There is also something I'd like to say to The Tao Bums community. I've had some heated debates with some of you in the past and some of you I don't particularly like, but none of that will carry over to my new forum. I'm starting fresh over there and I'd like everyone to know that they are welcome to join the forum and participate if they wish. Even if I disagree with you, you are still welcome to express your opinion freely. The only thing I don't want is trolling (obviously) so don't just go join for the purpose of making 10,000 "wire up your a**" jokes". The forum is obviously centered around neigong but there are also sections for martial arts, qigong, philosophy, etc. in case you are more interested in those topics.
  10. Relaunched:

    Also the namservers haven't completely finished updating so you may randomly run into errors. Hopefully this should all be over with by tomorrow.
  11. Relaunched:

    I got 2 years for $40.
  12. According to what is taught in Mo Pai the afterlife can be experienced first hand in the level one meditation so I intend to find out if that's true or not.
  13. Relaunched:

    Neigong Forum is FINALLY back up! I literally spent 10 straight hours of stress, speaking with tech support, manually editing config files, transferring databases, researching errors, calling up tech support again, etc. Moral of the story: Just put out the cash and get paid hosting from the start. Free hosting is a nightmare!
  14. Lower Dantien Heat and Pain, Please Help!

    My thoughts exactly. I highly doubt the issue has anything to do with the lower dan tien.
  15. Yes. I'd say Liao was in "heaven" because he was a level 30+ master. He retained full consciousness, individuality, and freewill after death. That's not the case for almost everyone else. Unless you reach a certain level of energetic development you're going to loose all yang essense and become a souless, empty, yin spirit that get's reincarnated. That's hell in my opinion.
  16. Indeed, non-duality is a fundamental concept of our existence. It does do any good to help the fact that everyone one of us is heading straight for hell hole after our death though. And society does "annoy" me so much as it saddens me. I don't know for sure what happens after death but finding out and doing something about it should be everyone's top priority. I won't be completely sure until I experience things for myself, but I do trust what Chang and the Mo Pai teach and if the stories he told, Jim told, and Kosta told are true then we're all heading straight for a nightmare after death. In my mind, this is most likely what's true. That being said it deeply saddens me when I look around at all the people around me. My family and people I care about especially. Pretty much everyone in society falls under one of three categories in my experience. Either they couldn't care less and are only concerned with pleasure and entertaining themselves till death, they hold a faith based view of the afterlife and leave it at that, or they hold to a strict, dogmatic, atheistic world view and absolutely will not accept any other ideas than that they turn into dirt. No one seems to wake up and actually care. Such a crying shame.
  17. Relaunched: will be temporarilly down for a day or two. I'm getting it back up as soon as possible.
  18. I'd say the ideal state would be lower than delta. Alpha is a joke. Not even light trance in my opinion.
  19. John Chang versus Mike Tyson?

    The story was in Jim's book so Kosta may not have known about it.
  20. You had no right to post Jim's private instructions on your forum. The "copywrite" was handed down to Peter Proksch. What you are doing would not please Jim. It would further piss him off. You are posting private material that is not owned by you. It was owned by Jim and has been passed down to Peter. No where in the equation do you come in or have any right to play a part.
  21. SOTGs, You are not continuing his legacy. Jim appointed Peter Proksch as his successor. His last wish was for Peter to keep the school running in the same manor he had. He didn't ask for SOTGs to host his private teachings publically that were never supposed to be leaked in the first place. This pissed Jim that the teachings were leaked and it would piss him off if he were still alive and knew what you were doing.
  22. By writing something in a book, it is obvious that it is meant to be public. By sending something in a private email and requiring that it be kept private... well then it is quite obvious that he wanted it to be private.
  23. Well there is a difference between quoting Jim's public book and his private emails.
  24. Tongkosong, I don't really doubt that you are an Indonesian student and I appreciate you taking the time to reply. If it is ok for me to ask, do you know if the school in China still exists? SOTGs, Neither I nor MPG have Jim's instructions posted on our forums.